"Trump Puts US in Club of One"

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The invasion of Iraq is ALL on Bush....


1. Who's call was it to invade Kuwait?

2. Who refused to pull out when confronted by vastly superior forces?

3. Who choose to take a confrontational policy vs the US, afterwards for over a decade?

4. Who did not document his destruction of his WMDs?

5. Who did not resign when confronted by vastly superior forces AGAIN?

Saddam would still be in charge of Iraq, if he would have settled down after the Kuwait War.

Or living the high life in Paris with his sons, if he had resigned instead of going down fighting.

He made many very bad decisions for himself AND his nation, and deserves a major share of the blame for the results of his policies.
No idea what that has to do with what I posted

Just more......pity the poor white man

Ouch, I thought my meaning was clear.

I will dumb it down for you.

Saddam was absolute ruler of his nation, IRAQ, for over twenty years.

He was the one that launched the war against Kuwait, refused to leave, leading to the war with the US, and insisted on continuing to fuck with US after that, even after 9-11 which obviously put the US on a hair trigger.

Yet, you remove ALL responsibility from him, the brown one, for his actions, and put it ALL on the White Guy, Bush.

As though Saddam was a child, not responsible for his actions and policies.

Why does he get a pass? Is it because you like him?

I don't think so.

Is it because you don't consider brown people to be responsible for their own actions?

That matches up a lot with lefty ideology and soft racism.
What universe do you live in?
I supported Bush 41 for liberating Kuwait and being wise enough to not try to conquer Iraq

I adamantly opposed Bush 43 abandoning the war on terror to conquer Iraq

Had nothing to do with anyone being "brown"


Still unable to see that the brown guy is a player too.

Even after having the fact rubbed in your face.

See, "Racism" is more than just something you use to smear your enemies.

It has a real actual meaning.

And your being unable to see that the brown guy bears much of the responsibility for the clash between Iraq and the US, is racism on your part.

ACTUAL, racism, not the way you lefties mis use it.

I would think you would want to deal with that.
You are getting freaky

That creepy feeling is your brain trying to hide from a painful realization.

YOu are being racist by treating the brown person like a child not responsible for his own actions.

You can stop doing that.

It won't mean that you have to change your opinion on GWBush, or support the Iraq War or anything like that.

Just stop giving the white guy the blame for the portion of events under the control of the brown guy.

Spending some time thinking about WHY you did that in the first place might be good too.

Still no idea what you are babbling about with this white/brown stuff

Makes you look like a racist
The invasion of Iraq is ALL on Bush....


1. Who's call was it to invade Kuwait?

2. Who refused to pull out when confronted by vastly superior forces?

3. Who choose to take a confrontational policy vs the US, afterwards for over a decade?

4. Who did not document his destruction of his WMDs?

5. Who did not resign when confronted by vastly superior forces AGAIN?

Saddam would still be in charge of Iraq, if he would have settled down after the Kuwait War.

Or living the high life in Paris with his sons, if he had resigned instead of going down fighting.

He made many very bad decisions for himself AND his nation, and deserves a major share of the blame for the results of his policies.

Who was not a threat outside the borders of Iraq?
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