Trump Pushes Back on Candace Owens Undermining Vaccine: ‘People Aren’t Dying When They Take the Vaccine’

Trump has figured out that he can’t take credit for the vaccine and then claim the vaccine does not work
It also seems trump figured out he can't be elected president in 2024 if his "allies" keep encouraging the trump Nazis' opposition to vaccination and too many die off before the 2024 Election.

He knows he cannot rely on the vacillating centrist voters to pick up the slack. It was their votes in 2020 that gave Biden the win. So, given the centrists' traditional back-and-forth, their votes in 2022 will go to the GOP. This will have them voting for the Democrats in 2024, so trump can't afford to permit the trump Nazis to keep killing themselves with COVID variants for the next thirty-four months.

Trump took credit for the incredible speed at which the vaccinations were developed during his administration and in partnership with private pharmaceuticals, reiterating a point he made over the weekend during Bill O’Reilly.
“I came up with a vaccine with three vaccines,” Trump said. “All are very, very good. Came up with three of them in less than nine months. It was supposed to take five to 12 years.”
Owens interjected, “yet more people have died under COVID this year.” She then pivoted to hit the current administration, saying “By the way, under Joe Biden, then under you and more people took the vaccine this year. So people are questioning how …”
Trump interrupted “oh no, the vaccine work, but some people aren’t the ones. The ones who get very sick and go to the hospital are the ones that don’t take the vaccine. But it’s still their choice. And if you take the vaccine, you’re protected.”
“Look, the results of the vaccine are very good, and if you do get it, it’s a very minor form,” he continued. “People aren’t dying when they take the vaccine.”

There it is. Trump is saying the thing that many unvaccinated citizens that support him may need to hear to get them to pivot to getting vaccinated, and maybe even saving their, or their loved ones’ lives.
Watch above via The Daily Wire.
The post Trump Pushes Back on Candace Owens Undermining Vaccine: ‘People Aren’t Dying When They Take the Vaccine’ first appeared on Mediaite.

Do Trump Humpers disagree with Trump? You heard it straight from the horses mouth.

It is Unvaccinated folks who are dying according to Trump.

Trump has been vaccinated and taken his booster shot.

Teumpnis 100 percent correct ans Owens is to…more people are dying under Xiden and that’s even with the Trump vaccine. Largely due to new variants pouring into the country from overseas, due to xiden undoing the policies on the border to deal with the virus, as well as Xiden having no real plan in place to deal with the virus and his undermining of the trump vaccine ans the numerous treatments
It also seems trump figured out he can't be elected president in 2024 if his "allies" keep encouraging the trump Nazis' opposition to vaccination and too many die off before the 2024 Election.

He knows he cannot rely on the vacillating centrist voters to pick up the slack. It was their votes in 2020 that gave Biden the win. So, given the centrists' traditional back-and-forth, their votes in 2022 will go to the GOP. This will have them voting for the Democrats in 2024, so trump can't afford to permit the trump Nazis to keep killing themselves with COVID variants for the next thirty-four months.

Paid-off communist POSPOTUS knows that time is running out and Omicron is not his crony's friend, so off to Wisconsin to scare the children and coerce their parents. It's ironic that it will have been an African mouse that attenuates the commie virus.
Teumpnis 100 percent correct ans Owens is to…more people are dying under Xiden and that’s even with the Trump vaccine. Largely due to new variants pouring into the country from overseas, due to xiden undoing the policies on the border to deal with the virus, as well as Xiden having no real plan in place to deal with the virus and his undermining of the trump vaccine ans the numerous treatments
Yes, communist-dem JoeXi is Fau Chi's friend. Trump's hydroxychloroquine had to be stopped, because it reverses the need for vaccines.
Is this Trumps finest hour, albeit a year late ?
Smerconish pointed out that he could have sat himself up better for 2024 had he embraced the vaccine after his loss, did a "victory tour" citing the vaccine being available, holding immuz events around the country, etc....

But since he didn't concede, orchestrated 1/6, etc...he (again) was his own worst enemy.
Smerconish pointed out that he could have sat himself up better for 2024 had he embraced the vaccine after his loss, did a "victory tour" citing the vaccine being available, holding immuz events around the country, etc....

But since he didn't concede, orchestrated 1/6, etc...he (again) was his own worst enemy.
And, he's cheap. Had trump ponied up the cash to hire professional mercenaries instead of relying on the Proud Boy goons to lead his band of dipsh!t insurrectionists, he would today be der führer.

It's certain that Manchin and Sinema would have voted against any attempt by the Democrats to stop him.

Smerconish pointed out that he could have sat himself up better for 2024 had he embraced the vaccine after his loss, did a "victory tour" citing the vaccine being available, holding immuz events around the country, etc....

But since he didn't concede, orchestrated 1/6, etc...he (again) was his own worst enemy.
That would have required him to maintain a 4 year campaign. Never going to happen.
Smerconish pointed out that he could have sat himself up better for 2024 had he embraced the vaccine after his loss, did a "victory tour" citing the vaccine being available, holding immuz events around the country, etc....

But since he didn't concede, orchestrated 1/6, etc...he (again) was his own worst enemy.
Trump's advisor was likely a double-agent dem POS, because Trump was not told about the most critical thing needed to tell American prisoners, which was the timing of hydroxychloroquine. Because of that, many needlessly died: hcq and ivm prophylaxis would have stopped the commie virus and given Fau Chi his worst nightmare, as in Uttar Pradesh, no need for a vaccine.
And, he's cheap. Had trump ponied up the cash to hire professional mercenaries instead of relying on the Proud Boy goons to lead his band of dipsh!t insurrectionists, he would today be der führer.

It's certain that Manchin and Sinema would have voted against any attempt by the Democrats to stop him.

No...and NO. Ridiculous post.
Trump's advisor was likely a double-agent dem POS, because Trump was not told about the most critical thing needed to tell American prisoners, which was the timing of hydroxychloroquine. Because of that, many needlessly died: hcq and ivm prophylaxis would have stopped the commie virus and given Fau Chi his worst nightmare, as in Uttar Pradesh, no need for a vaccine.
Not the dumbest post ever written...

Oh wait. Yes it was. Congratulations.
When donald trump becomes the moral authority of the right wing on vaccines and covid, you need to really reflect on your life and the choices you've made in it.
Because low-IQ knuckle-draggers in this thread are mostly uneducated in this topic, what we get for casting pearls before swine is infantile reactionary cynicism, a typical style of the information-compromised, even the hormone-compromised this being the most effeminate time of the year.

Trump's scientific correctness remains fact. Trump's med directly interferes with the effeminate catholic mafia puppet, Fau Chi's vaccine plans, due to the opposing chemistry between hcq and the most important pivotal vaccine additive, ALC-0315.

One can imagine what the effeminates on Fau's side had to say in secret emails about this particular opposition. If hcq prophylaxis wins, vaccines become redundant. Anthony Fauci is a maniacal fraud without balls. He couldn't muster the manhood to even admit he got mutations backwards in his Youtube video, certainly not after how he boasted about being trained by the Jesuits.
No...and NO. Ridiculous post.
No, it's very true. You are simply too afraid to admit how close trump came to a successful coup. A conspiracy that remains ongoing and will succeed following next year's Mid-term Elections when the GOP, by then heavily influenced by the many newly elected trump Nazis, will completely scrap our current system of government.

The U.S. is currently traveling a road very similar to Germany's Weimar government. It was replaced with a fascist dictator by the original Nazis in 1933.

So, those of you still "comfortable" that our system is too well-established and strong to fail, you might find yourselves beginning to whistle in the dark more and more as November 8, 2022, approaches.



The house negro does not own the house. Once they think they do, they get evicted.

Candace Owens Makes Anti-Vaccination Talking Point, Donald Trump Pushes Back​

By Maggie Valenti

In an interview with former President Donald Trump, conservative political commentator Candace Owens attempted to make a correlation between two facts: that there were more COVID-19 deaths in 2021 than 2020, and that more people are vaccinated now than in 2020.

On her "Daily Wire" podcast “The Candace Show,” which was recorded at Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort and released Wednesday, Owens suggested that since "more people have died" since the COVID vaccines became widely available in 2021 that it calls into question the effectiveness of the vaccines.

Trump pushed back against the claims and took credit for the speedy manufacturing of the Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson vaccines.

Trump told Owens, “no, the vaccines work ... The ones who get very sick and go to the hospital are the ones that don’t take the vaccine. But it’s still their choice. And if you take the vaccine, you’re protected.”

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Its called "debate".
Democrats only have "talking points" and "fake news" to put on their MSM.
You never see Republicans on the MSM anymore, since the democrat polices are failing everywhere you look.

If Trump and Candace Owens are discussing vaccine effectiveness, and how many died under each president, I'm not seeing anything racist. Deaths are 5x more for the unvaccinated, as Trump noted. Candace merely noted that more people died under Biden (after the vaccine rollout) than Trump. She was NOT making an anti-vaccine talking point.


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The house negro does not own the house. Once they think they do, they get evicted.

Candace Owens Makes Anti-Vaccination Talking Point, Donald Trump Pushes Back​

By Maggie Valenti

In an interview with former President Donald Trump, conservative political commentator Candace Owens attempted to make a correlation between two facts: that there were more COVID-19 deaths in 2021 than 2020, and that more people are vaccinated now than in 2020.

On her "Daily Wire" podcast “The Candace Show,” which was recorded at Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort and released Wednesday, Owens suggested that since "more people have died" since the COVID vaccines became widely available in 2021 that it calls into question the effectiveness of the vaccines.

Trump pushed back against the claims and took credit for the speedy manufacturing of the Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson vaccines.

Trump told Owens, “no, the vaccines work ... The ones who get very sick and go to the hospital are the ones that don’t take the vaccine. But it’s still their choice. And if you take the vaccine, you’re protected.”

LOL, and your proud of this thread? You go ahead on, you are incompetent, but then again, we already knew that.
LOL, and your proud of this thread? You go ahead on, you are incompetent, but then again, we already knew that.
I am right. You are incompetant. As long as you defend people like Owens you will remain incompetant.
Its called "debate".
Democrats only have "talking points" and "fake news" to put on their MSM.
You never see Republicans on the MSM anymore, since the democrat polices are failing everywhere you look.

If Trump and Candace Owens are discussing vaccine effectiveness, and how many died under each president, I'm not seeing anything racist. Deaths are 5x more for the unvaccinated, as Trump noted. Candace merely noted that more people died under Biden (after the vaccine rollout) than Trump. She was NOT making an anti-vaccine talking point.
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Wrong. I know whst debate is. You don't. And the only people using talking points are you right wingers. More people have not died under Biden than trump and those who are dying do so because they listened to trump and refused to be vaccinated.

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