Trump pulling out of Paris Climate Accord

French President Macron is the adult on the world stage:

Macron said, 'If we do nothing, our children will know a world of migrations, of wars, of shortage. A dangerous world. It is not a future we want for ourselves. It is not a future we want for our children. It is not a future we want for our world.'

Read more: 'Make our PLANET' great again': Macron counters Trump | Daily Mail Online

Macron, a Rothschild puppet SEZ?????? The jokes practically write themselves......LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!
Trump loves his country unlike that turd Obama

Yeah, that's why he's just set your country back by 50 years, and effectively shut the US out of the development of highly profitable green technologies.

Coddling American businesses nearly destroyed your auto industry because ultimately their cars could not compete with Japanese and European cars which were more efficient and ran cleaner.

Furthermore, American cars couldn't meet emissions standards in markets outside the US, so it killed exports. Two of the Big 3 American car manufacturers went bankrupt and had to be bailed out by the government.

Trump is now doing the same thing to the rest of your businesses. He's basically declared a trade war with Europe.

The rest of the world's leaders have lost patience with Trump and are prepared to go their own way. Nobody is prepared to renegotiate the Climate Accord. Or the trade agreements.

Dragonklunt, the world economy is based on the petro-dollar and petroleum and until enough people wake up to the scam? Nothing will ever change...the technology to be totally off of gas combustion engines has been around since the days of Nikola Tesla. I will bet a dime to a dollar that you have absolutely no clue on how the petro-dollar came to be or how this fiat currency we call the "dollar" became the world's reserve currency per the Bretton Woods agreement shortly after WWII....I will further double down on the fact that you haven't a fucking clue as to why China and other "developing countries" were given a free pass on adhering to the Paris Accord that would have been enforced on us WHILE sending BILLIONS of dollars to underdeveloped nations...ever heard of the "Rio Conference of 1992"? Agenda 21? "Sustainable Development"?????

Of course you haven't because you are a pseudo intellectual with a big ol bag of nothing.......debate me, confront me.......bring something other than leftard/pseudo liberal conjecture so I can crush it to the amusement of the masses........step up to the plate,'s the bottom of the 9th inning and the leftard clown posse needs a purse-swinger that can hit a fast ball.........what say ye????
Although Fareed Zakaria is no authority, I do believe that the European Union of free nations do not look for leadership to Donald Trump. It is fair to say the American president is a joke-a-minute for Europeans. He had no credibility while a candidate for the Republican nomination. The USA is now irrelevant for Europe which is disadvantaged having allowed ourselves to count on America for our protection during the Cold War. It is time for the European Union to rely on itself alone.
And like that agreement if you want it you pay for it! Stop expecting the united states to pay your bills.
Not all states of the European Union (EU) are members of NATO and these members owe nothing to the USA.
Germany was in no position after WWII to decide anything being occupied in the west by the Americans, British, and French while the east was under Moscau. France has tried to have an independent voice on defense but this has met with limited success because NATO was dragging the French into all kinds of foreign entanglements. It is time for a European Union realignment, to beef-up the EU battle groups as an integrated European Union Armed Forces, paid for and sustained by the EU alone.
Although Fareed Zakaria is no authority, I do believe that the European Union of free nations do not look for leadership to Donald Trump. It is fair to say the American president is a joke-a-minute for Europeans. He had no credibility while a candidate for the Republican nomination. The USA is now irrelevant for Europe which is disadvantaged having allowed ourselves to count on America for our protection during the Cold War. It is time for the European Union to rely on itself alone.
And like that agreement if you want it you pay for it! Stop expecting the united states to pay your bills.
Not all states of the European Union (EU) are members of NATO and these members owe nothing to the USA.
Germany was in no position after WWII to decide anything being occupied in the west by the Americans, British, and French while the east was under Moscau. France has tried to have an independent voice on defense but this has met with limited success because NATO was dragging the French into all kinds of foreign entanglements. It is time for a European Union realignment, to beef-up the EU battle groups as an integrated European Union Armed Forces, paid for and sustained by the EU alone.
Whose talking about NATO moron? That agreement he said no to stupid!
The agreement was non binding.
The agreement was non enforceable.
And America was expected to pick up the entire tab!

You want it the you pay for it! America is not your ebt card. Got it idiot?
Although Fareed Zakaria is no authority, I do believe that the European Union of free nations do not look for leadership to Donald Trump. It is fair to say the American president is a joke-a-minute for Europeans. He had no credibility while a candidate for the Republican nomination. The USA is now irrelevant for Europe which is disadvantaged having allowed ourselves to count on America for our protection during the Cold War. It is time for the European Union to rely on itself alone.
And like that agreement if you want it you pay for it! Stop expecting the united states to pay your bills.
Not all states of the European Union (EU) are members of NATO and these members owe nothing to the USA.
Germany was in no position after WWII to decide anything being occupied in the west by the Americans, British, and French while the east was under Moscau. France has tried to have an independent voice on defense but this has met with limited success because NATO was dragging the French into all kinds of foreign entanglements. It is time for a European Union realignment, to beef-up the EU battle groups as an integrated European Union Armed Forces, paid for and sustained by the EU alone.

#1 Which nations in the E.U are not in NATO....

#2 What enemy is it that NATO countries need to prepare to fight against???????
Although Fareed Zakaria is no authority, I do believe that the European Union of free nations do not look for leadership to Donald Trump. It is fair to say the American president is a joke-a-minute for Europeans. He had no credibility while a candidate for the Republican nomination. The USA is now irrelevant for Europe which is disadvantaged having allowed ourselves to count on America for our protection during the Cold War. It is time for the European Union to rely on itself alone.
And like that agreement if you want it you pay for it! Stop expecting the united states to pay your bills.
Not all states of the European Union (EU) are members of NATO and these members owe nothing to the USA.
Germany was in no position after WWII to decide anything being occupied in the west by the Americans, British, and French while the east was under Moscau. France has tried to have an independent voice on defense but this has met with limited success because NATO was dragging the French into all kinds of foreign entanglements. It is time for a European Union realignment, to beef-up the EU battle groups as an integrated European Union Armed Forces, paid for and sustained by the EU alone.
Whose talking about NATO moron? That agreement he said no to stupid!
The agreement was non binding.
The agreement was non enforceable.
And America was expected to pick up the entire tab!

You want it the you pay for it! America is not your ebt card. Got it idiot?
Everyone gets one chance to call me a moron before going on my 'ignore' list.
Although Fareed Zakaria is no authority, I do believe that the European Union of free nations do not look for leadership to Donald Trump. It is fair to say the American president is a joke-a-minute for Europeans. He had no credibility while a candidate for the Republican nomination. The USA is now irrelevant for Europe which is disadvantaged having allowed ourselves to count on America for our protection during the Cold War. It is time for the European Union to rely on itself alone.
And like that agreement if you want it you pay for it! Stop expecting the united states to pay your bills.
Not all states of the European Union (EU) are members of NATO and these members owe nothing to the USA.
Germany was in no position after WWII to decide anything being occupied in the west by the Americans, British, and French while the east was under Moscau. France has tried to have an independent voice on defense but this has met with limited success because NATO was dragging the French into all kinds of foreign entanglements. It is time for a European Union realignment, to beef-up the EU battle groups as an integrated European Union Armed Forces, paid for and sustained by the EU alone.
Whose talking about NATO moron? That agreement he said no to stupid!
The agreement was non binding.
The agreement was non enforceable.
And America was expected to pick up the entire tab!

You want it the you pay for it! America is not your ebt card. Got it idiot?
Everyone gets one chance to call me a moron before going on my 'ignore' list.
Fuck face.
Although Fareed Zakaria is no authority, I do believe that the European Union of free nations do not look for leadership to Donald Trump. It is fair to say the American president is a joke-a-minute for Europeans. He had no credibility while a candidate for the Republican nomination. The USA is now irrelevant for Europe which is disadvantaged having allowed ourselves to count on America for our protection during the Cold War. It is time for the European Union to rely on itself alone.
And like that agreement if you want it you pay for it! Stop expecting the united states to pay your bills.
Not all states of the European Union (EU) are members of NATO and these members owe nothing to the USA.
Germany was in no position after WWII to decide anything being occupied in the west by the Americans, British, and French while the east was under Moscau. France has tried to have an independent voice on defense but this has met with limited success because NATO was dragging the French into all kinds of foreign entanglements. It is time for a European Union realignment, to beef-up the EU battle groups as an integrated European Union Armed Forces, paid for and sustained by the EU alone.
Whose talking about NATO moron? That agreement he said no to stupid!
The agreement was non binding.
The agreement was non enforceable.
And America was expected to pick up the entire tab!

You want it the you pay for it! America is not your ebt card. Got it idiot?
Everyone gets one chance to call me a moron before going on my 'ignore' list.
How about I call you a kunt instead? Mother fucking lying ass liberal trash.
Although Fareed Zakaria is no authority, I do believe that the European Union of free nations do not look for leadership to Donald Trump. It is fair to say the American president is a joke-a-minute for Europeans. He had no credibility while a candidate for the Republican nomination. The USA is now irrelevant for Europe which is disadvantaged having allowed ourselves to count on America for our protection during the Cold War. It is time for the European Union to rely on itself alone.
And like that agreement if you want it you pay for it! Stop expecting the united states to pay your bills.
Not all states of the European Union (EU) are members of NATO and these members owe nothing to the USA.
Germany was in no position after WWII to decide anything being occupied in the west by the Americans, British, and French while the east was under Moscau. France has tried to have an independent voice on defense but this has met with limited success because NATO was dragging the French into all kinds of foreign entanglements. It is time for a European Union realignment, to beef-up the EU battle groups as an integrated European Union Armed Forces, paid for and sustained by the EU alone.
Whose talking about NATO moron? That agreement he said no to stupid!
The agreement was non binding.
The agreement was non enforceable.
And America was expected to pick up the entire tab!

You want it the you pay for it! America is not your ebt card. Got it idiot?
Everyone gets one chance to call me a moron before going on my 'ignore' list.

Go ahead and "Ignore" me, have never been able to refute my claims or debunk mine. But PLEASE keep posting because you are like a gift that keeps on giving and I use postings from morons like you like a prop.......thank you for "being you".....

Although Fareed Zakaria is no authority, I do believe that the European Union of free nations do not look for leadership to Donald Trump. It is fair to say the American president is a joke-a-minute for Europeans. He had no credibility while a candidate for the Republican nomination. The USA is now irrelevant for Europe which is disadvantaged having allowed ourselves to count on America for our protection during the Cold War. It is time for the European Union to rely on itself alone.
And like that agreement if you want it you pay for it! Stop expecting the united states to pay your bills.
Not all states of the European Union (EU) are members of NATO and these members owe nothing to the USA.
Germany was in no position after WWII to decide anything being occupied in the west by the Americans, British, and French while the east was under Moscau. France has tried to have an independent voice on defense but this has met with limited success because NATO was dragging the French into all kinds of foreign entanglements. It is time for a European Union realignment, to beef-up the EU battle groups as an integrated European Union Armed Forces, paid for and sustained by the EU alone.
Whose talking about NATO moron? That agreement he said no to stupid!
The agreement was non binding.
The agreement was non enforceable.
And America was expected to pick up the entire tab!

You want it the you pay for it! America is not your ebt card. Got it idiot?
Everyone gets one chance to call me a moron before going on my 'ignore' list.

Go ahead and "Ignore" me, have never been able to refute my claims or debunk mine. But PLEASE keep posting because you are like a gift that keeps on giving and I use postings from morons like you like a prop.......thank you for "being you".....

He needs a safe space where his lies won't be questioned. He's a liberal pussy!
Although Fareed Zakaria is no authority, I do believe that the European Union of free nations do not look for leadership to Donald Trump. It is fair to say the American president is a joke-a-minute for Europeans. He had no credibility while a candidate for the Republican nomination. The USA is now irrelevant for Europe which is disadvantaged having allowed ourselves to count on America for our protection during the Cold War. It is time for the European Union to rely on itself alone.
And like that agreement if you want it you pay for it! Stop expecting the united states to pay your bills.
Not all states of the European Union (EU) are members of NATO and these members owe nothing to the USA.
Germany was in no position after WWII to decide anything being occupied in the west by the Americans, British, and French while the east was under Moscau. France has tried to have an independent voice on defense but this has met with limited success because NATO was dragging the French into all kinds of foreign entanglements. It is time for a European Union realignment, to beef-up the EU battle groups as an integrated European Union Armed Forces, paid for and sustained by the EU alone.

#1 Which nations in the E.U are not in NATO....

#2 What enemy is it that NATO countries need to prepare to fight against???????
Answer #1 - EU nations not in NATO:
Austria, Finland, Ireland, Malta, Cyprus, and Sweden are in the EU, but not in NATO.

Answer #2 - Potental EU enemy:
States which were under the Soviet Union but are now members of the EU are more threatened by Russia than those in the west. Of particular concern are those with populations of Russian speakers whom Vladimir Putin likes to champion. Therefore, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania are on alert. Poland is watching what happens to its neighbor, Ukraine.
Turkey is not in the EU but as a member of NATO it has gone unpunished for its continued occupation of northern Cyprus, an EU member.

EDIT: I paid the courtesy of replying to you before I saw your post calling me a moron. You will not hear from me again.
French President Macron is the adult on the world stage:

Macron said, 'If we do nothing, our children will know a world of migrations, of wars, of shortage. e

Who does he expect to believe that outside Eurabia?





Seems that way but they are anonymous sources
Trump pulling U.S. out of Paris climate deal: Axios report

WASHINGTON U.S. President Donald Trump has decided to withdraw from the Paris climate accord, Axios news outlet reported on Wednesday, citing two unidentified sources with direct knowledge of the decision.

Trump who has previously called global warming a hoax, refused to endorse the landmark climate change accord at a summit of the G7 group of wealthy nations on Saturday, saying he needed more time to decide. He then tweeted that he would make an announcement this week.

Fox News also cited an unidentified source confirming the pullout.
The decision to withdraw from the climate accord was influenced by a letter from 22 Republican U.S. senators, including Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, calling for an exit, Axios reported.
Shit wasn't even voted on. Remember Earnests words in 2015?
I think it’s hard to take seriously from some Members of Congress who deny the fact that climate change exists, that they should have some opportunity to render judgment about a climate change agreement
One of the biggest loads of partisan bullshit I have ever heard. He should have been shunned for that
Oh well

Trump just tweeted: "I will be announcing my decision on the Paris Accord over the next few days. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!"

I think you mean make America last again. This was a 190 country climate accord. Washington & Bejing worked on it for years. Now we have joined the only 2 countries in the world that didn't sign onto it. Syria and Nicaragua.

Not only were world leaders were telling Trump to not exist this agreement but EXON/MOBILE and many other American companies told him not to do it. This is NOT a job creator--it's a job destroyer. China will now take the lead on green energy--and we will be put in last place.
Exxon and Conoco Reiterate Support for Paris Climate Deal
Energy Companies Urge Trump To Remain In Paris Climate Agreement
U.S. Business Leaders Want to Stay in the Paris Climate Accord

Our allies look at Trump like the drunken uncle you have to invite to the bar-b-q--who sits in the yard alone and every now and then comes out of his stupor to blurt out something outrageous. They will never respect him.


Although Fareed Zakaria is no authority, I do believe that the European Union of free nations do not look for leadership to Donald Trump. It is fair to say the American president is a joke-a-minute for Europeans. He had no credibility while a candidate for the Republican nomination. The USA is now irrelevant for Europe which is disadvantaged having allowed ourselves to count on America for our protection during the Cold War. It is time for the European Union to rely on itself alone.
And like that agreement if you want it you pay for it! Stop expecting the united states to pay your bills.
Not all states of the European Union (EU) are members of NATO and these members owe nothing to the USA.
Germany was in no position after WWII to decide anything being occupied in the west by the Americans, British, and French while the east was under Moscau. France has tried to have an independent voice on defense but this has met with limited success because NATO was dragging the French into all kinds of foreign entanglements. It is time for a European Union realignment, to beef-up the EU battle groups as an integrated European Union Armed Forces, paid for and sustained by the EU alone.

#1 Which nations in the E.U are not in NATO....

#2 What enemy is it that NATO countries need to prepare to fight against???????
Answer #1 - EU nations not in NATO:
Austria, Finland, Ireland, Malta, Cyprus, and Sweden are in the EU, but not in NATO.

Answer #2 - Potental EU enemy:
States which were under the Soviet Union but are now members of the EU are more threatened by Russia than those in the west. Of particular concern are those with populations of Russian speakers whom Vladimir Putin likes to champion. Therefore, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania are on alert. Poland is watching what happens to its neighbor, Ukraine.
Turkey is not in the EU but as a member of NATO it has gone unpunished for its continued occupation of northern Cyprus, an EU member.

EDIT: I paid the courtesy of replying to you before I saw your post calling me a moron. You will not hear from me again.

None of those countries would bring anything to the table in the case of a that is a major "fail" on your part.

Russia hasn't invaded any country since the ruble was destroyed in a currency swap that happened in 1991 and since then they have simply tried to get back on their feet since the raping, pillaging and plundering of their country happened much in the same manner as America with the orchestrated collapse of 1929. Putin kicked out the Rothschilds and has worked on kicking out the oligarchs that wanted to keep the status quo. There would have been no Bolshevik Revolution without Wall Street intervention that is ran by the international bankers. The people of Russia suffered a genocide that makes the Holocaust pale in comparison. Eisenhower sent back 100's of thousands of Russians under "Operation Keelhaul" back to the USSR to be massacred or sent to the gulags. Communism in the U.S.S.R was propped up intentionally by the western powers to enrich the military industrial complex and that is a fucking fact. "Ignore" I give a shit either way.
Seems that way but they are anonymous sources
Trump pulling U.S. out of Paris climate deal: Axios report

WASHINGTON U.S. President Donald Trump has decided to withdraw from the Paris climate accord, Axios news outlet reported on Wednesday, citing two unidentified sources with direct knowledge of the decision.

Trump who has previously called global warming a hoax, refused to endorse the landmark climate change accord at a summit of the G7 group of wealthy nations on Saturday, saying he needed more time to decide. He then tweeted that he would make an announcement this week.

Fox News also cited an unidentified source confirming the pullout.
The decision to withdraw from the climate accord was influenced by a letter from 22 Republican U.S. senators, including Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, calling for an exit, Axios reported.
Shit wasn't even voted on. Remember Earnests words in 2015?
I think it’s hard to take seriously from some Members of Congress who deny the fact that climate change exists, that they should have some opportunity to render judgment about a climate change agreement
One of the biggest loads of partisan bullshit I have ever heard. He should have been shunned for that
Oh well

Trump just tweeted: "I will be announcing my decision on the Paris Accord over the next few days. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!"

I think you mean make America last again. This was a 190 country climate accord. Washington & Bejing worked on it for years. Now we have joined the only 2 countries in the world that didn't sign onto it. Syria and Nicaragua.

Not only world leaders were telling Trump to not exist this agreement but EXON/MOBILE and many other American companies told him not to do it. This is NOT a job creator--it's a job destroyer. China will now take the lead on green energy--and we will be put in last place.
Exxon and Conoco Reiterate Support for Paris Climate Deal
Energy Companies Urge Trump To Remain In Paris Climate Agreement
U.S. Business Leaders Want to Stay in the Paris Climate Accord

Our allies look at Trump like the drunken uncle you have to invite to the bar-b-q--who sits in the yard alone and every now and then comes out of his stupor to blurt out something outrageous. They will never respect him.



LMAO!!!! China was given a 13 year waiver on having to do ANYTHING about their (snicker) "carbon footprint". Green energy? How about "free energy" solutions that have been around since the days of Tesla that has been suppressed because the economy that is ruled by an international group of elites runs on petroleum.....your "Pollyanna" view of what could be is simply a dream...........I bet you still hide a tooth under your pillow....dumb ass.

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