Trump rages on Twitter at LaVar Ball over UCLA bball players arrested in China

How do you measure a MAN? In this situation, by the level of respect and gratitude expressed to Trump for getting his son out of a 10 year prison sentence in China, for stealing, that he admitted to. I am STUNNED by the level of disrespect.
How do you measure a MAN? In this situation, by the level of respect and gratitude expressed to Trump for getting his son out of a 10 year prison sentence in China, for stealing, that he admitted to. I am STUNNED by the level of disrespect.
Yes the guys an ah ,,,,but so is trump And he's the president
How do you measure a MAN? In this situation, by the level of respect and gratitude expressed to Trump for getting his son out of a 10 year prison sentence in China, for stealing, that he admitted to. I am STUNNED by the level of disrespect.

How often does your boss come by and thank you for doing your job?
How do you measure a MAN? In this situation, by the level of respect and gratitude expressed to Trump for getting his son out of a 10 year prison sentence in China, for stealing, that he admitted to. I am STUNNED by the level of disrespect.

How often does your boss come by and thank you for doing your job?

if you knew me you'd know i have a huge problem with boredom, which means it's impossible for me to do a job.
Crazy Lavar Ball just said his son has so much character that he's allowed to commit crimes without punishment.
"You are a hater" -- Lavar Ball to CNN's Chris Cuomo

I'd love to bash CNN for airing 23 minutes of Lavar Ball... but I watched all 23 minutes of it
Hannity and Newt pwn the embarrassing Afro Americans that feel entitled to steal stuff.

Great interview but FF to 4:15 for specific discussion.

LaVar Ball says he did more to help his son than President Trump: "I helped my son get out of China. ... I had some people that had boots on the ground that knew the situation"

" I would have thanked Trump if he brought my son home from China on Air Force One"
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Republican or Democrat, I think we can all agree that LaVar Ball is the dumbest person on the planet.
Lavar Ball is an ungrateful jerk.

If he were white, you know what I'd call him? An ungrateful jerk.

Marshawn Lynch is an ungrateful jerk.

If he were white, you know what I'd call him? An ungrateful jerk.

It's got nothing to do with race.
LaVar Ball says he did more to help his son than President Trump: "I helped my son get out of China. ... I had some people that had boots on the ground that knew the situation"

" I would have thanked Trump if he brought my son home from China on Air Force One"
He said "...booty on the ground..." and was misquoted
This La Var guy is low class all the way it looks like. No wonder his son has no respect for the law and steals stuff he could easily afford. Too bad Trump got in the gutter and wrestled with this thug who has no respect for the law or our country's image.
They are made for each other...trump screwed hundreds through the years....Trump university for example.

However, there was one day this month where Trump saved some guys from doing time in a Chinese prison, for whatever reason. The father of one of them could have acknowledged that, or at least not said anything at all, but he couldn't even do that. And again, too bad Trump had to lower himself by responding to that low class, ungrateful father.

That is what Lavar Ball does

Taunt people and try to get them to respond

Trump lacks the personal control to ignore him

If he did ignore him, you would be attacking him for something else, real or imagined.

Don't pretend for a second that Trump's actions matter to you or your position on him at all.

I am a busy man, I have much more important things to criticize Trump on
If The Left didn't use the race card and constantly call President Trump and his supporters racists, they'd have nothing to talk about.

They are not racists.....Some of those KKK members are good people
'Damned if you do, Damned if you don't.'

In the grandest display of political partisan, hate-driven butt-hurt to date. the liberal left and snowflakes have gone bat-shit crazy over the fact that President Trump, on a trip to China, diplomatically negotiated the release of 3 Americans who had committed crimes while in China.

This should have been a simple story, one in which Trump was given an 'atta-boy', especially since he was able to do something Obama was never able to do - bring home Americans alive without paying a huge ransom for them.

The fact that the young men and / or their family members declared Trump did nothing for them is an embarrassment to this entire nation. demonstrating the gargantuan level of partisan hate for someone who brought their family members home...when they could have / should have been left to face Chinese Justice.

This just proves the insanity of the Left and Trump-haters.

Even though he will never do it, I would love to see Trump publicly state:

"Next time any American is caught breaking a law overseas and needs help getting their family members back - call Barak Obama. If they want my / the US government's help bringing them home, feel free to call the WH; otherwise I will comply with liberal wishes and stay the hell out of it!"

Listening to LaVar Ball, I see the reason his son resorted to shop lifting.

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