Trump rages on Twitter at LaVar Ball over UCLA bball players arrested in China

Those two were made for each other! Talk about the battle of the halfwits
I have a feeling LaVar Ball made his original press statement just to get Trump riled up, show what an ass the president is.
It would have been interesting to see how LaVar would have reacted had the Chinese chopped the hands off the thieves before they returned them home ---just to get him riled up and demonstrate what an ass he is...
That's not something the Chinese do. I think your post is racist. You wouldn't say such a thing if the ball players were white.

And BTW, what about the other Americans in prison in China? Why doesn't Trump do something about them? Probably not enough publicity.
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Trash talking on Twitter does not make one a man or tough or anything else you might be thinking. Trump is a school yard bully that trash talks on twitter but is a coward in person.

What I would rather have is an adult as president. but sadly that was not one of the two choices this time around.

The complete inability of our past republican presidents to push back in the Culture Wars, shows that being an "Adult" is code for letting the dems win unopposed.

The whole "culture war" is a joke, a phrase created by the parties to get the faithful riled up and into the voting booth. If you think that Trump's tweets are changing anything, you are going to be very disappointed.

SOme con once said that being a liberal, ever day must be like his grandmother watching the 700 club, where ever tv show and ever song and ever talking head reflects back to you, your world view.

If you think that doesn't effect,

no, let me rephrase.

If you think that isn't the primary driver of change in our society, you are fooling yourself.

I believe that TV reflects the culture, not drive it.

Next time you watch your favorite show, ask yourself how many of the sympathetic characters are presented as conservatives or republicans.
If it was a good will he wouldn't regret it.

And the lefty seizes on an off handed comment made in the heat of the moment as an excuse to not give Trump credit for saving three young men's lives. (not from death, but from ruin)

Thanks for proving half my point.
A decent man doesn' brag, let alone a president. He is a low life.

Ps:I'm not lefty.

Sure he brags, and he saves lives from ruin.

You focus on the bragging in order to marginalize him.

If he was a lefty, like you, you would focus on lives saved and minimize the bragging as character or something.
They stole something they should go to prison simple. He is aiding criminals and bragging about it.

Ten years for shoplifting?

Not reasonable by American standards.

Trump was right to intervene.
We should release all the criminals that are from other countries especially those that are on death row, our penal code is too harsh too.
When Rome do what the Romans do.
Don't get the Black kids angry! After all China in unjust toward African Americans. It says so in the Bible! :p
Somehow Trump being such a child that he just lashed out with something he didnt mean is really not all that comforting. I am not even sure it is a better scenario.

Why? You'd rather have a door mat for President?

Screw that.

The US DOES have a door mat for President. The guy rolls over for anyone who stands up to them.

Big Pharma - prices are outrageous. Americans are getting screwed. Day 1 that’s over. One meeting with Big Pharma: They need those prices.

China to be declared currency manipulator. That didn’t happen.

Trump was going to force the Chinese to get NK into line. That didn’t happen.

Mexico was absolutely going to pay for the wall. Trump can’t even get Congress to pay for it.

He was going to renegotiate the Oaris Accord. The rest of the world leaders said “Been there, done that, we’re moving on without you”.

All the things Trump was going to do internationally aren’t happening because the rest of the world’s leaders are either hanging up on Donald, or laughing at him - in the case of NATO Leaders, right to his face.

Nato countries that are paying more for their own defense, just like he demanded.

Give it time. I agree that he is not being hard enough on China or Mexico, but diplomacy and negotiation takes time.

No they’re not. The Canadian and German defence budgets haven’t increased one bit. They’re continuing on just as before.

Trump wasn’t in a legal position to demand anything. Nearly all of the countries are in compliance with the NATO agreement as to what they spend on defence. The one which notably is in default is the Ukraine. Which means that Trump can use that as an excuse not to stop Russia from invading.

That was Trump’s goal all along. He then told Putin he wouldn’t interfere in “internal matters” knowing that Putin is claiming the Urraine has always been a part of Russia.

If the Europeans don't want to pay to defend themselves, then we shouldn't either.

Trump is busy with other things right now, but at some point, we should start easing back our commitment to defend these deadbeats.
We give Israel billions of dollars and we defend them and we got their backs....we even fight their wars for them.
This La Var guy is low class all the way it looks like. No wonder his son has no respect for the law and steals stuff he could easily afford. Too bad Trump got in the gutter and wrestled with this thug who has no respect for the law or our country's image.
They are made for each other...trump screwed hundreds through the years....Trump university for example.
Blacks are oppressed (as a result of inbreeding and defective genetics and inherent low IQ) and the government needs to circumvent justice not just in America but worldwide, so as to not to make the Black kids angry!
Depends on the value of what they took. Also, one thing I did not know till after they were home, they stole from 3 different stores. All 3 were high end stores

And also, the 10 years number came from Trump, so it was probably just something he made up, he does that a lot

Some of you are applying American civility with China.

Otto Warmbier attempted to steal a propaganda poster from his hotel. He was sentenced to 15 years of hard labor. Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama left him there. President Donald Trump got him home but not before he had been tortured to death.

The value of whatever it is they stole has no bearing on the punishment dealt out in for crimes in China. Ten years would be a minimum.
Err, why would you claim that?
When you do something for someone, you don't turn around and say 'now you owe me gratitude'. People with good characters don't anyway.

The father made a public statement denying any credit to Trump, or gratitude.

THEN Trump responded to that.

That you had to misrepresent the actual events, shows that you know you are in the wrong.

Actually Trump tweeted about it first, three days ago..

View attachment 161323
There is plenty to criticize Trump about. Amount all those things, that tweet is of the most minor.

Actually, Trump is correct in his tweet; however, it would had been classier to let someone else say it.
He is not presidential in his behavior. He is an embarrassment for America.

Yeah, we saw how well dainty behavior over the past eight years. The leaders of the countries with whom we have, shall we say differences, are thugs. They don't respect someone like petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama. They laughed at him.

Donald Trump grew up in the South Bronx, in construction, in New York. He knows thugs like the back of his hand and how to deal with them.

Donald Trump is WINNING! Deal with it.
When you do something for someone, you don't turn around and say 'now you owe me gratitude'. People with good characters don't anyway.

The father made a public statement denying any credit to Trump, or gratitude.

THEN Trump responded to that.

That you had to misrepresent the actual events, shows that you know you are in the wrong.

Actually Trump tweeted about it first, three days ago..

View attachment 161323
There is plenty to criticize Trump about. Amount all those things, that tweet is of the most minor.

Actually, Trump is correct in his tweet; however, it would had been classier to let someone else say it.
He is not presidential in his behavior. He is an embarrassment for America.

Yeah, we saw how well dainty behavior over the past eight years. The leaders of the countries with whom we have, shall we say differences, are thugs. They don't respect someone like petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama. They laughed at him.

Donald Trump grew up in the South Bronx, in construction, in New York. He knows thugs like the back of his hand and how to deal with them.

Donald Trump is WINNING! Deal with it.
The leaders of modern, democratic first world nations highly respected Obama. The thug leaders of dictatorial 3rd world nations probably didn't. Like you, they are too base, too unevolved to have decent discrimination.

Thugs like 3rd world leaders are never going to show respect to someone of good character: they are too corrupt to do that, and, in fact, far too intimidated by decent people to do so. They are thugs.

Your description of Trump's background is ludicrous and hilarious: he grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth. He is not a 'regular guy.' He is a spoiled rich kid.
Depends on the value of what they took. Also, one thing I did not know till after they were home, they stole from 3 different stores. All 3 were high end stores

And also, the 10 years number came from Trump, so it was probably just something he made up, he does that a lot

Some of you are applying American civility with China.

Otto Warmbier attempted to steal a propaganda poster from his hotel. He was sentenced to 15 years of hard labor. Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama left him there. President Donald Trump got him home but not before he had been tortured to death.

The value of whatever it is they stole has no bearing on the punishment dealt out in for crimes in China. Ten years would be a minimum.

Warmbier was in North Korea, not China. The fact you don't know that and apparently don't understand the difference pretty much discounts your entire post.
If it was Obama, you've be loving it for <insert reason here>.
If it was Obama he'd still be in China incarcerated

If it was obama and a white guy, he'd still be in China incarcerated. These guys "could have been sons of obama.

And what makes you think this? Are you just making assumptions? I've noticed Trump supporters do a lot of that around here.
Like assuming he's guilty of SOMETHING? notice a lot of that too.

Wait, what?
People assume Trump is guilty of *something* every hour. Pretty sure those are not Trump supporters.
Yeah you mean like how he said he was worth $10 billion... and this week we found out he was worth like $2? So that's the excuse for his lies? If he lies on purpose it's not really a lie? Is that the excuse we are going to go with now?

the definition of hyperbole

You can try to label it all you want... you are excusing a liar, by saying it's ok because everyone knows he is a liar...

That's a new low. A lib calling accurate English usage of a word, "labeling".

The kids are home. Trump took real action and got them home.

Afterwards one of the fathers was a dick, and Trump snapped back.

You take him literally there, so that you have an excuse to not give him credit for his actions.

That is a lot worse behavior than some hyperbole.

Why do you keep on this track? Next you are going to give Trump some slack by saying his dog ate the Constitution...

Oh yeah, he doesn't have a dog, but that won't change anything.


Trump brought them home from chinese prison. YOu really think he wishes them to rot ten years in jail because one of the kids dads was a dick?

You are the one being unreasonable.

Try it. Try taking him seriously, not literally. See if the world makes more or less sense.

They weren't in a Chinese Prison

They were confined to a five star hotel
The fact is Trump should have been magnanimous in this situation. He was a fool to engage with this loser unappreciative father.

That is what Lavar Ball does

He got in a twitter war with Michael Jordan by saying his son was a better player
He got in a twitter war with Lebron James by saying his son was the best in the game

Now, he taunts the President of the United States into a twitter war

On USMB, Lavar Ball is what is known as a troll. Post things that will make people pay attention to you. Most know enough to ignore the trolls

Our President doesn't
apparently LaVar Ball raised all his 3 kids to have earrings and crazy hair. more proof of his horrible parenting skills!


But check out the cross on Lonzo Ball

A nice religious kid. You don't see Trumps kids wearing a cross because they hate Jesus

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