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Trump pulling out of Syria

Trump is making the same mistake Obama did

ISIS is destroyed...Iraq wasn't even pacified when Barry fled....no comparison. We're sitting ducks in Syria. Russian spetsnaz tried to attack them and lost over 200 fighters....Putin hasn't forgotten that....another Beirut waiting to happen.....time to go.
And hopefully Iraq soon too.....Enough is enough.

I genuinely doubt that Trump is doing this for troop's sake. But this morning it occurred to me that Republicans are using the same rationale I ardently used years ago about leaving Iraq during GWB. I objected to even invading Iraq. Now I find myself on the opposite side just as ardently objecting to a withdrawal in Syria. It is a couple of things for me now. The betrayal to the Kurds who rely on our support and probably wouldn't have been so involved without us, and the treatment of Yemenis by the Russia/Syrian coalition. Additionally, our President caving to Erdogan is enough to gag a maggot off a garbage truck.

But I have to admit that I've done a 180, and I'm picking apart my thoughts on the issue.

At least Trump acts in what he believes to be America's interest (unlike his predecessor).

Doubtful that he gives two shits about America’s interests. I think he doesn’t want to make the phone calls to the parents anymore. Not because their daughter or son just died in service to their nation—something he will never understand-- but because making the phone call as the CIC of the strongest military ever assembled…. it hurts his ego.

Whatever the reason; he’s doing the right thing and for me, that is the bottom line. Well done Mr. President.

Have to agree here on doing the right thing, no matter what the reason! The problem with getting involved in these type situations is that it is very tough to get out and no I do not have the answers for that!
And hopefully Iraq soon too.....Enough is enough.

I genuinely doubt that Trump is doing this for troop's sake. But this morning it occurred to me that Republicans are using the same rationale I ardently used years ago about leaving Iraq during GWB. I objected to even invading Iraq. Now I find myself on the opposite side just as ardently objecting to a withdrawal in Syria. It is a couple of things for me now. The betrayal to the Kurds who rely on our support and probably wouldn't have been so involved without us, and the treatment of Yemenis by the Russia/Syrian coalition. Additionally, our President caving to Erdogan is enough to gag a maggot off a garbage truck.

But I have to admit that I've done a 180, and I'm picking apart my thoughts on the issue.

At least Trump acts in what he believes to be America's interest (unlike his predecessor).

Doubtful that he gives two shits about America’s interests. I think he doesn’t want to make the phone calls to the parents anymore. Not because their daughter or son just died in service to their nation—something he will never understand-- but because making the phone call as the CIC of the strongest military ever assembled…. it hurts his ego.

Whatever the reason; he’s doing the right thing and for me, that is the bottom line. Well done Mr. President.

Have to agree here on doing the right thing, no matter what the reason! The problem with getting involved in these type situations is that it is very tough to get out and no I do not have the answers for that!

Get out an cause more gays being thrown off of roof tops, more 9/11s?

We are still in Japan, Germany , Korea 70 years later..

What, because it forces Orange Crash to go out in the rain? After the 92-year-old Q of E showed him how it's done?

Why not just admit the cartoonish hatred you have for Trump is really how you feel about yourself?

Impossible. I'm not a narcissist, I'm not a dick, I don't make shit up to live in a world of self-delusion, I'm not dishonest and I don't paint myself orange. I have no Twit account, no sexual harassment claims, no obsession with staying up all night to whine, no bankruptcies, and I've actually gone out and got myself a job, numerous times,.and taken on responsibilities. Everything Rump is is everything I despise. They are one and the same.

Rump and I have absolutely nothing in common beyond the fact that we were both born in the Eastern time zone. That's it.
I genuinely doubt that Trump is doing this for troop's sake. But this morning it occurred to me that Republicans are using the same rationale I ardently used years ago about leaving Iraq during GWB. I objected to even invading Iraq. Now I find myself on the opposite side just as ardently objecting to a withdrawal in Syria. It is a couple of things for me now. The betrayal to the Kurds who rely on our support and probably wouldn't have been so involved without us, and the treatment of Yemenis by the Russia/Syrian coalition. Additionally, our President caving to Erdogan is enough to gag a maggot off a garbage truck.

But I have to admit that I've done a 180, and I'm picking apart my thoughts on the issue.

Trump is doing this only for the Troop's sake....he's the one who writes the letters to the Gold Star families. The Kurds fought for themselves when ISIS attacked them. The hatred the Turks have for them is somewhat well-founded...they've commited terrorist acts in Turkey throughout the years. Their leadership is communist. And they could join their brethren in northern Iraq and be safe. I'm tired of hearing about "abandoning" the Kurds....it's bullshit.
Willpower, Trump doesn't "do" squat. He doesn't even face the people he wants fired, he sends a flunkie to do it or waits until they are out of town, but he himself is MIA. And I'd be shocked, shocked!, if he ever wrote a single letter to a Gold Star family. Generals and Commanders do that. Trump can't complete a sentence.
I genuinely doubt that Trump is doing this for troop's sake. But this morning it occurred to me that Republicans are using the same rationale I ardently used years ago about leaving Iraq during GWB. I objected to even invading Iraq. Now I find myself on the opposite side just as ardently objecting to a withdrawal in Syria. It is a couple of things for me now. The betrayal to the Kurds who rely on our support and probably wouldn't have been so involved without us, and the treatment of Yemenis by the Russia/Syrian coalition. Additionally, our President caving to Erdogan is enough to gag a maggot off a garbage truck.

But I have to admit that I've done a 180, and I'm picking apart my thoughts on the issue.

Trump is doing this only for the Troop's sake....he's the one who writes the letters to the Gold Star families. The Kurds fought for themselves when ISIS attacked them. The hatred the Turks have for them is somewhat well-founded...they've commited terrorist acts in Turkey throughout the years. Their leadership is communist. And they could join their brethren in northern Iraq and be safe. I'm tired of hearing about "abandoning" the Kurds....it's bullshit.
Willpower, Trump doesn't "do" squat. He doesn't even face the people he wants fired, he sends a flunkie to do it or waits until they are out of town, but he himself is MIA. And I'd be shocked, shocked!, if he ever wrote a single letter to a Gold Star family. Generals and Commanders do that. Trump can't complete a sentence.

But you know, he has the best words, right? Amazing, incredible words. Thousands of them dancing on rooftops. Best words since Reagan.

Actually I think he was misquoted on that. I think he's saying he has the best turds.
I bet they're not orange though.
Impossible. I'm not a narcissist, I'm not a dick, I don't make shit up to live in a world of self-delusion, I'm not dishonest and I don't paint myself orange. I have no Twit account, no sexual harassment claims, no obsession with staying up all night to whine, no bankruptcies, and I've actually gone out and got myself a job, numerous times,.and taken on responsibilities. Everything Rump is is everything I despise. They are one and the same.

Rump and I have absolutely nothing in common beyond the fact that we were both born in the Eastern time zone. That's it.

HA! A rousing defense...seems I hit a nerve. What you have is ENVY of his wildly successful life while like most of us, you've had a very ordinary life. You want him humiliated and maybe even jailed for becoming President when you were oh so sure it would be Hillary despite her criminal and treasonous acts over the years. You supported Obama because he was half-black and dressed in Armani suits....thought he was "cool" when in fact he was a stuttering moron, not the JFK reincarnated he made himself out to be. Your problem with Trump isn't his presidency....it's what the people wanted when all along you thought you were the people.
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Trump is pulling out of Syria because of a phone call from Erdogan and out of Afghanistan because of a critical statement/dare from Putin
he also had a quick meeting with Putin and Erdogan at the G20 summit this month in Argentina, when he came home he presented withdrawal of troops in Syria and Afghanistan to his cabinet...
Willpower, Trump doesn't "do" squat. He doesn't even face the people he wants fired, he sends a flunkie to do it or waits until they are out of town, but he himself is MIA. And I'd be shocked, shocked!, if he ever wrote a single letter to a Gold Star family. Generals and Commanders do that. Trump can't complete a sentence.

Translation: "I hate Trump....I don't know why....they told me to....I don't even know who they are but I'm not going to risk being right about him so I'll just keep talking shit....I hate him for making me a fucking idiot....I HATE him for that!"
Impossible. I'm not a narcissist, I'm not a dick, I don't make shit up to live in a world of self-delusion, I'm not dishonest and I don't paint myself orange. I have no Twit account, no sexual harassment claims, no obsession with staying up all night to whine, no bankruptcies, and I've actually gone out and got myself a job, numerous times,.and taken on responsibilities. Everything Rump is is everything I despise. They are one and the same.

Rump and I have absolutely nothing in common beyond the fact that we were both born in the Eastern time zone. That's it.

HA! A rousing defense...seems I hit a nerve. What you have is ENVY of his wildly successful life while like most of us, you've had a very ordinary life. You want him humiliated and maybe even jailed for becoming President when you were oh so sure it would be Hillary despite her criminal and treasonous acts over the years. You supported Obama because he was half-black and dressed in Armani suits....thought he was "cool" when in fact he was a stuttering moron, not the JFK reincarnated he made himself out to be. Your problem with Trump isn't his presidency....it's what the people wanted when all along you thought you were the people.

Trump is pulling out of Syria because of a phone call from Erdogan and out of Afghanistan because of a critical statement/dare from Putin
he also had a quick meeting with Putin and Erdogan at the G20 summit this month in Argentina, when he came home he presented withdrawal of troops in Syria and Afghanistan to his cabinet...

Well damn, THAT settles it!!!!
We are still in Japan, Germany , Korea 70 years later..

Time to ask why we are still there...Japan for our bases despite the fact they've driven several of our industries under by selling below cost and not allowing our industries to sell there. Germany as a bulkhead against an imaginary Russian invasion which is never coming.....The Soviets couldn't handle the occupation of Afghanistan...imagine them trying to occupy all of Europe. We don't need to be protecting Germany if they don't pay a measly 2% of GNP for their NATO defense obligation..not when they're buying their NG from the same Russians we're guarding them from.
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Many people here act like Erdogan shouldn't have a say about what happens in Syria or how Turkey deals with the Kurds.

When in fact Syria is on Turkey's border, and the Kurds have committed terrorist acts against the Turkish people for decades.

But in typical American hubris, our politicians think they know more about the situation, and how to solve it, than the people who have lived there for centuries. ..... :cool:
And hopefully Iraq soon too.....Enough is enough.


Where you from? How is the weather these days in Moscow?

Putin is pleased with his protégé, Donald Trump.

In Putin's mind, Trump has achieved successes beyond his expectations. It began with Trump's acquiescence to Putin at Helsinki, forsaking his own intelligence agencies and accepting Putin's word that Russia did not interfere in our 2016 election because Putin sounded forceful.

Fired being a euphemism for forcing to retire, Trump has fired key members of his administration recently. They were advisors who contributed much to Trump's administration. Too much, and they often had differing viewpoints. For that, Trump fired them. Just in the last few months, Sessions, Haley, McGahn, Zinke, Kelly, Mattis and Ayers have all been fired.

That is the attorney general, the U.N. ambassador, the White House counsel, the Interior Secretary, Trump's chief of staff, Trump's favored replacement for chief of staff, and the Defense Secretary. Often, as in the case of Heather Nauert, Matt Whitaker, and Patrick Shanahan, they are replaced by people new at the job because Trump does not want someone who will actually voice his/her opinion.

As a consequence, the federal government is seriously weakened thanks to Trump and Putin could not be more pleased.

Trump then surrendered the field to Syrian and Russian forces along with the forces of the terrorist organization known as ISIS. This also gives a free hand to Putin's ally and America's enemy, Iran. Putin was flabbergasted when Trump withdrew all U.S. forces from Syria simply because the Turkish leader, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, asked him to ... flabbergasted, but jumping with joy. Putin's much needed warm water naval facility at Tartus and his huge airbase are secure. Russia's proxy war with the U.S. in Syria is won.

Last, but certainly not least, Trump shuts down the entire federal government just before Christmas. His excuse is an ineffectual wall. In the process, Trump managed to embarrass the Senate Majority Leader and the leadership of his own party in the Republican-held Congress. Combined with Trump's retreat in Syria and the loss of key members of his administration, chaos reigns supreme in Washington.

If Putin had managed to install a former KGB agent in the White House, he could not have done better than Donald Trump. There is little wonder why Putin is jumping with glee.
What, because it forces Orange Crash to go out in the rain? After the 92-year-old Q of E showed him how it's done?

Why not just admit the cartoonish hatred you have for Trump is really how you feel about yourself?

Impossible. I'm not a narcissist, I'm not a dick, I don't make shit up to live in a world of self-delusion, I'm not dishonest and I don't paint myself orange. I have no Twit account, no sexual harassment claims, no obsession with staying up all night to whine, no bankruptcies, and I've actually gone out and got myself a job, numerous times,.and taken on responsibilities. Everything Rump is is everything I despise. They are one and the same.

Rump and I have absolutely nothing in common beyond the fact that we were both born in the Eastern time zone. That's it.

Ummm...yeah, you do, and yeah, yes you are.
I find it disturbing that the Trump hatred has driven the Left insane. You folks need to step back and actually LOOK at what is happening. Russia is spread out all over Eastern Europe they aren't "preparing" for anything conventional.

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