Trump pulling out of Paris Climate Accord

That's great news. Trump is making all the right decisions in order to make America great again.

We have oil surpluses and oil glut. We do not need anymore drilling. We have so much oil that he wants to sell the war time emergency furl that are stored in New Mexico and Texas caves.
Didn't you, Pismoe, Bri and Bear posting pristine of nice waterfalls national parks? How about Trump will drill those?
They are choking to death right now.

They aren't choking on CO2.


This proves you and your buddy Todd don't know what in the world what this topic is all about.
Yes they are not choking with CO2 but the emissions are releasing to the atmosphere is dangerous to the earth. And Coal industry is one of the culprits.
China just shut down 103 of their coal plants is a good progress. At the same time they are going after their factories of air pollutants and smogs.
You mean they cancelled the construction of 103 plants because they already have gross overcapacity.

You are a good example of a dense. You were talking about CO2 and pollution idiot. Read the link again.
CO2 is not pollution, moron. You claimed it was.

London's Mayor, Sadiq Khan is a Muslim. Think that might have an effect on his attitude? You know, as it did with petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama and his affection for Muslims?

Its the other way around. Mayor Khan didn't do or say anything about US or Trump------- but Trump attacked him because of his hate towards Muslim.
Trump is a good example of an unfit president, embarrassment to the world and all laughing at us. Trump cannot come close to the decency and brain of Obama.
That's great news. Trump is making all the right decisions in order to make America great again.

We have oil surpluses and oil glut. We do not need anymore drilling. We have so much oil that he wants to sell the war time emergency furl that are stored in New Mexico and Texas caves.
Didn't you, Pismoe, Bri and Bear posting pristine of nice waterfalls national parks? How about Trump will drill those?
Try speaking English.
Don't take my word for it---- go look it up and research it out. The Paris Accord is a scam to yet again like all other "deals" set forth in the past, just bilk more money out from the USA like a fat cow and put into the deep pockets of globalists! Want to know why people like Angela Merkel got that funny look on her face? Because for years AMERICAN POLITICIANS LIKE HILLARY CLINTON have been selling out their country for money, for a price, they will "cut you in." Now that Trump is here,. he IS NOT A PLAYER, he cannot be threatened or bribed.

ALL THESE OTHER COUNTRIES in EU and NATO, etc., PART OF THEIR ECONOMY IS LONG BEEN BASED ON SUCKING THE USA for MONEY!! Now that Trump is in, Merkel really meant it that for once, countries like Germany are really going to have to start carrying their own weight. And they are terrified.

Which is why they don't even want to hear anything about renegotiations. Like the UN, Trump will say America will do their part, but other countries have to do theirs. We will not do their part for them, and that's something they don't even want to discuss. They just want our money with a nice name like Paris Accord attached to it.
My God, you are that fucking stupid to believe Trump wants to renegotiate it when it can't be renegotiated?

Trump & you are too God damn stupid to know the Accord was all voluntary. If Trump is going to follow through on our commitment to lower our emissions, why pull out.

You & Trump are too God damn stupid top know that the leading country responsible for the high levels that exist today.

You & Trump are too God damn stupid top know that reducing emissions globally is better than just lowering ours ( Like the orange POS wants to lower our emissions).

Trump & you are too God damn stupid to get that providing these countries the technology & equipment is business for US corporations.

You & Trump are two of the dumbest people on the planet.

If you think we need some agreement with other countries to tell us what to do and how to do it, you're the stupid one. You want America to be like that guy with a good paying job that patrons a bar. Everybody runs up to him shaking his hand, giving him a hug, knowing he will buy them drinks all night long because he has the money.

Our country is 20 trillion dollars in debt. We are broke. Do you know what the word "broke" means? Broke means no money. Broke means in debt. Broke means failure. Why you leftists would choose failure all the time is beyond any reasonable persons ability to understand.

We can't afford to spend God knows how many billions (of money we don't have) on some stupid fairy tale like MMGW. You on the left always tell us to keep our religion in our church or at home, you should do the same with your beliefs. Don't involve our country in your stupid religion. If you want to lower your idiotic carbon footprint, buy a bike and ride it everywhere you go. Buy a windmill for your backyard. Take the bus everywhere you need to go. And in a hundred years from now, you can sit back and enjoy that .02% of cooler air.

God you people are dense.

In reality nobody is telling us anything Ray. We are the leader of this world not a dumb follower.
Taking about debt------- Since when you care about debt? Trump is wasting millions just by golfing, security and travel expenses of his family.
How about those small business that lost income every time he goes to Maralago?

Again are you saying that 7 out of 10 of Americans,CEOs, Conoco, Exxon etc etc etc blasting dumb Trump are all belong to the left are dense?
You are very wrong Ray.

Did you just get to this country or what?

Policies and politics changes with mood and vote of the people. We don't want some big-eared clown making policy that we can't get out of in the future. DumBama is gone, and Trump is trying to De-Bama the country.

When we voted the last several elections, we voted for change; not just change of the players, but change in the politics as well. We gave Republicans leadership of the Congress. We gave Republicans leadership of the Senate. We recently gave Republicans the White House. Why? Because we don't want Democrat policies anymore, and Democrat policies should not continue we we vote in Republican leadership.

Signing on to this Paris Accord gives Democrats the power over our environment no matter who is in leadership in the future. Trump rightfully stopped that. If the country wants change (as we do now) then we should not be bound by some stupid agreement that stops such change.

Yes, we are the leader of the world, and our leader is saying we act independently on this issue.
Bloomberg doesn't have the funds to pay for it.. He is a moron..

Yes he does. It's coming out from his own pocket dumb shit.
15 million doesn't even pay the interest that would compound on the unpaid debt. The Illegally Obama placed debt....

So you cannot prove your $380 billions and Germany $18 billions. You lied and don't shit what you are taking about.
Why do you people lie? Like Trump.

Bush pledged $2 billions as of May 2017 we only contributed $1 billions, others donated combined about $10.3 billions. That's a fact.

Unfortunately, not everyone was in on the joke. Determined to display “leadership,” President Obama made the classic mistake of the kid who hears everyone is going skinny-dipping, strips naked, plunges into the water, and then turns to find his dry and still-modest peers laughing from the shore as they run off with his clothes. While everyone else both literally and figuratively mailed in their commitments, the president pledged a dramatic reduction in U.S. emissions: 26 to 28 percent below their 2005 level by 2025. To further grease the skids of international diplomacy, he committed the United States to lead the transfer of $100 billion in annual “climate finance” from the developed world to the developing countries that are pledging nothing.

Read more at: Another Obama Legacy: Americans Will Pay Billions for a Useless Climate Agreement

You cannot prove your lies on the $380 billions and Germany $18 billions then double down by posting a worthless untrustworthy bias media national review. What a crap.

National Media: These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.

Right, because when you can't prove a story wrong, attack the source instead. Typical liberal strategy we see all the time.

So tell us, how much of our GDP would we have to pour into "green" under this agreement and how much money would that amount to? BTW, I never said anything about 380 billion or Germany.
They are choking to death right now.

They aren't choking on CO2.


This proves you and your buddy Todd don't know what in the world what this topic is all about.
Yes they are not choking with CO2 but the emissions are releasing to the atmosphere is dangerous to the earth. And Coal industry is one of the culprits.
China just shut down 103 of their coal plants is a good progress. At the same time they are going after their factories of air pollutants and smogs.
You mean they cancelled the construction of 103 plants because they already have gross overcapacity.

You are a good example of a dense. You were talking about CO2 and pollution idiot. Read the link again.

We are not taking about pollution
The similarities is when your house is full of toxic smoke------ Are you going to tolerate till it kills you? I cannot make any more dumber than this.

No, I will not. But what I won't do is sign an agreement with all my neighbors that I'll do something about it. I don't need them to control my own environment.
Ludicrous. Based from your post here you are trying to talk tough. In REALITY you don't know what you are talking about coming from racist like you. So your opinion I counted it as worthlessness

Oh with that racist shit already. The problem with you liberals is you never learn from your own mistakes. That's why you are a minority in Washington and states around the country. Insulting people by calling them racists only makes people hate you all the more. People are sick of your constant lies. But you people don't understand that. I'm willing to bet the next stupid F Democrat that runs for President will call half this country "deplorables" again or something close to it. And when you lose that election, you'll blame it on China or something.
They are choking to death right now.

They aren't choking on CO2.


This proves you and your buddy Todd don't know what in the world what this topic is all about.
Yes they are not choking with CO2 but the emissions are releasing to the atmosphere is dangerous to the earth. And Coal industry is one of the culprits.
China just shut down 103 of their coal plants is a good progress. At the same time they are going after their factories of air pollutants and smogs.

That's why you and the left is confused the Paris accord has nothing to do with has to do with a transfer of wealth..

London's Mayor, Sadiq Khan is a Muslim. Think that might have an effect on his attitude? You know, as it did with petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama and his affection for Muslims?

Its the other way around. Mayor Khan didn't do or say anything about US or Trump------- but Trump attacked him because of his hate towards Muslim.

Trump is a good example of an unfit president, embarrassment to the world and all laughing at us. Trump cannot come close to the decency and brain of Obama.
oh, he's a good example of someone you hate, but because he's doing what you don't approve of doesn't make him stupid NOR an embarrassment. it's much more embarrassing to see people dressed in black beating the shit out of trash cans screaming SHUT UP WE WANT FREE SPEECH.

and losing even those fights.

you troll around and find articles that make you warm cause you share in that mindset. great. you do that. but it's your own hate that's keeping you warm, not trumps "idiocy".
Why does NASA say Antarctica is losing ice?

Shrinking ice sheets

  • 40

    The Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets have decreased in mass. Data from NASA's Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment show Greenland lost 150 to 250 cubic kilometers (36 to 60 cubic miles) of ice per year between 2002 and 2006, while Antarctica lost about 152 cubic kilometers (36 cubic miles) of ice between 2002 and 2005.

Maybe this is part of the reason the Antarctic isn't the Arctic's "twin"
In the Antarctic, the currents and winds tend to flow without interruption around the continent in a west-to-east direction, acting like a barricade to warmer air and water to the north. In contrast, the Arctic region north of the Atlantic Ocean is open to the warmer waters from the south, because of the way the ocean currents flow. These warmer waters can flow into the Arctic and prevent sea ice from forming in the North Atlantic. The waters off the eastern coasts of Canada and Russia are affected by cold air moving off the land from the west. The eastern Canadian coast is also fed by southward-flowing cold water currents that make it easier for sea ice to grow.
Arctic vs. Antarctic | National Snow and Ice Data Center

Hurricanes are becoming less frequent but more intense. This includes cyclones in the Pacific.

1900 Galveston hurricane - Wikipedia
That's interesting. Does that make a point?

That's interesting.. You didn't know that?
That there was a hurricane in Galveston in 1900? I'm sorry that happened, but I still don't know your point. Katrina was a Cat #5.

Galveston killed over 6000 people.. How many did Katrina kill?

I don't know but in relation to the discussion here, it really doesn't matter. May they all RIP.
we don't know where the warming is coming from.

The FRAUD of Global (non) Warming is the deliberate misinterpretation of the URBAN HEAT SINK EFFECT on the SURFACE GROUND TEMPERATURE SERIES, the only series showing any warming in the RAW (unFUDGED) DATA.

As urban areas grow, they warm on the surface, as trees, grass and rocks are replaced with highways, warm buildings, factories etc.

The Urban Heat Island Effect

"The sun and the city make for dangerous heat. It's called the Urban Heat Island Effect.

It causes temperatures in the city to be 1 to 10 degrees warmer than in rural areas.

Asphalt, buildings, and the lack of trees create a hotter environment for people in urban areas."

And, so, if you just measure temps in the center of growing urban areas, you get "warming" even though the ATMOSPHERE is NOT WARMING....
Scientists take this into account. When they do, you morons have a fit.

Make up your mind.

That's interesting.. You didn't know that?
That there was a hurricane in Galveston in 1900? I'm sorry that happened, but I still don't know your point. Katrina was a Cat #5.

Galveston killed over 6000 people.. How many did Katrina kill?

I don't know but in relation to the discussion here, it really doesn't matter. May they all RIP.

It's all about you saying hurricanes are getting worse

You forgot about that statement?
we don't know where the warming is coming from.

The FRAUD of Global (non) Warming is the deliberate misinterpretation of the URBAN HEAT SINK EFFECT on the SURFACE GROUND TEMPERATURE SERIES, the only series showing any warming in the RAW (unFUDGED) DATA.

As urban areas grow, they warm on the surface, as trees, grass and rocks are replaced with highways, warm buildings, factories etc.

The Urban Heat Island Effect

"The sun and the city make for dangerous heat. It's called the Urban Heat Island Effect.

It causes temperatures in the city to be 1 to 10 degrees warmer than in rural areas.

Asphalt, buildings, and the lack of trees create a hotter environment for people in urban areas."

And, so, if you just measure temps in the center of growing urban areas, you get "warming" even though the ATMOSPHERE is NOT WARMING....
Scientists take this into account. When they do, you morons have a fit.

Make up your mind.

No they don't..
Don't take my word for it---- go look it up and research it out. The Paris Accord is a scam to yet again like all other "deals" set forth in the past, just bilk more money out from the USA like a fat cow and put into the deep pockets of globalists! Want to know why people like Angela Merkel got that funny look on her face? Because for years AMERICAN POLITICIANS LIKE HILLARY CLINTON have been selling out their country for money, for a price, they will "cut you in." Now that Trump is here,. he IS NOT A PLAYER, he cannot be threatened or bribed.

ALL THESE OTHER COUNTRIES in EU and NATO, etc., PART OF THEIR ECONOMY IS LONG BEEN BASED ON SUCKING THE USA for MONEY!! Now that Trump is in, Merkel really meant it that for once, countries like Germany are really going to have to start carrying their own weight. And they are terrified.

Which is why they don't even want to hear anything about renegotiations. Like the UN, Trump will say America will do their part, but other countries have to do theirs. We will not do their part for them, and that's something they don't even want to discuss. They just want our money with a nice name like Paris Accord attached to it.
My God, you are that fucking stupid to believe Trump wants to renegotiate it when it can't be renegotiated?

Trump & you are too God damn stupid to know the Accord was all voluntary. If Trump is going to follow through on our commitment to lower our emissions, why pull out.

You & Trump are too God damn stupid top know that the leading country responsible for the high levels that exist today.

You & Trump are too God damn stupid top know that reducing emissions globally is better than just lowering ours ( Like the orange POS wants to lower our emissions).

Trump & you are too God damn stupid to get that providing these countries the technology & equipment is business for US corporations.

You & Trump are two of the dumbest people on the planet.

If you think we need some agreement with other countries to tell us what to do and how to do it, you're the stupid one. You want America to be like that guy with a good paying job that patrons a bar. Everybody runs up to him shaking his hand, giving him a hug, knowing he will buy them drinks all night long because he has the money.

Our country is 20 trillion dollars in debt. We are broke. Do you know what the word "broke" means? Broke means no money. Broke means in debt. Broke means failure. Why you leftists would choose failure all the time is beyond any reasonable persons ability to understand.

We can't afford to spend God knows how many billions (of money we don't have) on some stupid fairy tale like MMGW. You on the left always tell us to keep our religion in our church or at home, you should do the same with your beliefs. Don't involve our country in your stupid religion. If you want to lower your idiotic carbon footprint, buy a bike and ride it everywhere you go. Buy a windmill for your backyard. Take the bus everywhere you need to go. And in a hundred years from now, you can sit back and enjoy that .02% of cooler air.

God you people are dense.

In reality nobody is telling us anything Ray. We are the leader of this world not a dumb follower.
Taking about debt------- Since when you care about debt? Trump is wasting millions just by golfing, security and travel expenses of his family.
How about those small business that lost income every time he goes to Maralago?

Again are you saying that 7 out of 10 of Americans,CEOs, Conoco, Exxon etc etc etc blasting dumb Trump are all belong to the left are dense?
You are very wrong Ray.

Did you just get to this country or what?

Policies and politics changes with mood and vote of the people. We don't want some big-eared clown making policy that we can't get out of in the future. DumBama is gone, and Trump is trying to De-Bama the country.

When we voted the last several elections, we voted for change; not just change of the players, but change in the politics as well. We gave Republicans leadership of the Congress. We gave Republicans leadership of the Senate. We recently gave Republicans the White House. Why? Because we don't want Democrat policies anymore, and Democrat policies should not continue we we vote in Republican leadership.

Signing on to this Paris Accord gives Democrats the power over our environment no matter who is in leadership in the future. Trump rightfully stopped that. If the country wants change (as we do now) then we should not be bound by some stupid agreement that stops such change.

Yes, we are the leader of the world, and our leader is saying we act independently on this issue.

I get it. When Obama was President you had a freaking fit when he used EOs or negotiated agreements & here you re cheering when El Dumpster does it.

How much shit has your orange hero done against popular opinion & on his own.

What is El Cheeto's polling? How many people agree with his shit?

According to you, he shoulds not do any of this shit.

He lost the popular vote so most Americans don't want his fat ass anywhere near the White House.
That there was a hurricane in Galveston in 1900? I'm sorry that happened, but I still don't know your point. Katrina was a Cat #5.

It was NOT a Cat 5 when it struck New Orleans. Former Mayor and now convict waited until it was too late to evacuate the low areas of the city. They had known their levees would not survive a such a storm. He and Governor Blanco created a total disaster resulting in massive numbers of lives lost needlessly.
Who gives a shit, Markle? Wrong thread. Wrong year. Wrong everything.
We have data and fudge regarding Antarctica.

We went to court 10 years ago on that issue, and the court sided with the data over the fudge...

Official British Court Finds 11 Inaccuracies in Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth, Labels It As Political Propaganda

  • The film suggests that the Antarctic ice covering is melting, the evidence was that it is in fact increasing.

  • The film suggests that evidence from ice cores proves that rising CO2 causes temperature increases over 650,000 years. The Court found that the film was misleading: over that period the rises in CO2 lagged behind the temperature rises by 800-2000 years."

Algore's side never appealed. The verdict stood. The left just started lying and fudging again....
Why does NASA say the Antarctic ice is decreasing?
You know what I think? I think you ask questions and if anyone answers them you ignore it.
NASA has a better view than climate change deniers that have their heads up their ass.
Dramatic Nasa images show the staggering loss of ice at the south pole | Daily Mail Online

Those people can never make up their minds:

New NASA Data Blow Gaping Hole In Global Warming Alarmism
If there's a good point here anywhere, you just put your finger on it. Scientists don't look for the answer to uphold their theories. They report the facts.
Face it, it you were actually educated, you would not be duped by Trump and not be such a stupid, ignorant climate change denier

First of all, I am not a "denier." Rather, I explain what does cause climate change on Earth, and how that proof rules out CO2 as a cause.

But to comprehend that, you would have to have an IQ over 10, and you do not.
If you are correct that CO2 is not a cause of climate change then why are the major oil companies who for years were climate change deniers now on board with taking action to reduce CO2 in the atmosphere? Shell is now putting millions every year into climate change research. BP is a major investor in alternative energy. Big Oil does not invest in hoaxes.

Chevron website
“The responsibility of controlling greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions must be shared equitably by the top emitting countries of the world through long-term and coordinated national frameworks.”

ConocoPhillips website
Climate Change
“We recognize that human activity, including the burning of fossil fuels, is contributing to increased concentrations of greenhouse gas (GHG) in the atmosphere that can lead to adverse changes in global climate.”

BP website
Climate Change
“BP believes that climate change is an important long-term issue that justifies global action.” "We have guidance for existing operations and projects on how to assess potential risks and impacts from a changing climate to enable mitigation steps to be incorporated into project planning, design and operations.”

ExxonMobil website
“The risk of climate change is clear and the risk warrants action.” William Colton, ExxonMobil’s vice president of corporate strategic planning.

Shell website and reports
Climate Change
“CO2 emissions must be reduced to avoid serious climate change. To manage CO2, governments and industry must work together. Government action is needed and we support an international framework that puts a price on CO2, encouraging the use of all CO2-reducing technologies.”

Oil Company Positions on the Reality and Risk of Climate Change — Enviromental Studies

All these companies aren't taking these positions out of the goodness of their hearts. They want to be paid by any country who wants to reduce their emissions. which is pretty smart when you think about it. They make big money polluting the planet and are trying to make more money unpolluting it. When you read about CO2 reducing technologies, these companies don't do it for free.
Fine, but I'll take it.

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