Trump puts GOP House majority in jeopardy

Yeah, the last time the leftard clown posse was in charge of both houses, they backdoored Barrypuppetcare by changing rules at their whelm while attaching billions in pork.....they love to feed at the trough. They took control of the House and Senate in 2006 by promising to end the occupation in Iraq and Afghanistan but yet they gave the Bushpuppet every dime that he asked for while attaching pork....businees as usual. Nothing is going to change at all...etch it in stone.

Obamacare was awful. Covering preexisting conditions is so damn liberal. Let those bastards suffer and die. Allowing kids to stay on their parent's policies until age 26 is more socialism. Let those kids fend for themselves. If they get sick and can't afford health care... tough luck!

Jesus would not approve of taking care of the sick or poor unless you believe his socialist commie hippie teachings and that Sermon on the Mount crap about blessed are the poor and blessed art the peacemakers Marxist crap. The only peacemaker with a crap was the Colt Peacemaker.

Jesus would not approve of your beloved "gubermit" withholding cancer curing treatments from a disease that they created to begin with and that includes AIDS. He certainly wouldn't approve of genetically modified foods that cause people to become obese and sick which is what the FDA has signed off on....and He certainly wouldn't approve of a central banking system that attaches usury to every fucking note extended from credit created out of thin air that makes the masses nothing but indentured debt slaves whose wages are arbitrarily confiscated from them after they have bartered their time and labor for a fiat currency in order to eek out an existence on this shitty planet but I guess you are too terminally STUPID to see it...why I am not surprised? I doubt that he would approve of the geo-engineering that is poisoning our skies...I am pretty sure about that. I doubt that He would be on board with water fluoridation that does nothing for your teeth but it will weaken the bones, make you docile and lower your I.Q and that is a proven fact,
I am really getting tired of trying to educate IDIOTS like are like a stubborn mule that is thirsty and even though I lead you to won't drink from it "just because"....maybe there is such a thing as too much knowledge. I feel like a guy that comes a cross a house on fire at night and I rush into wake up the family and they just brush me off. We are being poisoned in so many ways. It's a death by a thousand's not one that will eventually do you's an accumulative one bee sting will not kill you but a thousand stings will...wake the fuck up...sheesh.
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I like that the fluff piece uses Dold as an example of a Rep in trouble because of Trump. Yet they will ignore the fact that Dold won Kirk's seasons after Kirk went to the senate. After that the Chicago/Springfield machine redistricted him and I forgot his name won. Then on 2014 he won it back in a low turn out election.

Dold lost the seat without a handicap from Trump!
Which side are you on? Don't you know that the rich know what's best for us?

I hate to break it to you, but career politicians have been thinking that for years. You are uncapable of running your own life and too stupid to know what is best. To prove they are right, for example - YOU are the one who elected them. See - they're right.
Yeah, the last time the leftard clown posse was in charge of both houses, they backdoored Barrypuppetcare by changing rules at their whelm while attaching billions in pork.....they love to feed at the trough. They took control of the House and Senate in 2006 by promising to end the occupation in Iraq and Afghanistan but yet they gave the Bushpuppet every dime that he asked for while attaching pork....businees as usual. Nothing is going to change at all...etch it in stone.

Obamacare was awful. Covering preexisting conditions is so damn liberal. Let those bastards suffer and die. Allowing kids to stay on their parent's policies until age 26 is more socialism. Let those kids fend for themselves. If they get sick and can't afford health care... tough luck!

Jesus would not approve of taking care of the sick or poor unless you believe his socialist commie hippie teachings and that Sermon on the Mount crap about blessed are the poor and blessed art the peacemakers Marxist crap. The only peacemaker with a crap was the Colt Peacemaker.

Jesus would not approve of your beloved "gubermit" withholding cancer curing treatments from a disease that they created to begin with and that includes AIDS. He certainly wouldn't approve of genetically modified foods that cause people to become obese and sick which is what the FDA has signed off on....and He certainly wouldn't approve of a central banking system that attaches usury to every fucking note extended from credit created out of thin air that makes the masses nothing but indentured debt slaves whose wages are arbitrarily confiscated from them after they have bartered their time and labor for a fiat currency in order to eek out an existence on this shitty planet but I guess you are too terminally STUPID to see it...why I am not surprised? I doubt that he would apoprove of the geo-engineering that is poisoning our skies...I am pretty sure about that. I doubt that He would be on board with water fluoridation that does nothing for your teeth but it will weaken the bones, make you docile and lower your I.Q and that is a proven fact,
I am really getting tired of trying to educate IDIOTS like are like a stubborn mule that is thirsty and even though I lead you to won't drink from it "just because"....maybe there is such a thing as too much knowledge. I feel like a guy that comes a cross a house on fire at night and I rush into wake up the family and they just brush me off. We are being poisoned in so many ways. It's a death by a thousand's not one that will eventually do you's an accumulative one bee sting will not kill you but a thousand stings will...wake the fuck up...sheesh.

Actually Jesus was not an anarchist and Jesus was very very pro government and pro taxation!

‘Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's’” (Matthew 22:20-21). Evidently, the believers in Rome were still asking the same question because Paul instructed them on the matter. “This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God's servants, who give their full time to governing” (Romans 13:6).

Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. - Romans 13:1

God is a socialist on immigration too.

When a stranger sojourns with you in your land, you shall not do him wrong. You shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God. - Leviticus 19:33-34.

Jesus was one of those Capitalist hating Socialists. He didn't know that the rich knows what's best.

Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God. - Matthew 19:24.

Jesus was a damned peacenik!

You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.' But I say to you, Do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if anyone would sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. And if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. - Matthew 5:38-42, Luke 27-30.

Jesus was a damned feminist and a fag and trannie lover!

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. - Galatians 3:28
Which side are you on? Don't you know that the rich know what's best for us?

I hate to break it to you, but career politicians have been thinking that for years. You are uncapable of running your own life and too stupid to know what is best. To prove they are right, for example - YOU are the one who elected them. See - they're right.

In a democracy that would be true but the US is not a democracy. The US went from a democracy to plutocracy to a kleptocracy. If the US were government by the consent of the people there would be very few poor people and then what would the rich do for cheap labor?

Money is power. I just worry that the Trumpsters and the Bernie supporters are going to not know their roles and won't shut their mouths and end up going all French Revolution on the plutocrats and kleptocrats.

A Kleptocracy is the best because when the poor get money they become too empowered. It's good that the shadow government is maintaining this serfdom.
If Trump gets screwed I see low voter turnout for Republican House and Senate candidates.
The Dems very much hope that you are right. If the Trumpers, or Cruxers, stay home, thank God for small favors...
I see a Trump presidency less damaging than a Cruz presidency.

The damage I want to see done is to the GOP base. I'd like to see the GOP splinter in to the Tea Party, some White Nationalist Party and a bunch of cry baby libertarians.
That is well in process, not to mention a Ye Olde' Capitalist wing...

Hyper capitalism is the problem. We have capitalist anarchy.
Yeah, the last time the leftard clown posse was in charge of both houses, they backdoored Barrypuppetcare by changing rules at their whelm while attaching billions in pork.....they love to feed at the trough. They took control of the House and Senate in 2006 by promising to end the occupation in Iraq and Afghanistan but yet they gave the Bushpuppet every dime that he asked for while attaching pork....businees as usual. Nothing is going to change at all...etch it in stone.

Obamacare was awful. Covering preexisting conditions is so damn liberal. Let those bastards suffer and die. Allowing kids to stay on their parent's policies until age 26 is more socialism. Let those kids fend for themselves. If they get sick and can't afford health care... tough luck!

Jesus would not approve of taking care of the sick or poor unless you believe his socialist commie hippie teachings and that Sermon on the Mount crap about blessed are the poor and blessed art the peacemakers Marxist crap. The only peacemaker with a crap was the Colt Peacemaker.

Jesus would not approve of your beloved "gubermit" withholding cancer curing treatments from a disease that they created to begin with and that includes AIDS. He certainly wouldn't approve of genetically modified foods that cause people to become obese and sick which is what the FDA has signed off on....and He certainly wouldn't approve of a central banking system that attaches usury to every fucking note extended from credit created out of thin air that makes the masses nothing but indentured debt slaves whose wages are arbitrarily confiscated from them after they have bartered their time and labor for a fiat currency in order to eek out an existence on this shitty planet but I guess you are too terminally STUPID to see it...why I am not surprised? I doubt that he would apoprove of the geo-engineering that is poisoning our skies...I am pretty sure about that. I doubt that He would be on board with water fluoridation that does nothing for your teeth but it will weaken the bones, make you docile and lower your I.Q and that is a proven fact,
I am really getting tired of trying to educate IDIOTS like are like a stubborn mule that is thirsty and even though I lead you to won't drink from it "just because"....maybe there is such a thing as too much knowledge. I feel like a guy that comes a cross a house on fire at night and I rush into wake up the family and they just brush me off. We are being poisoned in so many ways. It's a death by a thousand's not one that will eventually do you's an accumulative one bee sting will not kill you but a thousand stings will...wake the fuck up...sheesh.

Actually Jesus was not an anarchist and Jesus was very very pro government and pro taxation!

‘Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's’” (Matthew 22:20-21). Evidently, the believers in Rome were still asking the same question because Paul instructed them on the matter. “This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God's servants, who give their full time to governing” (Romans 13:6).

Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. - Romans 13:1

God is a socialist on immigration too.

When a stranger sojourns with you in your land, you shall not do him wrong. You shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God. - Leviticus 19:33-34.

Jesus was one of those Capitalist hating Socialists. He didn't know that the rich knows what's best.

Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God. - Matthew 19:24.

Jesus was a damned peacenik!

You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.' But I say to you, Do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if anyone would sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. And if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. - Matthew 5:38-42, Luke 27-30.

Jesus was a damned feminist and a fag and trannie lover!

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. - Galatians 3:28

Caesar was a brutal dictator and Jesus said to give him what he wanted so they could live because that was the system at the time and they did not have the means to fight this brutal totalitarian system and like the taxes we pay on our wages, it does not go towards the greater good...fact.

Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities,
for there is no authority except that which God has established.
So when the Pharaoh enslaved the Israelites in Egypt, that was God's will because he established it that way? Nah, I don't think so. I have God given rights and I do not submit to an authority that believes that they have a divine right to rule over me. What if "da gubermint" wanted me to kill innocent people because I was ordered to because they have "authority"...would that make it right? When Lenin was starving people after he disarmed him, that was God's will? How about Mao Tse -Tung that killed 40 million people through starvation, was that his will? How about Hitler and his genocide of people that did not fit his Aryan views...should all of the ones that fell outside of his idea of a "people" just willingly walk into the gas chambers or submit to what he wanted???? So far you are 0 for 2....let's continue.

"When a stranger sojourns with you in your land, you shall not do him wrong. You shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God"

Hmmm, he said nothing about invaders that seek to usurp a duly elected Republic nor did he claim that we should give up sovereignty....0 for 3.

"You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.' But I say to you, Do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if anyone would sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. And if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles"

This was for the disciples of Jesus Christ whose job it was to spread his message in a hostile world back then. Slap my face? I am going to kick your ass and then offer you a hand and offer to pray for you that you will no longer be an insufferable prick that believes that you can walk all over people you perceive as being "weak" will only make you a better person...the bruises will heal....0 for 4.
Jesus was a damned feminist and a fag and trannie lover!

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. - Galatians 3:28

What Jesus was saying is that we are all equal in the eyes of wasn't a license for a man to put on women's clothing and try to pass himself off as a totally fucked that one up.

0-for 5.....why is it that you refuse to answer the charges that your beloved "gubermint" and their puppeteers have hidden disease cures and technology that would enhance the lives of their subjects? I mean, after all, God put them in

Once again I kick your ass to the curb...thanks for playing and feel free to come back and try again.

I very much doubt Dems would win the House. The Senate, on the other hand, with Trump at the helm, is probably a certainty.
You have to start to wonder at times, is God a Democrat? Where else could all this help come from for a party that is usually about as organized as 12 blind people herding 12,000 cats...

"Donald Trump is on the verge of two things once thought to be impossible: winning the Republican presidential nomination, and putting Republicans’ historically large House majority in danger.

Democrats have for the past year discussed the GOP’s 30-seat majority as a long-term problem, solvable only by shrinking it over several successive elections. But Trump’s remarkable rise in the GOP presidential race, and the backlash he has already provoked among the broader electorate, has suddenly raised the prospect of a large November wave against Trump and the Republicans who would share the ballot with him."
Trump puts GOP House majority in jeopardy

The Republican majority in the Senate you can color GONE already. And house seats, a lot of them. What the Trumpett's have always failed to realize is that Republicans living in the entire South West of this country depend on Hispanic support to win elections, without them THEY LOSE.
You have to start to wonder at times, is God a Democrat? Where else could all this help come from for a party that is usually about as organized as 12 blind people herding 12,000 cats...

"Donald Trump is on the verge of two things once thought to be impossible: winning the Republican presidential nomination, and putting Republicans’ historically large House majority in danger.

Democrats have for the past year discussed the GOP’s 30-seat majority as a long-term problem, solvable only by shrinking it over several successive elections. But Trump’s remarkable rise in the GOP presidential race, and the backlash he has already provoked among the broader electorate, has suddenly raised the prospect of a large November wave against Trump and the Republicans who would share the ballot with him."
Trump puts GOP House majority in jeopardy

The Republican majority in the Senate you can color GONE already. And house seats, a lot of them. What the Trumpett's have always failed to realize is that Republicans living in the entire South West of this country depend on Hispanic support to win elections, without them THEY LOSE.

Like it matters? What did a demcrat or repub majority ever do to help the middle class? New boss is the same as the old as usual for USA.INC.
You have to start to wonder at times, is God a Democrat? Where else could all this help come from for a party that is usually about as organized as 12 blind people herding 12,000 cats...

"Donald Trump is on the verge of two things once thought to be impossible: winning the Republican presidential nomination, and putting Republicans’ historically large House majority in danger.

Democrats have for the past year discussed the GOP’s 30-seat majority as a long-term problem, solvable only by shrinking it over several successive elections. But Trump’s remarkable rise in the GOP presidential race, and the backlash he has already provoked among the broader electorate, has suddenly raised the prospect of a large November wave against Trump and the Republicans who would share the ballot with him."
Trump puts GOP House majority in jeopardy

The Republican majority in the Senate you can color GONE already. And house seats, a lot of them. What the Trumpett's have always failed to realize is that Republicans living in the entire South West of this country depend on Hispanic support to win elections, without them THEY LOSE.

Like it matters? What did a demcrat or repub majority ever do to help the middle class? New boss is the same as the old as usual for USA.INC.
FDR, and unions, and WWII, and the GI bill created the Middle Class, while it lasted.
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You have to start to wonder at times, is God a Democrat? Where else could all this help come from for a party that is usually about as organized as 12 blind people herding 12,000 cats...

"Donald Trump is on the verge of two things once thought to be impossible: winning the Republican presidential nomination, and putting Republicans’ historically large House majority in danger.

Democrats have for the past year discussed the GOP’s 30-seat majority as a long-term problem, solvable only by shrinking it over several successive elections. But Trump’s remarkable rise in the GOP presidential race, and the backlash he has already provoked among the broader electorate, has suddenly raised the prospect of a large November wave against Trump and the Republicans who would share the ballot with him."
Trump puts GOP House majority in jeopardy

The Republican majority in the Senate you can color GONE already. And house seats, a lot of them. What the Trumpett's have always failed to realize is that Republicans living in the entire South West of this country depend on Hispanic support to win elections, without them THEY LOSE.

Like it matters? What did a demcrat or repub majority ever do to help the middle class? New boss is the same as the old as usual for USA.INC.
FDR, and unions, and WWII, and the GI bill, created the Middle Class, while it lasted.

You are fucking beyond clueless....I can't even BEGIN to tell you how wrong you are.......I am almost SPEECHLESS.
You have to start to wonder at times, is God a Democrat? Where else could all this help come from for a party that is usually about as organized as 12 blind people herding 12,000 cats...

"Donald Trump is on the verge of two things once thought to be impossible: winning the Republican presidential nomination, and putting Republicans’ historically large House majority in danger.

Democrats have for the past year discussed the GOP’s 30-seat majority as a long-term problem, solvable only by shrinking it over several successive elections. But Trump’s remarkable rise in the GOP presidential race, and the backlash he has already provoked among the broader electorate, has suddenly raised the prospect of a large November wave against Trump and the Republicans who would share the ballot with him."
Trump puts GOP House majority in jeopardy

The Republican majority in the Senate you can color GONE already. And house seats, a lot of them. What the Trumpett's have always failed to realize is that Republicans living in the entire South West of this country depend on Hispanic support to win elections, without them THEY LOSE.

Like it matters? What did a demcrat or repub majority ever do to help the middle class? New boss is the same as the old as usual for USA.INC.
FDR, and unions, and WWII, and the GI bill, created the Middle Class, while it lasted.

You are fucking beyond clueless....I can't even BEGIN to tell you how wrong you are.......I am almost SPEECHLESS.
Just save it, you who were born a slave to a corporation. I was born free, mostly, in a nation.
You have to start to wonder at times, is God a Democrat? Where else could all this help come from for a party that is usually about as organized as 12 blind people herding 12,000 cats...

"Donald Trump is on the verge of two things once thought to be impossible: winning the Republican presidential nomination, and putting Republicans’ historically large House majority in danger.

Democrats have for the past year discussed the GOP’s 30-seat majority as a long-term problem, solvable only by shrinking it over several successive elections. But Trump’s remarkable rise in the GOP presidential race, and the backlash he has already provoked among the broader electorate, has suddenly raised the prospect of a large November wave against Trump and the Republicans who would share the ballot with him."
Trump puts GOP House majority in jeopardy

The Republican majority in the Senate you can color GONE already. And house seats, a lot of them. What the Trumpett's have always failed to realize is that Republicans living in the entire South West of this country depend on Hispanic support to win elections, without them THEY LOSE.

Like it matters? What did a demcrat or repub majority ever do to help the middle class? New boss is the same as the old as usual for USA.INC.
FDR, and unions, and WWII, and the GI bill, created the Middle Class, while it lasted.

You are fucking beyond clueless....I can't even BEGIN to tell you how wrong you are.......I am almost SPEECHLESS.

Actually, he's right. Unions gave the workers the ability to collectively bargain with the CEO's, so that they could get a living wage and safe working conditions.

The GI bill allowed returning veterans to go to college, so that they could get better jobs.

Face it..............the reason the middle class is shrinking is because the greedy assholes at the top (like the Waltons of Wal Mart) don't want to pay a living wage to their workers. If the minimum wage had kept up with inflation, it would be 10.10/hr right now.

You can't begin to tell them how wrong they are because they are right.
You have to start to wonder at times, is God a Democrat? Where else could all this help come from for a party that is usually about as organized as 12 blind people herding 12,000 cats...

"Donald Trump is on the verge of two things once thought to be impossible: winning the Republican presidential nomination, and putting Republicans’ historically large House majority in danger.

Democrats have for the past year discussed the GOP’s 30-seat majority as a long-term problem, solvable only by shrinking it over several successive elections. But Trump’s remarkable rise in the GOP presidential race, and the backlash he has already provoked among the broader electorate, has suddenly raised the prospect of a large November wave against Trump and the Republicans who would share the ballot with him."
Trump puts GOP House majority in jeopardy
Thankyu jesus!!!
You have to start to wonder at times, is God a Democrat? Where else could all this help come from for a party that is usually about as organized as 12 blind people herding 12,000 cats...

"Donald Trump is on the verge of two things once thought to be impossible: winning the Republican presidential nomination, and putting Republicans’ historically large House majority in danger.

Democrats have for the past year discussed the GOP’s 30-seat majority as a long-term problem, solvable only by shrinking it over several successive elections. But Trump’s remarkable rise in the GOP presidential race, and the backlash he has already provoked among the broader electorate, has suddenly raised the prospect of a large November wave against Trump and the Republicans who would share the ballot with him."
Trump puts GOP House majority in jeopardy

The Republican majority in the Senate you can color GONE already. And house seats, a lot of them. What the Trumpett's have always failed to realize is that Republicans living in the entire South West of this country depend on Hispanic support to win elections, without them THEY LOSE.

Like it matters? What did a demcrat or repub majority ever do to help the middle class? New boss is the same as the old as usual for USA.INC.
FDR, and unions, and WWII, and the GI bill, created the Middle Class, while it lasted.

You are fucking beyond clueless....I can't even BEGIN to tell you how wrong you are.......I am almost SPEECHLESS.
Just save it, you who were born a slave to a corporation. I was born free, mostly, in a nation.

It is sheeple like you that allowed Hitler to get into power. It is sheeple like you that would never rise up against Lenin and Stalin. Your admiration for the "State" trumps common sense. If the "State" passed an act, statute or code that all males need to be relieved of one testicle, you would belly up to the table and say "Take both...I'm not using them" and then brag about what a great "citizen" you are without even knowing the real definition of the word is according to Black's Law dictionary. My mission for posting is to try and get people to snap out of their slumber and wake up as to what is really going on because I care about people...then I run across clueless douches like you and I take solace in knowing that if we don't turn it around, I will get the satisfaction of knowing you are sitting on a curb some place waiting for help that will never come from a beloved "gubermint" that you trusted. I will spare you a thought. I have prepared for me and mine in the case of an emergency. I have had people tell me once they saw how well I was prepared "Well, I know where to go when the SHTF". My response is that once it happens, you are on your were warned and had plenty of time to prepare...don't even bother coming around expecting us to sacrifice because you ignored the signs...not gonna happen.
Drudge is reporting the liberal fascist sheet wearers are taunting Jews with Nazi / Hitler inagery....

'Nuff said.

Liberals have lost their damn minds! Siding with terrorists like Bill Ayers and BLM, engaging in fascist tactics, incitong attacks on opposition candidates...

...while blaming and accusing the GOP for / of doing what they themselves are doing.

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