Trump proposing 20 percent tax on Mexican good, could fund wall

Correll, you are going to find out, over the next 4 years, that China is no longer a 3rd world agricultural country growing rice to feed their starving peasants. Within 25 years, they will be equal to us in the world market. Trump seems determined to make that happen with 10 years, instead of 25.

I'm well aware of the vast amounts of industry that has been grown in China, at our expense, primarily.

That's the point.

Oh, I forgot. Trumpettes think that trade wars are GOOD for our economy, just like it was in 1928, and 1929.

How Trump's wall could beckon a global trade war

In 1928 we were a vast exporter. NOw we are a vast importer.

Everyone that exports TO us, has a vested interest in NOT starting a trade war.

If they DO start a Trade War, it will fuck them up, vastly more than it does US.

It is pretty obvious that you don't have a whole lot of personal skin in this game Correll.

I see by your attempt to make it personal that you have no real challenge to my point.

Thus, your post is invalid, and my points stands.

In 1928 we were a vast exporter. NOw we are a vast importer.

Everyone that exports TO us, has a vested interest in NOT starting a trade war.

If they DO start a Trade War, it will fuck them up, vastly more than it does US.

When Trump adopts an economic policy that is so bad that i sold my entire portfolio, it becomes personal. However, if one has no significant stock of their own, why should they care?

I suspect that you are of the later description.
Damn how far has America fallen that Mexico's displeasure with us would cause all of Europe to abandon trade with us?

You people are idiots, seriously. No business on the planet gives a single fuck what Mexico blusters about, they want money and if America is buying, which we all know she is, I guarantee you they'll be selling to us.

Fuck yes, let the European governments start that trade war with the US, fucking pile on those tariffs over there, business will be back here in the US faster than you could believe - Trump's a god damned genius. He has the entire world by the balls and they all know it, it's fucking beautiful.

Trade wars spread. Europe has every reason to oppose this method of applying political pressure.

As for the US, Trump's direction has Americans paying higher retail prices to support the wall. Is that what you call brilliant?

Also, this move could change Mexico's work on illegal immigration, drug trafficing to the US, US directed terrorism, etc, and probably makes Mexico more in favor of a TPP led by China.
It's NOT "political Pressure" you fucking moron!
The tsunami of hard drugs entering the US via Mexico is a SOCIAL/ECONOMIC threat to the fabric of the United States!
Entire communities in the US are being destroyed by heroin. 99.9999% is coming via Mexico.
I have yet to read a single fucking sentence from one of you LIB assholes why putting up a physical barrier to stop the flow of heroin from Mexico is not a good idea.
I'm well aware of the vast amounts of industry that has been grown in China, at our expense, primarily.

That's the point.

Oh, I forgot. Trumpettes think that trade wars are GOOD for our economy, just like it was in 1928, and 1929.

How Trump's wall could beckon a global trade war

In 1928 we were a vast exporter. NOw we are a vast importer.

Everyone that exports TO us, has a vested interest in NOT starting a trade war.

If they DO start a Trade War, it will fuck them up, vastly more than it does US.

It is pretty obvious that you don't have a whole lot of personal skin in this game Correll.

I see by your attempt to make it personal that you have no real challenge to my point.

Thus, your post is invalid, and my points stands.

In 1928 we were a vast exporter. NOw we are a vast importer.

Everyone that exports TO us, has a vested interest in NOT starting a trade war.

If they DO start a Trade War, it will fuck them up, vastly more than it does US.

When Trump adopts an economic policy that is so bad that i sold my entire portfolio, it becomes personal. However, if one has no significant stock of their own, why should they care?

I suspect that you are of the later description.

Nothing in that statement supports your attempt to make me the topic, nor your previous position that Trump's policy is bad.

My point stands.

In 1928 we were a vast exporter. NOw we are a vast importer.

Everyone that exports TO us, has a vested interest in NOT starting a trade war.

If they DO start a Trade War, it will fuck them up, vastly more than it does US.
Correll, you are going to find out, over the next 4 years, that China is no longer a 3rd world agricultural country growing rice to feed their starving peasants. Within 25 years, they will be equal to us in the world market. Trump seems determined to make that happen with 10 years, instead of 25.

I'm well aware of the vast amounts of industry that has been grown in China, at our expense, primarily.

That's the point.

Oh, I forgot. Trumpettes think that trade wars are GOOD for our economy, just like it was in 1928, and 1929.

How Trump's wall could beckon a global trade war

In 1928 we were a vast exporter. NOw we are a vast importer.

Everyone that exports TO us, has a vested interest in NOT starting a trade war.

If they DO start a Trade War, it will fuck them up, vastly more than it does US.

It is pretty obvious that you don't have a whole lot of personal skin in this game Correll.

I see by your attempt to make it personal that you have no real challenge to my point.

Thus, your post is invalid, and my points stands.

In 1928 we were a vast exporter. NOw we are a vast importer.

Everyone that exports TO us, has a vested interest in NOT starting a trade war.

If they DO start a Trade War, it will fuck them up, vastly more than it does US.
There's little point attempting to carry on an intelligent debate with
He's got the grasp on world affairs/geopolitics/history of his LIB mother who homeschooled him.
Oh, I forgot. Trumpettes think that trade wars are GOOD for our economy, just like it was in 1928, and 1929.

How Trump's wall could beckon a global trade war

In 1928 we were a vast exporter. NOw we are a vast importer.

Everyone that exports TO us, has a vested interest in NOT starting a trade war.

If they DO start a Trade War, it will fuck them up, vastly more than it does US.

It is pretty obvious that you don't have a whole lot of personal skin in this game Correll.

I see by your attempt to make it personal that you have no real challenge to my point.

Thus, your post is invalid, and my points stands.

In 1928 we were a vast exporter. NOw we are a vast importer.

Everyone that exports TO us, has a vested interest in NOT starting a trade war.

If they DO start a Trade War, it will fuck them up, vastly more than it does US.

When Trump adopts an economic policy that is so bad that i sold my entire portfolio, it becomes personal. However, if one has no significant stock of their own, why should they care?

I suspect that you are of the later description.

Nothing in that statement supports your attempt to make me the topic, nor your previous position that Trump's policy is bad.

My point stands.

In 1928 we were a vast exporter. NOw we are a vast importer.

Everyone that exports TO us, has a vested interest in NOT starting a trade war.

If they DO start a Trade War, it will fuck them up, vastly more than it does US.

Well, by god, we'll fix those damned Mexicans, by forcing them to add 20% to the cost of everything we pay for their products!
His very first real step in the destruction of the America economy.

Once again, you're wrong.

Peso gets smacked after Mexican president cancels meeting in latest international Twitter spat

All Mexico had to do was cancel the fucking meeting and their fucking currency took a huge nose dive. It's fucking MEXICO that will be fucked if they don't cooperate, not us. How many fucking times do we have to tell you that shit? Our dollar is extremely strong, the fucking Peso is like wet tissue paper.

And they wanna try to be the big dog in the room? They never met a man like Trump. He's a business man and knows EXACTLY what he's doing. He's not afraid to do it and doesn't give a shit what anyone else says or thinks.
The orange clown is a fucked up psychotic who will embroil us in a trade war, and cause major trouble for the whole world's economy, including ours.
What part of Businesses will come /here/ are you missing? There's not going to be higher prices if businesses leave Europe and come here to sell to us.

Now I'll give you that businesses moving from Mexico to America will probably have to charge more - after all they pay shit wages in Mexico, but everyone who voted for Trump was welcoming that in the first place so it's not a factor. We'd prefer the American jobs to the savings.

Apparently those who can't understand what you are saying never passed high school economics, they only know what CNN or their Gov. controlled graphs tell them. :chillpill:
View attachment 108916

Trump proposing 20-percent tax on Mexican goods, Could fund wall

Guess that is one way to pay for it, do or die Trump is going to find a way for that wall.
And then Mexico imposes a 20% tax on our goods and takes the money right back.

Face it, American tax payers, and not Mexico, will be paying for that wall.
Do a little research on the US - Mexico trade imbalance and you'll discover how really stupid you are.

You were saying...?

Replace your old car now. When Trump is finished, it will be about 10% more expensive, even if they are assembled in the US, unless they can figure out how to assemble a car without most of the components that are built in Mexico. Forget about fresh fruits and veggies in the Winter.

Meantime, Mexico, which is already building a deep water port in Baja to handle the new generation of mega ships in the Pacific, will simply make China their main trading partner, rather than the US. That will be OK with China, because they have WalMart locked in, anyway. In fact, China ships more products to Walmart in the US than all the rest of the US combined. Since Mexico makes most of the components for our final products, like appliances and computers, the companies that will be hurt the most are American companies that buy that stuff. And those companies are owned by American investors, for the most part, so, the losers are the American investor, the American manufacturer, and the American consumer. Nice going, Trump.

China and mexico have both been benefiting screwing the shit out of US. Neither of them is going to be able to make that up from each other.

No way, no how.
China is simply the world's largest single market. And the US, with the present anti-science, anti-education stance in the government is going to be losing in the technology race. Now, thanks to the orange clown, we will lose in world trade. The orange clown and his minions are a lose-lose situation for the American citizen.
Damn how far has America fallen that Mexico's displeasure with us would cause all of Europe to abandon trade with us?

You people are idiots, seriously. No business on the planet gives a single fuck what Mexico blusters about, they want money and if America is buying, which we all know she is, I guarantee you they'll be selling to us.

Fuck yes, let the European governments start that trade war with the US, fucking pile on those tariffs over there, business will be back here in the US faster than you could believe - Trump's a god damned genius. He has the entire world by the balls and they all know it, it's fucking beautiful.
You are beyond insane, note to Nazi moron, the world could pass us up 2mar and do just fine...get off your pleasure boat of yesterday, times have changed, fool

We are the world's largest market and fucking everyone has a surplus with US, because we have been fools.

They will not be doing fine. They have been living in fear of the day we wake the fuck up, and that day is here.

That is what happens when DRUG LORDS control the Government.
And then Mexico imposes a 20% tax on our goods and takes the money right back.

Face it, American tax payers, and not Mexico, will be paying for that wall.
Do a little research on the US - Mexico trade imbalance and you'll discover how really stupid you are.

You were saying...?

Replace your old car now. When Trump is finished, it will be about 10% more expensive, even if they are assembled in the US, unless they can figure out how to assemble a car without most of the components that are built in Mexico. Forget about fresh fruits and veggies in the Winter.

Meantime, Mexico, which is already building a deep water port in Baja to handle the new generation of mega ships in the Pacific, will simply make China their main trading partner, rather than the US. That will be OK with China, because they have WalMart locked in, anyway. In fact, China ships more products to Walmart in the US than all the rest of the US combined. Since Mexico makes most of the components for our final products, like appliances and computers, the companies that will be hurt the most are American companies that buy that stuff. And those companies are owned by American investors, for the most part, so, the losers are the American investor, the American manufacturer, and the American consumer. Nice going, Trump.

China and mexico have both been benefiting screwing the shit out of US. Neither of them is going to be able to make that up from each other.

No way, no how.
China is simply the world's largest single market. And the US, with the present anti-science, anti-education stance in the government is going to be losing in the technology race. Now, thanks to the orange clown, we will lose in world trade. The orange clown and his minions are a lose-lose situation for the American citizen.

Imagine that I can actually agree with your clueless ass where China is concerned, and if we don't bow out where China is concerned those greedy bastards will own our nation. We've already sold our nation out to them via products, the making of products, the importing of their products etc.
In 1928 we were a vast exporter. NOw we are a vast importer.

Everyone that exports TO us, has a vested interest in NOT starting a trade war.

If they DO start a Trade War, it will fuck them up, vastly more than it does US.

It is pretty obvious that you don't have a whole lot of personal skin in this game Correll.

I see by your attempt to make it personal that you have no real challenge to my point.

Thus, your post is invalid, and my points stands.

In 1928 we were a vast exporter. NOw we are a vast importer.

Everyone that exports TO us, has a vested interest in NOT starting a trade war.

If they DO start a Trade War, it will fuck them up, vastly more than it does US.

When Trump adopts an economic policy that is so bad that i sold my entire portfolio, it becomes personal. However, if one has no significant stock of their own, why should they care?

I suspect that you are of the later description.

Nothing in that statement supports your attempt to make me the topic, nor your previous position that Trump's policy is bad.

My point stands.

In 1928 we were a vast exporter. NOw we are a vast importer.

Everyone that exports TO us, has a vested interest in NOT starting a trade war.

If they DO start a Trade War, it will fuck them up, vastly more than it does US.

Well, by god, we'll fix those damned Mexicans, by forcing them to add 20% to the cost of everything we pay for their products!
If you really believe the 100% corrupt mexican government has the slightest chance against President Trump you're fucking delusional pal.
President Trump craps bigger than Mexico's President.
MONTHS AGO Trump had a complete dossier on mexico's president.
President Trump knows EVERYTHING there is to know about the mexican president who is 100% OWNED by the cartels.
The best part is the mexican president KNOWS President Trump knows that mexico's president knows.
The mexican president has a 12% approval rating. I guess he didn't pass around enough LAa Zetas heroin money around to the right people in the press.
Has it dawned on the lunatics that nothing has been proposed yet?
Has it dawned on an idiot like you that words have consequences, that the clown has already set in motion forces that he cannot control?
Guess what you little cocksucker? "Elections have consequences".
If 5% of the baby murderers who 'marched' had got off their fat asses and voted for Hillary YOU would have had a BONOBO third term.
Once a loser always a loser!
Last edited:
In 1928 we were a vast exporter. NOw we are a vast importer.

Everyone that exports TO us, has a vested interest in NOT starting a trade war.

If they DO start a Trade War, it will fuck them up, vastly more than it does US.

It is pretty obvious that you don't have a whole lot of personal skin in this game Correll.

I see by your attempt to make it personal that you have no real challenge to my point.

Thus, your post is invalid, and my points stands.

In 1928 we were a vast exporter. NOw we are a vast importer.

Everyone that exports TO us, has a vested interest in NOT starting a trade war.

If they DO start a Trade War, it will fuck them up, vastly more than it does US.

When Trump adopts an economic policy that is so bad that i sold my entire portfolio, it becomes personal. However, if one has no significant stock of their own, why should they care?

I suspect that you are of the later description.

Nothing in that statement supports your attempt to make me the topic, nor your previous position that Trump's policy is bad.

My point stands.

In 1928 we were a vast exporter. NOw we are a vast importer.

Everyone that exports TO us, has a vested interest in NOT starting a trade war.

If they DO start a Trade War, it will fuck them up, vastly more than it does US.

Well, by god, we'll fix those damned Mexicans, by forcing them to add 20% to the cost of everything we pay for their products!

A twenty per cent tariff gives the Mexican exporter two choices.

1. Raise prices, thus passing along the coast. BUT that makes his exports less competitive and could cost him sales.


2. Absorb the cost of the tariff in reduced profits.

Both of these would be unpleasant for the Mexicans and provide revenue for the Wall.

Better if the Mexicans just give US what we want.
And then Mexico imposes a 20% tax on our goods and takes the money right back.

Face it, American tax payers, and not Mexico, will be paying for that wall.
Do a little research on the US - Mexico trade imbalance and you'll discover how really stupid you are.

You were saying...?

Replace your old car now. When Trump is finished, it will be about 10% more expensive, even if they are assembled in the US, unless they can figure out how to assemble a car without most of the components that are built in Mexico. Forget about fresh fruits and veggies in the Winter.

Meantime, Mexico, which is already building a deep water port in Baja to handle the new generation of mega ships in the Pacific, will simply make China their main trading partner, rather than the US. That will be OK with China, because they have WalMart locked in, anyway. In fact, China ships more products to Walmart in the US than all the rest of the US combined. Since Mexico makes most of the components for our final products, like appliances and computers, the companies that will be hurt the most are American companies that buy that stuff. And those companies are owned by American investors, for the most part, so, the losers are the American investor, the American manufacturer, and the American consumer. Nice going, Trump.

China and mexico have both been benefiting screwing the shit out of US. Neither of them is going to be able to make that up from each other.

No way, no how.
China is simply the world's largest single market. And the US, with the present anti-science, anti-education stance in the government is going to be losing in the technology race. Now, thanks to the orange clown, we will lose in world trade. The orange clown and his minions are a lose-lose situation for the American citizen.

1. China is not the world's largest single market, we are.

2. Trump's administration is not anti-science or anti education.

3 The US is doing fine in the technology race.

4. We have been losing in world trade for decades. Now we are fighting back.

5. This is for you, jerk.

It is pretty obvious that you don't have a whole lot of personal skin in this game Correll.

I see by your attempt to make it personal that you have no real challenge to my point.

Thus, your post is invalid, and my points stands.

In 1928 we were a vast exporter. NOw we are a vast importer.

Everyone that exports TO us, has a vested interest in NOT starting a trade war.

If they DO start a Trade War, it will fuck them up, vastly more than it does US.

When Trump adopts an economic policy that is so bad that i sold my entire portfolio, it becomes personal. However, if one has no significant stock of their own, why should they care?

I suspect that you are of the later description.

Nothing in that statement supports your attempt to make me the topic, nor your previous position that Trump's policy is bad.

My point stands.

In 1928 we were a vast exporter. NOw we are a vast importer.

Everyone that exports TO us, has a vested interest in NOT starting a trade war.

If they DO start a Trade War, it will fuck them up, vastly more than it does US.

Well, by god, we'll fix those damned Mexicans, by forcing them to add 20% to the cost of everything we pay for their products!

A twenty per cent tariff gives the Mexican exporter two choices.

1. Raise prices, thus passing along the coast. BUT that makes his exports less competitive and could cost him sales.


2. Absorb the cost of the tariff in reduced profits.

Both of these would be unpleasant for the Mexicans and provide revenue for the Wall.

Better if the Mexicans just give US what we want.

You seem to have forgotten choice 3. Sell your product to another nation with no tariff, instead. When the North cut off all Southern Cotton sales to Britain in the Civil War, the South fully expected that Britain would enter the war on their side. Instead, Britain discovered Egyptian cotton, which up until then, had no market, and the Southern economy did not recover for 100 years.
I see by your attempt to make it personal that you have no real challenge to my point.

Thus, your post is invalid, and my points stands.

In 1928 we were a vast exporter. NOw we are a vast importer.

Everyone that exports TO us, has a vested interest in NOT starting a trade war.

If they DO start a Trade War, it will fuck them up, vastly more than it does US.

When Trump adopts an economic policy that is so bad that i sold my entire portfolio, it becomes personal. However, if one has no significant stock of their own, why should they care?

I suspect that you are of the later description.

Nothing in that statement supports your attempt to make me the topic, nor your previous position that Trump's policy is bad.

My point stands.

In 1928 we were a vast exporter. NOw we are a vast importer.

Everyone that exports TO us, has a vested interest in NOT starting a trade war.

If they DO start a Trade War, it will fuck them up, vastly more than it does US.

Well, by god, we'll fix those damned Mexicans, by forcing them to add 20% to the cost of everything we pay for their products!

A twenty per cent tariff gives the Mexican exporter two choices.

1. Raise prices, thus passing along the coast. BUT that makes his exports less competitive and could cost him sales.


2. Absorb the cost of the tariff in reduced profits.

Both of these would be unpleasant for the Mexicans and provide revenue for the Wall.

Better if the Mexicans just give US what we want.

You seem to have forgotten choice 3. Sell your product to another nation with no tariff, instead. When the North cut off all Southern Cotton sales to Britain in the Civil War, the South fully expected that Britain would enter the war on their side. Instead, Britain discovered Egyptian cotton, which up until then, had no market, and the Southern economy did not recover for 100 years.

No other nation is prepared to put up with the one sided trade that Mexico has had with US.
Why yes, you did. And that of Britain, France, Germany, Ireland, and, in fact, the whole world. That is what happened after 1929. The orange clown definitely is trying to put us down that path.
Has Donald Trump ever read a history book, it must be wondered.

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