Trump rages on Twitter at LaVar Ball over UCLA bball players arrested in China

Zimmerman is a proven thug and wife beater

Stop it. YOu are making me feel embarrassed for you.

Obama poured gasoline on a raging fire, setting white against black, north against south, right against left.

Trump? He saves young black thieves from jail time in China, and gets flak for it.
The Great Obama tried to heal the nation

Racist Republucans set it on fire

No, he didn't.

He was happy to use race to divide US, and to let his partisans attack any criticism of him as being racist.

If he had spoken out against that practice, he would have have been a powerful healing factor.

Instead he choose to be part of the problem.

Your race baiting makes you part of the problem too.
The Great Obama brought out the racists in the Republican Party

Remember the picture Republicans sent around with Obama with a bone in his nose?

Your party had a ball with that one

I made a point, and you did nothing but ignore it and repeat your vile accusation.

That makes your post a logical fallacy and you an asshole.

YOu lose.

The point is on your head

Your party depends on racists
A president of one of the most powerful countries on earth. Has the time to fight like an internet troll with dozens of people on twitter...everytime you wake up you find him attacking someone. Wow just wow...sometimes I think it's just a nightmare.

If it was Obama, you've be loving it for <insert reason here>.

Here’s the thing you Trumpanzees just can’t comprehend:

It would never be Obama. He would never behave in this low life fashion. He’s secure enough in himself and in his accomplishments not to need to be praised for every little thing he does.
I have a feeling LaVar Ball made his original press statement just to get Trump riled up, show what an ass the president is.

Expecting gratitude for saving a man's son from years of jail time is being "an ass"?
Expect? maybe

Demand? Creepy

YOu lefties have shown that letting something pass, will just give you the chance to repeat a lie over and over again until it becomes accepted as a truth.

THis is change, you aren't afraid of change, are you?

You mean like the Republican lies about the Clintons? 30 years of Republican lies about the Clintons which are now passed off as facts.

Such as?

Everything they held those 17 investigations and spent $100 million of taxpayers’ money to find evidence of so they could charge them.
Funny how Liberals are now defending LaVar Ball (who is defending his son for shop lifting)

Democrats will literally support ANYTHING that Donald Trump is against (shoplifting)

Pathetic people!

Lavar Ball is a major asshole
Trump is a major asshole

Hard to know who to root for

How about the guy that saved three kids from years in prison, instead of the father that defends his son's stealing.
Normally I would applaud it

Until he started demanding applause. Proved he is just an attention whore

So, you're going to root for the father who's son got himself arrested in China, and is defending his crimes.

Just as we all knew you would.
Trump's reaction proves that he never cared AT ALL about the players.

No, it doesn't.

Yes it does and Trump proved it by saying he should have left the players there.

That PROVES he didn't care about them, he cared ONLY about his opportunity to get some praise.

If he really cared about them, whether or not he got praise for it sufficient to his liking would not matter AT ALL.

You strung a bunch of words together, but they don't actually support each other the way you seem to think they do.

Trump saying "should have let them rot" proves that he is offended by what Ball said.

People say stuff they don't really mean, all the time when they are pissed off.

That you don't know that,

no. That you pretend to not know that,

is you being dishonest.

so this is the new Trump defense, that he babbles shit he doesn't mean?

lol good one.
Expecting gratitude for saving a man's son from years of jail time is being "an ass"?
Expect? maybe

Demand? Creepy

YOu lefties have shown that letting something pass, will just give you the chance to repeat a lie over and over again until it becomes accepted as a truth.

THis is change, you aren't afraid of change, are you?

You mean like the Republican lies about the Clintons? 30 years of Republican lies about the Clintons which are now passed off as facts.

Such as?

Everything they held those 17 investigations and spent $100 million of taxpayers’ money to find evidence of so they could charge them.

And instead of putting forth what you considered your best and strongest example for serious discussion,

you go for the shotgun approach, presenting "everything" so that you don't have to defend anything.

Typical lib.
Trump's reaction proves that he never cared AT ALL about the players.

No, it doesn't.

Yes it does and Trump proved it by saying he should have left the players there.

That PROVES he didn't care about them, he cared ONLY about his opportunity to get some praise.

If he really cared about them, whether or not he got praise for it sufficient to his liking would not matter AT ALL.

You strung a bunch of words together, but they don't actually support each other the way you seem to think they do.

Trump saying "should have let them rot" proves that he is offended by what Ball said.

People say stuff they don't really mean, all the time when they are pissed off.

That you don't know that,

no. That you pretend to not know that,

is you being dishonest.

so this is the new Trump defense, that he babbles shit he doesn't mean?

lol good one.

People were used to him using hyperbole early in the campaign.

For you to pretend to be unaware of that, at this late date, is for you to demonstrate that you are just a liar.
Imagine what the nuts would have said if Obama did this and then you know exactly how retarded they sound trying to desperately defend Trump over this.
Trump's reaction proves that he never cared AT ALL about the players.

No, it doesn't.

Yes it does and Trump proved it by saying he should have left the players there.

That PROVES he didn't care about them, he cared ONLY about his opportunity to get some praise.

If he really cared about them, whether or not he got praise for it sufficient to his liking would not matter AT ALL.

You strung a bunch of words together, but they don't actually support each other the way you seem to think they do.

Trump saying "should have let them rot" proves that he is offended by what Ball said.

People say stuff they don't really mean, all the time when they are pissed off.

That you don't know that,

no. That you pretend to not know that,

is you being dishonest.

so this is the new Trump defense, that he babbles shit he doesn't mean?

lol good one.

People were used to him using hyperbole early in the campaign.

For you to pretend to be unaware of that, at this late date, is for you to demonstrate that you are just a liar.

I don't believe anything he says, so I guess I WAS ahead of the game.
Stop it. YOu are making me feel embarrassed for you.

Obama poured gasoline on a raging fire, setting white against black, north against south, right against left.

Trump? He saves young black thieves from jail time in China, and gets flak for it.
The Great Obama tried to heal the nation

Racist Republucans set it on fire

No, he didn't.

He was happy to use race to divide US, and to let his partisans attack any criticism of him as being racist.

If he had spoken out against that practice, he would have have been a powerful healing factor.

Instead he choose to be part of the problem.

Your race baiting makes you part of the problem too.
The Great Obama brought out the racists in the Republican Party

Remember the picture Republicans sent around with Obama with a bone in his nose?

Your party had a ball with that one

I made a point, and you did nothing but ignore it and repeat your vile accusation.

That makes your post a logical fallacy and you an asshole.

YOu lose.

The point is on your head

Your party depends on racists

YOur race baiting has already been noted and held against you, you race baiting asshole.

What more do you want?

A meme?

Sure, here you go.

Funny how Liberals are now defending LaVar Ball (who is defending his son for shop lifting)

Democrats will literally support ANYTHING that Donald Trump is against (shoplifting)

Pathetic people!

Lavar Ball is a major asshole
Trump is a major asshole

Hard to know who to root for

How about the guy that saved three kids from years in prison, instead of the father that defends his son's stealing.

Hard to root for someone that thinks they should have just left the kids there becasue their father didnt kiss his ass.
No, it doesn't.

Yes it does and Trump proved it by saying he should have left the players there.

That PROVES he didn't care about them, he cared ONLY about his opportunity to get some praise.

If he really cared about them, whether or not he got praise for it sufficient to his liking would not matter AT ALL.

You strung a bunch of words together, but they don't actually support each other the way you seem to think they do.

Trump saying "should have let them rot" proves that he is offended by what Ball said.

People say stuff they don't really mean, all the time when they are pissed off.

That you don't know that,

no. That you pretend to not know that,

is you being dishonest.

so this is the new Trump defense, that he babbles shit he doesn't mean?

lol good one.

People were used to him using hyperbole early in the campaign.

For you to pretend to be unaware of that, at this late date, is for you to demonstrate that you are just a liar.

I don't believe anything he says, so I guess I WAS ahead of the game.

Then you were a fool.

So, now that's that done. Three young Americans are home tonight and not in jail because of Trump, while the father of one of the kids is saying that the thefts are not a big deal.

And you lefties think Trump is the problem.
Obama jumped into the Zimmerman case, siding with the black, encouraging blacks and liberals to see this as a racial issue.

Trump does not do that. Note that he saw these kids as AMERICANS and got them out. He expected some thanks, as one would expect from fellow citizens that he had done a good turn for.
Obama was correct

Zimmerman was a thug vigilante

Nah, not even you believe that shit.

Obama poured gasoline on a raging fire, setting white against black, north against south, right against left.

Trump? He saves young black thieves from jail time in China, and gets flak for it.
Zimmerman is a proven thug and wife beater

Stop it. YOu are making me feel embarrassed for you.

Obama poured gasoline on a raging fire, setting white against black, north against south, right against left.

Trump? He saves young black thieves from jail time in China, and gets flak for it.
The Great Obama tried to heal the nation

Racist Republicans set it on fire

I hope this was supposed to be satire, Obama didn't try and heal anything
Funny how Liberals are now defending LaVar Ball (who is defending his son for shop lifting)

Democrats will literally support ANYTHING that Donald Trump is against (shoplifting)

Pathetic people!

Lavar Ball is a major asshole
Trump is a major asshole

Hard to know who to root for

How about the guy that saved three kids from years in prison, instead of the father that defends his son's stealing.

Hard to root for someone that thinks they should have just left the kids there becasue their father didnt kiss his ass.

It is not credible that you are unaware that people say shit they don't mean, when they are pissed off.

Next time, trump does the same thing.
When the President of the United States gets into a pissing contest with a low life media whore....

Guess who wins?

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