"Trump Puts US in Club of One"

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Excellent! Just the way it should be. I am not an "earthling " I am an "American." The rest of the world has been taking advantage of us for years now. As Dr. Gorka says, "We are not a superpower. We are a hyperpower." Tell Merkel, Trudeau, and the rest of these socialist that it's our way or the highway.
Donald Trump puts US in a club of one - CNNPolitics.com
Not that I think you have any historical awareness but let me put this thought out there. You know what all superpowers but 1 in history have in common? They are no longer superpowers. The US is not the first nor will it be the last country on Earth that has illusions of invincibility. I'll tell you a little secret. Trump is weakening your position in the world. The US has been the sole superpower for about 30 years and one of 2 superpowers for about 80 years. The US is keeping it's position because of it's military might and an economy that is largely set up to favour the US. Military might depends on economic might. Trump is making it very clear to the rest of the world that like you said "it's my way or the highway." The US is NOT a stronger economy than the rest of the world. In fact it's only marginally stronger than the EU. Trump is going out of his way to make the US an unreliable partner. If the rest of the world chooses to say F-you, you will no longer have to worry about being a superpower I promise you that. Oh and btw unless you are a Martian you are an earthling. Even if you don't want to be.

Our economy has been raped over the last 60 years by our trading partners.

Trump is the US getting tired of being the world's bitch.

Of course those that have been taking advantage of US are pissed of about US wising up.

Your economy has been rapef over the past 60 years by Republican economic policies. Right wing policies have replaced supply and demand economics with supply side economics. It's not working for the Middle and working class. And you're doubling down on it.

Every time in the last 30 years that Republican economic policies have been unrestrained, the deficit has balloned, wages have declined, and the stock market has crashed.

I expect no change in this result this time.
How much did the deficit grow under Obama's Presidency asshole?

The deficit dropped under Obama
Excellent! Just the way it should be. I am not an "earthling " I am an "American." The rest of the world has been taking advantage of us for years now. As Dr. Gorka says, "We are not a superpower. We are a hyperpower." Tell Merkel, Trudeau, and the rest of these socialist that it's our way or the highway.
Donald Trump puts US in a club of one - CNNPolitics.com
Not that I think you have any historical awareness but let me put this thought out there. You know what all superpowers but 1 in history have in common? They are no longer superpowers. The US is not the first nor will it be the last country on Earth that has illusions of invincibility. I'll tell you a little secret. Trump is weakening your position in the world. The US has been the sole superpower for about 30 years and one of 2 superpowers for about 80 years. The US is keeping it's position because of it's military might and an economy that is largely set up to favour the US. Military might depends on economic might. Trump is making it very clear to the rest of the world that like you said "it's my way or the highway." The US is NOT a stronger economy than the rest of the world. In fact it's only marginally stronger than the EU. Trump is going out of his way to make the US an unreliable partner. If the rest of the world chooses to say F-you, you will no longer have to worry about being a superpower I promise you that. Oh and btw unless you are a Martian you are an earthling. Even if you don't want to be.

Our economy has been raped over the last 60 years by our trading partners.

Trump is the US getting tired of being the world's bitch.

Of course those that have been taking advantage of US are pissed of about US wising up.

Your economy has been rapef over the past 60 years by Republican economic policies. Right wing policies have replaced supply and demand economics with supply side economics. It's not working for the Middle and working class. And you're doubling down on it.

Every time in the last 30 years that Republican economic policies have been unrestrained, the deficit has balloned, wages have declined, and the stock market has crashed.

I expect no change in this result this time.
How much did the deficit grow under Obama's Presidency asshole?

It's the ECONOMY, stupid.

Did you think that when Obama took office he could just stop funding the wars, the tax cuts (which Republican continued long past their 2010 expiry date), and the unfounded Medicaid Part D, when revenues tanked from Bush's recession, without deepening the recession and making it worse??

Of course you do because you know nothing about economics and don't have the slightest interest in learning.

You deserve the utter destruction of the US economy which is about to commence because you voted for it.

The rest of the world did not and this time, we're cutting you loose so you don't take down the world's economy with you.

So go ahead, cut taxes, spend like drunken sailors and start a war with North Korea, but no one has your back this time. No one.

You're on your own.
US economy has been shit since the late 1990's.
...If the rest of the world chooses to say F-you, you will no longer have to worry about being a superpower I promise you that. Oh and btw unless you are a Martian you are an earthling. Even if you don't want to be.

No we're not Earthlings. We're Americans. I can trace my ancestry back to almost a double digit list of nations, but I am an Anerican and nothing else.

The USA will always be a Superpower so long as we have a nuclear arsenal (which s should be rebuilt) and a POTUS willing to use iut on anyone who gets too uppity.
Sure nuke the world. Russia is a nuclear power to. Thousands of nukes didn't stop them from collapsing. How rational is someone who thinks of nuclear war as desirable.
You must be ten years old.
'Russia' used to be the Soviet Union.
The US bled the Soviet Union white trying to keep up with the US.
Now Russia is a poor cousin depending on it's fast declining oil reserves. Just as President Trump has opened up the production of US oil/gas.
How fucking embarrassing it must be for Putin to watch US tankers full of liquefied natural gas offloading in Europe.
It means Putin is no longer able to blackmail his neighbors.
Spot on.
Not that I think you have any historical awareness but let me put this thought out there. You know what all superpowers but 1 in history have in common? They are no longer superpowers. The US is not the first nor will it be the last country on Earth that has illusions of invincibility. I'll tell you a little secret. Trump is weakening your position in the world. The US has been the sole superpower for about 30 years and one of 2 superpowers for about 80 years. The US is keeping it's position because of it's military might and an economy that is largely set up to favour the US. Military might depends on economic might. Trump is making it very clear to the rest of the world that like you said "it's my way or the highway." The US is NOT a stronger economy than the rest of the world. In fact it's only marginally stronger than the EU. Trump is going out of his way to make the US an unreliable partner. If the rest of the world chooses to say F-you, you will no longer have to worry about being a superpower I promise you that. Oh and btw unless you are a Martian you are an earthling. Even if you don't want to be.

Our economy has been raped over the last 60 years by our trading partners.

Trump is the US getting tired of being the world's bitch.

Of course those that have been taking advantage of US are pissed of about US wising up.

Your economy has been rapef over the past 60 years by Republican economic policies. Right wing policies have replaced supply and demand economics with supply side economics. It's not working for the Middle and working class. And you're doubling down on it.

Every time in the last 30 years that Republican economic policies have been unrestrained, the deficit has balloned, wages have declined, and the stock market has crashed.

I expect no change in this result this time.
How much did the deficit grow under Obama's Presidency asshole?

It's the ECONOMY, stupid.

Did you think that when Obama took office he could just stop funding the wars, the tax cuts (which Republican continued long past their 2010 expiry date), and the unfounded Medicaid Part D, when revenues tanked from Bush's recession, without deepening the recession and making it worse??

Of course you do because you know nothing about economics and don't have the slightest interest in learning.

You deserve the utter destruction of the US economy which is about to commence because you voted for it.

The rest of the world did not and this time, we're cutting you loose so you don't take down the world's economy with you.

So go ahead, cut taxes, spend like drunken sailors and start a war with North Korea, but no one has your back this time. No one.

You're on your own.
US economy has been shit since the late 1990's.

We have the strongest economy in the world
Our economy has been raped over the last 60 years by our trading partners.

Trump is the US getting tired of being the world's bitch.

Of course those that have been taking advantage of US are pissed of about US wising up.

Your economy has been rapef over the past 60 years by Republican economic policies. Right wing policies have replaced supply and demand economics with supply side economics. It's not working for the Middle and working class. And you're doubling down on it.

Every time in the last 30 years that Republican economic policies have been unrestrained, the deficit has balloned, wages have declined, and the stock market has crashed.

I expect no change in this result this time.
How much did the deficit grow under Obama's Presidency asshole?

It's the ECONOMY, stupid.

Did you think that when Obama took office he could just stop funding the wars, the tax cuts (which Republican continued long past their 2010 expiry date), and the unfounded Medicaid Part D, when revenues tanked from Bush's recession, without deepening the recession and making it worse??

Of course you do because you know nothing about economics and don't have the slightest interest in learning.

You deserve the utter destruction of the US economy which is about to commence because you voted for it.

The rest of the world did not and this time, we're cutting you loose so you don't take down the world's economy with you.

So go ahead, cut taxes, spend like drunken sailors and start a war with North Korea, but no one has your back this time. No one.

You're on your own.
US economy has been shit since the late 1990's.

We have the strongest economy in the world
But not heavy industry and manufacturing. Why Hillary lost Rust Belt.
Our economy has been raped over the last 60 years by our trading partners.

Trump is the US getting tired of being the world's bitch.

Of course those that have been taking advantage of US are pissed of about US wising up.

Your economy has been rapef over the past 60 years by Republican economic policies. Right wing policies have replaced supply and demand economics with supply side economics. It's not working for the Middle and working class. And you're doubling down on it.

Every time in the last 30 years that Republican economic policies have been unrestrained, the deficit has balloned, wages have declined, and the stock market has crashed.

I expect no change in this result this time.
How much did the deficit grow under Obama's Presidency asshole?

It's the ECONOMY, stupid.

Did you think that when Obama took office he could just stop funding the wars, the tax cuts (which Republican continued long past their 2010 expiry date), and the unfounded Medicaid Part D, when revenues tanked from Bush's recession, without deepening the recession and making it worse??

Of course you do because you know nothing about economics and don't have the slightest interest in learning.

You deserve the utter destruction of the US economy which is about to commence because you voted for it.

The rest of the world did not and this time, we're cutting you loose so you don't take down the world's economy with you.

So go ahead, cut taxes, spend like drunken sailors and start a war with North Korea, but no one has your back this time. No one.

You're on your own.
US economy has been shit since the late 1990's.

We have the strongest economy in the world

The stagnating middle class disagrees with you.

Hence Trump.
Your economy has been rapef over the past 60 years by Republican economic policies. Right wing policies have replaced supply and demand economics with supply side economics. It's not working for the Middle and working class. And you're doubling down on it.

Every time in the last 30 years that Republican economic policies have been unrestrained, the deficit has balloned, wages have declined, and the stock market has crashed.

I expect no change in this result this time.
How much did the deficit grow under Obama's Presidency asshole?

It's the ECONOMY, stupid.

Did you think that when Obama took office he could just stop funding the wars, the tax cuts (which Republican continued long past their 2010 expiry date), and the unfounded Medicaid Part D, when revenues tanked from Bush's recession, without deepening the recession and making it worse??

Of course you do because you know nothing about economics and don't have the slightest interest in learning.

You deserve the utter destruction of the US economy which is about to commence because you voted for it.

The rest of the world did not and this time, we're cutting you loose so you don't take down the world's economy with you.

So go ahead, cut taxes, spend like drunken sailors and start a war with North Korea, but no one has your back this time. No one.

You're on your own.
US economy has been shit since the late 1990's.

We have the strongest economy in the world
But not heavy industry and manufacturing. Why Hillary lost Rust Belt.

Not coming back
Excellent! Just the way it should be. I am not an "earthling " I am an "American." The rest of the world has been taking advantage of us for years now. As Dr. Gorka says, "We are not a superpower. We are a hyperpower." Tell Merkel, Trudeau, and the rest of these socialist that it's our way or the highway.
Donald Trump puts US in a club of one - CNNPolitics.com
Not that I think you have any historical awareness but let me put this thought out there. You know what all superpowers but 1 in history have in common? They are no longer superpowers. The US is not the first nor will it be the last country on Earth that has illusions of invincibility. I'll tell you a little secret. Trump is weakening your position in the world. The US has been the sole superpower for about 30 years and one of 2 superpowers for about 80 years. The US is keeping it's position because of it's military might and an economy that is largely set up to favour the US. Military might depends on economic might. Trump is making it very clear to the rest of the world that like you said "it's my way or the highway." The US is NOT a stronger economy than the rest of the world. In fact it's only marginally stronger than the EU. Trump is going out of his way to make the US an unreliable partner. If the rest of the world chooses to say F-you, you will no longer have to worry about being a superpower I promise you that. Oh and btw unless you are a Martian you are an earthling. Even if you don't want to be.

Our economy has been raped over the last 60 years by our trading partners.

Trump is the US getting tired of being the world's bitch.

Of course those that have been taking advantage of US are pissed of about US wising up.

Your economy has been rapef over the past 60 years by Republican economic policies. Right wing policies have replaced supply and demand economics with supply side economics. It's not working for the Middle and working class. And you're doubling down on it.

Every time in the last 30 years that Republican economic policies have been unrestrained, the deficit has balloned, wages have declined, and the stock market has crashed.

I expect no change in this result this time.
How much did the deficit grow under Obama's Presidency asshole?

The deficit dropped by over half under Obama
Your economy has been rapef over the past 60 years by Republican economic policies. Right wing policies have replaced supply and demand economics with supply side economics. It's not working for the Middle and working class. And you're doubling down on it.

Every time in the last 30 years that Republican economic policies have been unrestrained, the deficit has balloned, wages have declined, and the stock market has crashed.

I expect no change in this result this time.
How much did the deficit grow under Obama's Presidency asshole?

It's the ECONOMY, stupid.

Did you think that when Obama took office he could just stop funding the wars, the tax cuts (which Republican continued long past their 2010 expiry date), and the unfounded Medicaid Part D, when revenues tanked from Bush's recession, without deepening the recession and making it worse??

Of course you do because you know nothing about economics and don't have the slightest interest in learning.

You deserve the utter destruction of the US economy which is about to commence because you voted for it.

The rest of the world did not and this time, we're cutting you loose so you don't take down the world's economy with you.

So go ahead, cut taxes, spend like drunken sailors and start a war with North Korea, but no one has your back this time. No one.

You're on your own.
US economy has been shit since the late 1990's.

We have the strongest economy in the world

The stagnating middle class disagrees with you.

Hence Trump.

Does that mean that Trump had better deliver on his promises or he will be toast in 2020?
How much did the deficit grow under Obama's Presidency asshole?

It's the ECONOMY, stupid.

Did you think that when Obama took office he could just stop funding the wars, the tax cuts (which Republican continued long past their 2010 expiry date), and the unfounded Medicaid Part D, when revenues tanked from Bush's recession, without deepening the recession and making it worse??

Of course you do because you know nothing about economics and don't have the slightest interest in learning.

You deserve the utter destruction of the US economy which is about to commence because you voted for it.

The rest of the world did not and this time, we're cutting you loose so you don't take down the world's economy with you.

So go ahead, cut taxes, spend like drunken sailors and start a war with North Korea, but no one has your back this time. No one.

You're on your own.
US economy has been shit since the late 1990's.

We have the strongest economy in the world
But not heavy industry and manufacturing. Why Hillary lost Rust Belt.

Not coming back

Why not? Germany can do it. Japan can do it. They are first world nations.
How much did the deficit grow under Obama's Presidency asshole?

It's the ECONOMY, stupid.

Did you think that when Obama took office he could just stop funding the wars, the tax cuts (which Republican continued long past their 2010 expiry date), and the unfounded Medicaid Part D, when revenues tanked from Bush's recession, without deepening the recession and making it worse??

Of course you do because you know nothing about economics and don't have the slightest interest in learning.

You deserve the utter destruction of the US economy which is about to commence because you voted for it.

The rest of the world did not and this time, we're cutting you loose so you don't take down the world's economy with you.

So go ahead, cut taxes, spend like drunken sailors and start a war with North Korea, but no one has your back this time. No one.

You're on your own.
US economy has been shit since the late 1990's.

We have the strongest economy in the world

The stagnating middle class disagrees with you.

Hence Trump.

Does that mean that Trump had better deliver on his promises or he will be toast in 2020?


Our economy has been raped over the last 60 years by our trading partners.

Trump is the US getting tired of being the world's bitch.

Of course those that have been taking advantage of US are pissed of about US wising up.

Your economy has been rapef over the past 60 years by Republican economic policies. Right wing policies have replaced supply and demand economics with supply side economics. It's not working for the Middle and working class. And you're doubling down on it.

Every time in the last 30 years that Republican economic policies have been unrestrained, the deficit has balloned, wages have declined, and the stock market has crashed.

I expect no change in this result this time.
How much did the deficit grow under Obama's Presidency asshole?

It's the ECONOMY, stupid.

Did you think that when Obama took office he could just stop funding the wars, the tax cuts (which Republican continued long past their 2010 expiry date), and the unfounded Medicaid Part D, when revenues tanked from Bush's recession, without deepening the recession and making it worse??

Of course you do because you know nothing about economics and don't have the slightest interest in learning.

You deserve the utter destruction of the US economy which is about to commence because you voted for it.

The rest of the world did not and this time, we're cutting you loose so you don't take down the world's economy with you.

So go ahead, cut taxes, spend like drunken sailors and start a war with North Korea, but no one has your back this time. No one.

You're on your own.
US economy has been shit since the late 1990's.

We have the strongest economy in the world

You HAD the strongest economy in the world. George W. Bush killed it and nearly took down the rest of the world with it. Obama got you back from the edge but Republicans prevented him from increasing domestic spending for education, infrastructure or development to grow the economy. It being in their best interests to keep working Americans as poorly off as possible, so they could blame Obama for sluggish growth.

While it may have continued much of Bush's basic economic debacle, now that Republicans have all three branches of power, economic growth and job creation are slowing. Your trading partners are looking elsewhere before the next stock market crash.

Good luck and God help you. No one else will.
Excellent! Just the way it should be. I am not an "earthling " I am an "American." The rest of the world has been taking advantage of us for years now. As Dr. Gorka says, "We are not a superpower. We are a hyperpower." Tell Merkel, Trudeau, and the rest of these socialist that it's our way or the highway.
Donald Trump puts US in a club of one - CNNPolitics.com
Not that I think you have any historical awareness but let me put this thought out there. You know what all superpowers but 1 in history have in common? They are no longer superpowers. The US is not the first nor will it be the last country on Earth that has illusions of invincibility. I'll tell you a little secret. Trump is weakening your position in the world. The US has been the sole superpower for about 30 years and one of 2 superpowers for about 80 years. The US is keeping it's position because of it's military might and an economy that is largely set up to favour the US. Military might depends on economic might. Trump is making it very clear to the rest of the world that like you said "it's my way or the highway." The US is NOT a stronger economy than the rest of the world. In fact it's only marginally stronger than the EU. Trump is going out of his way to make the US an unreliable partner. If the rest of the world chooses to say F-you, you will no longer have to worry about being a superpower I promise you that. Oh and btw unless you are a Martian you are an earthling. Even if you don't want to be.

Our economy has been raped over the last 60 years by our trading partners.

Trump is the US getting tired of being the world's bitch.

Of course those that have been taking advantage of US are pissed of about US wising up.

Your economy has been rapef over the past 60 years by Republican economic policies. Right wing policies have replaced supply and demand economics with supply side economics. It's not working for the Middle and working class. And you're doubling down on it.

Every time in the last 30 years that Republican economic policies have been unrestrained, the deficit has balloned, wages have declined, and the stock market has crashed.

I expect no change in this result this time.
How much did the deficit grow under Obama's Presidency asshole?

It's the ECONOMY, stupid.

Did you think that when Obama took office he could just stop funding the wars, the tax cuts (which Republican continued long past their 2010 expiry date), and the unfounded Medicaid Part D, when revenues tanked from Bush's recession, without deepening the recession and making it worse??

Of course you do because you know nothing about economics and don't have the slightest interest in learning.

You deserve the utter destruction of the US economy which is about to commence because you voted for it.

The rest of the world did not and this time, we're cutting you loose so you don't take down the world's economy with you.

So go ahead, cut taxes, spend like drunken sailors and start a war with North Korea, but no one has your back this time. No one.

You're on your own.
Obama stopped funding a war.


And when he stopped funding a war he turned around and restarted two (Afghanistan and Iraq) and started two more (Libya and Syria).

And if we let the statist run the economy much longer every state would have become a liberal utopia like California....always bankrupt....massive unemployment...and negative growth.
Your economy has been rapef over the past 60 years by Republican economic policies. Right wing policies have replaced supply and demand economics with supply side economics. It's not working for the Middle and working class. And you're doubling down on it.

Every time in the last 30 years that Republican economic policies have been unrestrained, the deficit has balloned, wages have declined, and the stock market has crashed.

I expect no change in this result this time.
How much did the deficit grow under Obama's Presidency asshole?

It's the ECONOMY, stupid.

Did you think that when Obama took office he could just stop funding the wars, the tax cuts (which Republican continued long past their 2010 expiry date), and the unfounded Medicaid Part D, when revenues tanked from Bush's recession, without deepening the recession and making it worse??

Of course you do because you know nothing about economics and don't have the slightest interest in learning.

You deserve the utter destruction of the US economy which is about to commence because you voted for it.

The rest of the world did not and this time, we're cutting you loose so you don't take down the world's economy with you.

So go ahead, cut taxes, spend like drunken sailors and start a war with North Korea, but no one has your back this time. No one.

You're on your own.
US economy has been shit since the late 1990's.

We have the strongest economy in the world

You HAD the strongest economy in the world. George W. Bush killed it and nearly took down the rest of the world with it. Obama got you back from the edge but Republicans prevented him from increasing domestic spending for education, infrastructure or development to grow the economy. It being in their best interests to keep working Americans as poorly off as possible, so they could blame Obama for sluggish growth.

While it may have continued much of Bush's basic economic debacle, now that Republicans have all three branches of power, economic growth and job creation are slowing. Your trading partners are looking elsewhere before the next stock market crash.

Good luck and God help you. No one else will.
Bill Clinton and foreign lobbyists destroyed it.
How much did the deficit grow under Obama's Presidency asshole?

It's the ECONOMY, stupid.

Did you think that when Obama took office he could just stop funding the wars, the tax cuts (which Republican continued long past their 2010 expiry date), and the unfounded Medicaid Part D, when revenues tanked from Bush's recession, without deepening the recession and making it worse??

Of course you do because you know nothing about economics and don't have the slightest interest in learning.

You deserve the utter destruction of the US economy which is about to commence because you voted for it.

The rest of the world did not and this time, we're cutting you loose so you don't take down the world's economy with you.

So go ahead, cut taxes, spend like drunken sailors and start a war with North Korea, but no one has your back this time. No one.

You're on your own.
US economy has been shit since the late 1990's.

We have the strongest economy in the world
But not heavy industry and manufacturing. Why Hillary lost Rust Belt.

Not coming back
Coming back soon.
Excellent! Just the way it should be. I am not an "earthling " I am an "American." The rest of the world has been taking advantage of us for years now. As Dr. Gorka says, "We are not a superpower. We are a hyperpower." Tell Merkel, Trudeau, and the rest of these socialist that it's our way or the highway.
Donald Trump puts US in a club of one - CNNPolitics.com
Not that I think you have any historical awareness but let me put this thought out there. You know what all superpowers but 1 in history have in common? They are no longer superpowers. The US is not the first nor will it be the last country on Earth that has illusions of invincibility. I'll tell you a little secret. Trump is weakening your position in the world. The US has been the sole superpower for about 30 years and one of 2 superpowers for about 80 years. The US is keeping it's position because of it's military might and an economy that is largely set up to favour the US. Military might depends on economic might. Trump is making it very clear to the rest of the world that like you said "it's my way or the highway." The US is NOT a stronger economy than the rest of the world. In fact it's only marginally stronger than the EU. Trump is going out of his way to make the US an unreliable partner. If the rest of the world chooses to say F-you, you will no longer have to worry about being a superpower I promise you that. Oh and btw unless you are a Martian you are an earthling. Even if you don't want to be.

Our economy has been raped over the last 60 years by our trading partners.

Trump is the US getting tired of being the world's bitch.

Of course those that have been taking advantage of US are pissed of about US wising up.

Your economy has been rapef over the past 60 years by Republican economic policies. Right wing policies have replaced supply and demand economics with supply side economics. It's not working for the Middle and working class. And you're doubling down on it.

Every time in the last 30 years that Republican economic policies have been unrestrained, the deficit has balloned, wages have declined, and the stock market has crashed.

I expect no change in this result this time.
How much did the deficit grow under Obama's Presidency asshole?

The deficit dropped under Obama
WTF...rolling. Completely false statement.
How much did the deficit grow under Obama's Presidency asshole?

It's the ECONOMY, stupid.

Did you think that when Obama took office he could just stop funding the wars, the tax cuts (which Republican continued long past their 2010 expiry date), and the unfounded Medicaid Part D, when revenues tanked from Bush's recession, without deepening the recession and making it worse??

Of course you do because you know nothing about economics and don't have the slightest interest in learning.

You deserve the utter destruction of the US economy which is about to commence because you voted for it.

The rest of the world did not and this time, we're cutting you loose so you don't take down the world's economy with you.

So go ahead, cut taxes, spend like drunken sailors and start a war with North Korea, but no one has your back this time. No one.

You're on your own.
US economy has been shit since the late 1990's.

We have the strongest economy in the world

The stagnating middle class disagrees with you.

Hence Trump.

Does that mean that Trump had better deliver on his promises or he will be toast in 2020?
He will deliver and GOP will gain seats in 2018.
It's the ECONOMY, stupid.

Did you think that when Obama took office he could just stop funding the wars, the tax cuts (which Republican continued long past their 2010 expiry date), and the unfounded Medicaid Part D, when revenues tanked from Bush's recession, without deepening the recession and making it worse??

Of course you do because you know nothing about economics and don't have the slightest interest in learning.

You deserve the utter destruction of the US economy which is about to commence because you voted for it.

The rest of the world did not and this time, we're cutting you loose so you don't take down the world's economy with you.

So go ahead, cut taxes, spend like drunken sailors and start a war with North Korea, but no one has your back this time. No one.

You're on your own.
US economy has been shit since the late 1990's.

We have the strongest economy in the world
But not heavy industry and manufacturing. Why Hillary lost Rust Belt.

Not coming back

Why not? Germany can do it. Japan can do it. They are first world nations.
You must have heavy industry if you are going to maintain your status as a global power. Our heavy industry won World War II and Cold War.
Excellent! Just the way it should be. I am not an "earthling " I am an "American." The rest of the world has been taking advantage of us for years now. As Dr. Gorka says, "We are not a superpower. We are a hyperpower." Tell Merkel, Trudeau, and the rest of these socialist that it's our way or the highway.
Donald Trump puts US in a club of one - CNNPolitics.com
The US without Obama caused a financial crisis a few years ago, if anybody is taking advantage of, its our allies. But I do agree, its time we give up the save the planet banner and allow others to shine, even Russia....China just sits back and watches shit and their now the real super power
Not that I think you have any historical awareness but let me put this thought out there. You know what all superpowers but 1 in history have in common? They are no longer superpowers. The US is not the first nor will it be the last country on Earth that has illusions of invincibility. I'll tell you a little secret. Trump is weakening your position in the world. The US has been the sole superpower for about 30 years and one of 2 superpowers for about 80 years. The US is keeping it's position because of it's military might and an economy that is largely set up to favour the US. Military might depends on economic might. Trump is making it very clear to the rest of the world that like you said "it's my way or the highway." The US is NOT a stronger economy than the rest of the world. In fact it's only marginally stronger than the EU. Trump is going out of his way to make the US an unreliable partner. If the rest of the world chooses to say F-you, you will no longer have to worry about being a superpower I promise you that. Oh and btw unless you are a Martian you are an earthling. Even if you don't want to be.

Our economy has been raped over the last 60 years by our trading partners.

Trump is the US getting tired of being the world's bitch.

Of course those that have been taking advantage of US are pissed of about US wising up.

Your economy has been rapef over the past 60 years by Republican economic policies. Right wing policies have replaced supply and demand economics with supply side economics. It's not working for the Middle and working class. And you're doubling down on it.

Every time in the last 30 years that Republican economic policies have been unrestrained, the deficit has balloned, wages have declined, and the stock market has crashed.

I expect no change in this result this time.
How much did the deficit grow under Obama's Presidency asshole?

The deficit dropped under Obama
WTF...rolling. Completely false statement.
The deficit was cut by over half by President Obama

The fact that you hate to admit it does not make it false
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