Trump pulling out of Paris Climate Accord

Fact is Americans are getting jobs because Obama lost his

Then it must be that employment has gone way up and the stock market soaring in the past several months because everyone is relieved Hillary and the democrats are finally out of the White House!!!

Or maybe, finally, Obama's trickle down economics has finally kicked in--- --- he has finally made all HIS money and can now start letting the rest of the country make a little as well.

Report: Trump Rolls Back $60 Billion More in Regulatory Savings - Washington Free Beacon

Right on brother coming Washington Free Beacon. Getting --------- desperate there Ray. WFB is no more than a right wing alt right bias media.

Washington Free Beacon: These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.

Factual Reporting: MIXED

So what you are saying is that Trump did not reduce regulations that saved industry billions? So what sources would you like me to post? There are plenty of them you know.

DumBama may have had a job growth, but no jobs worth mentioning. That's why the push for a higher minimum wage; because those are the only jobs created under his administration.

I'm 57 years old, and I can testify that DumBama was the most anti-business President in my lifetime. He closed down the Gulf, he closed down the coal industry, he attacked electric companies, he stopped Indian reservation tobacco sales, he attacked Gibson Guitars, he attacked Boeing, he closed down roll-your-own cigarette shops across the country, he closed down car dealerships, he created bank regulations that stunted their growth, he attacked credit card companies, he had government take over college loans, he inflicted his expensive socialist healthcare polices on businesses........

What Trump is doing is reversing all the damage DumBama did and then some. You can't create real jobs by spending eight years attacking job creators.

Let me explain something to you: government doesn't create jobs--private industry creates jobs. All government can do is make it more or less inviting for private industry to do so. Now can you name me one policy of DumBama's that inspired industry to do that????

You don't need me to post multiple links on Trump's reversal of DumBama's anti-businees policies. Just Google it yourself.
You've got a lot to catch up.
Again and again ------- China's air, land and rivers are probably the most polluted country in this world. Smog alone is killing them.
They are not required to do anything before 2030 it's voluntary.
The 2030 was given to them to start doing something because that has something to do with their population and their current technology.
You cannot just cut off their coal industry leaving millions in the dark.
However they are not waiting for 2030 to do something. They scrap 103 coal plants, allocated $360 billions for reusable energy to be completed by 2020. There are lots of this going on in China trying to improve their land, air, rivers and sea.
Even the dirtiest country-------- China joined the accord as part of a global movement to save the planet.
Their goal after 2030 was to eliminate or phase out coal industry just like here in US.

1. China has stopped construction because they have a huge surplus of energy. Their infrastructure to deliver power to their billion plus citizens.

2. Of course, they signed up. It costs them nothing, gives them free reign to increase their pollution as fast as possible while costing their enemy trillions of dollars and crippling our industries. Yeah, that's a real tough decision.

3. Meanwhile, the Chinese were rolling in the aisles laughing at how they so easily made a fool out of petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama. I say were rolling since President Donald Trump jerked the rug out from under them.

You never answer any of my previous questions.

Your post is a clear text book from Trump speech so I'm not surprised you are plugging all these lies.
1. You purposely ignore the $360B they are investing till 2020. There are more activities in China aside from these investments. They are far more aggressive than us in trying to get their act together. You and Tump are both wrong.

2. They do not need to sign up like Nicaragua and Syria its voluntary. They signed up because they know it's a good cause of saving the planet and shows the world they are a team player that will lead the world in this green movement. Imagine they are the worst polluters and yet they sign up.

From you --------- They gave China the free reign to increase their pollution as fast as possible------- REALLY? REALLY? Why would any idiot would do that? How did you came up with that? China is working very hard to clean their air, land and water as we speak.

From you --------- Costing enemies trillions and crippling our industry. LIKE WHAT? LIKE WHAT? LIKE WHAT? I've been asking the same question to you and others over and over. But I got no fucking answer. Like what jobs and industry did we lost because of this climate accord? ANSWER THIS QUESTION.

3. Another lie from you and Trump. How the hell can you say that? Like what are the reason or cause in laughing at us or making a fool of Obama? Like what? EXPLAIN. But I can tell you this ---------- The whole world is laughing at us after ignorant Trump pulled out from the accord.
In REALITY my dear it was Obama who pushed China to do something. Good job Obama. I know this hurts your feeling and others but Obama legacy will live on.

Trump is a good example of a little petulant president. You can see all these chaos what is going on in this country because of amateurism, immature, ignorance, lies and stupidity. I never seen so fuck up administration in my entire life. Have you been watching your TV? The white staff is so busy defending and babysitting this boy president ------ Now you have a new lawyer defending him in public. Unbelievable.
What are you talking about dude?
Your buddy lied big time about the $380 billions and Germany's $18 billions. Then you supported his lies dude.

Then because of your desperation you posted a link from an asshole media. That's pathetic Ray.

No, that's not pathetic. What's pathetic is making a mistake and not admitting to it. That''s pathetic..........well.......I guess not for a leftist.

I never mentioned the$380 billions Ray your buddy did. You supported a big bullshit lie. That makes you a liar Ray. Sad very sad.

And what mistake did I make Ray? All my post are facts and I know what I'm talking about compared to you by keep blabbering nonsense all the way.

Oh, you didn't mention 380 billion and you didn't lie?

The best thing about telling the truth is never having to remember what you this just a few posts earlier:

So you cannot prove your $380 billions and Germany $18 billions. You lied and don't shit what you are taking about.
Why do you people lie? Like Trump.

You see, all you have to do is click the link that says "Click to expand" and it will bring up the entire conversation up to the last post. Now if you do that, you can clearly see you accused me of saying 380 billion when I didn't say shit about it. But of course you're not man enough to live up to your own mistakes. Typical lib.

You are dumber that I thought Ray. Aside from that you are also putting words in my mouth dude. How old are you?

The $380 billions and the $18 billions goes to Germany was a lie------- brought up by your friend that you supported. That makes you a liar.

What the fuck is wrong with you LIAR Ray?

God you leftists are thick. But it's like I've always said, the best part about being a liberal is never having to say you were wrong.

So let's try this one more time and hope some of it sinks in this time:

You accused me of making the statement about 380 billion when I never said anything like that. But instead of admitting you were wrong, you moved the goalposts to say I agreed with the person that said it, therefore, you didn't make a mistake.

You see, one of the characteristics about being conservative is admitting when you did make a mistake, or at the very least, not try to repeatedly defend your error.

Rating peoples comments is just a fun thing to do. I do it all the time. But rating peoples comments does not mean you made the comments. Only a complete liar would say different.

Let me repeat it again LIAR Ray. I never accused you of making a statement.

Repeat----- I said your buddy lied about the $380b but you pathetically supported him ------- That makes you a liar-------- that is exactly what I said. Why are you denying that LIAR Ray?

You are so dumb that you believe everything what are being plug by your friends and Trump. You are trying so hard to disprove my post which are all based on real facts. I've been traveling to China for 20+ years and you try to dispute me? YOU? With your non experience from a fucking truck driver because of what you hear from Trump? You are a bullshit.
I posted 2 links about real activities in China yet you keep repeating what you heard from lying Trump against me. You don't know a fucking iota or heard of climate change till lying Trump mentioned Paris accord then suddenly you become an expert. You are dumber than I thought LIAR Ray.
Let me repeat it again LIAR Ray. I never accused you of making a statement.

Repeat----- I said your buddy lied about the $380b but you pathetically supported him ------- That makes you a liar-------- that is exactly what I said. Why are you denying that LIAR Ray?

Yes, you said that AFTER I pointed out your error of accusing me of making that statement. Now if you wish to continue your challenge on this, I'll go back and get the exact quote and post number and post it again proving you are a liar for everybody in this forum to see. Really.......don't bring a knife to a gun fight.

You are so dumb that you believe everything what are being plug by your friends and Trump. You are trying so hard to disprove my post which are all based on real facts. I've been traveling to China for 20+ years and you try to dispute me? YOU? With your non experience from a fucking truck driver because of what you hear from Trump? You are a bullshit.
I posted 2 links about real activities in China yet you keep repeating what you heard from lying Trump against me. You don't know a fucking iota or heard of climate change till lying Trump mentioned Paris accord then suddenly you become an expert. You are dumber than I thought LIAR Ray.

What did I say that Trump said? I never quoted Trump you liar. What I said is that the US has been forking out tons of money for "green" that other countries have not until recently. I posted a credible link showing that.

Wake up. This is not 1955. You don't actually have to go somewhere to know what's going on there. We have 400 cable channels to watch. We have the internet. You could spend months reading everything there is to read about China without going 1000 miles near the country.
Let me repeat it again LIAR Ray. I never accused you of making a statement.

Repeat----- I said your buddy lied about the $380b but you pathetically supported him ------- That makes you a liar-------- that is exactly what I said. Why are you denying that LIAR Ray?

1. Yes, you said that AFTER I pointed out your error of accusing me of making that statement. Now if you wish to continue your challenge on this, I'll go back and get the exact quote and post number and post it again proving you are a liar for everybody in this forum to see. Really.......don't bring a knife to a gun fight.

You are so dumb that you believe everything what are being plug by your friends and Trump. You are trying so hard to disprove my post which are all based on real facts. I've been traveling to China for 20+ years and you try to dispute me? YOU? With your non experience from a fucking truck driver because of what you hear from Trump? You are a bullshit.
I posted 2 links about real activities in China yet you keep repeating what you heard from lying Trump against me. You don't know a fucking iota or heard of climate change till lying Trump mentioned Paris accord then suddenly you become an expert. You are dumber than I thought LIAR Ray.

What did I say that Trump said? I never quoted Trump you liar. What I said is that the US has been forking out tons of money for "green" that other countries have not until recently. I posted a credible link showing that.

Wake up. This is not 1955. You don't actually have to go somewhere to know what's going on there. We have 400 cable channels to watch. We have the internet. You could spend months reading everything there is to read about China without going 1000 miles near the country.

1. I did not make any error liar Ray. Instead of whining and bull shiting Ray and trying to deny you lied ----- Why not just bring up the post or tell me what post number? What the hell is wrong with you dude?

2. You don't know what is going on and you don't have a clue what you are talking about Ray.
Just because PATHOLOGICAL LIAR TRUMP told you nothing going on China that doesn't mean it's true. You are making an opinion based from lies Ray.

China is the world's leading country in electricity production from renewable energy sources, with over double the generation of the second-ranking country, the United States.[citation needed] In 2013 the country had a total capacity of 378 GW of renewable power, mainly from hydroelectric and wind power. From 2005 to 2014, production of solar cells in China has expanded 100-fold.[1] China's renewable energy sector is growing faster than its fossil fuels and nuclear power capacity.
Last edited:
Fact is Americans are getting jobs because Obama lost his

Then it must be that employment has gone way up and the stock market soaring in the past several months because everyone is relieved Hillary and the democrats are finally out of the White House!!!

Or maybe, finally, Obama's trickle down economics has finally kicked in--- --- he has finally made all HIS money and can now start letting the rest of the country make a little as well.

Report: Trump Rolls Back $60 Billion More in Regulatory Savings - Washington Free Beacon

Right on brother coming Washington Free Beacon. Getting --------- desperate there Ray. WFB is no more than a right wing alt right bias media.

Washington Free Beacon: These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.

Factual Reporting: MIXED

So what you are saying is that Trump did not reduce regulations that saved industry billions? So what sources would you like me to post? There are plenty of them you know.

DumBama may have had a job growth, but no jobs worth mentioning. That's why the push for a higher minimum wage; because those are the only jobs created under his administration.

I'm 57 years old, and I can testify that DumBama was the most anti-business President in my lifetime. He closed down the Gulf, he closed down the coal industry, he attacked electric companies, he stopped Indian reservation tobacco sales, he attacked Gibson Guitars, he attacked Boeing, he closed down roll-your-own cigarette shops across the country, he closed down car dealerships, he created bank regulations that stunted their growth, he attacked credit card companies, he had government take over college loans, he inflicted his expensive socialist healthcare polices on businesses........

What Trump is doing is reversing all the damage DumBama did and then some. You can't create real jobs by spending eight years attacking job creators.

Let me explain something to you: government doesn't create jobs--private industry creates jobs. All government can do is make it more or less inviting for private industry to do so. Now can you name me one policy of DumBama's that inspired industry to do that????

You don't need me to post multiple links on Trump's reversal of DumBama's anti-businees policies. Just Google it yourself.

You are dumber then I thought Ray. Your opinion are based from nonsense and hatred coming from a racist asshole. Based from your admission you are racist and proud of it. So what that means to all your post? Purely nonsense and idiotic Ray. But I will entertain it for the sake of your ignorance.

I asked you a many questions Ray and so far you and your other ignorant buddies here can not answer my questions----- WHY? Because most are lying trying to defend your fucking LIAR president. Your have no fucking clue what you are talking Ray. Nothing.
I posted real fact links about China ----- You and the rest so far has not posted anything to counter it. Another question-------- What evidence do you have that China is not doing anything before 2030 aside from LIAR TRUMP and you Ray? Read the link from Wikipedia dumb shit.

Renewable energy in China - Wikipedia

From you Obama shut down the coal industry----------- Obama NEVER closed down coal industry NEVER. Another question----- How did Obama shut down coal industry Ray? Coal industry are free to extract as much as they want and export as much as they want. But the demand of coal in US are way down because of natural gas that are easier, cheaper to extract ( mostly from Permian Basin) and cleaner plus the booming business of reusable energy. In order for dumb liar Trump to reverse that ------- You need to shut down natural gas and reusable energy. That's the reality. Read the link dumb shit.

Coal mining in the United States - Wikipedia

How the hell can you say that Obama did not create jobs? One example alone ------- because of push green house by Obama reusable energy it created 374,000 jobs. Despite of the recession and total sabotaged by the Republicans and idiots like you for 8 years Obama created over 11 millions jobs. Unemployment came down last year economy are booming that is before lying Trump came to power. Obama's popularity here in US and overseas are very impressive.
If Obama is attacking job creators -------- then we should be still in recession in 2015 and 2016. You lied again Ray.
Trump popularity here and overseas? OMG OMG OMG. As far as attacking------- Trump attack and threatening every one even the jobs creators.
What jobs did Trump created? Explain.

Solar Employs More People In U.S. Electricity Generation Than Oil, Coal And Gas Combined
Fact is Americans are getting jobs because Obama lost his

Then it must be that employment has gone way up and the stock market soaring in the past several months because everyone is relieved Hillary and the democrats are finally out of the White House!!!

Or maybe, finally, Obama's trickle down economics has finally kicked in--- --- he has finally made all HIS money and can now start letting the rest of the country make a little as well.

Report: Trump Rolls Back $60 Billion More in Regulatory Savings - Washington Free Beacon

Right on brother coming Washington Free Beacon. Getting --------- desperate there Ray. WFB is no more than a right wing alt right bias media.

Washington Free Beacon: These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.

Factual Reporting: MIXED

So what you are saying is that Trump did not reduce regulations that saved industry billions? So what sources would you like me to post? There are plenty of them you know.

DumBama may have had a job growth, but no jobs worth mentioning. That's why the push for a higher minimum wage; because those are the only jobs created under his administration.

I'm 57 years old, and I can testify that DumBama was the most anti-business President in my lifetime. He closed down the Gulf, he closed down the coal industry, he attacked electric companies, he stopped Indian reservation tobacco sales, he attacked Gibson Guitars, he attacked Boeing, he closed down roll-your-own cigarette shops across the country, he closed down car dealerships, he created bank regulations that stunted their growth, he attacked credit card companies, he had government take over college loans, he inflicted his expensive socialist healthcare polices on businesses........

What Trump is doing is reversing all the damage DumBama did and then some. You can't create real jobs by spending eight years attacking job creators.

Let me explain something to you: government doesn't create jobs--private industry creates jobs. All government can do is make it more or less inviting for private industry to do so. Now can you name me one policy of DumBama's that inspired industry to do that????

You don't need me to post multiple links on Trump's reversal of DumBama's anti-businees policies. Just Google it yourself.

You are dumber then I thought Ray. Your opinion are based from nonsense and hatred coming from a racist asshole. Based from your admission you are racist and proud of it. So what that means to all your post? Purely nonsense and idiotic Ray. But I will entertain it for the sake of your ignorance.

I asked you a many questions Ray and so far you and your other ignorant buddies here can not answer my questions----- WHY? Because most are lying trying to defend your fucking LIAR president. Your have no fucking clue what you are talking Ray. Nothing.
I posted real fact links about China ----- You and the rest so far has not posted anything to counter it. Another question-------- What evidence do you have that China is not doing anything before 2030 aside from LIAR TRUMP and you Ray? Read the link from Wikipedia dumb shit.

Renewable energy in China - Wikipedia

From you Obama shut down the coal industry----------- Obama NEVER closed down coal industry NEVER. Another question----- How did Obama shut down coal industry Ray? Coal industry are free to extract as much as they want and export as much as they want. But the demand of coal in US are way down because of natural gas that are easier, cheaper to extract ( mostly from Permian Basin) and cleaner plus the booming business of reusable energy. In order for dumb liar Trump to reverse that ------- You need to shut down natural gas and reusable energy. That's the reality. Read the link dumb shit.

Coal mining in the United States - Wikipedia

How the hell can you say that Obama did not create jobs? One example alone ------- because of push green house by Obama reusable energy it created 374,000 jobs. Despite of the recession and total sabotaged by the Republicans and idiots like you for 8 years Obama created over 11 millions jobs. Unemployment came down last year economy are booming that is before lying Trump came to power. Obama's popularity here in US and overseas are very impressive.
If Obama is attacking job creators -------- then we should be still in recession in 2015 and 2016. You lied again Ray.
Trump popularity here and overseas? OMG OMG OMG. As far as attacking------- Trump attack and threatening every one even the jobs creators.
What jobs did Trump created? Explain.

Solar Employs More People In U.S. Electricity Generation Than Oil, Coal And Gas Combined
Like I've always said, an all of the above policy is best.
It's fucking retarded just to go with renewable energy, and abandon what we've built up here in the northern plains.
Renewable energy is not feasible in many parts of the country… Fuck face
So take your manbearpig worship and shove it up your fucking ass...
You've got a lot to catch up.
Again and again ------- China's air, land and rivers are probably the most polluted country in this world. Smog alone is killing them.
They are not required to do anything before 2030 it's voluntary.
The 2030 was given to them to start doing something because that has something to do with their population and their current technology.
You cannot just cut off their coal industry leaving millions in the dark.
However they are not waiting for 2030 to do something. They scrap 103 coal plants, allocated $360 billions for reusable energy to be completed by 2020. There are lots of this going on in China trying to improve their land, air, rivers and sea.
Even the dirtiest country-------- China joined the accord as part of a global movement to save the planet.
Their goal after 2030 was to eliminate or phase out coal industry just like here in US.

1. China has stopped construction because they have a huge surplus of energy. Their infrastructure to deliver power to their billion plus citizens.

2. Of course, they signed up. It costs them nothing, gives them free reign to increase their pollution as fast as possible while costing their enemy trillions of dollars and crippling our industries. Yeah, that's a real tough decision.

3. Meanwhile, the Chinese were rolling in the aisles laughing at how they so easily made a fool out of petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama. I say were rolling since President Donald Trump jerked the rug out from under them.

You never answer any of my previous questions.

Your post is a clear text book from Trump speech so I'm not surprised you are plugging all these lies.
1. You purposely ignore the $360B they are investing till 2020. There are more activities in China aside from these investments. They are far more aggressive than us in trying to get their act together. You and Tump are both wrong.

2. They do not need to sign up like Nicaragua and Syria its voluntary. They signed up because they know it's a good cause of saving the planet and shows the world they are a team player that will lead the world in this green movement. Imagine they are the worst polluters and yet they sign up.

From you --------- They gave China the free reign to increase their pollution as fast as possible------- REALLY? REALLY? Why would any idiot would do that? How did you came up with that? China is working very hard to clean their air, land and water as we speak.

From you --------- Costing enemies trillions and crippling our industry. LIKE WHAT? LIKE WHAT? LIKE WHAT? I've been asking the same question to you and others over and over. But I got no fucking answer. Like what jobs and industry did we lost because of this climate accord? ANSWER THIS QUESTION.

3. Another lie from you and Trump. How the hell can you say that? Like what are the reason or cause in laughing at us or making a fool of Obama? Like what? EXPLAIN. But I can tell you this ---------- The whole world is laughing at us after ignorant Trump pulled out from the accord.
In REALITY my dear it was Obama who pushed China to do something. Good job Obama. I know this hurts your feeling and others but Obama legacy will live on.

Trump is a good example of a little petulant president. You can see all these chaos what is going on in this country because of amateurism, immature, ignorance, lies and stupidity. I never seen so fuck up administration in my entire life. Have you been watching your TV? The white staff is so busy defending and babysitting this boy president ------ Now you have a new lawyer defending him in public. Unbelievable.

WOW -----No rebuttal Markle?
Let me repeat it again LIAR Ray. I never accused you of making a statement.

Repeat----- I said your buddy lied about the $380b but you pathetically supported him ------- That makes you a liar-------- that is exactly what I said. Why are you denying that LIAR Ray?

1. Yes, you said that AFTER I pointed out your error of accusing me of making that statement. Now if you wish to continue your challenge on this, I'll go back and get the exact quote and post number and post it again proving you are a liar for everybody in this forum to see. Really.......don't bring a knife to a gun fight.

You are so dumb that you believe everything what are being plug by your friends and Trump. You are trying so hard to disprove my post which are all based on real facts. I've been traveling to China for 20+ years and you try to dispute me? YOU? With your non experience from a fucking truck driver because of what you hear from Trump? You are a bullshit.
I posted 2 links about real activities in China yet you keep repeating what you heard from lying Trump against me. You don't know a fucking iota or heard of climate change till lying Trump mentioned Paris accord then suddenly you become an expert. You are dumber than I thought LIAR Ray.

What did I say that Trump said? I never quoted Trump you liar. What I said is that the US has been forking out tons of money for "green" that other countries have not until recently. I posted a credible link showing that.

Wake up. This is not 1955. You don't actually have to go somewhere to know what's going on there. We have 400 cable channels to watch. We have the internet. You could spend months reading everything there is to read about China without going 1000 miles near the country.

1. I did not make any error liar Ray. Instead of whining and bull shiting Ray and trying to deny you lied ----- Why not just bring up the post or tell me what post number? What the hell is wrong with you dude?

2. You don't know what is going on and you don't have a clue what you are talking about Ray.
Just because PATHOLOGICAL LIAR TRUMP told you nothing going on China that doesn't mean it's true. You are making an opinion based from lies Ray.

China is the world's leading country in electricity production from renewable energy sources, with over double the generation of the second-ranking country, the United States.[citation needed] In 2013 the country had a total capacity of 378 GW of renewable power, mainly from hydroelectric and wind power. From 2005 to 2014, production of solar cells in China has expanded 100-fold.[1] China's renewable energy sector is growing faster than its fossil fuels and nuclear power capacity.

Got a link?

Renewable Energy By Country

Renewable Energy By Country
Rank Countries Million Tonnes of Oil Equivalent
1 United States 65.00
2 China 53.10
3 Germany 31.70
4 Spain 16.00
5 Brazil 15.40
6 Italy 14.80
7 India 13.90
8 United Kingdom 13.20
9 Japan 11.60
10 France 6.50
11 Sweden 5.00
12 Canada 4.90
13 Denmark 4.10
14 Poland 3.90
15 Portugal 3.60
1. I did not make any error liar Ray. Instead of whining and bull shiting Ray and trying to deny you lied ----- Why not just bring up the post or tell me what post number? What the hell is wrong with you dude?

Nothing. Post number 2299, here is what you accused me of:

You cannot prove your lies on the $380 billions and Germany $18 billions then double down by posting a worthless untrustworthy bias media national review. What a crap.

There. Now let's see you lie your way out of this one.
You are dumber then I thought Ray. Your opinion are based from nonsense and hatred coming from a racist asshole. Based from your admission you are racist and proud of it. So what that means to all your post? Purely nonsense and idiotic Ray. But I will entertain it for the sake of your ignorance.

You leftists are trained like monkeys. Any time anybody even hints at talking about race, you are trained to call them racists. I told you, don't listen to your Democrat politicians. They are born liars you brainwashed fool.

I asked you a many questions Ray and so far you and your other ignorant buddies here can not answer my questions----- WHY? Because most are lying trying to defend your fucking LIAR president. Your have no fucking clue what you are talking Ray. Nothing.
I posted real fact links about China ----- You and the rest so far has not posted anything to counter it. Another question-------- What evidence do you have that China is not doing anything before 2030 aside from LIAR TRUMP and you Ray? Read the link from Wikipedia dumb shit.

As Ronald Reagan famously said, there you go again.............

I never disputed what China is doing. If your comprehension skills were a little better, you'd realize what I said is they DON'T HAVE TO do anything until 2030. You need a note pad to write down what poster said what. Don't put words in my mouth unless you have plans to back it up.

From you Obama shut down the coal industry----------- Obama NEVER closed down coal industry NEVER. Another question----- How did Obama shut down coal industry Ray? Coal industry are free to extract as much as they want and export as much as they want. But the demand of coal in US are way down because of natural gas that are easier, cheaper to extract ( mostly from Permian Basin) and cleaner plus the booming business of reusable energy. In order for dumb liar Trump to reverse that ------- You need to shut down natural gas and reusable energy. That's the reality. Read the link dumb shit.

Obama’s war on coal hits your electric bill

Coal country begs Obama for mercy as hundreds of coal plants ready for closing

Feinstein says Comey should testify on the Clinton investigation before the Senate Judiciary Committee

How the hell can you say that Obama did not create jobs? One example alone ------- because of push green house by Obama reusable energy it created 374,000 jobs. Despite of the recession and total sabotaged by the Republicans and idiots like you for 8 years Obama created over 11 millions jobs. Unemployment came down last year economy are booming that is before lying Trump came to power. Obama's popularity here in US and overseas are very impressive.
If Obama is attacking job creators -------- then we should be still in recession in 2015 and 2016. You lied again Ray.
Trump popularity here and overseas? OMG OMG OMG. As far as attacking------- Trump attack and threatening every one even the jobs creators.
What jobs did Trump created? Explain.

My Lord you are an imbecile. When did I say DumBama didn't create any jobs? I said the jobs he created were garbage jobs--low paying jobs. Why do you keep lying about things I never said??? Is that all you got???

If DumBama did such a good job, why are there still so many people on food stamps? Why is our labor participation rate still so low? Why the need to keep pushing for a larger minimum wage???

Green energy jobs? Yeah, that was worth it:

Renewable energy projects cost US taxpayers $26 billion for only 2,300 permanent jobs, which is $11.5 million per job • AEI
China current activities reducing their emissions, air and land pollutants.

2011 Invested $257 billions in reusable energy.
China Leads The World In Renewable Energy Investment

2015 Invested $103 Billions.
China is about to kick America's butt in renewable energy

2020 Invested $361 Billions
China is about to kick America's butt in renewable energy

Renewable energy in China - Wikipedia

How smog is killing thousands daily in China | Asia | DW | 17.08.2015

How smog is killing thousands daily in China
A new US study found that air pollution kills about 4,000 Chinese people a day. But what are the main contributors and is Beijing doing enough to tackle the issue? DW spoke to the authors of the study.
Bad air contributes to 1.6 million deaths a year or roughly 17 percent of all deaths in China, according to a scientific paper recently published by independent research group Berkeley Earth.

China's Surprising Solutions to Clear Killer Air

To say China is not doing anything till
2030 is an example how Trump conned and lied to Americans. The sad and frustrating part is ------ You believed a pathological liar --------- etched to your brains like a bible without even questioning. People are dying why in the world the Chinese are not doing anything?
This thread is a good example how Trump followers are very poorly informed. Sad.
China current activities reducing their emissions, air and land pollutants.

2011 Invested $257 billions in reusable energy.
China Leads The World In Renewable Energy Investment

2015 Invested $103 Billions.
China is about to kick America's butt in renewable energy

2020 Invested $361 Billions
China is about to kick America's butt in renewable energy

Renewable energy in China - Wikipedia

How smog is killing thousands daily in China | Asia | DW | 17.08.2015

How smog is killing thousands daily in China
A new US study found that air pollution kills about 4,000 Chinese people a day. But what are the main contributors and is Beijing doing enough to tackle the issue? DW spoke to the authors of the study.
Bad air contributes to 1.6 million deaths a year or roughly 17 percent of all deaths in China, according to a scientific paper recently published by independent research group Berkeley Earth.

China's Surprising Solutions to Clear Killer Air

To say China is not doing anything till
2030 is an example how Trump conned and lied to Americans. The sad and frustrating part is ------ You believed a pathological liar --------- etched to your brains like a bible without even questioning. People are dying why in the world the Chinese are not doing anything?
This thread is a good example how Trump followers are very poorly informed. Sad.

Let me guess you are part of the blue moon foundation

Seems that way but they are anonymous sources
Trump pulling U.S. out of Paris climate deal: Axios report

WASHINGTON U.S. President Donald Trump has decided to withdraw from the Paris climate accord, Axios news outlet reported on Wednesday, citing two unidentified sources with direct knowledge of the decision.

Trump who has previously called global warming a hoax, refused to endorse the landmark climate change accord at a summit of the G7 group of wealthy nations on Saturday, saying he needed more time to decide. He then tweeted that he would make an announcement this week.

Fox News also cited an unidentified source confirming the pullout.
The decision to withdraw from the climate accord was influenced by a letter from 22 Republican U.S. senators, including Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, calling for an exit, Axios reported.
Shit wasn't even voted on. Remember Earnests words in 2015?
I think it’s hard to take seriously from some Members of Congress who deny the fact that climate change exists, that they should have some opportunity to render judgment about a climate change agreement
One of the biggest loads of partisan bullshit I have ever heard. He should have been shunned for that
Oh well
cart paris.jpeg
You are dumber then I thought Ray. Your opinion are based from nonsense and hatred coming from a racist asshole. Based from your admission you are racist and proud of it. So what that means to all your post? Purely nonsense and idiotic Ray. But I will entertain it for the sake of your ignorance.

You leftists are trained like monkeys. Any time anybody even hints at talking about race, you are trained to call them racists. I told you, don't listen to your Democrat politicians. They are born liars you brainwashed fool.

I asked you a many questions Ray and so far you and your other ignorant buddies here can not answer my questions----- WHY? Because most are lying trying to defend your fucking LIAR president. Your have no fucking clue what you are talking Ray. Nothing.
I posted real fact links about China ----- You and the rest so far has not posted anything to counter it. Another question-------- What evidence do you have that China is not doing anything before 2030 aside from LIAR TRUMP and you Ray? Read the link from Wikipedia dumb shit.

As Ronald Reagan famously said, there you go again.............

I never disputed what China is doing. If your comprehension skills were a little better, you'd realize what I said is they DON'T HAVE TO do anything until 2030. You need a note pad to write down what poster said what. Don't put words in my mouth unless you have plans to back it up.

From you Obama shut down the coal industry----------- Obama NEVER closed down coal industry NEVER. Another question----- How did Obama shut down coal industry Ray? Coal industry are free to extract as much as they want and export as much as they want. But the demand of coal in US are way down because of natural gas that are easier, cheaper to extract ( mostly from Permian Basin) and cleaner plus the booming business of reusable energy. In order for dumb liar Trump to reverse that ------- You need to shut down natural gas and reusable energy. That's the reality. Read the link dumb shit.

Obama’s war on coal hits your electric bill

Coal country begs Obama for mercy as hundreds of coal plants ready for closing

Feinstein says Comey should testify on the Clinton investigation before the Senate Judiciary Committee

How the hell can you say that Obama did not create jobs? One example alone ------- because of push green house by Obama reusable energy it created 374,000 jobs. Despite of the recession and total sabotaged by the Republicans and idiots like you for 8 years Obama created over 11 millions jobs. Unemployment came down last year economy are booming that is before lying Trump came to power. Obama's popularity here in US and overseas are very impressive.
If Obama is attacking job creators -------- then we should be still in recession in 2015 and 2016. You lied again Ray.
Trump popularity here and overseas? OMG OMG OMG. As far as attacking------- Trump attack and threatening every one even the jobs creators.
What jobs did Trump created? Explain.

My Lord you are an imbecile. When did I say DumBama didn't create any jobs? I said the jobs he created were garbage jobs--low paying jobs. Why do you keep lying about things I never said??? Is that all you got???

If DumBama did such a good job, why are there still so many people on food stamps? Why is our labor participation rate still so low? Why the need to keep pushing for a larger minimum wage???

Green energy jobs? Yeah, that was worth it:

Renewable energy projects cost US taxpayers $26 billion for only 2,300 permanent jobs, which is $11.5 million per job • AEI

Ray you admitted it yourself that you are racist. Why are you lying again LIAR racist Ray.

The topic is about climate change. Now you are trying to deflect by inserting your racist hatred against Obama. You are a loser Ray.
Your worthless links:
1. Faux News------- That was just an opinion Ray not a real facts especially coming from Faux News. Are you aware of that?
2. DailyCaller-------- Really? This site is a good example of ultra right wing alt right media supported by racist assholes like you.
3. AEIDEAS------ Are you really this desperate Ray? I am very familiar with this site. Look at the dates when that was published May 2013. The reality of today's job in reusable energy from that date to 2016 is 374,000. See this link. In reality with or without Obama even with pathological liar Trump the coal industry will die sooner or later. That's a fact Ray.

Solar Employs More People In U.S. Electricity Generation Than Oil, Coal And Gas Combined

Solar Employs More People In U.S. Electricity Generation Than Oil, Coal And Gas Combined

In the United States, more people were employed in solar power last year than in generating electricity through coal, gas and oil energy combined. According to a new report from the U.S. Department of Energy, solar power employed 43 percent of the Electric Power Generation sector’s workforce in 2016, while fossil fuels combined accounted for just 22 percent. It’s a welcome statistic for those seeking to refute Donald Trump’s assertion that green energy projects are bad news for the American economy.

Just under 374,000 people were employed in solar energy, according to the report, while coal, gas and oil power generation combined had a workforce of slightly more than 187,000. The boom in the country’s solar workforce can be attributed to construction work associated with expanding generation capacity. The gulf in employment is growing with net generation from coal falling 53 percent over the last decade. During the same period, electricity generation from natural gas increased 33 percent while solar expanded 5,000 percent.

You don't know shit Ray. What do you mean I'm putting words in your mouth? You've eating and swallowing all of Trump lies and gasses like everyone else since the beginning of this thread. I was just trying to pull It out from mouth because most of Trump speech about Paris accord are lies.
I've been following this Paris Accord for as long as I remember. I know for a fact based from this thread that most of you never heard of this accord or climate change before because ----- most or ALL of you supported pathological liar with out any facts. SAD.
Last edited:
China current activities reducing their emissions, air and land pollutants.

2011 Invested $257 billions in reusable energy.
China Leads The World In Renewable Energy Investment

2015 Invested $103 Billions.
China is about to kick America's butt in renewable energy

2020 Invested $361 Billions
China is about to kick America's butt in renewable energy

Renewable energy in China - Wikipedia

How smog is killing thousands daily in China | Asia | DW | 17.08.2015

How smog is killing thousands daily in China
A new US study found that air pollution kills about 4,000 Chinese people a day. But what are the main contributors and is Beijing doing enough to tackle the issue? DW spoke to the authors of the study.
Bad air contributes to 1.6 million deaths a year or roughly 17 percent of all deaths in China, according to a scientific paper recently published by independent research group Berkeley Earth.

China's Surprising Solutions to Clear Killer Air

To say China is not doing anything till
2030 is an example how Trump conned and lied to Americans. The sad and frustrating part is ------ You believed a pathological liar --------- etched to your brains like a bible without even questioning. People are dying why in the world the Chinese are not doing anything?
This thread is a good example how Trump followers are very poorly informed. Sad.
1. I did not make any error liar Ray. Instead of whining and bull shiting Ray and trying to deny you lied ----- Why not just bring up the post or tell me what post number? What the hell is wrong with you dude?

Nothing. Post number 2299, here is what you accused me of:

You cannot prove your lies on the $380 billions and Germany $18 billions then double down by posting a worthless untrustworthy bias media national review. What a crap.

There. Now let's see you lie your way out of this one.

I mean exactly what I said Ray and I don't need to lie just like you to prove a point.

So let me repeat it to your thick skull. I blasted your friend billybob for lying about $380B and the $18B going to Germany. You quoted me in the same spot-------- Then you supported his lies all the way. That makes you the same LIAR. That's a fact Ray.

A lot of you here plugged in a lot of lies just to support a pathological liar president. Trump knew that whatever he says to the public wrong or lies his core supporters will support him. WITHOUT QUESTIONING HIS FACTS. Very sick and sad.
Let me repeat it again LIAR Ray. I never accused you of making a statement.

Repeat----- I said your buddy lied about the $380b but you pathetically supported him ------- That makes you a liar-------- that is exactly what I said. Why are you denying that LIAR Ray?

1. Yes, you said that AFTER I pointed out your error of accusing me of making that statement. Now if you wish to continue your challenge on this, I'll go back and get the exact quote and post number and post it again proving you are a liar for everybody in this forum to see. Really.......don't bring a knife to a gun fight.

You are so dumb that you believe everything what are being plug by your friends and Trump. You are trying so hard to disprove my post which are all based on real facts. I've been traveling to China for 20+ years and you try to dispute me? YOU? With your non experience from a fucking truck driver because of what you hear from Trump? You are a bullshit.
I posted 2 links about real activities in China yet you keep repeating what you heard from lying Trump against me. You don't know a fucking iota or heard of climate change till lying Trump mentioned Paris accord then suddenly you become an expert. You are dumber than I thought LIAR Ray.

What did I say that Trump said? I never quoted Trump you liar. What I said is that the US has been forking out tons of money for "green" that other countries have not until recently. I posted a credible link showing that.

Wake up. This is not 1955. You don't actually have to go somewhere to know what's going on there. We have 400 cable channels to watch. We have the internet. You could spend months reading everything there is to read about China without going 1000 miles near the country.

1. I did not make any error liar Ray. Instead of whining and bull shiting Ray and trying to deny you lied ----- Why not just bring up the post or tell me what post number? What the hell is wrong with you dude?

2. You don't know what is going on and you don't have a clue what you are talking about Ray.
Just because PATHOLOGICAL LIAR TRUMP told you nothing going on China that doesn't mean it's true. You are making an opinion based from lies Ray.

China is the world's leading country in electricity production from renewable energy sources, with over double the generation of the second-ranking country, the United States.[citation needed] In 2013 the country had a total capacity of 378 GW of renewable power, mainly from hydroelectric and wind power. From 2005 to 2014, production of solar cells in China has expanded 100-fold.[1] China's renewable energy sector is growing faster than its fossil fuels and nuclear power capacity.

Got a link?

Renewable Energy By Country

Renewable Energy By Country
Rank Countries Million Tonnes of Oil Equivalent
1 United States 65.00
2 China 53.10
3 Germany 31.70
4 Spain 16.00
5 Brazil 15.40
6 Italy 14.80
7 India 13.90
8 United Kingdom 13.20
9 Japan 11.60
10 France 6.50
11 Sweden 5.00
12 Canada 4.90
13 Denmark 4.10
14 Poland 3.90
15 Portugal 3.60

Do you even understand what you are trying to tell me?
#2 China in renewable energy ------- WOW------ I mean WOW. That mean China is doing something about climate change before 2030. WOW.
You proved it to yourself Trump is a LIAR.

Thank you Thank you Thank you.

This shows that you don't know what in the world you are taking about dude. You were against me all this time then you this posted a link supporting me.
China current activities reducing their emissions, air and land pollutants.

2011 Invested $257 billions in reusable energy.
China Leads The World In Renewable Energy Investment

2015 Invested $103 Billions.
China is about to kick America's butt in renewable energy

2020 Invested $361 Billions
China is about to kick America's butt in renewable energy

Renewable energy in China - Wikipedia

How smog is killing thousands daily in China | Asia | DW | 17.08.2015

How smog is killing thousands daily in China
A new US study found that air pollution kills about 4,000 Chinese people a day. But what are the main contributors and is Beijing doing enough to tackle the issue? DW spoke to the authors of the study.
Bad air contributes to 1.6 million deaths a year or roughly 17 percent of all deaths in China, according to a scientific paper recently published by independent research group Berkeley Earth.

China's Surprising Solutions to Clear Killer Air

To say China is not doing anything till
2030 is an example how Trump conned and lied to Americans. The sad and frustrating part is ------ You believed a pathological liar --------- etched to your brains like a bible without even questioning. People are dying why in the world the Chinese are not doing anything?
This thread is a good example how Trump followers are very poorly informed. Sad.

Let me guess you are part of the blue moon foundation


Truth hurts Bear?
1. I did not make any error liar Ray. Instead of whining and bull shiting Ray and trying to deny you lied ----- Why not just bring up the post or tell me what post number? What the hell is wrong with you dude?

Nothing. Post number 2299, here is what you accused me of:

You cannot prove your lies on the $380 billions and Germany $18 billions then double down by posting a worthless untrustworthy bias media national review. What a crap.

There. Now let's see you lie your way out of this one.

I mean exactly what I said Ray and I don't need to lie just like you to prove a point.

So let me repeat it to your thick skull. I blasted your friend billybob for lying about $380B and the $18B going to Germany. You quoted me in the same spot-------- Then you supported his lies all the way. That makes you the same LIAR. That's a fact Ray.

A lot of you here plugged in a lot of lies just to support a pathological liar president. Trump knew that whatever he says to the public wrong or lies his core supporters will support him. WITHOUT QUESTIONING HIS FACTS. Very sick and sad.

Wrong liar. You accused me of saying 380 billion, not that I agreed or disagreed with it. I swear, only a liberal could look into the eyes of Jesus and lie to him. I posted your exact quote and you're still not man enough to admit you were wrong. But then again, liberals never can, they have no integrity.

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