Trump rages on Twitter at LaVar Ball over UCLA bball players arrested in China

When the President of the United States gets into a pissing contest with a low life media whore....

Guess who wins?

We the people who get to watch it happen! What great fun to watch our POTUS act like a pissed off 12 year old girl!

Being dignified and above it all, has just let the vile left wage the Culture War unopposed.

It's killing US, if it has not already KILLED US.

RW, can tell you. He considers the death of the republic to be a dream he is looking forward to.

I really hate to break this to you, but the right is just as vile as the left. There is no "good" side anymore. Both suck

what is the point? Who is this guy?
Lavar Ball is a major asshole
Trump is a major asshole

Hard to know who to root for

How about the guy that saved three kids from years in prison, instead of the father that defends his son's stealing.

Hard to root for someone that thinks they should have just left the kids there becasue their father didnt kiss his ass.

It is not credible that you are unaware that people say shit they don't mean, when they are pissed off.

Next time, trump does the same thing.

Somehow Trump being such a child that he just lashed out with something he didnt mean is really not all that comforting. I am not even sure it is a better scenario.

Why? You'd rather have a door mat for President?

Screw that.

Trash talking on Twitter does not make one a man or tough or anything else you might be thinking. Trump is a school yard bully that trash talks on twitter but is a coward in person.

What I would rather have is an adult as president. but sadly that was not one of the two choices this time around.
The three ballers are black. The ungrateful father is black. The mistake is Trump's in expecting something more from blacks. This is what they are. This is who they are. These are the same people who sue police departments for saving their lives.

Of course the ballers should have been left in China. The only comment from the President should have been that he will not interfere in the internal crime control of another country.

Their color has nothing to do with thread.

Leave the racism in other forums.
You are racist no longer works. Leave that in some other forum

Actually, it does work if you're actually being racist. Maybe in whatever hodunk town you live in, hating black people is normal, but for most of us, we aren't about that kind of weak ass mentality.

Besides, pretty sure you were responding to a mod.
I'm all aquiver
Lived in DC for 30 years and been a minority for most of it
If certain behaviors almost always have a certain skin color then it is merely factual to point it out
I know you all Desperately want cries of racism to become a hammer again but it's played out and won't

So you're openly a scumbag racist then. That's nice bro.

What's your name in real life? If there's nothing wrong with being a racist, come out loud and proud. Tell everyone what you are. I'd respect that, if nothing else.
All emotional and personally attacking and calling people out because you have been bested again
Mods, are you taking note???
Their color has nothing to do with thread.

Leave the racism in other forums.
You are racist no longer works. Leave that in some other forum

Actually, it does work if you're actually being racist. Maybe in whatever hodunk town you live in, hating black people is normal, but for most of us, we aren't about that kind of weak ass mentality.

Besides, pretty sure you were responding to a mod.
I'm all aquiver
Lived in DC for 30 years and been a minority for most of it
If certain behaviors almost always have a certain skin color then it is merely factual to point it out
I know you all Desperately want cries of racism to become a hammer again but it's played out and won't

So you're openly a scumbag racist then. That's nice bro.

What's your name in real life? If there's nothing wrong with being a racist, come out loud and proud. Tell everyone what you are. I'd respect that, if nothing else.
All emotional and personally attacking and calling people out because you have been bested again
Mods, are you taking note???

Huh? This is legit your argument; racism.

I mean, what else is there to talk about with you? That's all you have and all you are.
You are racist no longer works. Leave that in some other forum

Actually, it does work if you're actually being racist. Maybe in whatever hodunk town you live in, hating black people is normal, but for most of us, we aren't about that kind of weak ass mentality.

Besides, pretty sure you were responding to a mod.
I'm all aquiver
Lived in DC for 30 years and been a minority for most of it
If certain behaviors almost always have a certain skin color then it is merely factual to point it out
I know you all Desperately want cries of racism to become a hammer again but it's played out and won't

So you're openly a scumbag racist then. That's nice bro.

What's your name in real life? If there's nothing wrong with being a racist, come out loud and proud. Tell everyone what you are. I'd respect that, if nothing else.
All emotional and personally attacking and calling people out because you have been bested again
Mods, are you taking note???

Huh? This is legit your argument; racism.

I mean, what else is there to talk about with you? That's all you have and all you are.
I know that valid racial referencing bugs you but again, the liberal "racist" rebuke is played out and if no effect. Try articulating responses rather than the useless, emotive racist retort
Actually, it does work if you're actually being racist. Maybe in whatever hodunk town you live in, hating black people is normal, but for most of us, we aren't about that kind of weak ass mentality.

Besides, pretty sure you were responding to a mod.
I'm all aquiver
Lived in DC for 30 years and been a minority for most of it
If certain behaviors almost always have a certain skin color then it is merely factual to point it out
I know you all Desperately want cries of racism to become a hammer again but it's played out and won't

So you're openly a scumbag racist then. That's nice bro.

What's your name in real life? If there's nothing wrong with being a racist, come out loud and proud. Tell everyone what you are. I'd respect that, if nothing else.
All emotional and personally attacking and calling people out because you have been bested again
Mods, are you taking note???

Huh? This is legit your argument; racism.

I mean, what else is there to talk about with you? That's all you have and all you are.
I know that valid racial referencing bugs you but again, the liberal "racist" rebuke is played out and if no effect. Try articulating responses rather than the useless, emotive racist retort

How am I supposed to do that when all you've done is say racist things?

You don't get to tell everyone not to call you out for being a racist when that's what you are. If you weren't doing it, I wouldn't be calling you one. But you've said nothing of substance, just trash-talked black people. What other response is there to that? Do you expect everyone to agree with you?
When the President of the United States gets into a pissing contest with a low life media whore....

Guess who wins?

We the people who get to watch it happen! What great fun to watch our POTUS act like a pissed off 12 year old girl!

Being dignified and above it all, has just let the vile left wage the Culture War unopposed.

It's killing US, if it has not already KILLED US.

RW, can tell you. He considers the death of the republic to be a dream he is looking forward to.

I really hate to break this to you, but the right is just as vile as the left. There is no "good" side anymore. Both suck

what is the point? Who is this guy?

He's was a mass. state senator candidate.

The point is that he joked about being happy reading about increasing rates of suicides among white males, and that he though it was a good thing.

And the room full of new englander dems, laughed.

The GOP, especially the establishment leadership, is pretty bad.

But the Left is utterly vile and literally out to get US.

The room laughed at the idea of white males being driven to high rates of killing themselves.
Correct racial identification is not racist no matter how many weepy Libs dislike it's validity and implementation
Correct racial identification is not racist no matter how many weepy Libs dislike it's validity and implementation

Okay. Is that all you have to say? That you don't like black people? I think we get it. Anyone not understanding the message of WEATHER53? No? Okay, we're good here. You can move on to your afternoon cross burning now.
How about the guy that saved three kids from years in prison, instead of the father that defends his son's stealing.

Hard to root for someone that thinks they should have just left the kids there becasue their father didnt kiss his ass.

It is not credible that you are unaware that people say shit they don't mean, when they are pissed off.

Next time, trump does the same thing.

Somehow Trump being such a child that he just lashed out with something he didnt mean is really not all that comforting. I am not even sure it is a better scenario.

Why? You'd rather have a door mat for President?

Screw that.

Trash talking on Twitter does not make one a man or tough or anything else you might be thinking. Trump is a school yard bully that trash talks on twitter but is a coward in person.

What I would rather have is an adult as president. but sadly that was not one of the two choices this time around.

The complete inability of our past republican presidents to push back in the Culture Wars, shows that being an "Adult" is code for letting the dems win unopposed.
If trump cared anything about America he would have joined those three worthless pieces of shit, and rotted in a Chinese prison along with them.

Then, we'd be rid of all four scumbags.

If you cared anything about America you'd defect to North Korea.

And tell Kim Jung you were sent there as his assasin
Hard to root for someone that thinks they should have just left the kids there becasue their father didnt kiss his ass.

It is not credible that you are unaware that people say shit they don't mean, when they are pissed off.

Next time, trump does the same thing.

Somehow Trump being such a child that he just lashed out with something he didnt mean is really not all that comforting. I am not even sure it is a better scenario.

Why? You'd rather have a door mat for President?

Screw that.

Trash talking on Twitter does not make one a man or tough or anything else you might be thinking. Trump is a school yard bully that trash talks on twitter but is a coward in person.

What I would rather have is an adult as president. but sadly that was not one of the two choices this time around.

The complete inability of our past republican presidents to push back in the Culture Wars, shows that being an "Adult" is code for letting the dems win unopposed.

The whole "culture war" is a joke, a phrase created by the parties to get the faithful riled up and into the voting booth. If you think that Trump's tweets are changing anything, you are going to be very disappointed.
The three ballers are black. The ungrateful father is black. The mistake is Trump's in expecting something more from blacks. This is what they are. This is who they are. These are the same people who sue police departments for saving their lives.

Of course the ballers should have been left in China. The only comment from the President should have been that he will not interfere in the internal crime control of another country.

Trump is just being honest. He is saying what most of us are thinking, but some don't have the balls to admit.

That's why he won the presidency.
LaVar Ball is such a failure as a father that not only did he raise thieving ass kids, he also had to rely on another man to bring one of them home after he was arrested abroad. He then had the audacity to diss the man who saved his degenerate kid. Zero moral values or integrity.
A president of one of the most powerful countries on earth. Has the time to fight like an internet troll with dozens of people on twitter...everytime you wake up you find him attacking someone. Wow just wow...sometimes I think it's just a nightmare.

If it was Obama, you've be loving it for <insert reason here>.
If it was Obama he'd still be in China incarcerated

If it was obama and a white guy, he'd still be in China incarcerated. These guys "could have been sons of obama.

And what makes you think this? Are you just making assumptions? I've noticed Trump supporters do a lot of that around here.
Like assuming he's guilty of SOMETHING? notice a lot of that too.
A president of one of the most powerful countries on earth. Has the time to fight like an internet troll with dozens of people on twitter...everytime you wake up you find him attacking someone. Wow just wow...sometimes I think it's just a nightmare.

If it was Obama, you've be loving it for <insert reason here>.
If it was Obama he'd still be in China incarcerated

If it was obama and a white guy, he'd still be in China incarcerated. These guys "could have been sons of obama.

And what makes you think this? Are you just making assumptions? I've noticed Trump supporters do a lot of that around here.
Like assuming he's guilty of SOMETHING? notice a lot of that too.

Wait, what?
LaVar ball treats his sons behavior as no big deal but it would be a very big deal if he couldn't see his child for 10 years

POTUS was gracious!
When the President of the United States gets into a pissing contest with a low life media whore....

Guess who wins?

If you have your way, the low life.

Do you think that that fact that the father of the one boy, is STILL denying that his son's stealing is a big deal, is worthy of comment?
Guess what?
Lavar Ball is a lowlife scum media whore
Why does our president struggle to show he is anything better?

Says the lefty that still can't call out a failed black father on the job he did raising his child, even when he sees it playing out right in front of him.

YOu just CAN'T DO IT.
I'm calling out our president for rolling in the mud with that failed black father

He can't help himself

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