Trump Praises Putin: ‘I Always Knew He Was Very Smart!’

The comment comes after the Obama administration announced its response to Russian hacking.

President-elect Donald Trump praised Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday afternoon, after the Russian leader said he would not expel any U.S. diplomats from his country.

Trump tweeted, “Great move on delay (by V. Putin) - I always knew he was very smart!”

It’s shockingly direct praise from an incoming American president for a Russian leader who’s been accused by U.S. intelligence agencies and President Barack Obama of overseeing hacking efforts aimed at influencing the 2016 election.

More: Trump Praises Putin: ‘I Always Knew He Was Very Smart!’

Is this treason? Is this grounds for impeachment? At the very least - it should be grounds for a thorough investigation into Trump's ties to Putin. This is a Constitutional crisis that Congress must address.
Yup......not blasting inflammatory rhetoric all over the place like John Kerry and Barack Obama is grounds for impeachment.

I'm smart....I went to Wharton, I've got the best words
The comment comes after the Obama administration announced its response to Russian hacking.

President-elect Donald Trump praised Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday afternoon, after the Russian leader said he would not expel any U.S. diplomats from his country.

Trump tweeted, “Great move on delay (by V. Putin) - I always knew he was very smart!”

It’s shockingly direct praise from an incoming American president for a Russian leader who’s been accused by U.S. intelligence agencies and President Barack Obama of overseeing hacking efforts aimed at influencing the 2016 election.

More: Trump Praises Putin: ‘I Always Knew He Was Very Smart!’

Is this treason? Is this grounds for impeachment? At the very least - it should be grounds for a thorough investigation into Trump's ties to Putin. This is a Constitutional crisis that Congress must address.

Should the goal here be improving relations with Russia or just starting shit by accusing them of things that are unfounded?

Obama doesn't care about proof before launching accusations and has set about retaliating for these supposed deeds. Is that what the left prefers? The same left who refuses to treat hostile Muslim countries like enemies despite their support of terrorist organizations.

Obama funds countries that support anti-American terrorists. Trump isn't praising Putin. Paying a single compliment or agreeing on one thing does not add up to praise. Funny that the left actually did praise the likes of Castro and they used to praise Russia for it's communism. Only reason they don't like Putin is because he showed what a little wussy Obama is.
Note to ass ho...Tweet is a pussy and kiss more Putin ass than a Russian fag
The comment comes after the Obama administration announced its response to Russian hacking.

President-elect Donald Trump praised Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday afternoon, after the Russian leader said he would not expel any U.S. diplomats from his country.

Trump tweeted, “Great move on delay (by V. Putin) - I always knew he was very smart!”

It’s shockingly direct praise from an incoming American president for a Russian leader who’s been accused by U.S. intelligence agencies and President Barack Obama of overseeing hacking efforts aimed at influencing the 2016 election.

More: Trump Praises Putin: ‘I Always Knew He Was Very Smart!’

Is this treason? Is this grounds for impeachment? At the very least - it should be grounds for a thorough investigation into Trump's ties to Putin. This is a Constitutional crisis that Congress must address.

Should the goal here be improving relations with Russia or just starting shit by accusing them of things that are unfounded?

Obama doesn't care about proof before launching accusations and has set about retaliating for these supposed deeds. Is that what the left prefers? The same left who refuses to treat hostile Muslim countries like enemies despite their support of terrorist organizations.

Obama funds countries that support anti-American terrorists. Trump isn't praising Putin. Paying a single compliment or agreeing on one thing does not add up to praise. Funny that the left actually did praise the likes of Castro and they used to praise Russia for it's communism. Only reason they don't like Putin is because he showed what a little wussy Obama is.

It's all just a hysterical Democrat hissy fit. They can't and won't accept their defeat. Trust me, this whole Russia meme is about sabotaging Donald Trump. Nothing more, nothing less. It's dirty and shameful. But we are talkin about the Democrats. Par for the course.
Should the goal here be improving relations with Russia or just starting shit by accusing them of things that are unfounded?


We've got another one here claiming every intel agency in the USA is lying. After all, it's what DearLeader says, so it's what they say. No independent thought ever enters their head.

Probably not a smart idea by Trump, sliming every US intel agency. After all, they've got the intel. Imagine what some selective leaks will do to Trump.

Trump, of course, says he's going to form his own intel group, independent of any oversight or checks and balances. You know, like every other dictator does.
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Motherfucker the only reason he didnt' do shit was because he and Tweet talk on a daily basis.

Two world leaders talk!!! I'm shocked...SHOCKED I tell you! Next your going to tell me gambling goes on in this establishment. :ack-1:

I'm sure your proof that Putin and Trump talk on a daily basis is filed with the proof that Russians interfered with our elections, the patent for the perpetual motion machine and the protocols to achieve cold fusion. No point in waiting to see it.
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Gotta admit, i'd take Putin as our President over Hussein and Hitlery anytime. He's a strong intelligent leader who loves his country. That's much more than i can say about Hussein and Hitlery.

Oh Look, yet another one with raging Vlad mancrush.

Not all male Trump-fans are gay. Just most of them.

Hey, just being honest. I respect Putin much more than i do Hussein and Hitlery. In fact, if he did have a hand in preventing Hitlery from being President, we owe him a huge debt of gratitude. 4-8yrs of Hitlery? No thanks.

We've got another one here claiming every intel agency in the USA is lying. After all, it's what DearLeader says, so it's what they say. No independent thought ever enters their head.

Probably not a smart idea by Trump, sliming every US intel agency. After all, they've got the intel. Imagine what some selective leaks will do to Trump.

Trump, of course, says he's going to form his own intel group, independent of any oversight or checks and balances. You know, like every other dictator does.

Was that before or after the Administration was done editing them? Don't tell me, they only changed one word...

It's all just a hysterical Democrat hissy fit.

And we have yet another Trump-thug implying all the intel agencies are lying.

Does the Trump-thug exist who won't slime our intel agencies? Apparently not. Their masters have issued commands. It would take courage and integrity to stand up to TheParty, and Trump-thugs have neither. Groveling is what they do, it's all they do.
The comment comes after the Obama administration announced its response to Russian hacking.

President-elect Donald Trump praised Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday afternoon, after the Russian leader said he would not expel any U.S. diplomats from his country.

Trump tweeted, “Great move on delay (by V. Putin) - I always knew he was very smart!”

It’s shockingly direct praise from an incoming American president for a Russian leader who’s been accused by U.S. intelligence agencies and President Barack Obama of overseeing hacking efforts aimed at influencing the 2016 election.

More: Trump Praises Putin: ‘I Always Knew He Was Very Smart!’

Is this treason? Is this grounds for impeachment? At the very least - it should be grounds for a thorough investigation into Trump's ties to Putin. This is a Constitutional crisis that Congress must address.

He is such an asshole.

Donald J. Trump


Great move on delay (by V. Putin) - I always knew he was very smart!

1:41 PM - 30 Dec 2016

Trump should be very cautious with Putin, he's not our friend. Trump's not going to be a pussy like Hussein obozo, I'll tell you that.
Another tard. Obama put crippling sanctions on Russia. That's why they got involved in our presidential election. Then you say Trump should be cautious about Putin, like Obama.

What is wrong with you people???????????
The comment comes after the Obama administration announced its response to Russian hacking.

President-elect Donald Trump praised Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday afternoon, after the Russian leader said he would not expel any U.S. diplomats from his country.

Trump tweeted, “Great move on delay (by V. Putin) - I always knew he was very smart!”

It’s shockingly direct praise from an incoming American president for a Russian leader who’s been accused by U.S. intelligence agencies and President Barack Obama of overseeing hacking efforts aimed at influencing the 2016 election.

More: Trump Praises Putin: ‘I Always Knew He Was Very Smart!’

Is this treason? Is this grounds for impeachment? At the very least - it should be grounds for a thorough investigation into Trump's ties to Putin. This is a Constitutional crisis that Congress must address.

Should the goal here be improving relations with Russia or just starting shit by accusing them of things that are unfounded?

Obama doesn't care about proof before launching accusations and has set about retaliating for these supposed deeds. Is that what the left prefers? The same left who refuses to treat hostile Muslim countries like enemies despite their support of terrorist organizations.

Obama funds countries that support anti-American terrorists. Trump isn't praising Putin. Paying a single compliment or agreeing on one thing does not add up to praise. Funny that the left actually did praise the likes of Castro and they used to praise Russia for it's communism. Only reason they don't like Putin is because he showed what a little wussy Obama is.

It's all just a hysterical Democrat hissy fit. They can't and won't accept their defeat. Trust me, this whole Russia meme is about sabotaging Donald Trump. Nothing more, nothing less. It's dirty and shameful. But we are talkin about the Democrats. Par for the course.
Let me get this straight, your president, tweetin love notes to Putin is the democrats fault??? You people are beyond delusional, you whores are down right insane!!
The comment comes after the Obama administration announced its response to Russian hacking.

President-elect Donald Trump praised Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday afternoon, after the Russian leader said he would not expel any U.S. diplomats from his country.

Trump tweeted, “Great move on delay (by V. Putin) - I always knew he was very smart!”

It’s shockingly direct praise from an incoming American president for a Russian leader who’s been accused by U.S. intelligence agencies and President Barack Obama of overseeing hacking efforts aimed at influencing the 2016 election.

More: Trump Praises Putin: ‘I Always Knew He Was Very Smart!’

Is this treason? Is this grounds for impeachment? At the very least - it should be grounds for a thorough investigation into Trump's ties to Putin. This is a Constitutional crisis that Congress must address.

He is such an asshole.

Donald J. Trump


Great move on delay (by V. Putin) - I always knew he was very smart!

1:41 PM - 30 Dec 2016
I don't know why he don't just dump his man looking barbie doll and get a room with Putin...this love fest is sickening!!
Was that before or after the Administration was done editing them? Don't tell me, they only changed one word...

So you're still babbling about Benghazi, even after it showed what vile liars you and your party were?

Amazing. Is there anything you won't do to betray your country in the service of TheParty?
Trump should be very cautious with Putin, he's not our friend. Trump's not going to be a pussy like Hussein obozo, I'll tell you that.
Another tard. Obama put crippling sanctions on Russia. That's why they got involved in our presidential election. Then you say Trump should be cautious about Putin, like Obama.

What is wrong with you people???????????
Like Obama how?
The comment comes after the Obama administration announced its response to Russian hacking.

President-elect Donald Trump praised Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday afternoon, after the Russian leader said he would not expel any U.S. diplomats from his country.

Trump tweeted, “Great move on delay (by V. Putin) - I always knew he was very smart!”

It’s shockingly direct praise from an incoming American president for a Russian leader who’s been accused by U.S. intelligence agencies and President Barack Obama of overseeing hacking efforts aimed at influencing the 2016 election.

More: Trump Praises Putin: ‘I Always Knew He Was Very Smart!’

Is this treason? Is this grounds for impeachment? At the very least - it should be grounds for a thorough investigation into Trump's ties to Putin. This is a Constitutional crisis that Congress must address.

He is such an asshole.

Donald J. Trump


Great move on delay (by V. Putin) - I always knew he was very smart!

1:41 PM - 30 Dec 2016
-------------------------------- annoys you eh 2020 , think how bad it annoys mrobama 2020 !!

The comment comes after the Obama administration announced its response to Russian hacking.

President-elect Donald Trump praised Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday afternoon, after the Russian leader said he would not expel any U.S. diplomats from his country.

Trump tweeted, “Great move on delay (by V. Putin) - I always knew he was very smart!”

It’s shockingly direct praise from an incoming American president for a Russian leader who’s been accused by U.S. intelligence agencies and President Barack Obama of overseeing hacking efforts aimed at influencing the 2016 election.

More: Trump Praises Putin: ‘I Always Knew He Was Very Smart!’

Is this treason? Is this grounds for impeachment? At the very least - it should be grounds for a thorough investigation into Trump's ties to Putin. This is a Constitutional crisis that Congress must address.

"Very smart" apparently to Rump means "very rich", as is specifically "very adept at raiding his own country to line his own pockets". Vlad the Imputiner is reputedly the richest man in the world, far beyond the Rumps and Buffets and Gateses and Kochs -- on this specific basis. No wonder Rump fawns over him.

The comment comes after the Obama administration announced its response to Russian hacking.

President-elect Donald Trump praised Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday afternoon, after the Russian leader said he would not expel any U.S. diplomats from his country.

Trump tweeted, “Great move on delay (by V. Putin) - I always knew he was very smart!”

It’s shockingly direct praise from an incoming American president for a Russian leader who’s been accused by U.S. intelligence agencies and President Barack Obama of overseeing hacking efforts aimed at influencing the 2016 election.

More: Trump Praises Putin: ‘I Always Knew He Was Very Smart!’

Is this treason? Is this grounds for impeachment? At the very least - it should be grounds for a thorough investigation into Trump's ties to Putin. This is a Constitutional crisis that Congress must address.

"Very smart" apparently to Rump means "very rich", as is specifically "very adept at raiding his own country to line his own pockets". Vlad the Imputiner is reputedly the richest man in the world, far beyond the Rums and Buffets and Gateses and Kochs -- on this specific basis. No wonder Rump fawns over him.
Expect a soon to be built tourist attraction in Russia coming very soon from the Tweet brand....LOLOLOLO
Gotta admit, i'd take Putin as our President over Hussein and Hitlery anytime. He's a strong intelligent leader who loves his country. That's much more than i can say about Hussein and Hitlery.

Oh Look, yet another one with raging Vlad mancrush.

Not all male Trump-fans are gay. Just most of them.

Hey, just being honest. I respect Putin much more than i do Hussein and Hitlery. In fact, if he did have a hand in preventing Hitlery from being President, we owe him a huge debt of gratitude. 4-8yrs of Hitlery? No thanks.

So you're a communist sympathizer now. Gee, if we could just get a new Joe McCarthy in the saddle, we could deport you sorry traitors into perdition.

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