Trump Praises Putin: ‘I Always Knew He Was Very Smart!’

Nice to see at least one liberal outlet has the gumption to question the official story...

The problem with this story is that, like the Iraq-WMD mess [and the Benghazi Youtube video fiasco], it takes place in the middle of a highly politicized environment during which the motives of all the relevant actors are suspect. Nothing quite adds up.

If the American security agencies had smoking-gun evidence that the Russians had an organized campaign to derail the U.S. presidential election and deliver the White House to Trump, then expelling a few dozen diplomats after the election seems like an oddly weak and ill-timed response. Voices in both parties are saying this now.

Taibbi: Something About This Russia Story Stinks
An article that every liberal swallowing this story hook, line and sinker should read.​

Also, I think most countries even some of our allies are trying to hack us. I know the Chinese have. Should we expel their diplomats? Yeah I think this move by Obama was all for show. We have our hackers as well and I think there was an election recently that Obama interfered in. So this hacking thing is an unfortunant reality and calls for better internet security and not having computer operators like Clinton and Podesta who are dumb as rocks.
-------------------------------- think that mrobama interfered in Israels re election of Bibi , soent USA money to try to influence the Israeli election I think .
Nice to see at least one liberal outlet has the gumption to question the official story...

The problem with this story is that, like the Iraq-WMD mess [and the Benghazi Youtube video fiasco], it takes place in the middle of a highly politicized environment during which the motives of all the relevant actors are suspect. Nothing quite adds up.

If the American security agencies had smoking-gun evidence that the Russians had an organized campaign to derail the U.S. presidential election and deliver the White House to Trump, then expelling a few dozen diplomats after the election seems like an oddly weak and ill-timed response. Voices in both parties are saying this now.

Taibbi: Something About This Russia Story Stinks
An article that every liberal swallowing this story hook, line and sinker should read.​

Also, I think most countries even some of our allies are trying to hack us. I know the Chinese have. Should we expel their diplomats? Yeah I think this move by Obama was all for show. We have our hackers as well and I think there was an election recently that Obama interfered in. So this hacking thing is an unfortunant reality and calls for better internet security and not having computer operators like Clinton and Podesta who are dumb as rocks.

Funny. Are all your Internet activities secure?
Putin is a dictator and a monster. He has murdered thousands of people in his career. Fuck you Trump for siding with this crap.

The comment comes after the Obama administration announced its response to Russian hacking.

President-elect Donald Trump praised Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday afternoon, after the Russian leader said he would not expel any U.S. diplomats from his country.

Trump tweeted, “Great move on delay (by V. Putin) - I always knew he was very smart!”

It’s shockingly direct praise from an incoming American president for a Russian leader who’s been accused by U.S. intelligence agencies and President Barack Obama of overseeing hacking efforts aimed at influencing the 2016 election.

More: Trump Praises Putin: ‘I Always Knew He Was Very Smart!’

Is this treason? Is this grounds for impeachment? At the very least - it should be grounds for a thorough investigation into Trump's ties to Putin. This is a Constitutional crisis that Congress must address.
Washington Redskin, stay the fuck out of the firewater you sound like a blithering idiot…
There was no "Russian hacking", the lying media is just repeating this fake news ad nauseam, but nobody cares.

And so yet another Trump-thug claims that all the US intel agencies are lying.

Fascinating, how all the Trump-thugs are willing to sell out the USA, just because DearLeader told them to. There doesn't seem to be a patriot anywhere in the bunch. Like the old Soviet Communists that they emulate, they're loyal to their party and not their country.

Perhaps Obama should start going easier on Putin, so that the Trump-fans don't off themselves in despair. After all, as we used to say in the service, shit flows downhill. Obama made Putin look weak, so that makes his lackey Trump look weak, so that makes the lickspittle Trump-fans look weak. No wonder why they're crying so hard. They just need to understand that crying at Obama makes them look even weaker.
Last edited:

The comment comes after the Obama administration announced its response to Russian hacking.

President-elect Donald Trump praised Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday afternoon, after the Russian leader said he would not expel any U.S. diplomats from his country.

Trump tweeted, “Great move on delay (by V. Putin) - I always knew he was very smart!”

It’s shockingly direct praise from an incoming American president for a Russian leader who’s been accused by U.S. intelligence agencies and President Barack Obama of overseeing hacking efforts aimed at influencing the 2016 election.

More: Trump Praises Putin: ‘I Always Knew He Was Very Smart!’

Is this treason? Is this grounds for impeachment? At the very least - it should be grounds for a thorough investigation into Trump's ties to Putin. This is a Constitutional crisis that Congress must address.

Avoiding WWIII and another nuclear arms race is bad for us because_______>>>>>

Putin is a dictator and a monster. He has murdered thousands of people in his career. Fuck you Trump for siding with this crap.

Most of the Trump thugs here literally think that killing journalists, as Putin had done so often, is a good thing. In their authoritarian Stalinist minds, anyone who opposes TheState deserves to be offed.

If any of them disagree, and want to declare that they're not murderous Stalinist thugs, they can demonstrate it by condemning Putin instead of kissing his ass.
dream on ,----------------- mrobama has NEVER made ANYONE look weak Mamooth !!
No noise about how Mexico tried to change our elections by having it's citizens vote in our elections.

The comment comes after the Obama administration announced its response to Russian hacking.

President-elect Donald Trump praised Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday afternoon, after the Russian leader said he would not expel any U.S. diplomats from his country.

Trump tweeted, “Great move on delay (by V. Putin) - I always knew he was very smart!”

It’s shockingly direct praise from an incoming American president for a Russian leader who’s been accused by U.S. intelligence agencies and President Barack Obama of overseeing hacking efforts aimed at influencing the 2016 election.

More: Trump Praises Putin: ‘I Always Knew He Was Very Smart!’

Is this treason? Is this grounds for impeachment? At the very least - it should be grounds for a thorough investigation into Trump's ties to Putin. This is a Constitutional crisis that Congress must address.

Avoiding WWIII and another nuclear arms race is bad for us because_______>>>>>

---------------------------------------------- nuke arms race is no big deal , I was around for the first one , still went to work , sleep , bought motorcycles , went camping , got married and had kids [ate supper and yada , yada and everything else ] Contumacious !!

The comment comes after the Obama administration announced its response to Russian hacking.

President-elect Donald Trump praised Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday afternoon, after the Russian leader said he would not expel any U.S. diplomats from his country.

Trump tweeted, “Great move on delay (by V. Putin) - I always knew he was very smart!”

It’s shockingly direct praise from an incoming American president for a Russian leader who’s been accused by U.S. intelligence agencies and President Barack Obama of overseeing hacking efforts aimed at influencing the 2016 election.

More: Trump Praises Putin: ‘I Always Knew He Was Very Smart!’

Is this treason? Is this grounds for impeachment? At the very least - it should be grounds for a thorough investigation into Trump's ties to Putin. This is a Constitutional crisis that Congress must address.

Avoiding WWIII and another nuclear arms race is bad for us because_______>>>>>

---------------------------------------------- nuke arms race is no big deal , I was around for the first one , still went to work , sleep , bought motorcycles , went camping , got married and had kids [ate supper and yada , yada and everything else ] Contumacious !!

I still like it better if the two are bosom buddies.

BTW, if the nukes fall in the wrong hands then no work , no sleep , no motorcycles , no camping ,no pussy, no supper .........


The comment comes after the Obama administration announced its response to Russian hacking.

President-elect Donald Trump praised Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday afternoon, after the Russian leader said he would not expel any U.S. diplomats from his country.

Trump tweeted, “Great move on delay (by V. Putin) - I always knew he was very smart!”

It’s shockingly direct praise from an incoming American president for a Russian leader who’s been accused by U.S. intelligence agencies and President Barack Obama of overseeing hacking efforts aimed at influencing the 2016 election.

More: Trump Praises Putin: ‘I Always Knew He Was Very Smart!’

Is this treason? Is this grounds for impeachment? At the very least - it should be grounds for a thorough investigation into Trump's ties to Putin. This is a Constitutional crisis that Congress must address.

I have a huge amount of respect for Putin.....absolutely zero for the Barrypuppet. What has Russia and Putin done to USA.INC exactly? USA.INC and NATO has certainly been fucking with Russia and trying to provoke them.

The comment comes after the Obama administration announced its response to Russian hacking.

President-elect Donald Trump praised Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday afternoon, after the Russian leader said he would not expel any U.S. diplomats from his country.

Trump tweeted, “Great move on delay (by V. Putin) - I always knew he was very smart!”

It’s shockingly direct praise from an incoming American president for a Russian leader who’s been accused by U.S. intelligence agencies and President Barack Obama of overseeing hacking efforts aimed at influencing the 2016 election.

More: Trump Praises Putin: ‘I Always Knew He Was Very Smart!’

Is this treason? Is this grounds for impeachment? At the very least - it should be grounds for a thorough investigation into Trump's ties to Putin. This is a Constitutional crisis that Congress must address.

Avoiding WWIII and another nuclear arms race is bad for us because_______>>>>>

---------------------------------------------- nuke arms race is no big deal , I was around for the first one , still went to work , sleep , bought motorcycles , went camping , got married and had kids [ate supper and yada , yada and everything else ] Contumacious !!

I still like it better if the two are bosom buddies.

BTW, if the nukes fall in the wrong hands then no work , no sleep , no motorcycles , no camping ,no pussy, no supper .........

--------------------------------------- such is life , best to have the nukes , best to have more nukes then are needed , surplus of nukes just for grins is my story . Trump and Putin working together are ok with me if the TRUMP and his Generals are cautious . Trust but Verify , Peace through Strength , Ronald Reagan worked with Gorbachav , USA worked with Sovietski Russians to kill Nazis . Better cautiously working with Russians than working with 'husseins' muslim buddies Contumaceous .
Lets be clear, Putin is a killer and ex head of KGB not a good person.

Your hate against Russian people and their elected president is irrational. BTW, he was not the head of the KGB, he did not kill anybody, and the Soviet Union does not exist any more.
Putin is a white Christian, and Russia is a white Christian country.

He locks dissidents up in prison and is a dictator however they are still a world superpower that posseses nukes.

Putin was elected in a free election, he has more popular support than any western leader.
BTW, in most European countries dissidents are locked up in prison for having a wrong non-violent opinion about some events of WWII.

However we have come a long way in improving relations with them and achieving peace since the days of Jimmy Carter. We would be wise to continue having peaceful relations with them while western civilization is dealing with other more real problems like the rise of Radical Islam.

Carter was dealing with the anti-Christian Soviet Union, this state does not exist any more. You missed your history classes.
Nice to see at least one liberal outlet has the gumption to question the official story...

The problem with this story is that, like the Iraq-WMD mess [and the Benghazi Youtube video fiasco], it takes place in the middle of a highly politicized environment during which the motives of all the relevant actors are suspect. Nothing quite adds up.

If the American security agencies had smoking-gun evidence that the Russians had an organized campaign to derail the U.S. presidential election and deliver the White House to Trump, then expelling a few dozen diplomats after the election seems like an oddly weak and ill-timed response. Voices in both parties are saying this now.

Taibbi: Something About This Russia Story Stinks
An article that every liberal swallowing this story hook, line and sinker should read.​
Donald Trump and his supporters will attempt to minimize the seriousness of Russia being clever enough to organize leaks of Democrat emails in sufficient quantity and in a timely fashion for Wikileaks and the FBI to bring down Hillary Clinton. To become president of the United States because of Kremlin-sponsored cyber attacks renders minority president-elect Trump illegitimate.
Nice to see at least one liberal outlet has the gumption to question the official story...

The problem with this story is that, like the Iraq-WMD mess [and the Benghazi Youtube video fiasco], it takes place in the middle of a highly politicized environment during which the motives of all the relevant actors are suspect. Nothing quite adds up.

If the American security agencies had smoking-gun evidence that the Russians had an organized campaign to derail the U.S. presidential election and deliver the White House to Trump, then expelling a few dozen diplomats after the election seems like an oddly weak and ill-timed response. Voices in both parties are saying this now.

Taibbi: Something About This Russia Story Stinks
An article that every liberal swallowing this story hook, line and sinker should read.​
Donald Trump and his supporters will attempt to minimize the seriousness of Russia being clever enough to organize leaks of Democrat emails in sufficient quantity and in a timely fashion for Wikileaks and the FBI to bring down Hillary Clinton. To become president of the United States because of Kremlin-sponsored cyber attacks renders minority president-elect Trump illegitimate.
Links to the leaked Russian emails that now "influenced" the election?
Is this treason? Is this grounds for impeachment? At the very least - it should be grounds for a thorough investigation into Trump's ties to Putin. This is a Constitutional crisis that Congress must address.
Did they not teach english on the reservation? Treason? Yes, it was smart of Putin to wait and wee if Trump can undo obie's temper tantrum.

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