Trump rages on Twitter at LaVar Ball over UCLA bball players arrested in China

The whole situation with LaVar Ball shows what a dead-beat dad he truly is. How do you muster up the stupidity to attack your son’s savior?
The whole situation with LaVar Ball shows what a dead-beat dad he truly is. How do you muster up the stupidity to attack your son’s savior?

He’s just an ignorant, hateful man. He didn’t understand the seriousness of his kid’s actions. He said this wasn’t a big deal before trump intervened
Can someone not gather the two basketball players and the father up and give them back to China? It sure would make the rest of us happy! Shoot. We'd all be skipping all over the place. Laughing. Shit like that.
When the President of the United States gets into a pissing contest with a low life media whore....

Guess who wins?

If you have your way, the low life.

Do you think that that fact that the father of the one boy, is STILL denying that his son's stealing is a big deal, is worthy of comment?
Guess what?
Lavar Ball is a lowlife scum media whore
Why does our president struggle to show he is anything better?

Says the lefty that still can't call out a failed black father on the job he did raising his child, even when he sees it playing out right in front of him.

YOu just CAN'T DO IT.
I'm calling out our president for rolling in the mud with that failed black father

He can't help himself

He's a scrapper. Better than letting you vile lefties have your say without being challenged.

YOu haven't answered me in a long time. Do you still imagine your ONe Party America as an Utopia, or have you come to realize that it will be a Dystopia?
ANSWER: Republicans have only delayed the inevitable
China probably released them because that's where Lavar Ball's BBB shoes are made... not because of Trump.
Sorry but the POTUS should be helping to get any American home whether he likes them or not.

And he did.

But he now said he shouldn't have.

Ann Coulter always said, you lefties like to take Trump literally, while not taking him seriously, while his supporters do the opposite.

You would think that you would have learned by now.

Query: Where are those players/thieves right now? Are they rotting in a third world hellhole?
The whole situation with LaVar Ball shows what a dead-beat dad he truly is. How do you muster up the stupidity to attack your son’s savior?
He is trying to make a buck

Getting in a pissing contest with Fat Donnie helps
If you have your way, the low life.

Do you think that that fact that the father of the one boy, is STILL denying that his son's stealing is a big deal, is worthy of comment?
Guess what?
Lavar Ball is a lowlife scum media whore
Why does our president struggle to show he is anything better?

Says the lefty that still can't call out a failed black father on the job he did raising his child, even when he sees it playing out right in front of him.

YOu just CAN'T DO IT.
I'm calling out our president for rolling in the mud with that failed black father

He can't help himself

He's a scrapper. Better than letting you vile lefties have your say without being challenged.

YOu haven't answered me in a long time. Do you still imagine your ONe Party America as an Utopia, or have you come to realize that it will be a Dystopia?
ANSWER: Republicans have only delayed the inevitable


All you had to do was say, something like, "I still think that whites will respect the democratic process".

Yet, instead you dodged. ANd answered a question I did not ask.

You have realized that you were wrong, that is will be Hell.

But, you still want it, don't you? Even though you know now, that it will burn.

Sorry but the POTUS should be helping to get any American home whether he likes them or not.

And he did.

But he now said he shouldn't have.

Ann Coulter always said, you lefties like to take Trump literally, while not taking him seriously, while his supporters do the opposite.

You would think that you would have learned by now.

Query: Where are those players/thieves right now? Are they rotting in a third world hellhole?

Yeah you mean like how he said he was worth $10 billion... and this week we found out he was worth like $2? So that's the excuse for his lies? If he lies on purpose it's not really a lie? Is that the excuse we are going to go with now?
Hard to root for someone that thinks they should have just left the kids there becasue their father didnt kiss his ass.

It is not credible that you are unaware that people say shit they don't mean, when they are pissed off.

Next time, trump does the same thing.

Somehow Trump being such a child that he just lashed out with something he didnt mean is really not all that comforting. I am not even sure it is a better scenario.

Why? You'd rather have a door mat for President?

Screw that.

The US DOES have a door mat for President. The guy rolls over for anyone who stands up to them.

Big Pharma - prices are outrageous. Americans are getting screwed. Day 1 that’s over. One meeting with Big Pharma: They need those prices.

China to be declared currency manipulator. That didn’t happen.

Trump was going to force the Chinese to get NK into line. That didn’t happen.

Mexico was absolutely going to pay for the wall. Trump can’t even get Congress to pay for it.

He was going to renegotiate the Oaris Accord. The rest of the world leaders said “Been there, done that, we’re moving on without you”.

All the things Trump was going to do internationally aren’t happening because the rest of the world’s leaders are either hanging up on Donald, or laughing at him - in the case of NATO Leaders, right to his face.

Nato countries that are paying more for their own defense, just like he demanded.

Give it time. I agree that he is not being hard enough on China or Mexico, but diplomacy and negotiation takes time.

No they’re not. The Canadian and German defence budgets haven’t increased one bit. They’re continuing on just as before.

Trump wasn’t in a legal position to demand anything. Nearly all of the countries are in compliance with the NATO agreement as to what they spend on defence. The one which notably is in default is the Ukraine. Which means that Trump can use that as an excuse not to stop Russia from invading.

That was Trump’s goal all along. He then told Putin he wouldn’t interfere in “internal matters” knowing that Putin is claiming the Urraine has always been a part of Russia.
Sorry but the POTUS should be helping to get any American home whether he likes them or not.

And he did.

But he now said he shouldn't have.

Ann Coulter always said, you lefties like to take Trump literally, while not taking him seriously, while his supporters do the opposite.

You would think that you would have learned by now.

Query: Where are those players/thieves right now? Are they rotting in a third world hellhole?

Yeah you mean like how he said he was worth $10 billion... and this week we found out he was worth like $2? So that's the excuse for his lies? If he lies on purpose it's not really a lie? Is that the excuse we are going to go with now?

the definition of hyperbole
It is not credible that you are unaware that people say shit they don't mean, when they are pissed off.

Next time, trump does the same thing.

Somehow Trump being such a child that he just lashed out with something he didnt mean is really not all that comforting. I am not even sure it is a better scenario.

Why? You'd rather have a door mat for President?

Screw that.

The US DOES have a door mat for President. The guy rolls over for anyone who stands up to them.

Big Pharma - prices are outrageous. Americans are getting screwed. Day 1 that’s over. One meeting with Big Pharma: They need those prices.

China to be declared currency manipulator. That didn’t happen.

Trump was going to force the Chinese to get NK into line. That didn’t happen.

Mexico was absolutely going to pay for the wall. Trump can’t even get Congress to pay for it.

He was going to renegotiate the Oaris Accord. The rest of the world leaders said “Been there, done that, we’re moving on without you”.

All the things Trump was going to do internationally aren’t happening because the rest of the world’s leaders are either hanging up on Donald, or laughing at him - in the case of NATO Leaders, right to his face.

Nato countries that are paying more for their own defense, just like he demanded.

Give it time. I agree that he is not being hard enough on China or Mexico, but diplomacy and negotiation takes time.

No they’re not. The Canadian and German defence budgets haven’t increased one bit. They’re continuing on just as before.

Trump wasn’t in a legal position to demand anything. Nearly all of the countries are in compliance with the NATO agreement as to what they spend on defence. The one which notably is in default is the Ukraine. Which means that Trump can use that as an excuse not to stop Russia from invading.

That was Trump’s goal all along. He then told Putin he wouldn’t interfere in “internal matters” knowing that Putin is claiming the Urraine has always been a part of Russia.

If the Europeans don't want to pay to defend themselves, then we shouldn't either.

Trump is busy with other things right now, but at some point, we should start easing back our commitment to defend these deadbeats.
Sorry but the POTUS should be helping to get any American home whether he likes them or not.

And he did.

But he now said he shouldn't have.

Ann Coulter always said, you lefties like to take Trump literally, while not taking him seriously, while his supporters do the opposite.

You would think that you would have learned by now.

Query: Where are those players/thieves right now? Are they rotting in a third world hellhole?

Yeah you mean like how he said he was worth $10 billion... and this week we found out he was worth like $2? So that's the excuse for his lies? If he lies on purpose it's not really a lie? Is that the excuse we are going to go with now?

the definition of hyperbole

You can try to label it all you want... you are excusing a liar, by saying it's ok because everyone knows he is a liar...
And he did.

But he now said he shouldn't have.

Ann Coulter always said, you lefties like to take Trump literally, while not taking him seriously, while his supporters do the opposite.

You would think that you would have learned by now.

Query: Where are those players/thieves right now? Are they rotting in a third world hellhole?

Yeah you mean like how he said he was worth $10 billion... and this week we found out he was worth like $2? So that's the excuse for his lies? If he lies on purpose it's not really a lie? Is that the excuse we are going to go with now?

the definition of hyperbole

You can try to label it all you want... you are excusing a liar, by saying it's ok because everyone knows he is a liar...

That's a new low. A lib calling accurate English usage of a word, "labeling".

The kids are home. Trump took real action and got them home.

Afterwards one of the fathers was a dick, and Trump snapped back.

You take him literally there, so that you have an excuse to not give him credit for his actions.

That is a lot worse behavior than some hyperbole.
But he now said he shouldn't have.

Ann Coulter always said, you lefties like to take Trump literally, while not taking him seriously, while his supporters do the opposite.

You would think that you would have learned by now.

Query: Where are those players/thieves right now? Are they rotting in a third world hellhole?

Yeah you mean like how he said he was worth $10 billion... and this week we found out he was worth like $2? So that's the excuse for his lies? If he lies on purpose it's not really a lie? Is that the excuse we are going to go with now?

the definition of hyperbole

You can try to label it all you want... you are excusing a liar, by saying it's ok because everyone knows he is a liar...

That's a new low. A lib calling accurate English usage of a word, "labeling".

The kids are home. Trump took real action and got them home.

Afterwards one of the fathers was a dick, and Trump snapped back.

You take him literally there, so that you have an excuse to not give him credit for his actions.

That is a lot worse behavior than some hyperbole.

Why do you keep on this track? Next you are going to give Trump some slack by saying his dog ate the Constitution...

Oh yeah, he doesn't have a dog, but that won't change anything.

Ann Coulter always said, you lefties like to take Trump literally, while not taking him seriously, while his supporters do the opposite.

You would think that you would have learned by now.

Query: Where are those players/thieves right now? Are they rotting in a third world hellhole?

Yeah you mean like how he said he was worth $10 billion... and this week we found out he was worth like $2? So that's the excuse for his lies? If he lies on purpose it's not really a lie? Is that the excuse we are going to go with now?

the definition of hyperbole

You can try to label it all you want... you are excusing a liar, by saying it's ok because everyone knows he is a liar...

That's a new low. A lib calling accurate English usage of a word, "labeling".

The kids are home. Trump took real action and got them home.

Afterwards one of the fathers was a dick, and Trump snapped back.

You take him literally there, so that you have an excuse to not give him credit for his actions.

That is a lot worse behavior than some hyperbole.

Why do you keep on this track? Next you are going to give Trump some slack by saying his dog ate the Constitution...

Oh yeah, he doesn't have a dog, but that won't change anything.


Trump brought them home from chinese prison. YOu really think he wishes them to rot ten years in jail because one of the kids dads was a dick?

You are the one being unreasonable.

Try it. Try taking him seriously, not literally. See if the world makes more or less sense.

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