Trump predicts he can win 95 percent of the black vote

How can anyone support this idiot?
Trump predicts he can win 95 percent of the black vote
Donald Trump promised Friday night that if elected president, he will win 95 percent of the African-American vote in his reelection bid.

Lol the great shiT posting exaggerator strikes again
He also said he could possibly flip NY and NJ in 2016

Jersey may flip in 2020

New york tHiers all red Counties upstate but the city always drags the rest of the state down ...its why you have New Yorkers especially from upstate fleeing since the 1960s

If a red county new yorker moves in next ta ya welcome him or her ...if it's a progressive smash the fash and punch it in the face

I bet he lands somewhere between 25 and 50 % of the male black vote
Anything over 20%makes the dems crap thier pants
Black Vagina Americans ...what are you gonna do? but that number may surprise us least we can count on diamond and silk ..

View attachment 305583
Rush made some great points on this Friday discussing the implosion of the Democrat Party:

What happened to the Democrat Party is that they have lost their entire moral foundation. They lost it four years ago.

This is what happens when you become consumed with hatred. Hatred is a poison. It destroys you because hatred can never be requited, hatred can never be rewarded, hatred can never make you happy. Hatred means you’re requiring something painful or bad to happen to other people. And that’s just not the way to happiness. That’s not the route to success of any kind. And it’s where the Democrat Party is.
How can anyone support this idiot?
Trump predicts he can win 95 percent of the black vote
Donald Trump promised Friday night that if elected president, he will win 95 percent of the African-American vote in his reelection bid.

Lol the great shiT posting exaggerator strikes again
He also said he could possibly flip NY and NJ in 2016

Jersey may flip in 2020

New york tHiers all red Counties upstate but the city always drags the rest of the state down ...its why you have New Yorkers especially from upstate fleeing since the 1960s

If a red county new yorker moves in next ta ya welcome him or her ...if it's a progressive smash the fash and punch it in the face

I bet he lands somewhere between 25 and 50 % of the male black vote
Anything over 20%makes the dems crap thier pants
Black Vagina Americans ...what are you gonna do? but that number may surprise us least we can count on diamond and silk ..

View attachment 305583
Rush made some great points on this Friday discussing the implosion of the Democrat Party:

What happened to the Democrat Party is that they have lost their entire moral foundation. They lost it four years ago.

This is what happens when you become consumed with hatred. Hatred is a poison. It destroys you because hatred can never be requited, hatred can never be rewarded, hatred can never make you happy. Hatred means you’re requiring something painful or bad to happen to other people. And that’s just not the way to happiness. That’s not the route to success of any kind. And it’s where the Democrat Party is.

Ya know I never really listened to rush radio show ....people love him
Ive read some snips and transcripts that over the years people have posted to other forums...

All the left can seem to do is pull an how dare you give the medal to rush ...when it's meant for people wike wosa parks you wacist!

Meanwhile thIer goes bill Cosby and rapey rapey harvy with medals around thier necks
How can anyone support this idiot?

Why didn't obama commute alice johnsons sentence before Trump did? Or initiate the first step act (criminal justice reform)?

I don't doubt he does get 95%. who the black people gonna vote for. The buttplug (already had one of those 8 years) The lieawatha? The senile 2 fuks (bern and biden, no capitalization on purpose) You dems are fuked, go suk a big one.
It is all academic, anyway. Donald has already explained that when he loses, it will be due to voter fraud.
That isn't what I heard. The Democrats are already saying that if they lose, it will be because of election interference from X. X = Whoever they are afeard of at that particular moment.

Oh, and that Trump cheated.

Perhaps you should read my signature line.
"I will get the Black Vote because I have done so much for their community"

Van Jones had some high praise for president Trump in the oval office when signing the first step act into law...

How can anyone support this idiot?
Trump predicts he can win 95 percent of the black vote
Donald Trump promised Friday night that if elected president, he will win 95 percent of the African-American vote in his reelection bid.
Your article is from 2016. He clearly didn’t win 95%.
How could he be re-elected in 2016?
Come on. This isn't that difficult. He is running for reelection.
How can anyone support this idiot?
Trump predicts he can win 95 percent of the black vote
Donald Trump promised Friday night that if elected president, he will win 95 percent of the African-American vote in his reelection bid.
Your article is from 2016. He clearly didn’t win 95%.
How could he be re-elected in 2016?
Come on. This isn't that difficult. He is running for reelection.
Yes he is but that means nothing, as it relates to my post.
Your article is from 2016. He clearly didn’t win 95%.
How could he be re-elected in 2016?
Come on. This isn't that difficult. He is running for reelection.
Yes he is but that means nothing, as it relates to my post.
Yeah, sometimes folks learn things when they are ready to. And you don't appear to be ready today, which is just fine.


All things in their own perfect time
Your article is from 2016. He clearly didn’t win 95%.
How could he be re-elected in 2016?
Come on. This isn't that difficult. He is running for reelection.
Yes he is but that means nothing, as it relates to my post.
Yeah, sometimes folks learn things when they are ready to. And you don't appear to be ready today, which is just fine.


All things in their own perfect time
Please don’t be an idiot.
Your article is from 2016. He clearly didn’t win 95%.
How could he be re-elected in 2016?
Come on. This isn't that difficult. He is running for reelection.
Yes he is but that means nothing, as it relates to my post.
Yeah, sometimes folks learn things when they are ready to. And you don't appear to be ready today, which is just fine.


All things in their own perfect time
So he made a boast, what's the bet he wins 20% of the black vote?
How could he be re-elected in 2016?
Come on. This isn't that difficult. He is running for reelection.
Yes he is but that means nothing, as it relates to my post.
Yeah, sometimes folks learn things when they are ready to. And you don't appear to be ready today, which is just fine.


All things in their own perfect time
Please don’t be an idiot.
You'll figure it out, in your own time.


How could he be re-elected in 2016?
Come on. This isn't that difficult. He is running for reelection.
Yes he is but that means nothing, as it relates to my post.
Yeah, sometimes folks learn things when they are ready to. And you don't appear to be ready today, which is just fine.


All things in their own perfect time
Please don’t be an idiot.
You'll figure it out, in your own time.

I already know you’re an idiot. No time needed.
How could he be re-elected in 2016?
Come on. This isn't that difficult. He is running for reelection.
Yes he is but that means nothing, as it relates to my post.
Yeah, sometimes folks learn things when they are ready to. And you don't appear to be ready today, which is just fine.


All things in their own perfect time
Please don’t be an idiot.
You'll figure it out, in your own time.

What am I figuring out? Trump schooling them next year as well?
How could he be re-elected in 2016?
Come on. This isn't that difficult. He is running for reelection.
Yes he is but that means nothing, as it relates to my post.
Yeah, sometimes folks learn things when they are ready to. And you don't appear to be ready today, which is just fine.


All things in their own perfect time
So he made a boast, what's the bet he wins 20% of the black vote?
Come on. This isn't that difficult. He is running for reelection.
Yes he is but that means nothing, as it relates to my post.
Yeah, sometimes folks learn things when they are ready to. And you don't appear to be ready today, which is just fine.


All things in their own perfect time
Please don’t be an idiot.
You'll figure it out, in your own time.

What am I figuring out? Trump schooling them next year as well?
You bet!
It is all academic, anyway. Donald has already explained that when he loses, it will be due to voter fraud.
That isn't what I heard. The Democrats are already saying that if they lose, it will be because of election interference from X. X = Whoever they are afeard of at that particular moment.

Oh, and that Trump cheated.

Democrats cant even count their own votes in The Democratic primary properly and looking around for someone to blame for interference, Russians or Republicans, but they only have each other.

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