Trump pulling out of Paris Climate Accord

That's what's its all about ...God damn son


Pollution is more than just CO2 emissions....

CO2 isn't pollution.
It's a greenhouse gas. And "pollution" is a bit in the eye of the beholder.

It's a greenhouse gas.

So is water vapor.
Do we need to spend trillions to reduce water vapor?
Could be. How hot can it before we can no longer survive?

That's the point - it doesn't matter what (or how) things work if letting things roll means - goodbye.

Why are you an Eskimo now?

Listening to his speech now .. what bullshit.
If Trump can't build a physical wall around American he will build a political wall and thus cede power to leaders in China, Russia, and Europe. When a world power withdraws it creates a power vacuum that is filled by adversaries. America's withdrawal from the Paris Accord means the US will no longer have a voice in international decisions on climate control.
Listening to his speech now .. what bullshit.
If Trump can't build a physical wall around American he will build a political wall and thus cede power to leaders in China, Russia, and Europe. When a world power withdraws it creates a power vacuum that is filled by adversaries. America's withdrawal from the Paris Accord means the US will no longer have a voice in international decisions on climate control.

Hey, dumbfuck, the big loser in this "Paris Accord" would have been fucking stupid are you???? What restraints were put on China? You don't have the slightest fucking clue and FURTHERMORE, I bet you believe that the second most prevalent fluid on earth is a "fossil fuel"...what a fucking moron.....begone, oh foul one......
Although Fareed Zakaria is no authority, I do believe that the European Union of free nations do not look for leadership to Donald Trump. It is fair to say the American president is a joke-a-minute for Europeans. He had no credibility while a candidate for the Republican nomination. The USA is now irrelevant for Europe which is disadvantaged having allowed ourselves to count on America for our protection during the Cold War. It is time for the European Union to rely on itself alone.
Back in the steel mill days they referred to Pittsburgh as " Hell with the lid off." That's no longer the case, but man o man did we end up with some kiss ass cuisine thanks to the workers that flocked there.
The Pittsburg you remember and Tramp wants all America to look like:

Trump loves his country unlike that turd Obama

Yeah, that's why he's just set your country back by 50 years, and effectively shut the US out of the development of highly profitable green technologies.

Coddling American businesses nearly destroyed your auto industry because ultimately their cars could not compete with Japanese and European cars which were more efficient and ran cleaner.

Furthermore, American cars couldn't meet emissions standards in markets outside the US, so it killed exports. Two of the Big 3 American car manufacturers went bankrupt and had to be bailed out by the government.

Trump is now doing the same thing to the rest of your businesses. He's basically declared a trade war with Europe.

The rest of the world's leaders have lost patience with Trump and are prepared to go their own way. Nobody is prepared to renegotiate the Climate Accord. Or the trade agreements.

Another LIE by the media, he said nothing about the science except to say this agreement will change virtually nothing. His concern was the price and overall economics with so little return, .02 degrees ain't shit for the trillions it would cost.

Although Fareed Zakaria is no authority, I do believe that the European Union of free nations do not look for leadership to Donald Trump. It is fair to say the American president is a joke-a-minute for Europeans. He had no credibility while a candidate for the Republican nomination. The USA is now irrelevant for Europe which is disadvantaged having allowed ourselves to count on America for our protection during the Cold War. It is time for the European Union to rely on itself alone.
And like that agreement if you want it you pay for it! Stop expecting the united states to pay your bills.
It's not just about CO2 emissions...

That's what's its all about ...God damn son


Pollution is more than just CO2 emissions....

I bet you're vegan.

And I'll bet you are wrong. And before you go on about some bull shit about cow farts and the such... just because you can't totally cut out ALL pollution doesn't mean you don't try to curb ANY pollution. That's a logical fallacy that so many RWers are hung up on and just don't understand.

We need C02 idiot , this has nothing to do with your mental masturbations of God knows what..

You want to contribute I am sure they take donations....


We need CO2? Not when we are cutting down trees at an alarming rate, and they aren't there to recycle it into Oxygen... you idiot. Go suck on a tail pipe emitting CO2 and then come back and tell me how much you needed it.
Starting as soon as we can find a leader that inspires this type of attitude. All we have now are a bunch of partisan schmucks hogging the mic followed by their brainless puppets singing their praises.

We do? And what did we have under DumBama? Can you name me one negative thing he took responsibility for? How many times has he reached out to Republicans?

We on the right (that elected Donald Trump for President) don't believe in man made global warming. That's it. And because we don't believe in it, we don't expect our leader to abide to what DumBama believed.
Did you ever listen to any of his speeches? He constantly reached out to Republicans and they slammed the door in his face. He then got fed up with the obstruction and went on an Executive Order binge which I didn't like but now it seems to be what Trump is adopting.

You want me to name one bad thing he took responsibility for... I'll do better than one.

1. He took responsibility for the Dems loosing power in congress in 2010
2. He took responsibility for the disaster in Benghazi
3. He took responsibility for the terrible rollout of the ACA and asked for help from both parties to fix it. What did he get from the Reps... "Repeal/Replace"

He never took responsibility for any of those things.

Benghazi? He sent his minions out to lie to the American public that it was a video that nobody seen. During the attack, he went to sleep because he had a fund raiser in Vegas the next day. Some responsibility.

Commie Care? He never had one regret. He bragged about it until his very last day in office. Need any videos, just ask.

He took responsibility for Dems losing Congress? Dems lost Congress because of Commie Care. Did he ever once say he would be willing to rescind it? Of course not. His mission (and the Democrats) was to create as many government dependents as he possibly could.
Do five minutes of research and you'll see videos of him taking responsibility of all three of those.

Sorry friend, that's not the way discussion groups work. You get called out on a claim, it's up to you to prove your claim--not me to prove it for you.
It's common knowledge to anybody who listened to him speak, you obviously didn't.

Here is an article that has videos of a few that I mentioned. Happy now?

Five bad things that Obama has said he’s responsible for (Video)

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