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Trump Press Conference Surreal

Trump sure kicked Crooked Hillary fat ass in that conference. He will clean her clock if she agrees to a debate. She probably will be chickenshit to debate him.

I like this quote:

"It's been 235 days since Crooked Hillary Clinton has had a press conference. And you as reporters who give her all of these glowing reports should ask yourselves why? And I'll tell you why. Because despite the nice platitudes she has been a mess......

This one was even better:

"Russia if you're listening, please look into the 30,000 missing emails"
Trump sure kicked Crooked Hillary fat ass in that conference. He will clean her clock if she agrees to a debate. She probably will be chickenshit to debate him.

I like this quote:

"It's been 235 days since Crooked Hillary Clinton has had a press conference. And you as reporters who give her all of these glowing reports should ask yourselves why? And I'll tell you why. Because despite the nice platitudes she has been a mess......

This one was even better:

"Russia if you're listening, please look into the 30,000 missing emails"

She's being audited.

Hey, it worked for Trump.

Bottom line: These two major party candidates are the most flawed people I have ever seen nominated in my long lifetime. Clinton has spent her life as a political insider willing to pander to anyone in order to hold onto the money and power those political connections have afforded her for decades. She represents more of the same failed policies and ideologies we already have seen fail under Obama. Trump is an egotistical billionaire who probably jumped into this race just to be able to say he did it. And make no mistake, he did do it...as improbable as that seems to be. One thing Trump has going for him this election cycle is the fact that he, like Sanders, was wise enough to identify and express the dissatisfaction the public at large has with Washington insiders. Their basic premise is that, in order to fix the systemic political corruption in Washington for the betterment of all Americans, there needs to be a significant dismantling (or at least a monumental shakeup) of the system itself. Many people, judging on votes garnered by both Sanders and Trump, agree our country would benefit more from the election of an outsider than the election of an insider.

What we are left with is a career politician who is firmly entrenched in, and has participated in and profited greatly from, many old Washington power broker shenanigans. Clinton has lied to Congress regarding Benghazi and her private email server; she has obstructed justice by deleting information she knew she was obligated under subpoena to disclose; she slut-shamed other women at the drop of a hat to defend her cheating husband as she tried desperately to retain her position of power as First Lady; she has continually pandered to the minority community, all talk and never any action; and, most recently, she proved for all to see exactly how deeply corrupt she and her surrogates are by wringing her hands at the actions of Wasserman-Schultz one minute, then naming her co-chair of her national political campaign the next minute. Please people, WAKE UP!

Her opponent has admittedly (legally) exploited Washington insiders, and worked the system in every possible way to his advantage. But, and this is important, he did not create the corrupt environment he found he needed to be a part of in order to move his objectives into fruition. Trump simply does not have the strings attached to "special interest" groups that Clinton does. No, he is not a politician but he does know about politics and business and global affairs and healthcare and history. Yes, he is a businessman and, after all, we are a capitalist society with a federal budget, state budgets, countless agencies needing to be funded; our government really is one giant business conglomerate, isn't it? No, he's not an eloquent speaker, but he does know how to speak openly and honestly about the major issues concerning many Americans today. Yes, he does have plans on how to fix the problems we all know we face. You or I may not agree with him, but at least we owe it to our country to listen to what he has to say. And really listen to the substance behind the brashness.
Did anyone try watching? It looks more like something satirically created for background noise in the back of a bad movie? He's railing against Hillary & Bill, his polls, and ranting about emails! This is what Republicans want to elect to the most powerful office on the planet! He throws out a couple names, pretends he's meeting with them, and that makes it seems like he has ideas! This can't be real; just doesn't look like reality! Now he's back on Hillary's server! "Donald, give us solutions, not your daily spin of your bizarre and less than memorable comments of bigotry, misogyny, sexism, and total ignorance of current affairs!" I hope his straight-jacket will be ready when he goes down in flames! He will not be able to handle it!

Funny, FNC's "Outnumbered" bimbos would rather talk about DNC convention instead of what just happened! Hilarious that they're too embarrassed to talk about it now or they're still in shock over his comments! He suggests Russia should hack the DNC and Hillary in particular to expose her! "Thanks Donald!" ;-/

No he did not "suggest" Russian hack them. He said if they had them they should give them to the press. Then tweeted they should give them to the FBI.

There's not limit on the lieberals misrepresentation of the facts. Especially the Clintoon News Network.
Source: New York Times
DORAL, Fla. — Donald J. Trump said Wednesday that he hoped Russia had hacked Hillary Clinton’s email, essentially encouraging an adversarial foreign power’s cyberspying on a secretary of state’s correspondence.

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Mr. Trump said, staring directly into the cameras. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

Source: Washington Post
Donald Trump’s falsehood-laden press conference, annotated
But it would be interesting to see -- I will tell you this -- Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 e-mails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press. Let's see if that happens. That'll be next.

The NY LIBERAL SLIMES which slants, lies distorts and note the article you quoted states, "Which essentially means-- So in other words the Slimes decided to redefine what the Donald said.. you fucking liberals never learn.. you double down on lies and stupidity when caught with your fucking pants down, cheating, lying, BIGOTRY, RACISM., all in the emails.. You're pathetic at best and a national joke. Shove it and the Slimes with you.. The Donald is right.. We all hope that those FAMOUS wiped emails reappear and quite frankly I don't give a shit who releases them.. YOUR CROOKED SMOKE SCREEN WON'T WORK.
"Russia if you're listening, please look into the 30,000 missing emails"
You tards have set a whole new benchmark.


There just is no bottom to your insanity.
Did anyone try watching? It looks more like something satirically created for background noise in the back of a bad movie? He's railing against Hillary & Bill, his polls, and ranting about emails! This is what Republicans want to elect to the most powerful office on the planet! He throws out a couple names, pretends he's meeting with them, and that makes it seems like he has ideas! This can't be real; just doesn't look like reality! Now he's back on Hillary's server! "Donald, give us solutions, not your daily spin of your bizarre and less than memorable comments of bigotry, misogyny, sexism, and total ignorance of current affairs!" I hope his straight-jacket will be ready when he goes down in flames! He will not be able to handle it!

Funny, FNC's "Outnumbered" bimbos would rather talk about DNC convention instead of what just happened! Hilarious that they're too embarrassed to talk about it now or they're still in shock over his comments! He suggests Russia should hack the DNC and Hillary in particular to expose her! "Thanks Donald!" ;-/
You do realize that "Outnumbered" is at least 1,000,000 times more professional than the Democrat equivalent, "The View", right?

What did "The View" talk about today?
roflmao LIBEROIDALS on suicidal watch.. They've never had to deal with anything like this.. Their Media whores PROVEN COLLUSION- can normally cover their crooked criminal backs but not this time and more dirty laundry is on its way..
This must be why they released Hinckley today. He doesn't look crazy, compared to Trump's Chumps.
RELEASE ALL OF IT Vlad.. Wiki.. whoever.. Let the chips fall and as an added bonus, liberals melting down like fucking crybabies LMAO
Did anyone try watching? It looks more like something satirically created for background noise in the back of a bad movie? He's railing against Hillary & Bill, his polls, and ranting about emails! This is what Republicans want to elect to the most powerful office on the planet! He throws out a couple names, pretends he's meeting with them, and that makes it seems like he has ideas! This can't be real; just doesn't look like reality! Now he's back on Hillary's server! "Donald, give us solutions, not your daily spin of your bizarre and less than memorable comments of bigotry, misogyny, sexism, and total ignorance of current affairs!" I hope his straight-jacket will be ready when he goes down in flames! He will not be able to handle it!

Funny, FNC's "Outnumbered" bimbos would rather talk about DNC convention instead of what just happened! Hilarious that they're too embarrassed to talk about it now or they're still in shock over his comments! He suggests Russia should hack the DNC and Hillary in particular to expose her! "Thanks Donald!" ;-/
The objective was to shit down Hillary's neck. Mission accomplished....yo.
Christmas in July!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LIBEROIDALS BUSTED trying to create a new narrative.... LOL
( does the happy dance ) Can I get a witness? Amen?!! LMAO Oh and another bonus, HALF of the left HATES Helly and her lemming stooges... Haha
The Corrupt CRYBABY Establishment LEFT getting its ass kicked.. ROFLMAO Go Donald Go!!! 3 cheers for Wiki!! LOL

Bernie Sanders Delegates Allege Spying, Suppression by DNC

From the article:

ennsylvania — Delegates for Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) are complaining about a variety of tactics that they say have been used against them by the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign to silence them at the Democratic National Convention this week

Sick isn't it? They turn on their own.
It's refreshing to hear a candidate who is so serious. Trump's going to do some stuff. It will be terrific stuff. Only the best, bleev me. It's going to be so great, you will get tired of winning all the time. Just you wait and see. He's working on plans like nobody's business. Lots of plans. Not just any plans. Top plans. We're in danger. Grave danger. It's a disaster. Things are burning down all around us. You need a guy with the best ideas. Ideas that will make your head spin. A guy who has signed paychecks and filled out a lot of forms.

Um...what was the question?

Its been 270 days since your old hag had a press conference fool.

Maybe she just hates the media as much as you do.
You mean the media that does anything her campaign asks them to?

Bernie Sanders Delegates Allege Spying, Suppression by DNC

From the article:

ennsylvania — Delegates for Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) are complaining about a variety of tactics that they say have been used against them by the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign to silence them at the Democratic National Convention this week

Sick isn't it? They turn on their own.
But you don't get it, he was never a Democrat.

I bet he never even voted for essential Democrat legislation....
Did anyone try watching? It looks more like something satirically created for background noise in the back of a bad movie? He's railing against Hillary & Bill, his polls, and ranting about emails! This is what Republicans want to elect to the most powerful office on the planet! He throws out a couple names, pretends he's meeting with them, and that makes it seems like he has ideas! This can't be real; just doesn't look like reality! Now he's back on Hillary's server! "Donald, give us solutions, not your daily spin of your bizarre and less than memorable comments of bigotry, misogyny, sexism, and total ignorance of current affairs!" I hope his straight-jacket will be ready when he goes down in flames! He will not be able to handle it!

Funny, FNC's "Outnumbered" bimbos would rather talk about DNC convention instead of what just happened! Hilarious that they're too embarrassed to talk about it now or they're still in shock over his comments! He suggests Russia should hack the DNC and Hillary in particular to expose her! "Thanks Donald!" ;-/
You do realize that "Outnumbered" is at least 1,000,000 times more professional than the Democrat equivalent, "The View", right?

What did "The View" talk about today?

"The View" was over with by the time Trump embarrassed himself and his party more with these ridiculous comments! ;-/
It's refreshing to hear a candidate who is so serious. Trump's going to do some stuff. It will be terrific stuff. Only the best, bleev me. It's going to be so great, you will get tired of winning all the time. Just you wait and see. He's working on plans like nobody's business. Lots of plans. Not just any plans. Top plans. We're in danger. Grave danger. It's a disaster. Things are burning down all around us. You need a guy with the best ideas. Ideas that will make your head spin. A guy who has signed paychecks and filled out a lot of forms.

Um...what was the question?

Its been 270 days since your old hag had a press conference fool.
B-b-b-b-but Clinton!

By the way, I'm not for Clinton, retard.
Of course, you are just for a candidate that you have known since 2012 can't win the presidency....

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