Trump Praises Putin: ‘I Always Knew He Was Very Smart!’

The comment comes after the Obama administration announced its response to Russian hacking.

President-elect Donald Trump praised Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday afternoon, after the Russian leader said he would not expel any U.S. diplomats from his country.

Trump tweeted, “Great move on delay (by V. Putin) - I always knew he was very smart!”

It’s shockingly direct praise from an incoming American president for a Russian leader who’s been accused by U.S. intelligence agencies and President Barack Obama of overseeing hacking efforts aimed at influencing the 2016 election.

More: Trump Praises Putin: ‘I Always Knew He Was Very Smart!’

Is this treason? Is this grounds for impeachment? At the very least - it should be grounds for a thorough investigation into Trump's ties to Putin. This is a Constitutional crisis that Congress must address.
Suddenly the leftards think Russia is an adversary.
View attachment 104501

Wow, you are either really
He slapped down Putin?

then why is Putin laughing so hard?

Why is this even a game to you?

a game?

What makes you think it's a game to me?

The game I see being played is, "what kind of silly shit can I make up about Trump and Putin, and how many idiots can I get to believe it"

What you don't believe the tweed Trump put out?

Why wouldn't I believe Trump tweeted that?

I dont' disagree.

Putin is smart.

He wouldn't be where is is if he wasn't.

and he's not playing Obamas silly games.
Trump should be very cautious with Putin, he's not our friend. Trump's not going to be a pussy like Hussein obozo, I'll tell you that.
-------------------------------------------------------- Trump will practice Trust but Verify and will also practice Peace through Strength . Probably be better dealing on a cautious basis with the Russians than working with 'husseins' muslims . I see no downside to dealing with the Russians in some areas Rocko !!

Putin bears watching. Everybody, loons, Socialists, us rustics, we can agree on that.

But, now that Europe has stupidly allowed itself to be invaded by a Barbarian Culture stuck in the 8th Century....since our Coastal Population here have gone Bat-Shit Heartland Americans likely have about as much in common with Heartland Russians as anyone.

Putin has more trouble from Terrorists than we do. He don't like them, and neither do we. That's a start.

Do you Pinheads know how foolish you look pretending to Go Patton on Putin all of a sudden?

Now that your Pussy of a President has got someone coming along to deal with his mess.

Hey, Obama: "The 1980's Called"

Your've got your Cold War back.
Trump sides with Russia against America, he is a complete idiot.

I am so very disgusted , he is a mentally ill moron.

We are at war with Oceania and we've always been at war with Oceania...we will always be at war with Oceania. Big Brother, the Ministry of Peace and the Ministry of Truth tell us that to think differently is treason! Until they tell us that we are actually at war with Eastasia, have always been at war with Eastasia and will always be at war with Eastasia...Oceania is our ally, has always been our ally, and will always be our ally...So Swear We All.

Please stand for the Two Minutes Hate.
And the Trumplets are in lockstep with the Putin/Trump team...pretty amazing.

What I find amazing is that liberals, like you, see no possibility of the US opening positive diplomatic ties with Russia. Liberals place value on diplomacy and negotiation, but it seems like here, only here, that diplomacy isn't warranted, and it only happened this attitude emerged after alleged tampering with the election. Not at any other time, even when Russia was annexing Crimea, did liberals call for any action against Russia.

What's changed?
The comment comes after the Obama administration announced its response to Russian hacking.

President-elect Donald Trump praised Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday afternoon, after the Russian leader said he would not expel any U.S. diplomats from his country.

Trump tweeted, “Great move on delay (by V. Putin) - I always knew he was very smart!”

It’s shockingly direct praise from an incoming American president for a Russian leader who’s been accused by U.S. intelligence agencies and President Barack Obama of overseeing hacking efforts aimed at influencing the 2016 election.

More: Trump Praises Putin: ‘I Always Knew He Was Very Smart!’

Is this treason? Is this grounds for impeachment? At the very least - it should be grounds for a thorough investigation into Trump's ties to Putin. This is a Constitutional crisis that Congress must address.
Suddenly the leftards think Russia is an adversary.
View attachment 104501

Wow, you are either really
He slapped down Putin?

then why is Putin laughing so hard?

Why is this even a game to you?

a game?

What makes you think it's a game to me?

The game I see being played is, "what kind of silly shit can I make up about Trump and Putin, and how many idiots can I get to believe it"

What you don't believe the tweed Trump put out?

Why wouldn't I believe Trump tweeted that?

I dont' disagree.

Putin is smart.

He wouldn't be where is is if he wasn't.

and he's not playing Obamas silly games.

Trump is airing dirty laundry, it is between Russia and America...and let me remind you that a house divided can not stand..
Trumps actions will never bring unity, ever

He is being reckless as a president, his actions are what is childish...

The only good thing that will come from that is , it gives us some good topics to debate on here
And the Trumplets are in lockstep with the Putin/Trump team...pretty amazing.

What I find amazing is that liberals, like you, see no possibility of the US opening positive diplomatic ties with Russia. Liberals place value on diplomacy and negotiation, but it seems like here, only here, that diplomacy isn't warranted, and it only happened this attitude emerged after alleged tampering with the election. Not at any other time, even when Russia was annexing Crimea, did liberals call for any action against Russia.

What's changed?

Evidently, that level of diplomacy is reserved for Cuba and Iran.
And the Trumplets are in lockstep with the Putin/Trump team...pretty amazing.

What I find amazing is that liberals, like you, see no possibility of the US opening positive diplomatic ties with Russia. Liberals place value on diplomacy and negotiation, but it seems like here, only here, that diplomacy isn't warranted, and it only happened this attitude emerged after alleged tampering with the election. Not at any other time, even when Russia was annexing Crimea, did liberals call for any action against Russia.

What's changed?

Hold on a second. It was conservatives like you who were laughing 8 yrs earlier when Obama wanted to improve diplomatic ties with Russia. So is it now suddenly "good"?

Russia is like the proverbial camel with his nose in the tent - you have to let it know decisively when it's gone to far - and Obama's actions did not come without prior warnings and talks. There was diplomacy, there was discussion - because hacking is not new. Putin was warned to cut it out.

Also, when Russia annexed Crimea and was complicit in destabilizing Ukraine - yes, we (liberals) DID support sanctions. Obama and Clinton, as SoS, and Europe put some pretty tough sanctions on Russia that in combination with the falling energy prices have put a lot of pressure on Russia.
And the Trumplets are in lockstep with the Putin/Trump team...pretty amazing.

What I find amazing is that liberals, like you, see no possibility of the US opening positive diplomatic ties with Russia. Liberals place value on diplomacy and negotiation, but it seems like here, only here, that diplomacy isn't warranted, and it only happened this attitude emerged after alleged tampering with the election. Not at any other time, even when Russia was annexing Crimea, did liberals call for any action against Russia.

What's changed?

Did you change your name?
Specifically - what rigging occurred?
While a specified mechanic of the DNC nomination process, I think he's referring to the superdelegates.

I thought it was the emails regarding Bernie Sanders...that charge is baseless ...No, the DNC Didn’t Rig the Primary in Favor of Hillary

Yeah, New Republic... no bias there. :cuckoo:

The New Republic is a liberal American magazine of commentary on politics and the arts published since 1914, with influence on American political and cultural thinking. Founded in 1914 by major leaders of the Progressive Movement it attempted to find a balance between a progressivism focused on humanitarianism and moral passion, and on the other hand sought a basis in scientific analysis of social issues.

The New Republic - Wikipedia
Hold on a second. It was conservatives like you who were laughing 8 yrs earlier when Obama wanted to improve diplomatic ties with Russia. So is it now suddenly "good"?

Russia is like the proverbial camel with his nose in the tent - you have to let it know decisively when it's gone to far - and Obama's actions did not come without prior warnings and talks. There was diplomacy, there was discussion - because hacking is not new. Putin was warned to cut it out.

Also, when Russia annexed Crimea and was complicit in destabilizing Ukraine - yes, we (liberals) DID support sanctions. Obama and Clinton, as SoS, and Europe put some pretty tough sanctions on Russia that in combination with the falling energy prices have put a lot of pressure on Russia.

What we gave Obama hell for is his Hillary Clintonesque "public position, private position" bullshit. Remember...

Mr Obama says: "On all these issues, but particularly missile defence, this, this can be solved but it's important for him to give me space."

Mr Medvedev replies: "Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you …"

Mr Obama retorts: "This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility."

Barack Obama microphone gaffe: 'I'll have more flexibility after election'
Last edited:
And the Trumplets are in lockstep with the Putin/Trump team...pretty amazing.

What I find amazing is that liberals, like you, see no possibility of the US opening positive diplomatic ties with Russia. Liberals place value on diplomacy and negotiation, but it seems like here, only here, that diplomacy isn't warranted, and it only happened this attitude emerged after alleged tampering with the election. Not at any other time, even when Russia was annexing Crimea, did liberals call for any action against Russia.

What's changed?

Hold on a second. It was conservatives like you who were laughing 8 yrs earlier when Obama wanted to improve diplomatic ties with Russia. So is it now suddenly "good"?

Russia is like the proverbial camel with his nose in the tent - you have to let it know decisively when it's gone to far - and Obama's actions did not come without prior warnings and talks. There was diplomacy, there was discussion - because hacking is not new. Putin was warned to cut it out.

Also, when Russia annexed Crimea and was complicit in destabilizing Ukraine - yes, we (liberals) DID support sanctions. Obama and Clinton, as SoS, and Europe put some pretty tough sanctions on Russia that in combination with the falling energy prices have put a lot of pressure on Russia.

Putin rolled Obama and made him look just as he actually is. The actions in Crimea and Ukraine were direct actions doable because Barry is ineffective. They knew he was all hat and no cattle. It never would have been tried with Reagan in the WH.

Barry's last act of chest feather pumping out got dismissed with a mere wave of Russia's hand. Barry was challenged to put up or shut up. All he did was keep yapping and now even our allies are laughing at him. Syrian peace achieved - without Obama.

If hacking is such a Big Deal, why the hell is he off on vacation in the middle of this "crisis"? The answer is simple, there is no crisis and this is just political theater. Barry's last chance to be on the Big Stage...and he acted like a Keystone Cop.
And the Trumplets are in lockstep with the Putin/Trump team...pretty amazing.

What I find amazing is that liberals, like you, see no possibility of the US opening positive diplomatic ties with Russia. Liberals place value on diplomacy and negotiation, but it seems like here, only here, that diplomacy isn't warranted, and it only happened this attitude emerged after alleged tampering with the election. Not at any other time, even when Russia was annexing Crimea, did liberals call for any action against Russia.

What's changed?

Did you change your name?

You just now noticed that?
And the Trumplets are in lockstep with the Putin/Trump team...pretty amazing.

What I find amazing is that liberals, like you, see no possibility of the US opening positive diplomatic ties with Russia. Liberals place value on diplomacy and negotiation, but it seems like here, only here, that diplomacy isn't warranted, and it only happened this attitude emerged after alleged tampering with the election. Not at any other time, even when Russia was annexing Crimea, did liberals call for any action against Russia.

What's changed?

Did you change your name?

You just now noticed that?

Haaa, when did you change it? what was it before?
And the Trumplets are in lockstep with the Putin/Trump team...pretty amazing.

What I find amazing is that liberals, like you, see no possibility of the US opening positive diplomatic ties with Russia. Liberals place value on diplomacy and negotiation, but it seems like here, only here, that diplomacy isn't warranted, and it only happened this attitude emerged after alleged tampering with the election. Not at any other time, even when Russia was annexing Crimea, did liberals call for any action against Russia.

What's changed?

Did you change your name?

You just now noticed that?

Haaa, when did you change it? what was it before?

From 2013 until the latter part of this year, I was TemplarKormac. Then for a time after that, I was Imperius.

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