Trump Praises Putin: ‘I Always Knew He Was Very Smart!’

Putin is a sad excuse for a leader. He cares not for his people. All american presidents atre corrupt including the prez elect, but Putin makes ours look like choir boys. We should not ever trust Putin.
Also, I think most countries even some of our allies are trying to hack us.

The Israeli spy Pollard caused more damage to the USA than any spy in the history of America. And Israelis attacked the American Spy-Ship USS Liberty when Americans tried to spy on them.

Was there any retaliation or any diplomatic scandal?

America seems to be the lapdog of Israel/Globalists, the Globalist Israel Lobby defines the foreign policy of the USA.

That is why USA was stampeded into wars that were not in the interests of American Normies, these wars were only in the interests of Global financial elites, who care more about Israel, than about the USA.

Now the same old warmongers try to stampede Americans into another insane war with Russia, which would be another fratricidal war between white Christian nations.

Cui bono?
I never read a sing
Ask the FBI.
I asked you since you appeared to have seen them...

I'm sorry but I am not important enough to have access to top secret files of the FBI, CIA, the Federal Security Service, or GRU military intelligence.
Any of the emails you claim will be fine....
I have not bothered to read a single email hacked by Russian spies from the Democratic National Committee or Hillary Clinton's campaign manager.
Perhaps because there is none.....
I am prepared to believe the various security services when they say that the evidence of the Kremlin's meddling in the presidential election is unquestionable.
Putin is a sad excuse for a leader. He cares not for his people. All american presidents atre corrupt including the prez elect, but Putin makes ours look like choir boys. We should not ever trust Putin.

What makes you think he does not care for his people?
It says a lot about minority president-elect Trump that he admires the man who caused the complete destruction of Aleppo.
Did Trump say he admires obama? I missed that. obama has caused the complete destruction of Syria. Every death is his fault.
Even you do not believe that the Russians had no hand in the destruction of Aleppo.
Putin is a dictator and a monster. He has murdered thousands of people in his career. Fuck you Trump for siding with this crap.

Your hate against the Russian people and their elected president, who has more popular support in his country, than any western leader in their country, is just stupid and irrational.

Trump is a great leader, he knows what is good for American Normies.
It says a lot about minority president-elect Trump that he admires the man who caused the complete destruction of Aleppo.
Did Trump say he admires obama? I missed that. obama has caused the complete destruction of Syria. Every death is his fault.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- every death is his fault but even worse is the flood of muslim refugee invaders that are invading Europe and coming in some cases to the USA Tipsy !!
obama has his place in hell reserved.
Your religious opinion is nothing short of drivel.
Putin is a dictator and a monster. He has murdered thousands of people in his career. Fuck you Trump for siding with this crap.

Your hate against the Russian people and their elected president, who has more popular support in his country, than any western leader in their country, is just stupid and irrational.

Trump is a great leader, he knows what is good for American Normies.
Having 90% popular support is common in police states.
I never read a sing
I asked you since you appeared to have seen them...

I'm sorry but I am not important enough to have access to top secret files of the FBI, CIA, the Federal Security Service, or GRU military intelligence.
Any of the emails you claim will be fine....
I have not bothered to read a single email hacked by Russian spies from the Democratic National Committee or Hillary Clinton's campaign manager.
Perhaps because there is none.....
I am prepared to believe the various security services when they say that the evidence of the Kremlin's meddling in the presidential election is unquestionable.
That's why your an Obama voter....
I'm sorry but I am not important enough to have access to top secret files of the FBI, CIA, the Federal Security Service, or GRU military intelligence.

There is no evidence that the official Russia is behind any hacking attacks, and you know it.
There are million of internet connections in Russia, millions of smart Russian kids try to hack anything in any country, but they usually fail.

So some anonymous idiots from some American Secret Services say that they believe that Putin was behind some attempts of Russian hackers, that is all.

But the lying lame stream media makes up a story about Putin hacking American elections. This is so retarded, and why should anybody in his right mind believe these dishonest people from this dishonest, lame, old and stinking MSM, that recently lied about the popularity of Trump and who propped up the corps of Killary?

Were these lying and talking heads not telling us that Saddam has WMD?

Fool Me Twice? Déja Vu!

It says a lot about minority president-elect Trump that he admires the man who caused the complete destruction of Aleppo.
Did Trump say he admires obama? I missed that. obama has caused the complete destruction of Syria. Every death is his fault.
Even you do not believe that the Russians had no hand in the destruction of Aleppo.
If obama had not armed and supported terrorists, Aleppo would be standing today filled with its people.
It says a lot about minority president-elect Trump that he admires the man who caused the complete destruction of Aleppo.
Did Trump say he admires obama? I missed that. obama has caused the complete destruction of Syria. Every death is his fault.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- every death is his fault but even worse is the flood of muslim refugee invaders that are invading Europe and coming in some cases to the USA Tipsy !!
obama has his place in hell reserved.
Your religious opinion is nothing short of drivel.
----------------------------------------------- my religious opinion is unimportant , you need to worry about the TRUMPS opinion on religions and possible allies Eloy !!
It says a lot about minority president-elect Trump that he admires the man who caused the complete destruction of Aleppo.

Aleppo is freed from ISIS now, they are celebrating Christmas in Aleppo now, Christians and Muslims lived in peace until the ISIS-Retards (supported by Killary and the Saudis) occupied this city.

It seems that the usual suspects who declared war on Christmas in the USA, who supported Bolshevism in Russia, are the one who declared war on Christmas (via their proxis, called ISIS) in Aleppo.

But Putin, the leader of a Christian nation, now freed Aleppo, and I hope that Trump and Putin will be good friend and promote the interests of white Christians in Russia, the USA and the entire world.
In no way are dead children and their mothers in the ruins of Aleppo "freed". Ex-KGB operative Vladimir Putin is a mass killer, the type of sociopath Trump admires.
I'm sorry but I am not important enough to have access to top secret files of the FBI, CIA, the Federal Security Service, or GRU military intelligence.

There is no evidence that the official Russia is behind any hacking attacks, and you know it.
There are million of internet connections in Russia, millions of smart Russian kids try to hack anything in any country, but they usually fail.

So some anonymous idiots from some American Secret Services say that they believe that Putin was behind some attempts of Russian hackers, that is all.

But the lying lame stream media makes up a story about Putin hacking American elections. This is so retarded, and why should anybody in his right mind believe these dishonest people from this dishonest, lame, old and stinking MSM, that recently lied about the popularity of Trump and who propped up the corps of Killary?

Were these lying and talking heads not telling us that Saddam has WMD?

Fool Me Twice? Déja Vu!


And your link to this negative is where?
thing is that Russia is mostly Orthodox Christian either nominally or fervent , I don't know . Course there are muslims in Russia . Russia has lots of problems with its muslim population and has had problems with them for years , see , think its the 'beslyn' or 'beslan' massacre' Eloy .
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It says a lot about minority president-elect Trump that he admires the man who caused the complete destruction of Aleppo.

Aleppo is freed from ISIS now, they are celebrating Christmas in Aleppo now, Christians and Muslims lived in peace until the ISIS-Retards (supported by Killary and the Saudis) occupied this city.

It seems that the usual suspects who declared war on Christmas in the USA, who supported Bolshevism in Russia, are the one who declared war on Christmas (via their proxis, called ISIS) in Aleppo.

But Putin, the leader of a Christian nation, now freed Aleppo, and I hope that Trump and Putin will be good friend and promote the interests of white Christians in Russia, the USA and the entire world.
In no way are dead children and their mothers in the ruins of Aleppo "freed". Ex-KGB operative Vladimir Putin is a mass killer, the type of sociopath Trump admires.
------------------------------------------------------------ yer getting emotional now Eloy !!
I'm sorry but I am not important enough to have access to top secret files of the FBI, CIA, the Federal Security Service, or GRU military intelligence.

There is no evidence that the official Russia is behind any hacking attacks, and you know it.
There are million of internet connections in Russia, millions of smart Russian kids try to hack anything in any country, but they usually fail.

So some anonymous idiots from some American Secret Services say that they believe that Putin was behind some attempts of Russian hackers, that is all.

But the lying lame stream media makes up a story about Putin hacking American elections. This is so retarded, and why should anybody in his right mind believe these dishonest people from this dishonest, lame, old and stinking MSM, that recently lied about the popularity of Trump and who propped up the corps of Killary?

Were these lying and talking heads not telling us that Saddam has WMD?

Fool Me Twice? Déja Vu!

You seem better informed about Russia that the American security services. Perhaps you could volunteer to help the CIA.
Having 90% popular support is common in police states.

You have a perverse understanding of democracy, in police states there is only one candidate.

In the USA they usually have pre-elected candidates, and the voters are supposed to vote for one of these puppets.

This time the Americans managed to elect a "wild card", Trump was not pre-elected by the Establishment, he did not need the money of banksters, that is why the Establishment and the leftist/liberal retards hate him.

Trump is as popular, as Putin, and he does not hate Putin, he is reluctant to start WWIII, and the old warmongers cannot accept it.

The globalist warmongers want to stampede Americans into another crazy war, that is not in the interests of American Normies.

But the Normies are more concerned about their jobs and their neighbourhoods, that are invaded by people from the Third World, than about the "democracy" on the other side of the globe.

That is the reason why they elected Trump and rejected this disgusting warmonger (Killry), and Putin is more popular in the USA, than Obama or Killary.

So your hate propaganda against Russia and their elected President is very ineffective, Putin is not only popular in Russia, but in the West, too.
It says a lot about minority president-elect Trump that he admires the man who caused the complete destruction of Aleppo.
Did Trump say he admires obama? I missed that. obama has caused the complete destruction of Syria. Every death is his fault.
Even you do not believe that the Russians had no hand in the destruction of Aleppo.
If obama had not armed and supported terrorists, Aleppo would be standing today filled with its people.
The people in Aleppo were targeted by Assad and Putin for mass execution. We saw it on our TVs.
Having 90% popular support is common in police states.

You have a perverse understanding of democracy, in police states there is only one candidate.

In the USA they usually have pre-elected candidates, and the voters are supposed to vote for one of these puppets.

This time the Americans managed to elect a "wild card", Trump was not pre-elected by the Establishment, he did not need the money of banksters, that is why the Establishment and the leftist/liberal retards hate him.

Trump is as popular, as Putin, and he does not hate Putin, he is reluctant to start WWIII, and the old warmongers cannot accept it.

The globalist warmongers want to stampede Americans into another crazy war, that is not in the interests of American Normies.

But the Normies are more concerned about their jobs and their neighbourhoods, that are invaded by people from the Third World, than about the "democracy" on the other side of the globe.

That is the reason why they elected Trump and rejected this disgusting warmonger (Killry), and Putin is more popular in the USA, than Obama.

So your hate propaganda against Russia and their elected President is very ineffective, Putin is not only popular in Russia, but in the West, too.
No one believes there are free and fair elections in the Russian Federation. The press and TV are run by ex-KGB cronies of Putin. If this outfit of kleptocrats can hack into systems in the United States and influence a presidential election there, how much more can they do it in Russia.

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