Trump rages on Twitter at LaVar Ball over UCLA bball players arrested in China

It is not credible that you are unaware that people say shit they don't mean, when they are pissed off.

Next time, trump does the same thing.

Somehow Trump being such a child that he just lashed out with something he didnt mean is really not all that comforting. I am not even sure it is a better scenario.

Why? You'd rather have a door mat for President?

Screw that.

Trash talking on Twitter does not make one a man or tough or anything else you might be thinking. Trump is a school yard bully that trash talks on twitter but is a coward in person.

What I would rather have is an adult as president. but sadly that was not one of the two choices this time around.

The complete inability of our past republican presidents to push back in the Culture Wars, shows that being an "Adult" is code for letting the dems win unopposed.

The whole "culture war" is a joke, a phrase created by the parties to get the faithful riled up and into the voting booth. If you think that Trump's tweets are changing anything, you are going to be very disappointed.

SOme con once said that being a liberal, ever day must be like his grandmother watching the 700 club, where ever tv show and ever song and ever talking head reflects back to you, your world view.

If you think that doesn't effect,

no, let me rephrase.

If you think that isn't the primary driver of change in our society, you are fooling yourself.
That is 100% true, those things took place the last 8 years.

But how is this any different than what is going on today, except that not even half the nation loves Trump? Are you really so blinded by your partisan loyalties that you cannot see that the exact same thing is happening today, we are more divided today than we were in Jan. Do you even pay attention to the words of the man who's ass you are kissing?

Obama jumped into the Zimmerman case, siding with the black, encouraging blacks and liberals to see this as a racial issue.

Trump does not do that. Note that he saw these kids as AMERICANS and got them out. He expected some thanks, as one would expect from fellow citizens that he had done a good turn for.
Obama was correct

Zimmerman was a thug vigilante

Nah, not even you believe that shit.

Obama poured gasoline on a raging fire, setting white against black, north against south, right against left.

Trump? He saves young black thieves from jail time in China, and gets flak for it.
If it was a good will he wouldn't regret it.

And the lefty seizes on an off handed comment made in the heat of the moment as an excuse to not give Trump credit for saving three young men's lives. (not from death, but from ruin)

Thanks for proving half my point.
A decent man doesn' brag, let alone a president. He is a low life.

Ps:I'm not lefty.
When the President of the United States gets into a pissing contest with a low life media whore....

Guess who wins?

If you have your way, the low life.

Do you think that that fact that the father of the one boy, is STILL denying that his son's stealing is a big deal, is worthy of comment?
Guess what?
Lavar Ball is a lowlife scum media whore
Why does our president struggle to show he is anything better?

Says the lefty that still can't call out a failed black father on the job he did raising his child, even when he sees it playing out right in front of him.

YOu just CAN'T DO IT.
I'm calling out our president for rolling in the mud with that failed black father

He can't help himself

He's a scrapper. Better than letting you vile lefties have your say without being challenged.

YOu haven't answered me in a long time. Do you still imagine your ONe Party America as an Utopia, or have you come to realize that it will be a Dystopia?
Somehow Trump being such a child that he just lashed out with something he didnt mean is really not all that comforting. I am not even sure it is a better scenario.

Why? You'd rather have a door mat for President?

Screw that.

Trash talking on Twitter does not make one a man or tough or anything else you might be thinking. Trump is a school yard bully that trash talks on twitter but is a coward in person.

What I would rather have is an adult as president. but sadly that was not one of the two choices this time around.

The complete inability of our past republican presidents to push back in the Culture Wars, shows that being an "Adult" is code for letting the dems win unopposed.

The whole "culture war" is a joke, a phrase created by the parties to get the faithful riled up and into the voting booth. If you think that Trump's tweets are changing anything, you are going to be very disappointed.

SOme con once said that being a liberal, ever day must be like his grandmother watching the 700 club, where ever tv show and ever song and ever talking head reflects back to you, your world view.

If you think that doesn't effect,

no, let me rephrase.

If you think that isn't the primary driver of change in our society, you are fooling yourself.

I believe that TV reflects the culture, not drive it.
Obama jumped into the Zimmerman case, siding with the black, encouraging blacks and liberals to see this as a racial issue.

Trump does not do that. Note that he saw these kids as AMERICANS and got them out. He expected some thanks, as one would expect from fellow citizens that he had done a good turn for.
Obama was correct

Zimmerman was a thug vigilante

Nah, not even you believe that shit.

Obama poured gasoline on a raging fire, setting white against black, north against south, right against left.

Trump? He saves young black thieves from jail time in China, and gets flak for it.
If it was a good will he wouldn't regret it.

And the lefty seizes on an off handed comment made in the heat of the moment as an excuse to not give Trump credit for saving three young men's lives. (not from death, but from ruin)

Thanks for proving half my point.
A decent man doesn' brag, let alone a president. He is a low life.

Ps:I'm not lefty.

Sure he brags, and he saves lives from ruin.

You focus on the bragging in order to marginalize him.

If he was a lefty, like you, you would focus on lives saved and minimize the bragging as character or something.
LaVar ball treats his sons behavior as no big deal but it would be a very big deal if he couldn't see his child for 10 years

POTUS was gracious!
Gracious not. He help break the Chinese law by buying their release so he can look good...but it backfired.

1- let them face the consequences and go through the process for their crime.
2-Trump used it a publicity stunt.
3- both are low lives and they are at it, only low lives would defend any of them.
Obama was correct

Zimmerman was a thug vigilante

Nah, not even you believe that shit.

Obama poured gasoline on a raging fire, setting white against black, north against south, right against left.

Trump? He saves young black thieves from jail time in China, and gets flak for it.
If it was a good will he wouldn't regret it.

And the lefty seizes on an off handed comment made in the heat of the moment as an excuse to not give Trump credit for saving three young men's lives. (not from death, but from ruin)

Thanks for proving half my point.
A decent man doesn' brag, let alone a president. He is a low life.

Ps:I'm not lefty.

Sure he brags, and he saves lives from ruin.

You focus on the bragging in order to marginalize him.

If he was a lefty, like you, you would focus on lives saved and minimize the bragging as character or something.
They stole something they should go to prison simple. He is aiding criminals and bragging about it.
Why? You'd rather have a door mat for President?

Screw that.

Trash talking on Twitter does not make one a man or tough or anything else you might be thinking. Trump is a school yard bully that trash talks on twitter but is a coward in person.

What I would rather have is an adult as president. but sadly that was not one of the two choices this time around.

The complete inability of our past republican presidents to push back in the Culture Wars, shows that being an "Adult" is code for letting the dems win unopposed.

The whole "culture war" is a joke, a phrase created by the parties to get the faithful riled up and into the voting booth. If you think that Trump's tweets are changing anything, you are going to be very disappointed.

SOme con once said that being a liberal, ever day must be like his grandmother watching the 700 club, where ever tv show and ever song and ever talking head reflects back to you, your world view.

If you think that doesn't effect,

no, let me rephrase.

If you think that isn't the primary driver of change in our society, you are fooling yourself.

I believe that TV reflects the culture, not drive it.

Next time you watch your favorite show, ask yourself how many of the sympathetic characters are presented as conservatives or republicans.
If trump cared anything about America he would have joined those three worthless pieces of shit, and rotted in a Chinese prison along with them.

Then, we'd be rid of all four scumbags.

If you cared anything about America you'd defect to North Korea.

And tell Kim Jung you were sent there as his assasin
And if you cared about America you'd learn to write posts that make sense and don't bore people to death.
How about the guy that saved three kids from years in prison, instead of the father that defends his son's stealing.

Hard to root for someone that thinks they should have just left the kids there becasue their father didnt kiss his ass.

It is not credible that you are unaware that people say shit they don't mean, when they are pissed off.

Next time, trump does the same thing.

Somehow Trump being such a child that he just lashed out with something he didnt mean is really not all that comforting. I am not even sure it is a better scenario.

Why? You'd rather have a door mat for President?

Screw that.

The US DOES have a door mat for President. The guy rolls over for anyone who stands up to them.

Big Pharma - prices are outrageous. Americans are getting screwed. Day 1 that’s over. One meeting with Big Pharma: They need those prices.

China to be declared currency manipulator. That didn’t happen.

Trump was going to force the Chinese to get NK into line. That didn’t happen.

Mexico was absolutely going to pay for the wall. Trump can’t even get Congress to pay for it.

He was going to renegotiate the Oaris Accord. The rest of the world leaders said “Been there, done that, we’re moving on without you”.

All the things Trump was going to do internationally aren’t happening because the rest of the world’s leaders are either hanging up on Donald, or laughing at him - in the case of NATO Leaders, right to his face.

As for Putin, Donald just bends over and gives Vlad whatever he wants getting nothing in return.
LAVAR SAID NOTHING UNTIL HIS SON WAS HOME. He's looking for notoriety to promote his "brand." What a schmuck!

Why do you think Trump goes golfing every weekend at taxpayers expense? To promote his brand at someone ekse’s expense.

Here’s the thing, LaVar Ball just played DJT and the dummy fell for it. Trump rose to the bait because he’s not smart enough to resist.

Yeah beating up on gold star widows and parents, bitching out his employees via Twitter, calling Kim Yung Il short and fat. Trump’s a toughie alright.
Nah, not even you believe that shit.

Obama poured gasoline on a raging fire, setting white against black, north against south, right against left.

Trump? He saves young black thieves from jail time in China, and gets flak for it.
If it was a good will he wouldn't regret it.

And the lefty seizes on an off handed comment made in the heat of the moment as an excuse to not give Trump credit for saving three young men's lives. (not from death, but from ruin)

Thanks for proving half my point.
A decent man doesn' brag, let alone a president. He is a low life.

Ps:I'm not lefty.

Sure he brags, and he saves lives from ruin.

You focus on the bragging in order to marginalize him.

If he was a lefty, like you, you would focus on lives saved and minimize the bragging as character or something.
They stole something they should go to prison simple. He is aiding criminals and bragging about it.

Ten years for shoplifting?

Not reasonable by American standards.

Trump was right to intervene.
How about the guy that saved three kids from years in prison, instead of the father that defends his son's stealing.

Hard to root for someone that thinks they should have just left the kids there becasue their father didnt kiss his ass.

It is not credible that you are unaware that people say shit they don't mean, when they are pissed off.

Next time, trump does the same thing.

Somehow Trump being such a child that he just lashed out with something he didnt mean is really not all that comforting. I am not even sure it is a better scenario.

Why? You'd rather have a door mat for President?

Screw that.

The US DOES have a door mat for President. The guy rolls over for anyone who stands up to them.

Big Pharma - prices are outrageous. Americans are getting screwed. Day 1 that’s over. One meeting with Big Pharma: They need those prices.

China to be declared currency manipulator. That didn’t happen.

Trump was going to force the Chinese to get NK into line. That didn’t happen.

Mexico was absolutely going to pay for the wall. Trump can’t even get Congress to pay for it.

He was going to renegotiate the Oaris Accord. The rest of the world leaders said “Been there, done that, we’re moving on without you”.

All the things Trump was going to do internationally aren’t happening because the rest of the world’s leaders are either hanging up on Donald, or laughing at him - in the case of NATO Leaders, right to his face.

Nato countries that are paying more for their own defense, just like he demanded.

Give it time. I agree that he is not being hard enough on China or Mexico, but diplomacy and negotiation takes time.
Sorry but the POTUS should be helping to get any American home whether he likes them or not.
Agree......Trump helped spoiled ungrateful basketball players and ignored other Americans imprisoned in China
*Trump saving 3 black players from years in Chinese jail*

*Trump responding to LaVar Ball’s ungrateful comments*
Media:”OMG! How dare Trump talk to LaVar Ball like that! RACIST”

Why does the fact they were black play such an important part for you?
Well according to you DT is supposed to hate black people, right?

I am pretty sure I have never said that. But feel free to keep making shit up if it makes you happy.

Interesting. So you never accused this president of racism? You’re not the typical lefty, if that is indeed the case.

Now you are moving the goal post. Do you want to talk about racism or hate, they are really not always one in the same.

There are without a doubt some racist incidents in his past (like not renting to black people) but I doubt it was done out of hate.

And I am not a lefty at all, I just do not like Trump. I am also not a righty, but if I was I would still not like Trump as he is way too liberal for my taste.

The lib media constantly accuses the President of racism, so this action which is evidence against that lie, should be presented in that context.

If the media were not complete whores.
If it was a good will he wouldn't regret it.

And the lefty seizes on an off handed comment made in the heat of the moment as an excuse to not give Trump credit for saving three young men's lives. (not from death, but from ruin)

Thanks for proving half my point.
A decent man doesn' brag, let alone a president. He is a low life.

Ps:I'm not lefty.

Sure he brags, and he saves lives from ruin.

You focus on the bragging in order to marginalize him.

If he was a lefty, like you, you would focus on lives saved and minimize the bragging as character or something.
They stole something they should go to prison simple. He is aiding criminals and bragging about it.

Ten years for shoplifting?

Not reasonable by American standards.

Trump was right to intervene.

Depends on the value of what they took. Also, one thing I did not know till after they were home, they stole from 3 different stores. All 3 were high end stores

And also, the 10 years number came from Trump, so it was probably just something he made up, he does that a lot
And the lefty seizes on an off handed comment made in the heat of the moment as an excuse to not give Trump credit for saving three young men's lives. (not from death, but from ruin)

Thanks for proving half my point.
A decent man doesn' brag, let alone a president. He is a low life.

Ps:I'm not lefty.

Sure he brags, and he saves lives from ruin.

You focus on the bragging in order to marginalize him.

If he was a lefty, like you, you would focus on lives saved and minimize the bragging as character or something.
They stole something they should go to prison simple. He is aiding criminals and bragging about it.

Ten years for shoplifting?

Not reasonable by American standards.

Trump was right to intervene.

Depends on the value of what they took. Also, one thing I did not know till after they were home, they stole from 3 different stores. All 3 were high end stores

And also, the 10 years number came from Trump, so it was probably just something he made up, he does that a lot

Fair point on the value of stolen goods.

ANd if the actual threat was just months, that would change things.

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