Trump Pushes Back on Candace Owens Undermining Vaccine: ‘People Aren’t Dying When They Take the Vaccine’

Trump took credit for the incredible speed at which the vaccinations were developed during his administration and in partnership with private pharmaceuticals, reiterating a point he made over the weekend during Bill O’Reilly.
“I came up with a vaccine with three vaccines,” Trump said. “All are very, very good. Came up with three of them in less than nine months. It was supposed to take five to 12 years.”
Owens interjected, “yet more people have died under COVID this year.” She then pivoted to hit the current administration, saying “By the way, under Joe Biden, then under you and more people took the vaccine this year. So people are questioning how …”
Trump interrupted “oh no, the vaccine work, but some people aren’t the ones. The ones who get very sick and go to the hospital are the ones that don’t take the vaccine. But it’s still their choice. And if you take the vaccine, you’re protected.”
“Look, the results of the vaccine are very good, and if you do get it, it’s a very minor form,” he continued. “People aren’t dying when they take the vaccine.”

There it is. Trump is saying the thing that many unvaccinated citizens that support him may need to hear to get them to pivot to getting vaccinated, and maybe even saving their, or their loved ones’ lives.
Watch above via The Daily Wire.
The post Trump Pushes Back on Candace Owens Undermining Vaccine: ‘People Aren’t Dying When They Take the Vaccine’ first appeared on Mediaite.

Do Trump Humpers disagree with Trump? You heard it straight from the horses mouth.

It is Unvaccinated folks who are dying according to Trump.

Trump has been vaccinated and taken his booster shot.

He's made a fool of all republicans. You worshipped his effluent and now he shits on you all.

Click i agree. then vaers search......then section 3 Covid 19 enter.
Some interesting information, but there are three issues:

1) 203 million Americans are fully vaccinated. You say there have been 700K reports of adverse effects. That is 0.34 per cent. That is within the margin of error. IOW, sweet fuck all.
2) These figures are people reporting that they have had a reaction after getting the jab. This could be anything from a lump appearing at the jab site (which happens to a lot of people who get the infant jabs - measles, diphtheria etc, to which I say "and? Who cares? No big deal"), to something more sinister.
3) Who says that the issue that has arisen is even related to the jab? It could be the symptom of another issue that arrived within the same time period, which going by the percentage mentioned in the first point, is still minescule and therefore within the margin of error.
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I have been vaccinated myself and would vote for Trump again without hesitation if he is the party
choice but vaccinated people die of covid all the time.
Trump is off base there.

Some interesting information, but there are three issues:

1) 203 million Americans are fully vaccinated. You say there have been 700K reports of adverse effects. That is 0.34 per cent. That is within the margin of error. IOW, sweet fuck all.
2) These figures are people reporting that they have had a reaction after getting the jab. This could be anything from a lump appearing at the jab site (which happens to a lot of people who get the infant jabs - measles, diphtheria etc, which I say "and? Who cares?"), to something more sinister.
3) Who says that the issue that has arisen is even related to the jab? It could be the symptom of another issue that arrived within the same time period, which going by the percentage mentioned in the first point, is still minescule and therefore within the margin of error.

Most information is headaches........body aches......But there are deaths.........and heart issues in that data base.

You use the 0.34 percent as evidence that it is worth the risk?


Survival rate for most ages is lower than that.
I have been vaccinated myself and would vote for Trump again without hesitation if he is the party
choice but vaccinated people die of covid all the time.
Trump is off base there.
I'd vote for him again. I do not agree on the vaccines........Had it been a traditional vaccine I wouldn't have a problem taking it. This is an experimental vaccine that has MANY ISSUES.

Not to mention the cheap treatments that this country has been denied and used very well in other countries.
yes. And i know where you are going...........yes they took jabs.........jabs that ACTUALLY WORKED.

This is experimental BS. Not the same thing.
So why is it that the majority of folks who are going to the hospital and dying are unvaccinated folks?
Chinese commie virologists who first contemplated these bats viruses had to have marveled at their evolution. But Omicron has upset the planned dupage of the prisoners. British MI6 is now working overtime to support the propaganda of the Gates-Fau Chi vaccine lobby, and the variant is Omicron:

Omicron evolved in South African mice then jumped back into H. sapiens. It is an attenuated Chinese virus.
We believe that the commie virus was roughed up (attenuated) by the South African caucasoid and negroid genomes with the assistance of mice. Omicron did not evolve without the help of the genomes of these tribes:

Zulu, Xhosa, Venda, Tswana, Hottentot, Sotho, Pondo, Swati and Pedi.

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