Trump Pushes Back on Candace Owens Undermining Vaccine: ‘People Aren’t Dying When They Take the Vaccine’

The house negro does not own the house. Once they think they do, they get evicted.

Candace Owens Makes Anti-Vaccination Talking Point, Donald Trump Pushes Back​

By Maggie Valenti

In an interview with former President Donald Trump, conservative political commentator Candace Owens attempted to make a correlation between two facts: that there were more COVID-19 deaths in 2021 than 2020, and that more people are vaccinated now than in 2020.

On her "Daily Wire" podcast “The Candace Show,” which was recorded at Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort and released Wednesday, Owens suggested that since "more people have died" since the COVID vaccines became widely available in 2021 that it calls into question the effectiveness of the vaccines.

Trump pushed back against the claims and took credit for the speedy manufacturing of the Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson vaccines.

Trump told Owens, “no, the vaccines work ... The ones who get very sick and go to the hospital are the ones that don’t take the vaccine. But it’s still their choice. And if you take the vaccine, you’re protected.”

Me thinks you need to learn how to distinguish what assumptions the author of the article was making and what he quoted. Hint, look for quotation marks at the beginning and the end of quotes. LMAO

“Yet more people have died under COVID this year,” Owens told Trump. “By the way, under Joe Biden, than under you and more people took the vaccine this year. So people are questioning how—”

“Oh no, the vaccines work, but some people aren’t the ones. The ones who get very sick and go to the hospital are the ones that don’t take the vaccine. But it’s still their choice. And if you take the vaccine, you’re protected,” Trump told Owens.

“Look, the results of the vaccine are very good, and if you do get it, it’s a very minor form,” Trump continued. “People aren’t dying when they take the vaccine.”

"Just going to echo former President Trump here on the safety and efficacy of the vaccines," Psaki said in a tweet. "Merry Christmas eve eve. go get boosted."

Candice Owens tells trump the vaccines are poison.

trump tells Candice the vaccines, that trump created btw, are highly effective and safe.

Biden Whitehouse thanks trump.

Are you surprised trump is coming out so in favore of the vaccines?

The house negro does not own the house. Once they think they do, they get evicted.

Candace Owens Makes Anti-Vaccination Talking Point, Donald Trump Pushes Back​

By Maggie Valenti

In an interview with former President Donald Trump, conservative political commentator Candace Owens attempted to make a correlation between two facts: that there were more COVID-19 deaths in 2021 than 2020, and that more people are vaccinated now than in 2020.

On her "Daily Wire" podcast “The Candace Show,” which was recorded at Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort and released Wednesday, Owens suggested that since "more people have died" since the COVID vaccines became widely available in 2021 that it calls into question the effectiveness of the vaccines.

Trump pushed back against the claims and took credit for the speedy manufacturing of the Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson vaccines.

Trump told Owens, “no, the vaccines work ... The ones who get very sick and go to the hospital are the ones that don’t take the vaccine. But it’s still their choice. And if you take the vaccine, you’re protected.”

what a racist headline…but typical of a dem…
Candace Owens is truly an angel of death. Given enough time, her body count might beat Hitler's. Tucker Carlson is helping her, of course.

On the plus side, those two will be causing the deaths of more Nazis than the whole US Army in WWII.
what a racist headline…but typical of a dem…
I'm black. Owens is a house negro. Republicans yell racism about everything but racism. Because you guys are the racists.
“Look, the results of the vaccine are very good, and if you do get it, it’s a very minor form,” Trump continued. “People aren’t dying when they take the vaccine.”

He's mistaken.

There are plenty of proven examples of people dying after having taken the “vaccine”, and plenty of evidence that a significant portion of these deaths were, in fact, caused by the “vaccine”.
I'm black. Owens is a house negro. Republicans yell racism about everything but racism. Because you guys are the racists.
calling someone a negro racist. I get as a member of the party of the klan you don’t get that, but it is…and i get you are also surprised that she, has her own opinion but that’s welcome in society outside of your demafacist cult
calling someone a negro racist. I get as a member of the party of the klan you don’t get that, but it is…and i get you are also surprised that she, has her own opinion but that’s welcome in society outside of your demafacist cult

To Democraps in general, and especially to the more extreme racist shit among them, such as IM2, a black person who dares to hold and express any other opinion than what the Democraps think they should, is the modern day equivalent of a runaway slave. Though slavery was officially banned in this country, with the ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment, modern day Democraps believe that they still own black people, or at least their votes and political support.
Trump took credit for the incredible speed at which the vaccinations were developed during his administration and in partnership with private pharmaceuticals, reiterating a point he made over the weekend during Bill O’Reilly.
“I came up with a vaccine with three vaccines,” Trump said. “All are very, very good. Came up with three of them in less than nine months. It was supposed to take five to 12 years.”
Owens interjected, “yet more people have died under COVID this year.” She then pivoted to hit the current administration, saying “By the way, under Joe Biden, then under you and more people took the vaccine this year. So people are questioning how …”
Trump interrupted “oh no, the vaccine work, but some people aren’t the ones. The ones who get very sick and go to the hospital are the ones that don’t take the vaccine. But it’s still their choice. And if you take the vaccine, you’re protected.”
“Look, the results of the vaccine are very good, and if you do get it, it’s a very minor form,” he continued. “People aren’t dying when they take the vaccine.”

There it is. Trump is saying the thing that many unvaccinated citizens that support him may need to hear to get them to pivot to getting vaccinated, and maybe even saving their, or their loved ones’ lives.
Watch above via The Daily Wire.
The post Trump Pushes Back on Candace Owens Undermining Vaccine: ‘People Aren’t Dying When They Take the Vaccine’ first appeared on Mediaite.

Do Trump Humpers disagree with Trump? You heard it straight from the horses mouth.

It is Unvaccinated folks who are dying according to Trump.

Trump has been vaccinated and taken his booster shot.

Trump has figured out that he can’t take credit for the vaccine and then claim the vaccine does not work
Or he is just telling the truth---he helped rush the faux vaccine to market. It has a lot of pitfalls-------but at the time, it was the best thing that he could do for the nation. These are the vaccines that Trump arranged for the FDA to allow at unheard speed to let people use-------forcing people to use them is still wrong, immoral, and fascist. People need to make the best decision for themselves for their specific circumstances.
People need to make the best decision for themselves for their specific circumstances.

People need to be held accountable for their decisions

If their decisions endanger other people, they should be isolated from regular people
People need to be held accountable for their decisions

If their decisions endanger other people, they should be isolated from regular people
So we need to round you guys up because vaxxers are the super spreaders........So when do we have to put you in these camps for YOUR OWN SAFETY right winger.

Opinion: Trump touts boosters. Biden credits Trump. Trump appreciates Biden. Oh my.​

"Turns out, just three weeks later, Biden and others in the White House have decided that thinking about Trump is cool again. Facing a threat from the omicron variant that’s dwarfing previous incarnations of the coronavirus in infection rates if not (thankfully) serious illness or death, Biden on Tuesday played the Trump card.

“Just the other day, former president Trump announced he had gotten his booster shot — maybe one of the few things he and I agree on,” Biden said. On top of that, Biden credited “the prior administration” with helping rush new vaccines to market in record time..."


"Trump’s “Warp Speed” vaccine push is one of the most underrated achievements of his presidency, and it understandably galls Trump to be blamed for covid-19 deaths when, in fact, he could more justifiably be credited for saving millions of lives...."

"By finally acknowledging Trump’s contributions to the coronavirus vaccines, Biden opened the door for Trump to express his appreciation in return.

“I’m very appreciative of that. I was surprised to hear it,” Trump told Fox News. “I think it was a terrific thing, and I think it makes a lot of people happy.”
Face it. President Trump sold out. He put swamp monsters in His administration, worshiped the anti-Christ Edomite self professed Jews pretending to be Biblical Israel,; And, He bombed, burned wheat fields and stole oil from Syria the Mother of Western Civilization, Syro-Aryan Christian Israel European stock, Christianity and Christ Himself.
President Trump declared a national emergency and unleashed hordes of bullycrats to destroy many thousands of livelyhoods, and rushed a deadly brew of genetic code altering drug trash into the bodies of thousands of people, gave those rotten drug company gurus many tons of money and made them exempt from all liability for all the death and suffering they are causing
On His inauguration day, He received a letter from Netanyahu telling Him who He could NOT TALK to.
When the election came along, He did not take protective measures, and when it was over, He did nothing effective to save the election.
Then He conned a lot of people into a trap, many of which are being tortured by the new regime He let take over.
How is a personal choice decision right or wrong? It is a opinion based on each person. Far as I can tell he still would not force it on people. If he wants the jab...........fine........I don't.
If the vaccine is just some evil poison being forced on everyone as part of a Deep State globalist is that just a matter of opinion??

Trump is basically one of the chief architects in bringing this dangerous vaccine to the masses and possibly killing tens of millions of people...and this is the guy you praise??


All of the politicization around this vaccine by Trump sycophants is backfiring and even Trump is smart enough to know it
Face it. President Trump sold out. He put swamp monsters in His administration, worshiped the anti-Christ Edomite self professed Jews pretending to be Biblical Israel,; And, He bombed, burned wheat fields and stole oil from Syria the Mother of Western Civilization, Syro-Aryan Christian Israel European stock, Christianity and Christ Himself.
President Trump declared a national emergency and unleashed hordes of bullycrats to destroy many thousands of livelyhoods, and rushed a deadly brew of genetic code altering drug trash into the bodies of thousands of people, gave those rotten drug company gurus many tons of money and made them exempt from all liability for all the death and suffering they are causing
On His inauguration day, He received a letter from Netanyahu telling Him who He could NOT TALK to.
When the election came along, He did not take protective measures, and when it was over, He did nothing effective to save the election.
Then He conned a lot of people into a trap, many of which are being tortured by the new regime He let take over.
So you kept quiet this whole time about all of this until now??


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