Trump puts GOP House majority in jeopardy

The Republican majority in the Senate you can color GONE already. And house seats, a lot of them. What the Trumpett's have always failed to realize is that Republicans living in the entire South West of this country depend on Hispanic support to win elections, without them THEY LOSE.

Like it matters? What did a demcrat or repub majority ever do to help the middle class? New boss is the same as the old as usual for USA.INC.
FDR, and unions, and WWII, and the GI bill, created the Middle Class, while it lasted.

You are fucking beyond clueless....I can't even BEGIN to tell you how wrong you are.......I am almost SPEECHLESS.
Just save it, you who were born a slave to a corporation. I was born free, mostly, in a nation.

It is sheeple like you that allowed Hitler to get into power. It is sheeple like you that would never rise up against Lenin and Stalin. Your admiration for the "State" trumps common sense. If the "State" passed an act, statute or code that all males need to be relieved of one testicle, you would belly up to the table and say "Take both...I'm not using them" and then brag about what a great "citizen" you are without even knowing the real definition of the word is according to Black's Law dictionary. My mission for posting is to try and get people to snap out of their slumber and wake up as to what is really going on because I care about people...then I run across clueless douches like you and I take solace in knowing that if we don't turn it around, I will get the satisfaction of knowing you are sitting on a curb some place waiting for help that will never come from a beloved "gubermint" that you trusted. I will spare you a thought. I have prepared for me and mine in the case of an emergency. I have had people tell me once they saw how well I was prepared "Well, I know where to go when the SHTF". My response is that once it happens, you are on your were warned and had plenty of time to prepare...don't even bother coming around expecting us to sacrifice because you ignored the signs...not gonna happen.
I'm a liberal. Government is a necessary evil. Keep your paranoia for your other little paranoid morons.
The other day liberals declared Trump was 'threatening the WORLD ORDER'.

The man is 1 man.
He is disliked by the WE-GOP
He is opposed by the libs
Many countries don't lie him
He can't do anything without Congressional support

....but still liberals warn he is a threat to 'WORLD Order'...

...and libs want to accuse others of having paranoia?

That's the reason the GOP is terrified that Trump will get the nomination.

Other candidates up for reelection in the GOP might end up getting voted out if Trump is at the top of the ballot.
With Trump it will likely be a clean sweep for the Dems; the presidency, the house and the senate, and with the senate the supremes.
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The GOP is terrified?

Libs are breaking the law, blocking traffic in hopes that will stop people from flocking to see Trump, trying to shout him down so people won't hear his message, and are inciting violence against him. They have claimed he threatens the entire World Order.

They are going bat-shit crazy over this man...
I don't know why libs want to silence Trump and keep people from seeing and hearing him. The more people hear and see him the more they will realize how messed up he is....

All this attacking, demonizing, eyc is just making people more sympathetic to him and boosti g their desire to stick it to the 'establishment'....they are only helping drive the Trump 'movement'...
Like it matters? What did a demcrat or repub majority ever do to help the middle class? New boss is the same as the old as usual for USA.INC.
FDR, and unions, and WWII, and the GI bill, created the Middle Class, while it lasted.

You are fucking beyond clueless....I can't even BEGIN to tell you how wrong you are.......I am almost SPEECHLESS.
Just save it, you who were born a slave to a corporation. I was born free, mostly, in a nation.

It is sheeple like you that allowed Hitler to get into power. It is sheeple like you that would never rise up against Lenin and Stalin. Your admiration for the "State" trumps common sense. If the "State" passed an act, statute or code that all males need to be relieved of one testicle, you would belly up to the table and say "Take both...I'm not using them" and then brag about what a great "citizen" you are without even knowing the real definition of the word is according to Black's Law dictionary. My mission for posting is to try and get people to snap out of their slumber and wake up as to what is really going on because I care about people...then I run across clueless douches like you and I take solace in knowing that if we don't turn it around, I will get the satisfaction of knowing you are sitting on a curb some place waiting for help that will never come from a beloved "gubermint" that you trusted. I will spare you a thought. I have prepared for me and mine in the case of an emergency. I have had people tell me once they saw how well I was prepared "Well, I know where to go when the SHTF". My response is that once it happens, you are on your were warned and had plenty of time to prepare...don't even bother coming around expecting us to sacrifice because you ignored the signs...not gonna happen.
I'm a liberal. Government is a necessary evil. Keep your paranoia for your other little paranoid morons.

"I'm a liberal"

Well, that certainly explains as to why you are blatantly stupid and clueless. You believe in being ruled and "da gubermint" is your god......pretty damn pathetic.
"I'm a liberal"

Well, that certainly explains as to why you are blatantly stupid and clueless. You believe in being ruled and "da gubermint" is your god......pretty damn pathetic.
Nope. that ain't anything like liberalism my little insane friend...

"Liberalism, political doctrine that takes protecting and enhancing the freedom of the individual to be the central problem of politics. Liberals typically believe that government is necessary to protect individuals from being harmed by others; but they also recognize that government itself can pose a threat to liberty. As the revolutionary American pamphleteer Thomas Paine expressed it in “Common Sense” (1776), government is at best “a necessary evil.” Laws, judges, and police are needed to secure the individual’s life and liberty, but their coercive power may also be turned against him. The problem, then, is to devise a system that gives government the power necessary to protect individual liberty but also prevents those who govern from abusing that power."
liberalism | politics
Like it matters? What did a demcrat or repub majority ever do to help the middle class? New boss is the same as the old as usual for USA.INC.
FDR, and unions, and WWII, and the GI bill, created the Middle Class, while it lasted.

You are fucking beyond clueless....I can't even BEGIN to tell you how wrong you are.......I am almost SPEECHLESS.
Just save it, you who were born a slave to a corporation. I was born free, mostly, in a nation.

It is sheeple like you that allowed Hitler to get into power. It is sheeple like you that would never rise up against Lenin and Stalin. Your admiration for the "State" trumps common sense. If the "State" passed an act, statute or code that all males need to be relieved of one testicle, you would belly up to the table and say "Take both...I'm not using them" and then brag about what a great "citizen" you are without even knowing the real definition of the word is according to Black's Law dictionary. My mission for posting is to try and get people to snap out of their slumber and wake up as to what is really going on because I care about people...then I run across clueless douches like you and I take solace in knowing that if we don't turn it around, I will get the satisfaction of knowing you are sitting on a curb some place waiting for help that will never come from a beloved "gubermint" that you trusted. I will spare you a thought. I have prepared for me and mine in the case of an emergency. I have had people tell me once they saw how well I was prepared "Well, I know where to go when the SHTF". My response is that once it happens, you are on your were warned and had plenty of time to prepare...don't even bother coming around expecting us to sacrifice because you ignored the signs...not gonna happen.
I'm a liberal. Government is a necessary evil. Keep your paranoia for your other little paranoid morons.

I agree...I am a moderate and I also believe that we need some government. Why elect a government if we're just going to allow corporations to do as they please and government doesn't have any say?
Yeah, the last time the leftard clown posse was in charge of both houses, they backdoored Barrypuppetcare by changing rules at their whelm while attaching billions in pork.....they love to feed at the trough. They took control of the House and Senate in
If Trump gets screwed I see low voter turnout for Republican House and Senate candidates.
The Dems very much hope that you are right. If the Trumpers, or Cruxers, stay home, thank God for small favors...

I think the anti Trump vote will be historic - the hispanics, black, muslims and feminists will be out in full effect.

The GOP has heartburn
Yeah, the last time the leftard clown posse was in charge of both houses, they backdoored Barrypuppetcare by changing rules at their whelm while attaching billions in pork.....they love to feed at the trough.

Untrue. The Senate passed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act 60-39. The house passed the very same Senate bill it 219-212. No backdoors. The Health Care and and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 amended the PPAC, but only in the manners allowed under reconciliation, thus requiring only a majority vote in the Senate. Those are the rules.

They took control of the House and Senate in 2006 by promising to end the occupation in Iraq and Afghanistan but yet they gave the Bushpuppet every dime that he asked for while attaching pork....businees as usual. Nothing is going to change at all...etch it in stone.

They took control of the House and Senate in 2006 by getting more votes than the other guys. Maybe your voting booth looks different, but mine doesn't ask me why I am voting for someone.
"I'm a liberal"

Well, that certainly explains as to why you are blatantly stupid and clueless. You believe in being ruled and "da gubermint" is your god......pretty damn pathetic.
Nope. that ain't anything like liberalism my little insane friend...

"Liberalism, political doctrine that takes protecting and enhancing the freedom of the individual to be the central problem of politics. Liberals typically believe that government is necessary to protect individuals from being harmed by others; but they also recognize that government itself can pose a threat to liberty. As the revolutionary American pamphleteer Thomas Paine expressed it in “Common Sense” (1776), government is at best “a necessary evil.” Laws, judges, and police are needed to secure the individual’s life and liberty, but their coercive power may also be turned against him. The problem, then, is to devise a system that gives government the power necessary to protect individual liberty but also prevents those who govern from abusing that power."
liberalism | politics
You seem more like a Fabian socialist just like Hillary that believes that we should serve the collective and individual rights must take a backseat.
FDR, and unions, and WWII, and the GI bill, created the Middle Class, while it lasted.

You are fucking beyond clueless....I can't even BEGIN to tell you how wrong you are.......I am almost SPEECHLESS.
Just save it, you who were born a slave to a corporation. I was born free, mostly, in a nation.

It is sheeple like you that allowed Hitler to get into power. It is sheeple like you that would never rise up against Lenin and Stalin. Your admiration for the "State" trumps common sense. If the "State" passed an act, statute or code that all males need to be relieved of one testicle, you would belly up to the table and say "Take both...I'm not using them" and then brag about what a great "citizen" you are without even knowing the real definition of the word is according to Black's Law dictionary. My mission for posting is to try and get people to snap out of their slumber and wake up as to what is really going on because I care about people...then I run across clueless douches like you and I take solace in knowing that if we don't turn it around, I will get the satisfaction of knowing you are sitting on a curb some place waiting for help that will never come from a beloved "gubermint" that you trusted. I will spare you a thought. I have prepared for me and mine in the case of an emergency. I have had people tell me once they saw how well I was prepared "Well, I know where to go when the SHTF". My response is that once it happens, you are on your were warned and had plenty of time to prepare...don't even bother coming around expecting us to sacrifice because you ignored the signs...not gonna happen.
I'm a liberal. Government is a necessary evil. Keep your paranoia for your other little paranoid morons.

I agree...I am a moderate and I also believe that we need some government. Why elect a government if we're just going to allow corporations to do as they please and government doesn't have any say?

Allowing 'corporations' to do as they please is actually called free-will. I have no problem with freedom.
Yeah, the last time the leftard clown posse was in charge of both houses, they backdoored Barrypuppetcare by changing rules at their whelm while attaching billions in pork.....they love to feed at the trough.

Untrue. The Senate passed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act 60-39. The house passed the very same Senate bill it 219-212. No backdoors. The Health Care and and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 amended the PPAC, but only in the manners allowed under reconciliation, thus requiring only a majority vote in the Senate. Those are the rules.

They took control of the House and Senate in 2006 by promising to end the occupation in Iraq and Afghanistan but yet they gave the Bushpuppet every dime that he asked for while attaching pork....businees as usual. Nothing is going to change at all...etch it in stone.

They took control of the House and Senate in 2006 by getting more votes than the other guys. Maybe your voting booth looks different, but mine doesn't ask me why I am voting for someone.
That was the vote to end debate. When Scott Brown took Kennedy's seat, they no longer had a filibuster proof senate as Brown was the 41st Republican and they all stayed strong to oppose it...SO, like I said they backdoored it. Consider yourself "schooled".

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