Trump Promises To Release All Of The JFK Assassination Files; Again...


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Former President Donald Trump vowed this week to release all files related to the assassination of former President John F. Kennedy, coming after his nephew alleged that U.S. intelligence officials may have been involved in his 1963 death. “I released a lot, as you know. And I will release everything else,” Trump told The Messenger on Monday, referring to the Kennedy records. When Trump was in office, he released some documents but did not release all of the records. At the time, his administration said that it could not release all of the records because “certain information should continue to be redacted because of identifiable national security, law enforcement, and foreign affairs concerns.”

The Deep State may have managed to stop him from releasing all of the documents the last time...but this time, Trump will not bow down to the Deep State and he will promise to release all of the evidence that the CIA and the Jews ordered not just murder of JFK; but according to his nephew, the CIA and the Jews ordered the assassination of RFK as well. This is particularly triggering to Ted Cruz, because there will be evidence that his father was indeed involved in the JFK assassination as well as Biden; who was on the ground in Dallas when the assassination took place; no one is asking why Biden lied about being in Dallas that day. This is why the Deep State was working so hard to stop Trump from winning the election in 2020 and are now trying to take him out before 2024 even happens...because they are scared of what those JFK files will reveal.
What happens when you pick a Zionist Fascist W Administration Attorney to be FBI Director

and two Zionist Fascists to be AG...

Maybe this time Trump won't pack all of his top appointments with Zionist Fascists who stab him in the back..... MAYBE...
Trust me…

This time I will

Build the wall
Release the JFK files
Repeal Obamacare

Drain the swamp.
Act like an adult
Designate China a currency manipulator
Embark on a massive $1 trillion effort to rebuild the country's infrastructure, including airports, roads and bridges.
What happens when you pick a Zionist Fascist W Administration Attorney to be FBI Director

and two Zionist Fascists to be AG...

Maybe this time Trump won't pack all of his top appointments with Zionist Fascists who stab him in the back..... MAYBE...
But he hires only the best people?

Are you saying after hiring people you call Zionist fascists, not once, but 3 trust that he won't do it again because you still believe he hates the same people you hate?

no wonder it is so easy to grift money from you folks...
This time we can hold them to promises. Trump needs to do it and screw any swampers in his administration he should not have. And no family members interfering.
This time we can hold them to promises. Trump needs to do it and screw any swampers in his administration he should not have. And no family members interfering.
So why didn't he do it last time (AFTER HE PROMISED TO DO IT) ???
But he hires only the best people?

Are you saying after hiring people you call Zionist fascists, not once, but 3 trust that he won't do it again because you still believe he hates the same people you hate?

no wonder it is so easy to grift money from you folks...

Reading comprehension is apparently harmed by TDS....

Registered Libertarian EMH is hardly a big Trump supporter... but it takes reading comprehension skill to notice...
Reading comprehension is apparently harmed by TDS....

Registered Libertarian EMH is hardly a big Trump supporter... but it takes reading comprehension skill to notice...
Most Anti-semitic Neo-Nazi rhetoric spouting cucks are Trumpers.....I don't give a fuck what strain of Libertarianism you try to hide your bullshit behind...
Most Anti-semitic Neo-Nazi rhetoric spouting cucks are Trumpers.....I don't give a fuck what strain of Libertarianism you try to hide your bullshit behind...

You cannot even define libertarian, an as for supporting fascism, it is all you, starting with

STATE SPONSORED DNA Discrimination aka Affirmative Action
Gun Control
Hate Hoaxes
Sick science experiments like Fauci and trans surgery on kids

Try to learn the meaning of the words you post, instead of always parroting CRT bullshit.
You cannot even define libertarian, an as for supporting fascism, it is all you, starting with

STATE SPONSORED DNA Discrimination aka Affirmative Action
Gun Control
Hate Hoaxes
Sick science experiments like Fauci and trans surgery on kids

Try to learn the meaning of the words you post, instead of always parroting CRT bullshit.
It is easy to define what a libertarian is...

A Libertarian is someone who has to make up 82,373 different strains of Libertarianism; because a new strain has to be made up every time reality debunks your bullshit...

Libertarians have a hard time getting around that "monopoly of force" problem and they have a hard time of explaining why their so-called Libertarian utopia always lead to feudalism first.......

which is why calling yourself a Jedi has more credibility than calling yourself a Libertarian...
It is easy to define what a libertarian is...

A Libertarian is someone who has to make up 82,373 different strains of Libertarianism; because a new strain has to be made up every time reality debunks your bullshit...

Libertarians have a hard time getting around that "monopoly of force" problem and they have a hard time of explaining why their so-called Libertarian utopia always lead to feudalism first.......

which is why calling yourself a Jedi has more credibility than calling yourself a Libertarian...

Libertarians want to cut your government check for posting BS here, and you hate them for that...
Libertarians want to cut your government check for posting BS here, and you hate them for that...
Sure bro....

Tell me, how do you libertarians plan to enforce labor contracts without courts? Or let me guess, this is when you tell me "I am not one of those kind of libertarians!!!"

Then when I ask you, how do you folks plan to protect intellectual property without a monopolization of force; that is when you will again tell me "I am not one of those kind of libertarians!!!"

Thus is why as I said before, there are 9328477647366463 different kinds of Libertarians, because calling yourself self-centered morons didn't quite sound cool enough..
to enforce labor contracts without courts?

As with everything else, the hate hoax homO crowd puts out false narratives to "discredit" those who want to cut spending and make government accountable....

there are 9328477647366463 different kinds of Libertarians


It helps to have the intellectual ability to define the word libertarian.

Libertarians want small accountable government that does ONLY what the Constitution says

Enforce Laws
Protect Life Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness

CRT Marxists on the taxpayer dole hate all three and want Marxism with racial quotas...

"Former President Donald Trump vowed this week to release all files related to the assassination of former President John F. Kennedy, coming after his nephew alleged that U.S. intelligence officials may have been involved in his 1963 death. “I released a lot, as you know. And I will release everything else,” Trump told The Messenger on Monday, referring to the Kennedy records. When Trump was in office, he released some documents but did not release all of the records. At the time, his administration said that it could not release all of the records because “certain information should continue to be redacted because of identifiable national security, law enforcement, and foreign affairs concerns.”

The Deep State may have managed to stop him from releasing all of the documents the last time...but this time, Trump will not bow down to the Deep State

This is particularly triggering to Ted Cruz, because there will be evidence that his father was indeed involved in the JFK assassination as well as Biden; who was on the ground in Dallas when the assassination took place; no one is asking why Biden lied about being in Dallas that day.
Elder Bush, too.
What happens when you pick a Zionist Fascist W Administration Attorney to be FBI Director

and two Zionist Fascists to be AG...

Maybe this time Trump won't pack all of his top appointments with Zionist Fascists who stab him in the back..... MAYBE...

Trump only hires the best....he says so himself. Well, that's what he will do "this time".

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