"Trump Puts US in Club of One"

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What did you mean by this if not we should nuke all countries that threaten our position as superpower?

No. We should nuke all countries thst dont acknowledge our ISOLATIONISM (which should be our policy).
Hmms pretty questionable attitude but at least it's clear. So you wouldn't mind ceding trade power if it would mean that the world would leave you alone. You wouldn't mind not being able to afford a decent military, decent infrastructure, pensions and the like. Your ideal society after all is where your economy is solely internal. Like for instance Japan from the 17th to the 19th century. Just so you know it meant almost complete stagnation in science, trade and the like for them.
He is a kookburger hypocrite who dreams of being a 13th-century version of Stalin.
Excellent! Just the way it should be. I am not an "earthling " I am an "American." The rest of the world has been taking advantage of us for years now. As Dr. Gorka says, "We are not a superpower. We are a hyperpower." Tell Merkel, Trudeau, and the rest of these socialist that it's our way or the highway.
Donald Trump puts US in a club of one - CNNPolitics.com
Not that I think you have any historical awareness but let me put this thought out there. You know what all superpowers but 1 in history have in common? They are no longer superpowers. The US is not the first nor will it be the last country on Earth that has illusions of invincibility. I'll tell you a little secret. Trump is weakening your position in the world. The US has been the sole superpower for about 30 years and one of 2 superpowers for about 80 years. The US is keeping it's position because of it's military might and an economy that is largely set up to favour the US. Military might depends on economic might. Trump is making it very clear to the rest of the world that like you said "it's my way or the highway." The US is NOT a stronger economy than the rest of the world. In fact it's only marginally stronger than the EU. Trump is going out of his way to make the US an unreliable partner. If the rest of the world chooses to say F-you, you will no longer have to worry about being a superpower I promise you that. Oh and btw unless you are a Martian you are an earthling. Even if you don't want to be.

Our economy has been raped over the last 60 years by our trading partners.

Trump is the US getting tired of being the world's bitch.

Of course those that have been taking advantage of US are pissed of about US wising up.

Your economy has been rapef over the past 60 years by Republican economic policies. Right wing policies have replaced supply and demand economics with supply side economics. It's not working for the Middle and working class. And you're doubling down on it.

Every time in the last 30 years that Republican economic policies have been unrestrained, the deficit has balloned, wages have declined, and the stock market has crashed.

I expect no change in this result this time.
Excellent! Just the way it should be. I am not an "earthling " I am an "American." The rest of the world has been taking advantage of us for years now. As Dr. Gorka says, "We are not a superpower. We are a hyperpower." Tell Merkel, Trudeau, and the rest of these socialist that it's our way or the highway.
Donald Trump puts US in a club of one - CNNPolitics.com
Not that I think you have any historical awareness but let me put this thought out there. You know what all superpowers but 1 in history have in common? They are no longer superpowers. The US is not the first nor will it be the last country on Earth that has illusions of invincibility. I'll tell you a little secret. Trump is weakening your position in the world. The US has been the sole superpower for about 30 years and one of 2 superpowers for about 80 years. The US is keeping it's position because of it's military might and an economy that is largely set up to favour the US. Military might depends on economic might. Trump is making it very clear to the rest of the world that like you said "it's my way or the highway." The US is NOT a stronger economy than the rest of the world. In fact it's only marginally stronger than the EU. Trump is going out of his way to make the US an unreliable partner. If the rest of the world chooses to say F-you, you will no longer have to worry about being a superpower I promise you that. Oh and btw unless you are a Martian you are an earthling. Even if you don't want to be.

Our economy has been raped over the last 60 years by our trading partners.

Trump is the US getting tired of being the world's bitch.

Of course those that have been taking advantage of US are pissed of about US wising up.

Your economy has been rapef over the past 60 years by Republican economic policies. Right wing policies have replaced supply and demand economics with supply side economics. It's not working for the Middle and working class. And you're doubling down on it.

Every time in the last 30 years that Republican economic policies have been unrestrained, the deficit has balloned, wages have declined, and the stock market has crashed.

I expect no change in this result this time.

So, you missed the entire republican primaries were the Free Trade Issue was a major topic of debate for a solid year?

Despite being a member of a political discussion forum where that issue was constantly debated by the various partisan all day, every day?

If you wanted to take the time to use the search function, you could find me repeatedly admitting the role that Republican Policies have played in the stagnation of the Middle Class, and the need to reverse course.


Ask any number of conservative Free Traders on this site, such as Toro or Boss.

Trump was elected on the platform of reversing that course.

What we should be doing is holding him to that, instead of debating as though we were in an alternate reality where he was George Herbert Walker Fucking Bush!
Trump is weakening your position in the world.

So Obama strengthened our position in the world? LOL, we have been hearing this left-wing doubletalk ever since WW2. If YOU had any historical awareness, you would see striking parallels between the decline of the Roman Empire and what you prescribe for the U.S.
Please elaborate. What parallels do you see? I can also draw parallels but I'm interested in your view. And yes Obama did strengthen your position in the world. Remember Bush wasn't exactly liked, Obama did much to restore confidence in the US with the historical allies.

Nothing speaks more eloquently about their stupidity than wasting and dishonoring the Nobel Peace Prize .
Excellent! Just the way it should be. I am not an "earthling " I am an "American." The rest of the world has been taking advantage of us for years now. As Dr. Gorka says, "We are not a superpower. We are a hyperpower." Tell Merkel, Trudeau, and the rest of these socialist that it's our way or the highway.
Donald Trump puts US in a club of one - CNNPolitics.com
Not that I think you have any historical awareness but let me put this thought out there. You know what all superpowers but 1 in history have in common? They are no longer superpowers. The US is not the first nor will it be the last country on Earth that has illusions of invincibility. I'll tell you a little secret. Trump is weakening your position in the world. The US has been the sole superpower for about 30 years and one of 2 superpowers for about 80 years. The US is keeping it's position because of it's military might and an economy that is largely set up to favour the US. Military might depends on economic might. Trump is making it very clear to the rest of the world that like you said "it's my way or the highway." The US is NOT a stronger economy than the rest of the world. In fact it's only marginally stronger than the EU. Trump is going out of his way to make the US an unreliable partner. If the rest of the world chooses to say F-you, you will no longer have to worry about being a superpower I promise you that. Oh and btw unless you are a Martian you are an earthling. Even if you don't want to be.

Our economy has been raped over the last 60 years by our trading partners.

Trump is the US getting tired of being the world's bitch.

Of course those that have been taking advantage of US are pissed of about US wising up.
As I said limited historical let alone current knowledge. Unless I'm mistaking for a country that has been raped as you put it. There are a lot of American companies market leaders abroad. Not to mention the fact that American TV is almost universally stronger then local tv. Oil is traded in dollars, American banks have control over many banks in other countries.Etc. This all could be under treat. Again rhetoric don't change facts.
Steel? Heavy manufacturing?

If you kill coal, you kill steel.
Excellent! Just the way it should be. I am not an "earthling " I am an "American." The rest of the world has been taking advantage of us for years now. As Dr. Gorka says, "We are not a superpower. We are a hyperpower." Tell Merkel, Trudeau, and the rest of these socialist that it's our way or the highway.
Donald Trump puts US in a club of one - CNNPolitics.com

HOw the fuck is Germany going to lead? Lead where? To ever greater Muslim immigration? To demanding even more protection from America?

Sure ain't Trump as leader of the free world

Trump's "Look out for number one" is leading to isolationism
Excellent! Just the way it should be. I am not an "earthling " I am an "American." The rest of the world has been taking advantage of us for years now. As Dr. Gorka says, "We are not a superpower. We are a hyperpower." Tell Merkel, Trudeau, and the rest of these socialist that it's our way or the highway.
Donald Trump puts US in a club of one - CNNPolitics.com

HOw the fuck is Germany going to lead? Lead where? To ever greater Muslim immigration? To demanding even more protection from America?

Sure ain't Trump as leader of the free world

Trump's "Look out for number one" is leading to isolationism

If the headlines were, "europeans disband NATO", your words would be true.

Until they stand up and take responsibility for their own protection, and/or their own prosperity, their complaints are the whining of an ungrateful child.
Excellent! Just the way it should be. I am not an "earthling " I am an "American." The rest of the world has been taking advantage of us for years now. As Dr. Gorka says, "We are not a superpower. We are a hyperpower." Tell Merkel, Trudeau, and the rest of these socialist that it's our way or the highway.
Donald Trump puts US in a club of one - CNNPolitics.com

HOw the fuck is Germany going to lead? Lead where? To ever greater Muslim immigration? To demanding even more protection from America?

Sure ain't Trump as leader of the free world

Trump's "Look out for number one" is leading to isolationism

If the headlines were, "europeans disband NATO", your words would be true.

Until they stand up and take responsibility for their own protection, and/or their own prosperity, their complaints are the whining of an ungrateful child.

Trump has no concept of the purpose of NATO and what an effective tool it is

Their protection is our protection, NATO picking up the fight means we don't need to pick up the fight. President Obama used NATO forces to pick up much of the load in the war on terror...Trump cannot do that

Trump is an outsider who is openly mocked by other nations. His word is not trusted, his leadership is not wanted
Excellent! Just the way it should be. I am not an "earthling " I am an "American." The rest of the world has been taking advantage of us for years now. As Dr. Gorka says, "We are not a superpower. We are a hyperpower." Tell Merkel, Trudeau, and the rest of these socialist that it's our way or the highway.
Donald Trump puts US in a club of one - CNNPolitics.com
Not that I think you have any historical awareness but let me put this thought out there. You know what all superpowers but 1 in history have in common? They are no longer superpowers. The US is not the first nor will it be the last country on Earth that has illusions of invincibility. I'll tell you a little secret. Trump is weakening your position in the world. The US has been the sole superpower for about 30 years and one of 2 superpowers for about 80 years. The US is keeping it's position because of it's military might and an economy that is largely set up to favour the US. Military might depends on economic might. Trump is making it very clear to the rest of the world that like you said "it's my way or the highway." The US is NOT a stronger economy than the rest of the world. In fact it's only marginally stronger than the EU. Trump is going out of his way to make the US an unreliable partner. If the rest of the world chooses to say F-you, you will no longer have to worry about being a superpower I promise you that. Oh and btw unless you are a Martian you are an earthling. Even if you don't want to be.

Our economy has been raped over the last 60 years by our trading partners.

Trump is the US getting tired of being the world's bitch.

Of course those that have been taking advantage of US are pissed of about US wising up.
As I said limited historical let alone current knowledge. Unless I'm mistaking for a country that has been raped as you put it. There are a lot of American companies market leaders abroad. Not to mention the fact that American TV is almost universally stronger then local tv. Oil is traded in dollars, American banks have control over many banks in other countries.Etc. This all could be under treat. Again rhetoric don't change facts.
You're right. America will continue to be the worlds superpower and the world will continue to follow along in our wake.
Excellent! Just the way it should be. I am not an "earthling " I am an "American." The rest of the world has been taking advantage of us for years now. As Dr. Gorka says, "We are not a superpower. We are a hyperpower." Tell Merkel, Trudeau, and the rest of these socialist that it's our way or the highway.
Donald Trump puts US in a club of one - CNNPolitics.com

HOw the fuck is Germany going to lead? Lead where? To ever greater Muslim immigration? To demanding even more protection from America?

Sure ain't Trump as leader of the free world

Trump's "Look out for number one" is leading to isolationism

If the headlines were, "europeans disband NATO", your words would be true.

Until they stand up and take responsibility for their own protection, and/or their own prosperity, their complaints are the whining of an ungrateful child.

Trump has no concept of the purpose of NATO and what an effective tool it is

Their protection is our protection, NATO picking up the fight means we don't need to pick up the fight. President Obama used NATO forces to pick up much of the load in the war on terror...Trump cannot do that

Trump is an outsider who is openly mocked by other nations. His word is not trusted, his leadership is not wanted

Sure, Nato forces sometimes fight along side US. That is a plus.

On the other hand, if it were not for NATO, we would not be treaty bound to fight a World War if fucking Estonia is invaded.

AND, NATO, is a mutually beneficial alliance of supposed equals.

So, why the fuck aren't they contributing to our common defense equally?

Trump is standing up for American interests. If that is so offensive to our "allies" then they are not really our "allied".
Excellent! Just the way it should be. I am not an "earthling " I am an "American." The rest of the world has been taking advantage of us for years now. As Dr. Gorka says, "We are not a superpower. We are a hyperpower." Tell Merkel, Trudeau, and the rest of these socialist that it's our way or the highway.
Donald Trump puts US in a club of one - CNNPolitics.com
so...you agree. Ok. No denial from this one......at least for now.
Excellent! Just the way it should be. I am not an "earthling " I am an "American." The rest of the world has been taking advantage of us for years now. As Dr. Gorka says, "We are not a superpower. We are a hyperpower." Tell Merkel, Trudeau, and the rest of these socialist that it's our way or the highway.
Donald Trump puts US in a club of one - CNNPolitics.com

HOw the fuck is Germany going to lead? Lead where? To ever greater Muslim immigration? To demanding even more protection from America?

Sure ain't Trump as leader of the free world

Trump's "Look out for number one" is leading to isolationism

If the headlines were, "europeans disband NATO", your words would be true.

Until they stand up and take responsibility for their own protection, and/or their own prosperity, their complaints are the whining of an ungrateful child.

Trump has no concept of the purpose of NATO and what an effective tool it is

Their protection is our protection, NATO picking up the fight means we don't need to pick up the fight. President Obama used NATO forces to pick up much of the load in the war on terror...Trump cannot do that

Trump is an outsider who is openly mocked by other nations. His word is not trusted, his leadership is not wanted

You and your ilk in America and in Europe disrespect and underestimate Trump at your own peril.

From the time he announced until now and to the foreseeable future, you and your ilk has done that, unable to learn by bitter experience.
Wal Mart is our largest civilian employer followed by McDonalds. Real fucking good.

That's because we mistakenly continue to allow companies to import and export products.

Says the dude who just replaced his Mexican-built car, and is now driving an SUV designed in Europe, powered by an engine designed jointly with Mazda, and working in an industry where almost everything used is imported. Just BATHE in that hypocrisy!
I drive a Chevy with Mexican parts that should be made in USA
Excellent! Just the way it should be. I am not an "earthling " I am an "American." The rest of the world has been taking advantage of us for years now. As Dr. Gorka says, "We are not a superpower. We are a hyperpower." Tell Merkel, Trudeau, and the rest of these socialist that it's our way or the highway.
Donald Trump puts US in a club of one - CNNPolitics.com

HOw the fuck is Germany going to lead? Lead where? To ever greater Muslim immigration? To demanding even more protection from America?

Sure ain't Trump as leader of the free world

Trump's "Look out for number one" is leading to isolationism

If the headlines were, "europeans disband NATO", your words would be true.

Until they stand up and take responsibility for their own protection, and/or their own prosperity, their complaints are the whining of an ungrateful child.

Trump has no concept of the purpose of NATO and what an effective tool it is

Their protection is our protection, NATO picking up the fight means we don't need to pick up the fight. President Obama used NATO forces to pick up much of the load in the war on terror...Trump cannot do that

Trump is an outsider who is openly mocked by other nations. His word is not trusted, his leadership is not wanted

You and your ilk in America and in Europe disrespect and underestimate Trump at your own peril.

From the time he announced until now and to the foreseeable future, you and your ilk has done that, unable to learn by bitter experience.

I think we do underestimate Trump

I believe we attribute a certain amount of intelligence and desire to maintain global stability that is not present in Trump
We also believe he will do what is best for not just the US, but the world as a whole

I fully suspect that capability is not within Trump. He seems woefully unprepared to make the decisions he is being asked to make and seems unwilling to do the work to learn not just bullet points of a subject, but what goes into those points

Gut instinct can be a dangerous thing when you gut lacks a basic understanding of an issue and its ramifications
HOw the fuck is Germany going to lead? Lead where? To ever greater Muslim immigration? To demanding even more protection from America?

Sure ain't Trump as leader of the free world

Trump's "Look out for number one" is leading to isolationism

If the headlines were, "europeans disband NATO", your words would be true.

Until they stand up and take responsibility for their own protection, and/or their own prosperity, their complaints are the whining of an ungrateful child.

Trump has no concept of the purpose of NATO and what an effective tool it is

Their protection is our protection, NATO picking up the fight means we don't need to pick up the fight. President Obama used NATO forces to pick up much of the load in the war on terror...Trump cannot do that

Trump is an outsider who is openly mocked by other nations. His word is not trusted, his leadership is not wanted

You and your ilk in America and in Europe disrespect and underestimate Trump at your own peril.

From the time he announced until now and to the foreseeable future, you and your ilk has done that, unable to learn by bitter experience.

I think we do underestimate Trump

I believe we attribute a certain amount of intelligence and desire to maintain global stability that is not present in Trump
We also believe he will do what is best for not just the US, but the world as a whole

I fully suspect that capability is not within Trump. He seems woefully unprepared to make the decisions he is being asked to make and seems unwilling to do the work to learn not just bullet points of a subject, but what goes into those points

Gut instinct can be a dangerous thing when you gut lacks a basic understanding of an issue and its ramifications


He has asked that our nato allies pay their fair share of their military defense, and wants more balanced trade.

That that strikes you as dangerous just shows how delusional you lefties are.
HOw the fuck is Germany going to lead? Lead where? To ever greater Muslim immigration? To demanding even more protection from America?

Sure ain't Trump as leader of the free world

Trump's "Look out for number one" is leading to isolationism

If the headlines were, "europeans disband NATO", your words would be true.

Until they stand up and take responsibility for their own protection, and/or their own prosperity, their complaints are the whining of an ungrateful child.

Trump has no concept of the purpose of NATO and what an effective tool it is

Their protection is our protection, NATO picking up the fight means we don't need to pick up the fight. President Obama used NATO forces to pick up much of the load in the war on terror...Trump cannot do that

Trump is an outsider who is openly mocked by other nations. His word is not trusted, his leadership is not wanted

You and your ilk in America and in Europe disrespect and underestimate Trump at your own peril.

From the time he announced until now and to the foreseeable future, you and your ilk has done that, unable to learn by bitter experience.

I think we do underestimate Trump

I believe we attribute a certain amount of intelligence and desire to maintain global stability that is not present in Trump
We also believe he will do what is best for not just the US, but the world as a whole

I fully suspect that capability is not within Trump. He seems woefully unprepared to make the decisions he is being asked to make and seems unwilling to do the work to learn not just bullet points of a subject, but what goes into those points

Gut instinct can be a dangerous thing when you gut lacks a basic understanding of an issue and its ramifications

What you call unprepared I call not polluted and infected by conventional norms that have always failed.

What you call unwilling to do the work and learn, I call common sense to refuse to accept what failed before.

His gut instincts which you call dangerous are the result of a man who has the wisdom earned by being successful in every aspect of life, a man who got up after each time he fell and became stronger for it.

He knew what the ramifications of a third Obama term would have been.

That is why he decided to run. AND succeed!

And of course just to piss off bleeding heart racist liberals.
Sure ain't Trump as leader of the free world

Trump's "Look out for number one" is leading to isolationism

If the headlines were, "europeans disband NATO", your words would be true.

Until they stand up and take responsibility for their own protection, and/or their own prosperity, their complaints are the whining of an ungrateful child.

Trump has no concept of the purpose of NATO and what an effective tool it is

Their protection is our protection, NATO picking up the fight means we don't need to pick up the fight. President Obama used NATO forces to pick up much of the load in the war on terror...Trump cannot do that

Trump is an outsider who is openly mocked by other nations. His word is not trusted, his leadership is not wanted

You and your ilk in America and in Europe disrespect and underestimate Trump at your own peril.

From the time he announced until now and to the foreseeable future, you and your ilk has done that, unable to learn by bitter experience.

I think we do underestimate Trump

I believe we attribute a certain amount of intelligence and desire to maintain global stability that is not present in Trump
We also believe he will do what is best for not just the US, but the world as a whole

I fully suspect that capability is not within Trump. He seems woefully unprepared to make the decisions he is being asked to make and seems unwilling to do the work to learn not just bullet points of a subject, but what goes into those points

Gut instinct can be a dangerous thing when you gut lacks a basic understanding of an issue and its ramifications


He has asked that our nato allies pay their fair share of their military defense, and wants more balanced trade.

That that strikes you as dangerous just shows how delusional you lefties are.

Has nothing to do with Trumps other actions towards NATO where he has appeared indifferent and has been a destabilizing force

Trump is falling into Putin's hands as a weakened NATO improves Russia's influence in the region
So...what has Donnie Dealmaker done for the US?

He seems very adept at breaking up existing deals and replacing them with nothing

What has Donnie done to help us ?
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