Trump pulling out of Paris Climate Accord

1. I did not make any error liar Ray. Instead of whining and bull shiting Ray and trying to deny you lied ----- Why not just bring up the post or tell me what post number? What the hell is wrong with you dude?

Nothing. Post number 2299, here is what you accused me of:

You cannot prove your lies on the $380 billions and Germany $18 billions then double down by posting a worthless untrustworthy bias media national review. What a crap.

There. Now let's see you lie your way out of this one.

I mean exactly what I said Ray and I don't need to lie just like you to prove a point.

So let me repeat it to your thick skull. I blasted your friend billybob for lying about $380B and the $18B going to Germany. You quoted me in the same spot-------- Then you supported his lies all the way. That makes you the same LIAR. That's a fact Ray.

A lot of you here plugged in a lot of lies just to support a pathological liar president. Trump knew that whatever he says to the public wrong or lies his core supporters will support him. WITHOUT QUESTIONING HIS FACTS. Very sick and sad.

Wrong liar. You accused me of saying 380 billion, not that I agreed or disagreed with it. I swear, only a liberal could look into the eyes of Jesus and lie to him. I posted your exact quote and you're still not man enough to admit you were wrong. But then again, liberals never can, they have no integrity.

I didn't lie dude. I mean exactly what I said-------- You supported a liar that claimed $380B that makes you a liar It's that simple. Why don't you just admit it dude because you can twerked your ass however you want you are a LIAR.

Actually you did supported a lot of lies that from your friends here but mostly you supported a fucking lying president. So what is your excuse LIAR Ray?
1. I did not make any error liar Ray. Instead of whining and bull shiting Ray and trying to deny you lied ----- Why not just bring up the post or tell me what post number? What the hell is wrong with you dude?

Nothing. Post number 2299, here is what you accused me of:

You cannot prove your lies on the $380 billions and Germany $18 billions then double down by posting a worthless untrustworthy bias media national review. What a crap.

There. Now let's see you lie your way out of this one.

I mean exactly what I said Ray and I don't need to lie just like you to prove a point.

So let me repeat it to your thick skull. I blasted your friend billybob for lying about $380B and the $18B going to Germany. You quoted me in the same spot-------- Then you supported his lies all the way. That makes you the same LIAR. That's a fact Ray.

A lot of you here plugged in a lot of lies just to support a pathological liar president. Trump knew that whatever he says to the public wrong or lies his core supporters will support him. WITHOUT QUESTIONING HIS FACTS. Very sick and sad.

Wrong liar. You accused me of saying 380 billion, not that I agreed or disagreed with it. I swear, only a liberal could look into the eyes of Jesus and lie to him. I posted your exact quote and you're still not man enough to admit you were wrong. But then again, liberals never can, they have no integrity.

I didn't lie dude. I mean exactly what I said-------- You supported a liar that claimed $380B that makes you a liar It's that simple. Why don't you just admit it dude because you can twerked your ass however you want you are a LIAR.

Actually you did supported a lot of lies that from your friends here but mostly you supported a fucking lying president. So what is your excuse LIAR Ray?

I swear you are a poster child to be against public schools. I quoted your post and you still think you can BS me into believing that's what you meant. You didn't mean my rating, you screwed up by confusing me with somebody else but not man enough to admit your mistake.

Sent from my iPhone using
Then it must be that employment has gone way up and the stock market soaring in the past several months because everyone is relieved Hillary and the democrats are finally out of the White House!!!

Or maybe, finally, Obama's trickle down economics has finally kicked in--- --- he has finally made all HIS money and can now start letting the rest of the country make a little as well.

Report: Trump Rolls Back $60 Billion More in Regulatory Savings - Washington Free Beacon

Right on brother coming Washington Free Beacon. Getting --------- desperate there Ray. WFB is no more than a right wing alt right bias media.

Washington Free Beacon: These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.

Factual Reporting: MIXED

So what you are saying is that Trump did not reduce regulations that saved industry billions? So what sources would you like me to post? There are plenty of them you know.

DumBama may have had a job growth, but no jobs worth mentioning. That's why the push for a higher minimum wage; because those are the only jobs created under his administration.

I'm 57 years old, and I can testify that DumBama was the most anti-business President in my lifetime. He closed down the Gulf, he closed down the coal industry, he attacked electric companies, he stopped Indian reservation tobacco sales, he attacked Gibson Guitars, he attacked Boeing, he closed down roll-your-own cigarette shops across the country, he closed down car dealerships, he created bank regulations that stunted their growth, he attacked credit card companies, he had government take over college loans, he inflicted his expensive socialist healthcare polices on businesses........

What Trump is doing is reversing all the damage DumBama did and then some. You can't create real jobs by spending eight years attacking job creators.

Let me explain something to you: government doesn't create jobs--private industry creates jobs. All government can do is make it more or less inviting for private industry to do so. Now can you name me one policy of DumBama's that inspired industry to do that????

You don't need me to post multiple links on Trump's reversal of DumBama's anti-businees policies. Just Google it yourself.

You are dumber then I thought Ray. Your opinion are based from nonsense and hatred coming from a racist asshole. Based from your admission you are racist and proud of it. So what that means to all your post? Purely nonsense and idiotic Ray. But I will entertain it for the sake of your ignorance.

I asked you a many questions Ray and so far you and your other ignorant buddies here can not answer my questions----- WHY? Because most are lying trying to defend your fucking LIAR president. Your have no fucking clue what you are talking Ray. Nothing.
I posted real fact links about China ----- You and the rest so far has not posted anything to counter it. Another question-------- What evidence do you have that China is not doing anything before 2030 aside from LIAR TRUMP and you Ray? Read the link from Wikipedia dumb shit.

Renewable energy in China - Wikipedia

From you Obama shut down the coal industry----------- Obama NEVER closed down coal industry NEVER. Another question----- How did Obama shut down coal industry Ray? Coal industry are free to extract as much as they want and export as much as they want. But the demand of coal in US are way down because of natural gas that are easier, cheaper to extract ( mostly from Permian Basin) and cleaner plus the booming business of reusable energy. In order for dumb liar Trump to reverse that ------- You need to shut down natural gas and reusable energy. That's the reality. Read the link dumb shit.

Coal mining in the United States - Wikipedia

How the hell can you say that Obama did not create jobs? One example alone ------- because of push green house by Obama reusable energy it created 374,000 jobs. Despite of the recession and total sabotaged by the Republicans and idiots like you for 8 years Obama created over 11 millions jobs. Unemployment came down last year economy are booming that is before lying Trump came to power. Obama's popularity here in US and overseas are very impressive.
If Obama is attacking job creators -------- then we should be still in recession in 2015 and 2016. You lied again Ray.
Trump popularity here and overseas? OMG OMG OMG. As far as attacking------- Trump attack and threatening every one even the jobs creators.
What jobs did Trump created? Explain.

Solar Employs More People In U.S. Electricity Generation Than Oil, Coal And Gas Combined
Like I've always said, an all of the above policy is best.
It's fucking retarded just to go with renewable energy, and abandon what we've built up here in the northern plains.
Renewable energy is not feasible in many parts of the country… Fuck face
So take your manbearpig worship and shove it up your fucking ass...

Really? I feel sorry for you Rustic. I really am because of your ignorance.

You don't even understand what in the world you talking about let alone talk to me about reusable energy. Yes there are part of the country that reusable energy are useless------BUT the natural gas is taking over Rustic.
In reality natural gas is the biggest culprits in killing coal industry. That's a fact Rustic.
The coal industry will die by itself because natural gas.
Any question?

Right on brother coming Washington Free Beacon. Getting --------- desperate there Ray. WFB is no more than a right wing alt right bias media.

Washington Free Beacon: These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.

Factual Reporting: MIXED

So what you are saying is that Trump did not reduce regulations that saved industry billions? So what sources would you like me to post? There are plenty of them you know.

DumBama may have had a job growth, but no jobs worth mentioning. That's why the push for a higher minimum wage; because those are the only jobs created under his administration.

I'm 57 years old, and I can testify that DumBama was the most anti-business President in my lifetime. He closed down the Gulf, he closed down the coal industry, he attacked electric companies, he stopped Indian reservation tobacco sales, he attacked Gibson Guitars, he attacked Boeing, he closed down roll-your-own cigarette shops across the country, he closed down car dealerships, he created bank regulations that stunted their growth, he attacked credit card companies, he had government take over college loans, he inflicted his expensive socialist healthcare polices on businesses........

What Trump is doing is reversing all the damage DumBama did and then some. You can't create real jobs by spending eight years attacking job creators.

Let me explain something to you: government doesn't create jobs--private industry creates jobs. All government can do is make it more or less inviting for private industry to do so. Now can you name me one policy of DumBama's that inspired industry to do that????

You don't need me to post multiple links on Trump's reversal of DumBama's anti-businees policies. Just Google it yourself.

You are dumber then I thought Ray. Your opinion are based from nonsense and hatred coming from a racist asshole. Based from your admission you are racist and proud of it. So what that means to all your post? Purely nonsense and idiotic Ray. But I will entertain it for the sake of your ignorance.

I asked you a many questions Ray and so far you and your other ignorant buddies here can not answer my questions----- WHY? Because most are lying trying to defend your fucking LIAR president. Your have no fucking clue what you are talking Ray. Nothing.
I posted real fact links about China ----- You and the rest so far has not posted anything to counter it. Another question-------- What evidence do you have that China is not doing anything before 2030 aside from LIAR TRUMP and you Ray? Read the link from Wikipedia dumb shit.

Renewable energy in China - Wikipedia

From you Obama shut down the coal industry----------- Obama NEVER closed down coal industry NEVER. Another question----- How did Obama shut down coal industry Ray? Coal industry are free to extract as much as they want and export as much as they want. But the demand of coal in US are way down because of natural gas that are easier, cheaper to extract ( mostly from Permian Basin) and cleaner plus the booming business of reusable energy. In order for dumb liar Trump to reverse that ------- You need to shut down natural gas and reusable energy. That's the reality. Read the link dumb shit.

Coal mining in the United States - Wikipedia

How the hell can you say that Obama did not create jobs? One example alone ------- because of push green house by Obama reusable energy it created 374,000 jobs. Despite of the recession and total sabotaged by the Republicans and idiots like you for 8 years Obama created over 11 millions jobs. Unemployment came down last year economy are booming that is before lying Trump came to power. Obama's popularity here in US and overseas are very impressive.
If Obama is attacking job creators -------- then we should be still in recession in 2015 and 2016. You lied again Ray.
Trump popularity here and overseas? OMG OMG OMG. As far as attacking------- Trump attack and threatening every one even the jobs creators.
What jobs did Trump created? Explain.

Solar Employs More People In U.S. Electricity Generation Than Oil, Coal And Gas Combined
Like I've always said, an all of the above policy is best.
It's fucking retarded just to go with renewable energy, and abandon what we've built up here in the northern plains.
Renewable energy is not feasible in many parts of the country… Fuck face
So take your manbearpig worship and shove it up your fucking ass...

Really? I feel sorry for you Rustic. I really am because of your ignorance.

You don't even understand what in the world you talking about let alone talk to me about reusable energy. Yes there are part of the country that reusable energy are useless------BUT the natural gas is taking over Rustic.
In reality natural gas is the biggest culprits in killing coal industry. That's a fact Rustic.
The coal industry will die by itself because natural gas.
Any question?

That's only IF natural gas prices stay lower than coal, and you can thank fracking (another thing environmentalists are against) for those lower prices.
1. I did not make any error liar Ray. Instead of whining and bull shiting Ray and trying to deny you lied ----- Why not just bring up the post or tell me what post number? What the hell is wrong with you dude?

Nothing. Post number 2299, here is what you accused me of:

You cannot prove your lies on the $380 billions and Germany $18 billions then double down by posting a worthless untrustworthy bias media national review. What a crap.

There. Now let's see you lie your way out of this one.

I mean exactly what I said Ray and I don't need to lie just like you to prove a point.

So let me repeat it to your thick skull. I blasted your friend billybob for lying about $380B and the $18B going to Germany. You quoted me in the same spot-------- Then you supported his lies all the way. That makes you the same LIAR. That's a fact Ray.

A lot of you here plugged in a lot of lies just to support a pathological liar president. Trump knew that whatever he says to the public wrong or lies his core supporters will support him. WITHOUT QUESTIONING HIS FACTS. Very sick and sad.

Wrong liar. You accused me of saying 380 billion, not that I agreed or disagreed with it. I swear, only a liberal could look into the eyes of Jesus and lie to him. I posted your exact quote and you're still not man enough to admit you were wrong. But then again, liberals never can, they have no integrity.

I didn't lie dude. I mean exactly what I said-------- You supported a liar that claimed $380B that makes you a liar It's that simple. Why don't you just admit it dude because you can twerked your ass however you want you are a LIAR.

Actually you did supported a lot of lies that from your friends here but mostly you supported a fucking lying president. So what is your excuse LIAR Ray?

I swear you are a poster child to be against public schools. I quoted your post and you still think you can BS me into believing that's what you meant. You didn't mean my rating, you screwed up by confusing me with somebody else but not man enough to admit your mistake.

Sent from my iPhone using

No I did not made a mistake and I already told you here repeatedly. You supported a liar that makes you a LIAR it's that simple.

Ray if I made mistake I will apologize like I did in the past with others. But I have no mercy for a racist piece of garbage like you.
Nothing. Post number 2299, here is what you accused me of:

There. Now let's see you lie your way out of this one.

I mean exactly what I said Ray and I don't need to lie just like you to prove a point.

So let me repeat it to your thick skull. I blasted your friend billybob for lying about $380B and the $18B going to Germany. You quoted me in the same spot-------- Then you supported his lies all the way. That makes you the same LIAR. That's a fact Ray.

A lot of you here plugged in a lot of lies just to support a pathological liar president. Trump knew that whatever he says to the public wrong or lies his core supporters will support him. WITHOUT QUESTIONING HIS FACTS. Very sick and sad.

Wrong liar. You accused me of saying 380 billion, not that I agreed or disagreed with it. I swear, only a liberal could look into the eyes of Jesus and lie to him. I posted your exact quote and you're still not man enough to admit you were wrong. But then again, liberals never can, they have no integrity.

I didn't lie dude. I mean exactly what I said-------- You supported a liar that claimed $380B that makes you a liar It's that simple. Why don't you just admit it dude because you can twerked your ass however you want you are a LIAR.

Actually you did supported a lot of lies that from your friends here but mostly you supported a fucking lying president. So what is your excuse LIAR Ray?

I swear you are a poster child to be against public schools. I quoted your post and you still think you can BS me into believing that's what you meant. You didn't mean my rating, you screwed up by confusing me with somebody else but not man enough to admit your mistake.

Sent from my iPhone using

No I did not made a mistake and I already told you here repeatedly. You supported a liar that makes you a LIAR it's that simple.

Ray if I made mistake I will apologize like I did in the past with others. But I have no mercy for a racist piece of garbage like you.

You are a real gutless wonder, you know that? Here it is a gain, and if you like, we can go word by word:

You cannot prove your lies on the $380 billions

So how could I lie about something I didn't say, can you explain that one? Thanking a post, agreeing with a post, laughing at a post is not making the statement.
China current activities reducing their emissions, air and land pollutants.

2011 Invested $257 billions in reusable energy.
China Leads The World In Renewable Energy Investment

2015 Invested $103 Billions.
China is about to kick America's butt in renewable energy

2020 Invested $361 Billions
China is about to kick America's butt in renewable energy

Renewable energy in China - Wikipedia

How smog is killing thousands daily in China | Asia | DW | 17.08.2015

How smog is killing thousands daily in China
A new US study found that air pollution kills about 4,000 Chinese people a day. But what are the main contributors and is Beijing doing enough to tackle the issue? DW spoke to the authors of the study.
Bad air contributes to 1.6 million deaths a year or roughly 17 percent of all deaths in China, according to a scientific paper recently published by independent research group Berkeley Earth.

China's Surprising Solutions to Clear Killer Air

To say China is not doing anything till
2030 is an example how Trump conned and lied to Americans. The sad and frustrating part is ------ You believed a pathological liar --------- etched to your brains like a bible without even questioning. People are dying why in the world the Chinese are not doing anything?
This thread is a good example how Trump followers are very poorly informed. Sad.

Let me guess you are part of the blue moon foundation


Truth hurts Bear?

So you admit it you are part of blue moon


I mean exactly what I said Ray and I don't need to lie just like you to prove a point.

So let me repeat it to your thick skull. I blasted your friend billybob for lying about $380B and the $18B going to Germany. You quoted me in the same spot-------- Then you supported his lies all the way. That makes you the same LIAR. That's a fact Ray.

A lot of you here plugged in a lot of lies just to support a pathological liar president. Trump knew that whatever he says to the public wrong or lies his core supporters will support him. WITHOUT QUESTIONING HIS FACTS. Very sick and sad.

Wrong liar. You accused me of saying 380 billion, not that I agreed or disagreed with it. I swear, only a liberal could look into the eyes of Jesus and lie to him. I posted your exact quote and you're still not man enough to admit you were wrong. But then again, liberals never can, they have no integrity.

I didn't lie dude. I mean exactly what I said-------- You supported a liar that claimed $380B that makes you a liar It's that simple. Why don't you just admit it dude because you can twerked your ass however you want you are a LIAR.

Actually you did supported a lot of lies that from your friends here but mostly you supported a fucking lying president. So what is your excuse LIAR Ray?

I swear you are a poster child to be against public schools. I quoted your post and you still think you can BS me into believing that's what you meant. You didn't mean my rating, you screwed up by confusing me with somebody else but not man enough to admit your mistake.

Sent from my iPhone using

No I did not made a mistake and I already told you here repeatedly. You supported a liar that makes you a LIAR it's that simple.

Ray if I made mistake I will apologize like I did in the past with others. But I have no mercy for a racist piece of garbage like you.

You are a real gutless wonder, you know that? Here it is a gain, and if you like, we can go word by word:

You cannot prove your lies on the $380 billions

So how could I lie about something I didn't say, can you explain that one? Thanking a post, agreeing with a post, laughing at a post is not making the statement.

I didn't stutter. Repeat it again. You supported a liar that makes you a liar.
In reality a lot of lies was plugged in and you supported them as well. You can call It however you want----- but doesn't change a thing----- You are still
A liar.
I mean exactly what I said Ray and I don't need to lie just like you to prove a point.

So let me repeat it to your thick skull. I blasted your friend billybob for lying about $380B and the $18B going to Germany. You quoted me in the same spot-------- Then you supported his lies all the way. That makes you the same LIAR. That's a fact Ray.

A lot of you here plugged in a lot of lies just to support a pathological liar president. Trump knew that whatever he says to the public wrong or lies his core supporters will support him. WITHOUT QUESTIONING HIS FACTS. Very sick and sad.

Wrong liar. You accused me of saying 380 billion, not that I agreed or disagreed with it. I swear, only a liberal could look into the eyes of Jesus and lie to him. I posted your exact quote and you're still not man enough to admit you were wrong. But then again, liberals never can, they have no integrity.

I didn't lie dude. I mean exactly what I said-------- You supported a liar that claimed $380B that makes you a liar It's that simple. Why don't you just admit it dude because you can twerked your ass however you want you are a LIAR.

Actually you did supported a lot of lies that from your friends here but mostly you supported a fucking lying president. So what is your excuse LIAR Ray?

I swear you are a poster child to be against public schools. I quoted your post and you still think you can BS me into believing that's what you meant. You didn't mean my rating, you screwed up by confusing me with somebody else but not man enough to admit your mistake.

Sent from my iPhone using

No I did not made a mistake and I already told you here repeatedly. You supported a liar that makes you a LIAR it's that simple.

Ray if I made mistake I will apologize like I did in the past with others. But I have no mercy for a racist piece of garbage like you.

You are a real gutless wonder, you know that? Here it is a gain, and if you like, we can go word by word:

You cannot prove your lies on the $380 billions

So how could I lie about something I didn't say, can you explain that one? Thanking a post, agreeing with a post, laughing at a post is not making the statement.

You just said agreeing with a post------ What is that mean liar Ray? Exactly what I just said. You supported a liar that makes you a liar.

Gutless wonder?
Didn't I just shut up just about every one of you Trump snowflakes here?
NOT a single one of you answered my questions about this topic. NOBODY.

The problem is when Trump making all these lies-------- It's like OMG OMG OMG ------ Trump discovered North America.
I didn't stutter. Repeat it again. You supported a liar that makes you a liar.

No it does not. Just admit that you're not man enough to own up to your mistakes. Typical lib......

Ray. You can take however or whatever you want. You can shove it to your ass or your face. I don't give a shit and I don't care.
As I said ------- I don't have mercy for a RACIST PIECE OF SHIT LIKE YOU.
You got that?
I didn't stutter. Repeat it again. You supported a liar that makes you a liar.

No it does not. Just admit that you're not man enough to own up to your mistakes. Typical lib......

Ray. You can take however or whatever you want. You can shove it to your ass or your face. I don't give a shit and I don't care.
As I said ------- I don't have mercy for a RACIST PIECE OF SHIT LIKE YOU.
You got that?

I could care less who you have mercy for. Take an English class if you don't understand our language.
It is a treaty. Do I have to post it again?
Please do not repost your crock of shit, stupid argumrent that it is a treaty. We have numerous agreeements around the world that are not treaties.
Lets compare then. Name one.
Lol, you mean the one that got ratified by Congress? Genius, dave. Fucking genius :lol:

I feel like I'm down at the creek fishing for suckers.

1) The second "A" in NAFTA stands for "Agreement".

2) Congress failed to ratify NAFTA (defeated by Democrats)

3) The terms of NAFTA were written in a bill & passed by the Republican Congress & Bill Clinton signed it.

4) So it is not a treaty because it was never ratified

Now, don't you look like a big, giant asshole?

The second "A" in NAFTA stands for "Agreement".

Was the Paris Accord an agreement?

The terms of NAFTA were written in a bill & passed by the Republican Congress & Bill Clinton signed it.

How many votes did the Paris Accord receive in Congress? When did Obama sign it?
Waste money on stupid ideas. Like what?

Like whatever "green energy" scheme that will cost millions and reduce CO2 emissions by dozens of pounds.

This has been going before the mayor was elected so why would they not vote for him by saving the planet

The mayor of Pittsburgh is going to save the planet?

Wrong answer Todd. Mayors only support clean air, reusable energy and using natural gas instead of coal. They do not have the power to reduce emissions because they mayors do not run fossil fuel industries like Exxon, ConocoPhillips or BP.
But mayors and governors came out in support of the Paris accord agreement. Telling Trump fuck you.
So let me ask you again. Waste money on stupid ideas------- Like what?
Try again.

Mayors only support clean air, reusable energy and using natural gas instead of coal.

That's just so awesome!
So what can this idiot actually do to clean the air?
Be specific.

But mayors and governors came out in support of the Paris accord agreement.

Their support and $5 can get you a yummy drink at Starbucks.

Wrong again Too. Keep trying.

So what can this idiot actually do to clean the air?
Be specific.

Go back and read the thread again Tod because you are now wasting my time trying to give me your nonsense rebuttal. Go.

The mayor can't clean the air.
Don't waste your time trying to show he can.
1.First off, Commie Care is a disaster. Yesterday, Anthem Blue Shield announced they are pulling out of our state.

2. Secondly, you don't know how many Americans want to keep the Paris Accord. There was one poll on it and it wasn't a very large poll either. There was no explanation how the poll was conducted, and outside of political junkies like ourselves, most people don't know what the Paris Accord is. But people don't want to look stupid when asked a question, so they give any kind of answer.

3. Thirdly, you've been brainwashed by your puppet masters that all CEOs are conservative Republicans. There are a lot of liberals in the business world like Gates, Buffett, the late Steve Jobs.

Sent from my iPhone using

1. There are no such thing as Commie Care. Try again.
2. You are right a lot of people don't have a clue about the Paris accord and the climate change. You are a proof of that. Trumpeters doesn't give a shit what Trump is talking about--------- they believe every lies whatever comes out from his mouth. That includes climate change. Sadly.
You are Wrong. Support of saving this planet here in US and globally is very high. Even Iranians will tell you that. There are several polls run who opposed and supported this accord. Update yourself Ray.

3. Is that include the fossil fuel industries CEOs that are culprits of releasing emissions supports the Paris Accord? Including Tillerson. Sad.
We don't have a puppet master Ray ------ Trump is a good example of a puppet. Sadly.

You don't have a faintest clue what you are talking about Ray.

Support of saving this planet here in US and globally is very high

It's so high among Greens that they'll support every expensive, unreliable source of energy, but won't support reliable nuclear energy.

Wrong answer. Try again and harder.

You support nuclear?
Or is that worse than CO2?

Did I say that?

So say it.
Please do not repost your crock of shit, stupid argumrent that it is a treaty. We have numerous agreeements around the world that are not treaties.
Lets compare then. Name one.
Lol, you mean the one that got ratified by Congress? Genius, dave. Fucking genius :lol:

I feel like I'm down at the creek fishing for suckers.

1) The second "A" in NAFTA stands for "Agreement".

2) Congress failed to ratify NAFTA (defeated by Democrats)

3) The terms of NAFTA were written in a bill & passed by the Republican Congress & Bill Clinton signed it.

4) So it is not a treaty because it was never ratified

Now, don't you look like a big, giant asshole?

The second "A" in NAFTA stands for "Agreement".

Was the Paris Accord an agreement?

The terms of NAFTA were written in a bill & passed by the Republican Congress & Bill Clinton signed it.

How many votes did the Paris Accord receive in Congress? When did Obama sign it?

The Paris Accord was an agreement.

Republicans did not need to bring it up because it was not a treaty.
Lets compare then. Name one.
Lol, you mean the one that got ratified by Congress? Genius, dave. Fucking genius :lol:

I feel like I'm down at the creek fishing for suckers.

1) The second "A" in NAFTA stands for "Agreement".

2) Congress failed to ratify NAFTA (defeated by Democrats)

3) The terms of NAFTA were written in a bill & passed by the Republican Congress & Bill Clinton signed it.

4) So it is not a treaty because it was never ratified

Now, don't you look like a big, giant asshole?

The second "A" in NAFTA stands for "Agreement".

Was the Paris Accord an agreement?

The terms of NAFTA were written in a bill & passed by the Republican Congress & Bill Clinton signed it.

How many votes did the Paris Accord receive in Congress? When did Obama sign it?

The Paris Accord was an agreement.

Republicans did not need to bring it up because it was not a treaty.

The Paris Accord was an agreement.

Entered without a Senate vote and can be exited without a Senate vote. Easy peasy.
Lol, you mean the one that got ratified by Congress? Genius, dave. Fucking genius :lol:

I feel like I'm down at the creek fishing for suckers.

1) The second "A" in NAFTA stands for "Agreement".

2) Congress failed to ratify NAFTA (defeated by Democrats)

3) The terms of NAFTA were written in a bill & passed by the Republican Congress & Bill Clinton signed it.

4) So it is not a treaty because it was never ratified

Now, don't you look like a big, giant asshole?

The second "A" in NAFTA stands for "Agreement".

Was the Paris Accord an agreement?

The terms of NAFTA were written in a bill & passed by the Republican Congress & Bill Clinton signed it.

How many votes did the Paris Accord receive in Congress? When did Obama sign it?

The Paris Accord was an agreement.

Republicans did not need to bring it up because it was not a treaty.

The Paris Accord was an agreement.

Entered without a Senate vote and can be exited without a Senate vote. Easy peasy.

Yep, Trump did it. No one is arguing he couldn't, dipstick. Only that he shouldn't.

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