TRUMP RALLY tonight in West Virginia!!!!

Smedley VonBuren

VIP Member
Jul 22, 2016
A great time to be had by all!!


He will pull out all the big hits!!! Going to be awesome! The festivities start at 7pm, have a cold one and enjoy.

Of course at the end it will break into "YOU CAN'T ALWAYS GET WHAT YOU WANT"
Doesn't that ignorant Orange Fat Ass know the 2016 election is over and the groundwork is laid for his ouster from office which he has facilitated? You brain dead sycophants have a good time there now, ya' heeyaa Bubba!
Doesn't that ignorant Orange Fat Ass know the 2016 election is over and the groundwork is laid for his ouster from office which he has facilitated? You brain dead sycophants have a good time there now, ya' heeyaa Bubba!

Now you are imagining "groundwork"?

You need psychiatric help if you are calling other people "brain dead sycophants". That should make you jealous!
Doesn't that ignorant Orange Fat Ass know the 2016 election is over and the groundwork is laid for his ouster from office which he has facilitated? You brain dead sycophants have a good time there now, ya' heeyaa Bubba!

Now you are imagining "groundwork"?

You need psychiatric help if you are calling other people "brain dead sycophants". That should make you jealous!
I see you're still smarting from the repetitive hidings I've applied to your backside, you worthless fucking TROLL! Now run along there little one and put a bandage on your little damaged ego and bleeding ass!
Pucker up Trumpbots, your messiah needs some serious ass-kissing after the month he has had. Go ahead and get on your knees for easier access to the presidential booty and remember to use chap-stik beforehand, the first ass is sensitive and chapped lips would be rude.
Agent Orange needs to stop campaigning and stop holding these ego stroking rallies. What is the point of these rallies anyway?

What his orange fat behind needs to do and hit up some town halls and actually engage with the public.
Pucker up Trumpbots, your messiah needs some serious ass-kissing after the month he has had. Go ahead and get on your knees for easier access to the presidential booty and remember to use chap-stik beforehand, the first ass is sensitive and chapped lips would be rude.

Forget the booty. These Trumpsters are going straight for the penis.
West Virginia is one of the poorest areas in the country...I wonder how much he will pay these people to cheer him on..

Sadly these people don't need to be paid for their blind allegiance to Agent Orange.
A great time to be had by all!!


He will pull out all the big hits!!! Going to be awesome! The festivities start at 7pm, have a cold one and enjoy.

Of course at the end it will break into "YOU CAN'T ALWAYS GET WHAT YOU WANT"

When does Queen's "Another one bites the dust" get on?
West Virginia is one of the poorest areas in the country...I wonder how much he will pay these people to cheer him on..

From a non-political perspective I enjoyed watching the video and getting a refreshed perspective of the region. Politically it is easy to understand why they would reach out to anybody offering even a glimmer of hope.
Agent Orange needs to stop campaigning and stop holding these ego stroking rallies. What is the point of these rallies anyway?

What his orange fat behind needs to do and hit up some town halls and actually engage with the public.
Students Wildly Indignant about Nearly Everything

Why engage with Soros's paid puppets, who will probably disrupt the meetings anyway? It'd be like trying a Q&A format at Berkeley.
He's too chickenshit to go to a state that didn't vote for him and just take their questions or extend an olive branch. He's a big fucking coward who will only go to venues where they will not only suck but gladly swallow: poor states where the people are almost too stupid to breathe and walk at the same time.
West Virginia is one of the poorest areas in the country...I wonder how much he will pay these people to cheer him on..

From a non-political perspective I enjoyed watching the video and getting a refreshed perspective of the region. Politically it is easy to understand why they would reach out to anybody offering even a glimmer of hope.

Yes, since the coal mining companies that employ them never have.
A great time to be had by all!!


He will pull out all the big hits!!! Going to be awesome! The festivities start at 7pm, have a cold one and enjoy.

Of course at the end it will break into "YOU CAN'T ALWAYS GET WHAT YOU WANT"
Build that wall! (metaphorically)
Mexico will pay for it! (unofficially and through some kind of weird ex-im deduction just don't mention it ‘This deal will make me look terrible’: Full transcripts of Trump’s calls with Mexico and Australia
Lock her up! (Mr. Sessions, please?)
The media is the enemy of the people (except when I sit down with their editorial boards with Ivanka)

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