Trump rages on Twitter at LaVar Ball over UCLA bball players arrested in China

This is the best that describes the situation:
Trump started the Twitter war with his petty demand of thanks
LaVar upped the ante on who was the bigger asshole with his dismissal of Trumps help
Trump can't let it lie in a battle of assholes and says he should have left them in jail

I a battle of two of our biggest assholes, it is hard to know who to root for
Expect? maybe

Demand? Creepy

YOu lefties have shown that letting something pass, will just give you the chance to repeat a lie over and over again until it becomes accepted as a truth.

THis is change, you aren't afraid of change, are you?
Trump is unable to be magnanimous
Doing good for someone else is enough for most

Demanding thanks and praise calls into question why you did it in the first place

Except that that is not what happened.

Ball made his statement of anti-thanks and anti-praise first, then Trump responded to that.

Again, by lying about the events, you admit that you are in the wrong and you know it.
Oh we go again

Trump started the Twitter war with his petty demand of thanks
LaVar upped the ante on who was the bigger asshole with his dismissal of Trumps help
Trump can't let it lie in a battle of assholes and says he should have left them in jail

I a battle of two of our biggest assholes, it is hard to know who to root for

Trump responded because he knows this is a winning issue for him. People hate lavar, and after this people will hate him more and side with the president. Now I concede the presidential thing to do would have been ignore LaVar, but Trump dances to his own tune.
Rolling in the mud with morons is never a winning proposition
YOu lefties have shown that letting something pass, will just give you the chance to repeat a lie over and over again until it becomes accepted as a truth.

THis is change, you aren't afraid of change, are you?
Trump is unable to be magnanimous
Doing good for someone else is enough for most

Demanding thanks and praise calls into question why you did it in the first place

Except that that is not what happened.

Ball made his statement of anti-thanks and anti-praise first, then Trump responded to that.

Again, by lying about the events, you admit that you are in the wrong and you know it.
Oh we go again

Trump started the Twitter war with his petty demand of thanks
LaVar upped the ante on who was the bigger asshole with his dismissal of Trumps help
Trump can't let it lie in a battle of assholes and says he should have left them in jail

I a battle of two of our biggest assholes, it is hard to know who to root for

Trump responded because he knows this is a winning issue for him. People hate lavar, and after this people will hate him more and side with the president. Now I concede the presidential thing to do would have been ignore LaVar, but Trump dances to his own tune.
Rolling in the mud with morons is never a winning proposition

I dunno, the nfl thing gave DT a little boost.
This is the best that describes the situation:
Trump started the Twitter war with his petty demand of thanks
LaVar upped the ante on who was the bigger asshole with his dismissal of Trumps help
Trump can't let it lie in a battle of assholes and says he should have left them in jail

I a battle of two of our biggest assholes, it is hard to know who to root for

Just hope they keep it up for the entertainment value.
Trump is unable to be magnanimous
Doing good for someone else is enough for most

Demanding thanks and praise calls into question why you did it in the first place

Except that that is not what happened.

Ball made his statement of anti-thanks and anti-praise first, then Trump responded to that.

Again, by lying about the events, you admit that you are in the wrong and you know it.
Oh we go again

Trump started the Twitter war with his petty demand of thanks
LaVar upped the ante on who was the bigger asshole with his dismissal of Trumps help
Trump can't let it lie in a battle of assholes and says he should have left them in jail

I a battle of two of our biggest assholes, it is hard to know who to root for

Trump responded because he knows this is a winning issue for him. People hate lavar, and after this people will hate him more and side with the president. Now I concede the presidential thing to do would have been ignore LaVar, but Trump dances to his own tune.
Rolling in the mud with morons is never a winning proposition

I dunno, the nfl thing gave DT a little boost.
NFL is still much more popular than Fat Donnie
Low-class scum and I naturally thought Democrats. 127 million fits in with Obama's two elections neatly especially since you said "a low class scum" and the Beast only got 60 million or so.

Obama got more than 127 million between his two wins. In this election Trump got 62 million and Hillary got 65 million, thus the 127.

See, I am not a partisan hack, so when I hear low-life scum I think of both parties since that is what they both are.
Then your writing sucks. "A low-class scum" with 127 million votes could only be Obama.
The Great Obama was loved by the country and actually won over 50% of the vote. Fat Donnie can't break 40% approval

Obama torn this nation apart. Half the nation loved him, the other half he insulted repeatedly and allowed his partisans to constantly vilify.
The Great Obama had 60% approval when he left office

Crooked Donnie struggles to crack 40%

Nothing like having a compliant media to carry water for you.

Hey, you still believe that for twenty years, he did not notice that his preacher was a racist anti-american piece of shit?

Cause that's the story the media bought and let the story drop.
Donald Trump saying that he should have left LaVar Ball’s son in jail simply because he didn’t get a “Thank You” from him is the most childish and unpresidential thing I’ve ever heard. My 4 year old is a more developed human being than Donald Trump is!
Then your writing sucks. "A low-class scum" with 127 million votes could only be Obama.
The Great Obama was loved by the country and actually won over 50% of the vote. Fat Donnie can't break 40% approval

Obama torn this nation apart. Half the nation loved him, the other half he insulted repeatedly and allowed his partisans to constantly vilify.

That is 100% true, those things took place the last 8 years.

But how is this any different than what is going on today, except that not even half the nation loves Trump? Are you really so blinded by your partisan loyalties that you cannot see that the exact same thing is happening today, we are more divided today than we were in Jan. Do you even pay attention to the words of the man who's ass you are kissing?

Obama jumped into the Zimmerman case, siding with the black, encouraging blacks and liberals to see this as a racial issue.

Trump does not do that. Note that he saw these kids as AMERICANS and got them out. He expected some thanks, as one would expect from fellow citizens that he had done a good turn for.
Obama was correct

Zimmerman was a thug vigilante

Nah, not even you believe that shit.

Obama poured gasoline on a raging fire, setting white against black, north against south, right against left.

Trump? He saves young black thieves from jail time in China, and gets flak for it.
Donald Trump saying that he should have left LaVar Ball’s son in jail simply because he didn’t get a “Thank You” from him is the most childish and unpresidential thing I’ve ever heard. My 4 year old is a more developed human being than Donald Trump is!

My child doesn't steal. Maybe LaVar should spend more time thinking about what he did wrong, than bad mouthing the President.
Obama got more than 127 million between his two wins. In this election Trump got 62 million and Hillary got 65 million, thus the 127.

See, I am not a partisan hack, so when I hear low-life scum I think of both parties since that is what they both are.
Then your writing sucks. "A low-class scum" with 127 million votes could only be Obama.
The Great Obama was loved by the country and actually won over 50% of the vote. Fat Donnie can't break 40% approval

Obama torn this nation apart. Half the nation loved him, the other half he insulted repeatedly and allowed his partisans to constantly vilify.
The Great Obama had 60% approval when he left office

Crooked Donnie struggles to crack 40%

Nothing like having a compliant media to carry water for you.

Hey, you still believe that for twenty years, he did not notice that his preacher was a racist anti-american piece of shit?

Cause that's the story the media bought and let the story drop.

Trump has the media he deserves
Low-class scum and I naturally thought Democrats. 127 million fits in with Obama's two elections neatly especially since you said "a low class scum" and the Beast only got 60 million or so.

Obama got more than 127 million between his two wins. In this election Trump got 62 million and Hillary got 65 million, thus the 127.

See, I am not a partisan hack, so when I hear low-life scum I think of both parties since that is what they both are.
Then your writing sucks. "A low-class scum" with 127 million votes could only be Obama.
The Great Obama was loved by the country and actually won over 50% of the vote. Fat Donnie can't break 40% approval

Obama torn this nation apart. Half the nation loved him, the other half he insulted repeatedly and allowed his partisans to constantly vilify.
The Great Obama had 60% approval when he left office

Crooked Donnie struggles to crack 40%
The "Great Obama" couldn't get his anointed successor to follow him to the White House. As a result, the "Great Obama's" legacy is being dismantled step-by-step. When the Iran nuke deal was your signature international accolade and Obamacare your domestic, the only thing he'll be remembered for was being blackish and a sluggish economy.
The Great Obama was loved by the country and actually won over 50% of the vote. Fat Donnie can't break 40% approval

Obama torn this nation apart. Half the nation loved him, the other half he insulted repeatedly and allowed his partisans to constantly vilify.

That is 100% true, those things took place the last 8 years.

But how is this any different than what is going on today, except that not even half the nation loves Trump? Are you really so blinded by your partisan loyalties that you cannot see that the exact same thing is happening today, we are more divided today than we were in Jan. Do you even pay attention to the words of the man who's ass you are kissing?

Obama jumped into the Zimmerman case, siding with the black, encouraging blacks and liberals to see this as a racial issue.

Trump does not do that. Note that he saw these kids as AMERICANS and got them out. He expected some thanks, as one would expect from fellow citizens that he had done a good turn for.
Obama was correct

Zimmerman was a thug vigilante

Nah, not even you believe that shit.

Obama poured gasoline on a raging fire, setting white against black, north against south, right against left.

Trump? He saves young black thieves from jail time in China, and gets flak for it.
Zimmerman is a proven thug and wife beater
Then your writing sucks. "A low-class scum" with 127 million votes could only be Obama.
The Great Obama was loved by the country and actually won over 50% of the vote. Fat Donnie can't break 40% approval

Obama torn this nation apart. Half the nation loved him, the other half he insulted repeatedly and allowed his partisans to constantly vilify.
The Great Obama had 60% approval when he left office

Crooked Donnie struggles to crack 40%

Nothing like having a compliant media to carry water for you.

Hey, you still believe that for twenty years, he did not notice that his preacher was a racist anti-american piece of shit?

Cause that's the story the media bought and let the story drop.

Trump has the media he deserves

Says the man that could't bring himself to address a simple and reasonable question.

you still believe that for twenty years, he did not notice that his preacher was a racist anti-american piece of shit?

Cause that's the story the media bought and let the story drop.
If you're going to do something "nice" for someone, the decent thing to do is expect nothing and carry on. If the person wants to express gratitude, fine. If not, so be it.

What is not right, and what used to be looked down on in society, is EXPECTING people to grovel in praise of you for doing a nice thing. It turns from something nice to some sort of perverse exchange; I do this for you, now you kiss my ring. Oh, and we're not going to agree on it beforehand; I'm just going to expect it from you after the fact.

A President does not announce that he negotiated your release and then publicly ask for your thanks.

That is what a KING does.
Obama torn this nation apart. Half the nation loved him, the other half he insulted repeatedly and allowed his partisans to constantly vilify.

That is 100% true, those things took place the last 8 years.

But how is this any different than what is going on today, except that not even half the nation loves Trump? Are you really so blinded by your partisan loyalties that you cannot see that the exact same thing is happening today, we are more divided today than we were in Jan. Do you even pay attention to the words of the man who's ass you are kissing?

Obama jumped into the Zimmerman case, siding with the black, encouraging blacks and liberals to see this as a racial issue.

Trump does not do that. Note that he saw these kids as AMERICANS and got them out. He expected some thanks, as one would expect from fellow citizens that he had done a good turn for.
Obama was correct

Zimmerman was a thug vigilante

Nah, not even you believe that shit.

Obama poured gasoline on a raging fire, setting white against black, north against south, right against left.

Trump? He saves young black thieves from jail time in China, and gets flak for it.
Zimmerman is a proven thug and wife beater

Stop it. YOu are making me feel embarrassed for you.

Obama poured gasoline on a raging fire, setting white against black, north against south, right against left.

Trump? He saves young black thieves from jail time in China, and gets flak for it.
who cares what Trump says?

All he's doing is trying to distract from his son in laws's troubles from lying about wikileaks and with holding evidence and the tax cut that enriches himself and his Wall Street/goldman sachs administration.....

seriously, you should know the guy by now.... :rolleyes:
If you're going to do something "nice" for someone, the decent thing to do is expect nothing and carry on. If the person wants to express gratitude, fine. If not, so be it.

What is not right, and what used to be looked down on in society, is EXPECTING people to grovel in praise of you for doing a nice thing. It turns from something nice to some sort of perverse exchange; I do this for you, now you kiss my ring. Oh, and we're not going to agree on it beforehand; I'm just going to expect it from you after the fact.

A President does not announce that he negotiated your release and then publicly ask for your thanks.

That is what a KING does.

Nah, a King, especially one that knows he gets no support from your demographic, just lets you rot.

Those kids own their lives to Trump. And they knew enough to be greatful.

The Father is still making excuses for his son's behavior.

Totally missing his responsibility for being a bad father.
That is 100% true, those things took place the last 8 years.

But how is this any different than what is going on today, except that not even half the nation loves Trump? Are you really so blinded by your partisan loyalties that you cannot see that the exact same thing is happening today, we are more divided today than we were in Jan. Do you even pay attention to the words of the man who's ass you are kissing?

Obama jumped into the Zimmerman case, siding with the black, encouraging blacks and liberals to see this as a racial issue.

Trump does not do that. Note that he saw these kids as AMERICANS and got them out. He expected some thanks, as one would expect from fellow citizens that he had done a good turn for.
Obama was correct

Zimmerman was a thug vigilante

Nah, not even you believe that shit.

Obama poured gasoline on a raging fire, setting white against black, north against south, right against left.

Trump? He saves young black thieves from jail time in China, and gets flak for it.
Zimmerman is a proven thug and wife beater

Stop it. YOu are making me feel embarrassed for you.

Obama poured gasoline on a raging fire, setting white against black, north against south, right against left.

Trump? He saves young black thieves from jail time in China, and gets flak for it.

Well I certainly hope Trump learned his lesson. Next time let 'em rot in a foreign shit-hole jail. When it comes to the ungrateful, no good deed goes unpunished.

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