Trump Rape Accuser Shows Left Have Reached a New Level Of Insanity

I have no doubt that it happened. She has a better basis than Juanita Broderick who accused Clinton of rape despite the fact that she denied for years it happened. However I believed Broderick and I believe her.
What you mean is that you hope it happened but don't really care - you hate Trump and want to get him. True or false, if you can smear him it's all good. You're basically a Nazi like Heinreich Himmler, promoting the most vile demagoguery in hopes of smearing those you hate.
That cat is out of the bag.

Joy Behar - in an unguarded moment - explained it best on The View shortly after the Buzzfeed & Covington Kid media fiascos:

Whoopi G - why are we so willing and eager to swallow fake news?

Joy B - because we are desperate to get rid of Trump.

That's it. Hate is all they have and pathetic as it is, it rules their lives. They still cry themselves to sleep every night and awake to Miserable Morning Joe on PMSNBC just to get every day off to a miserable start. If they could they'd dutifully watch "best of" Joe & Mika reruns.

Cries a member of the herd that was so desperate to get Obama out of office, they spent pretty much all of his presidency spreading the fake news that he was not eligible to be president because he was born in Kenya.
Except I thought Obama was a pretty good prez until he shoved Obamacare - the largest wealth redistribution scam in US history - up our noses.

Now what do you have to defend your incessant whining?
Who cares what you thought?
I have no doubt that it happened. She has a better basis than Juanita Broderick who accused Clinton of rape despite the fact that she denied for years it happened. However I believed Broderick and I believe her.
What you mean is that you hope it happened but don't really care - you hate Trump and want to get him. True or false, if you can smear him it's all good. You're basically a Nazi like Heinreich Himmler, promoting the most vile demagoguery in hopes of smearing those you hate.
That cat is out of the bag.

Joy Behar - in an unguarded moment - explained it best on The View shortly after the Buzzfeed & Covington Kid media fiascos:

Whoopi G - why are we so willing and eager to swallow fake news?

Joy B - because we are desperate to get rid of Trump.

That's it. Hate is all they have and pathetic as it is, it rules their lives. They still cry themselves to sleep every night and awake to Miserable Morning Joe on PMSNBC just to get every day off to a miserable start. If they could they'd dutifully watch "best of" Joe & Mika reruns.

Cries a member of the herd that was so desperate to get Obama out of office, they spent pretty much all of his presidency spreading the fake news that he was not eligible to be president because he was born in Kenya.
Except I thought Obama was a pretty good prez until he shoved Obamacare - the largest wealth redistribution scam in US history - up our noses.


Not sure what's up your nose --- perhaps it goes by the initials "PCP" --- but, ever hear of the Federal Reserve Act? Or the CFMA with its "Enron Loophole"? Ever heard the expression "corporations are people, my friend"? Have any idea what the phrase "US history" actually encompasses?

WHO KNEW history dated back to before "the black guy". Those who ignore their own history are condemned to get their rhetorical pants pulled down on USMB, or sump'm like that.

Abject simpletons governed by sick anti Trump emotions who will fall for the tallest tales and defend them like Baghdad Bob.
What are we up to?

Sixteen now?

Are they all liars or is Trump the liar?

Are they democrats?

democrats are scum who have no integrity and will say anything to slander the enemies of the party. Kind of like Nazis, but a lot worse.
HEIL Trumpster

Well, you ARE a Nazi, there can be no question about that. White Christians are the new Jews, and you democrats have a final solution that you'll impose IF you can ever disarm us.

Say fuckwad, you piece of shit traitor - how's it going for you Stalinist pigs up in Oregon? Your Nazi shit governor dispatched the Storm Troopers to murder the Republicans. How is that working out?

Oregon Paramilitary Group Pledges To Defend GOP Climate Bill Opponents In Hiding | HuffPost

Aw, did the Storm Troopers decide maybe they didn't want to play with armed Americans? You fucks are no match for Americans.

This is one of the most completely nutty of all the posts I've seen on USMB.

Your assertion that "White Christians are the new Jews" is completely absurd. I don't understand how race and the Christian faith would be connected, but apparently you are unaware that a sizable portion of the U.S. population is both "white" and "Christian." A sizable portion of those who have declared themselves candidates for the presidency are "white" and "Christian," neither of which is required to run for national office. Many support the Democratic Party. There is no rule that I know of that a person who is both "white" and "Christian" must support the Republican Party.

All that you are doing is threatening gang violence, which no faithful Christian would ever do and no loyal American would ever do. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Moreover, I don't think that I would be wrong in saying that many of the police officers looking for these politicians are themselves "white" and "Christian." Your comment suggests that your gangsters pose a threat to their safety.

First off Comrade, Judaism is a religion, not a race. I get that you Stalinists are basically in tune with Hitler, but Jewish is not a race.

That said, Hitler used a scapegoat to rally Germany in hatred against a common contrived enemy, just as the democrats today do. With Hitler, that enemy as pimped by his evil and corrupt press under Joseph Goebbles, was the Jews.

With the democrats, the enemy is white Christians.
So, a woman says Trump did exactly what Trump bragged about doing.

The only thing i would be surprised about is that he wasn't lying. Well, except about the "they just let you" part.

By the way, the thing he bragged about doing and stands accused of doing? Yeah, that's a felony.
Many more than one person has accused trump of sexual misconduct of one sort or another. I believed the accusations made by the former altar boys so many years after the fact, just as I believe the people accusing trump. His own comments have added to their credibility, BTW.

Yep, and many more democrats will.

democrats are shit, fuckwads devoid of any integrity or honor, dedicated to the destruction of America and enslavement of the American people.

I'm surprised the democrats haven't started using suicide bombings yet. I'm surprised you haven't been recruited for that, Hysteria. You're exactly the type of unstable and miserable person evil movements like Al Qaeda or the the democrats use for such things.
Many more than one person has accused trump of sexual misconduct of one sort or another. I believed the accusations made by the former altar boys so many years after the fact, just as I believe the people accusing trump. His own comments have added to their credibility, BTW.

Yep, and many more democrats will.

democrats are shit, fuckwads devoid of any integrity or honor, dedicated to the destruction of America and enslavement of the American people.

I'm surprised the democrats haven't started using suicide bombings yet. I'm surprised you haven't been recruited for that, Hysteria. You're exactly the type of unstable and miserable person evil movements like Al Qaeda or the the democrats use for such things.
The real enemies of our nation are those who support a 100% guaranteed POS a liar a molester a rapist a crook , Trump
What are we up to?

Sixteen now?

Are they all liars or is Trump the liar?

Are they democrats?

democrats are scum who have no integrity and will say anything to slander the enemies of the party. Kind of like Nazis, but a lot worse.
HEIL Trumpster

Well, you ARE a Nazi, there can be no question about that. White Christians are the new Jews, and you democrats have a final solution that you'll impose IF you can ever disarm us.

Say fuckwad, you piece of shit traitor - how's it going for you Stalinist pigs up in Oregon? Your Nazi shit governor dispatched the Storm Troopers to murder the Republicans. How is that working out?

Oregon Paramilitary Group Pledges To Defend GOP Climate Bill Opponents In Hiding | HuffPost

Aw, did the Storm Troopers decide maybe they didn't want to play with armed Americans? You fucks are no match for Americans.

This is one of the most completely nutty of all the posts I've seen on USMB.

Your assertion that "White Christians are the new Jews" is completely absurd. I don't understand how race and the Christian faith would be connected, but apparently you are unaware that a sizable portion of the U.S. population is both "white" and "Christian." A sizable portion of those who have declared themselves candidates for the presidency are "white" and "Christian," neither of which is required to run for national office. Many support the Democratic Party. There is no rule that I know of that a person who is both "white" and "Christian" must support the Republican Party.

All that you are doing is threatening gang violence, which no faithful Christian would ever do and no loyal American would ever do. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Moreover, I don't think that I would be wrong in saying that many of the police officers looking for these politicians are themselves "white" and "Christian." Your comment suggests that your gangsters pose a threat to their safety.

First off Comrade, Judaism is a religion, not a race. I get that you Stalinists are basically in tune with Hitler, but Jewish is not a race.

That said, Hitler used a scapegoat to rally Germany in hatred against a common contrived enemy, just as the democrats today do. With Hitler, that enemy as pimped by his evil and corrupt press under Joseph Goebbles, was the Jews.

With the democrats, the enemy is white Christians.
Why do you say that with the democrats, "the enemy is white Christians"? So many of Americans are "white Christians." Which "white Christians" are you referring to? I don't understand what race has to do with the religion of Christianity, but it seems that "white" folks who adhere to the Christian faith are all over the map, politically. With regards to those who are not "white," or are not "Christian," all respect.

I want to know what has been such an attack on people who are of European "white" descent and who are adherents to the Christian faith.
So, a woman says Trump did exactly what Trump bragged about doing.

The only thing i would be surprised about is that he wasn't lying. Well, except about the "they just let you" part.

By the way, the thing he bragged about doing and stands accused of doing? Yeah, that's a felony.

So a Communist fucking lied like the scumbag pile of shit they are.

Oh, Carroll lied too..
Many more than one person has accused trump of sexual misconduct of one sort or another. I believed the accusations made by the former altar boys so many years after the fact, just as I believe the people accusing trump. His own comments have added to their credibility, BTW.

Yep, and many more democrats will.

democrats are shit, fuckwads devoid of any integrity or honor, dedicated to the destruction of America and enslavement of the American people.

I'm surprised the democrats haven't started using suicide bombings yet. I'm surprised you haven't been recruited for that, Hysteria. You're exactly the type of unstable and miserable person evil movements like Al Qaeda or the the democrats use for such things.
The real enemies of our nation are those who support a 100% guaranteed POS a liar a molester a rapist a crook , Trump

So eddie, you traitor and pile of shit, what size vest did the party fit you up in?
Why do you say that with the democrats, "the enemy is white Christians"? So many of Americans are "white Christians." Which "white Christians" are you referring to? I don't understand what race has to do with the religion of Christianity, but it seems that "white" folks who adhere to the Christian faith are all over the map, politically. With regards to those who are not "white," or are not "Christian," all respect.

I want to know what has been such an attack on people who are of European "white" descent and who are adherents to the Christian faith.

These blatant racialist plays by the Democrats are put out in hopes of getting a massive turnout of bloc-voting African Americans and Hispanics that they believe they will need if they are going to overcome Trump’s populist army. Given the media’s penchant for calling anything the GOP does that might serve the legitimate interests of its white base voters “white nationalist,” one might expect them to call the presence of some of the speakers “black nationalist” or “Hispanic nationalist” dog whistles – but that would assume we had a mainstream media more interested in equal treatment than leftist agitprop.

#share#Last night audiences were treated to a standing ovation for Mothers of the Movement, a collection of women who, in the wake of admittedly tragic personal losses, have often been busy consorting with the likes of Al Sharpton in order to turn personal tragedies into national ones. With the camera spotlight on brightly, and in the wake of recent shootings of police officers, Mothers of the Movement were on their best behavior all week, one even giving a shout-out to police. But their polite rhetoric yesterday doesn’t dissolve their records of incitement. And the frequent chants of “Black Lives Matter” by the audience, left no doubt where the audience’s sympathies lay.}

Democratic Convention: Racism of Black Lives Matter & Anti-White Identity Politics | National Review

You keep lying, I'll keep posting cites.
Why do you say that with the democrats, "the enemy is white Christians"? So many of Americans are "white Christians." Which "white Christians" are you referring to? I don't understand what race has to do with the religion of Christianity, but it seems that "white" folks who adhere to the Christian faith are all over the map, politically. With regards to those who are not "white," or are not "Christian," all respect.

I want to know what has been such an attack on people who are of European "white" descent and who are adherents to the Christian faith.

These blatant racialist plays by the Democrats are put out in hopes of getting a massive turnout of bloc-voting African Americans and Hispanics that they believe they will need if they are going to overcome Trump’s populist army. Given the media’s penchant for calling anything the GOP does that might serve the legitimate interests of its white base voters “white nationalist,” one might expect them to call the presence of some of the speakers “black nationalist” or “Hispanic nationalist” dog whistles – but that would assume we had a mainstream media more interested in equal treatment than leftist agitprop.

#share#Last night audiences were treated to a standing ovation for Mothers of the Movement, a collection of women who, in the wake of admittedly tragic personal losses, have often been busy consorting with the likes of Al Sharpton in order to turn personal tragedies into national ones. With the camera spotlight on brightly, and in the wake of recent shootings of police officers, Mothers of the Movement were on their best behavior all week, one even giving a shout-out to police. But their polite rhetoric yesterday doesn’t dissolve their records of incitement. And the frequent chants of “Black Lives Matter” by the audience, left no doubt where the audience’s sympathies lay.}

Democratic Convention: Racism of Black Lives Matter & Anti-White Identity Politics | National Review

You keep lying, I'll keep posting cites.


As in not real bright cites? :lmao:

That didn't take long. :dig:
Many more than one person has accused trump of sexual misconduct of one sort or another. I believed the accusations made by the former altar boys so many years after the fact, just as I believe the people accusing trump. His own comments have added to their credibility, BTW.

Yep, and many more democrats will.

democrats are shit, fuckwads devoid of any integrity or honor, dedicated to the destruction of America and enslavement of the American people.

I'm surprised the democrats haven't started using suicide bombings yet. I'm surprised you haven't been recruited for that, Hysteria. You're exactly the type of unstable and miserable person evil movements like Al Qaeda or the the democrats use for such things.
The real enemies of our nation are those who support a 100% guaranteed POS a liar a molester a rapist a crook , Trump

So eddie, you traitor and pile of shit, what size vest did the party fit you up in?
sorry never wear them but I sure know a pos when I see one And trump and his followers fit the bill
Why do you say that with the democrats, "the enemy is white Christians"? So many of Americans are "white Christians." Which "white Christians" are you referring to? I don't understand what race has to do with the religion of Christianity, but it seems that "white" folks who adhere to the Christian faith are all over the map, politically. With regards to those who are not "white," or are not "Christian," all respect.

I want to know what has been such an attack on people who are of European "white" descent and who are adherents to the Christian faith.

These blatant racialist plays by the Democrats are put out in hopes of getting a massive turnout of bloc-voting African Americans and Hispanics that they believe they will need if they are going to overcome Trump’s populist army. Given the media’s penchant for calling anything the GOP does that might serve the legitimate interests of its white base voters “white nationalist,” one might expect them to call the presence of some of the speakers “black nationalist” or “Hispanic nationalist” dog whistles – but that would assume we had a mainstream media more interested in equal treatment than leftist agitprop.

#share#Last night audiences were treated to a standing ovation for Mothers of the Movement, a collection of women who, in the wake of admittedly tragic personal losses, have often been busy consorting with the likes of Al Sharpton in order to turn personal tragedies into national ones. With the camera spotlight on brightly, and in the wake of recent shootings of police officers, Mothers of the Movement were on their best behavior all week, one even giving a shout-out to police. But their polite rhetoric yesterday doesn’t dissolve their records of incitement. And the frequent chants of “Black Lives Matter” by the audience, left no doubt where the audience’s sympathies lay.}

Democratic Convention: Racism of Black Lives Matter & Anti-White Identity Politics | National Review

You keep lying, I'll keep posting cites.


As in not real bright cites? :lmao:

That didn't take long. :dig:

Ohh, look - the dumbest fuck on USMB is trying (and failing) to insult me.

She further said that she would shut white people down when they try to interrupt minorities, make sure that they “get” their white privilege and encourage minorities to school Caucasians on all the important topics.

These anti-white comments appear remarkable to come from someone who hopes to lead a major political party — who also happens to be white herself. There’s still a lot of white people in America, and you need a substantial number of them to win elections. So adopting as your party message, “shut up and check your white privilege!” seems pretty counter-productive.

Then again, it’s par for the course for the modern Democratic Party. Other candidates for the chair position nodded along with Brown’s statements at the forum, showing their clear approval for what she was saying.

The leading candidate for to be the next leader of the DNC is Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison, who once proposed for a black ethnostate to be carved out of America. The reason for this black nationalist dream was to get away from all those bad white people.}

Democrats Unify Around Shutting Down White People

You sure are dumb, sluggo...
Why do you say that with the democrats, "the enemy is white Christians"? So many of Americans are "white Christians." Which "white Christians" are you referring to? I don't understand what race has to do with the religion of Christianity, but it seems that "white" folks who adhere to the Christian faith are all over the map, politically. With regards to those who are not "white," or are not "Christian," all respect.

I want to know what has been such an attack on people who are of European "white" descent and who are adherents to the Christian faith.

These blatant racialist plays by the Democrats are put out in hopes of getting a massive turnout of bloc-voting African Americans and Hispanics that they believe they will need if they are going to overcome Trump’s populist army. Given the media’s penchant for calling anything the GOP does that might serve the legitimate interests of its white base voters “white nationalist,” one might expect them to call the presence of some of the speakers “black nationalist” or “Hispanic nationalist” dog whistles – but that would assume we had a mainstream media more interested in equal treatment than leftist agitprop.

#share#Last night audiences were treated to a standing ovation for Mothers of the Movement, a collection of women who, in the wake of admittedly tragic personal losses, have often been busy consorting with the likes of Al Sharpton in order to turn personal tragedies into national ones. With the camera spotlight on brightly, and in the wake of recent shootings of police officers, Mothers of the Movement were on their best behavior all week, one even giving a shout-out to police. But their polite rhetoric yesterday doesn’t dissolve their records of incitement. And the frequent chants of “Black Lives Matter” by the audience, left no doubt where the audience’s sympathies lay.}

Democratic Convention: Racism of Black Lives Matter & Anti-White Identity Politics | National Review

You keep lying, I'll keep posting cites.


As in not real bright cites? :lmao:

That didn't take long. :dig:

Ohh, look - the dumbest fuck on USMB is trying (and failing) to insult me.

She further said that she would shut white people down when they try to interrupt minorities, make sure that they “get” their white privilege and encourage minorities to school Caucasians on all the important topics.

These anti-white comments appear remarkable to come from someone who hopes to lead a major political party — who also happens to be white herself. There’s still a lot of white people in America, and you need a substantial number of them to win elections. So adopting as your party message, “shut up and check your white privilege!” seems pretty counter-productive.

Then again, it’s par for the course for the modern Democratic Party. Other candidates for the chair position nodded along with Brown’s statements at the forum, showing their clear approval for what she was saying.

The leading candidate for to be the next leader of the DNC is Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison, who once proposed for a black ethnostate to be carved out of America. The reason for this black nationalist dream was to get away from all those bad white people.}

Democrats Unify Around Shutting Down White People

You sure are dumb, sluggo...

Sailed right over his hood. What a dumbass.

And there's no end incite. :rofl: Now I'll have to give him a week to figure it out.

Inglissh are harde.

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