Trump Re-election Getting Better by the Day. Idiots Just Keep Helping.


May 23, 2014
Trump is ready to hit the campaign trail with his law and order platform amidst the Democrats call for anarchy and civil disorder. It can't get this good!
Trump needs to get more "presidential" and less petty to win over more women voters.
If the economy recovers by November Trump should win easily, especially if Biden looks senile.
Trump is ready to hit the campaign trail with his law and order platform amidst the Democrats call for anarchy and civil disorder. It can't get this good!

Proving once again that the right truly does live in their own little talk radio/Internet media bubbled world. I've never seen reality bent this far for a group of people. Especially over a worthless, lying, incompetent boob. They have so many more bright and younger minds to pick from, but they pick the former reality TV show wonders why?...constantly. :) I can't wait till he holds one of his pep rallies again. You're gonna see his numbers dive even further south.
RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - Ohio: Trump vs. Biden
Trump needs to get more "presidential" and less petty to win over more women voters.
If the economy recovers by November Trump should win easily, especially if Biden looks senile.

Not gonna happen. He is who he is. If he hasn't done it up till now and it's largely worked for him (up until about 4 months ago), why would he change? There's no upside for him.
Right now, it's looking like he's toast no matter what the markets and economy looks like. Still a long way till November.
Trump needs to get more "presidential" and less petty to win over more women voters.
If the economy recovers by November Trump should win easily, especially if Biden looks senile.
Democrats are insisting that women do not want the police. They want to be dragged from homes and cars. They want to be forced to their knees. They want to be forced to wash the feet of black revolutionaries while their heads are being shaved. Democrats believe that women want this. Seniors want to be beaten and killed by black assailants.
Trump needs to get more "presidential" and less petty to win over more women voters.
If the economy recovers by November Trump should win easily, especially if Biden looks senile.

Not gonna happen. He is who he is. If he hasn't done it up till now and it's largely worked for him (up until about 4 months ago), why would he change? There's no upside for him.
Right now, it's looking like he's toast no matter what the markets and economy looks like. Still a long way till November.
People do not like this shit bag insurrectionists. Floyd dead. Got more accolades than heroes that die in the line of duty or combat. Floyd was a piece of shit criminal. Americans are angry over the media glorification of a common criminal. You don't get it do you? Law abiding citizens are sick of this shit.
Trump needs to get more "presidential" and less petty to win over more women voters.
If the economy recovers by November Trump should win easily, especially if Biden looks senile.

Not gonna happen. He is who he is. If he hasn't done it up till now and it's largely worked for him (up until about 4 months ago), why would he change? There's no upside for him.
Right now, it's looking like he's toast no matter what the markets and economy looks like. Still a long way till November.
A difference of opinion is what makes a horse race.
The democrats have many problems to deal with:
1. Joe Biden
2. Democrat policies
3. Defund the police radicals
4. Rioters looting and burning down businesses while democrat mayors and governors do nothing
5. Nancy, AOC, and House democrats
Trump needs to get more "presidential" and less petty to win over more women voters.
If the economy recovers by November Trump should win easily, especially if Biden looks senile.
Democrats are insisting that women do not want the police. They want to be dragged from homes and cars. They want to be forced to their knees. They want to be forced to wash the feet of black revolutionaries while their heads are being shaved. Democrats believe that women want this. Seniors want to be beaten and killed by black assailants.
Of course that's what Democratic/ Marxist want.
Trump needs to get more "presidential" and less petty to win over more women voters.
If the economy recovers by November Trump should win easily, especially if Biden looks senile.

Not gonna happen. He is who he is. If he hasn't done it up till now and it's largely worked for him (up until about 4 months ago), why would he change? There's no upside for him.
Right now, it's looking like he's toast no matter what the markets and economy looks like. Still a long way till November.
A difference of opinion is what makes a horse race.
The democrats have many problems to deal with:
1. Joe Biden
2. Democrat policies
3. Defund the police radicals
4. Rioters looting and burning down businesses
5. Nancy, AOC, and House democrats
I hope the revolution eats it's own. They should occupy Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden's home(s).
I hear Portland is working on their own autonomous zone, too.
And skating the interstate... lol

Trump needs to get more "presidential" and less petty to win over more women voters.
If the economy recovers by November Trump should win easily, especially if Biden looks senile.
Agree. He has thin skin and his business hawk sense takes over too much on Twitter, sometimes. But, he has stood alone since day one, so I’ll cut him some slack, some.
Trump needs to get more "presidential" and less petty to win over more women voters.
If the economy recovers by November Trump should win easily, especially if Biden looks senile.

Not gonna happen. He is who he is. If he hasn't done it up till now and it's largely worked for him (up until about 4 months ago), why would he change? There's no upside for him.
Right now, it's looking like he's toast no matter what the markets and economy looks like. Still a long way till November.
People do not like this shit bag insurrectionists. Floyd dead. Got more accolades than heroes that die in the line of duty or combat. Floyd was a piece of shit criminal. Americans are angry over the media glorification of a common criminal. You don't get it do you? Law abiding citizens are sick of this shit.

Or maybe it's because black people have seen one too many white cops get away with brutal treatment. And this was just the straw that broke their back. The video of a man being slowly strangled to death by having a knee placed on his neck for 8 minutes was a breaking point. It's been going on for years. George Floyd was just the tipping point. And maybe another reason for the anger is that "law abiding citizens", stood by and did nothing or said nothing..even when the evidence was right in front of them.
Trump is ready to hit the campaign trail with his law and order platform amidst the Democrats call for anarchy and civil disorder. It can't get this good!

You keep telling that lie over and over. Mussolini would be proud of you.
Trump needs to get more "presidential" and less petty to win over more women voters.
If the economy recovers by November Trump should win easily, especially if Biden looks senile.

Not gonna happen. He is who he is. If he hasn't done it up till now and it's largely worked for him (up until about 4 months ago), why would he change? There's no upside for him.
Right now, it's looking like he's toast no matter what the markets and economy looks like. Still a long way till November.
People do not like this shit bag insurrectionists. Floyd dead. Got more accolades than heroes that die in the line of duty or combat. Floyd was a piece of shit criminal. Americans are angry over the media glorification of a common criminal. You don't get it do you? Law abiding citizens are sick of this shit.

Or maybe it's because black people have seen one too many white cops get away with brutal treatment. And this was just the straw that broke their back. The video of a man being slowly strangled to death by having a knee placed on his neck for 8 minutes was a breaking point. It's been going on for years. George Floyd was just the tipping point. And maybe another reason for the anger is that "law abiding citizens", stood by and did nothing or said nothing..even when the evidence was right in front of them.
Lenin and Stalin would be proud of you brain dead mindless automoton.
Trump needs to get more "presidential" and less petty to win over more women voters.
If the economy recovers by November Trump should win easily, especially if Biden looks senile.

Not gonna happen. He is who he is. If he hasn't done it up till now and it's largely worked for him (up until about 4 months ago), why would he change? There's no upside for him.
Right now, it's looking like he's toast no matter what the markets and economy looks like. Still a long way till November.
People do not like this shit bag insurrectionists. Floyd dead. Got more accolades than heroes that die in the line of duty or combat. Floyd was a piece of shit criminal. Americans are angry over the media glorification of a common criminal. You don't get it do you? Law abiding citizens are sick of this shit.

Or maybe it's because black people have seen one too many white cops get away with brutal treatment. And this was just the straw that broke their back. The video of a man being slowly strangled to death by having a knee placed on his neck for 8 minutes was a breaking point. It's been going on for years. George Floyd was just the tipping point. And maybe another reason for the anger is that "law abiding citizens", stood by and did nothing or said nothing..even when the evidence was right in front of them.
No, the statistics don't support that. They wanted an excuse to loot and steal. George Floyd was just a figure that radical leftist threw under the bus within 72 hours of his demise in order to turn this into Anti-American riot. I have had enough of black people whining and crying how bad they got it in life. Fuck them! You live in the United States of America! The land of opportunity. Go to North Korea see how you like it there. George Floyd, piece of shit common coward and criminal is made into a martyr while men and women in law enforcement and military get no special treatment at their funerals. They died for their community and country...but a bucket of dope head criminal fat fucking piece of amphibian shit like Floyd gets glorified. Fuck him and his entire crybaby family.
Trump needs to get more "presidential" and less petty to win over more women voters.
If the economy recovers by November Trump should win easily, especially if Biden looks senile.
Agree. He has thin skin and his business hawk sense takes over too much on Twitter, sometimes. But, he has stood alone since day one, so I’ll cut him some slack, some.
He loves this country and that is the only requirement when stacked-up against Democrats who want to burn the flag, rob,loot, and murder.
I hear Portland is working on their own autonomous zone, too.
And skating the interstate... lol
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Good. Shut off power and water to that area and let them die of disease after they live in their own filth and used heroin needles.
People do not like this shit bag insurrectionists. Floyd dead. Got more accolades than heroes that die in the line of duty or combat. Floyd was a piece of shit criminal. Americans are angry over the media glorification of a common criminal. You don't get it do you? Law abiding citizens are sick of this shit.
Exactly. Let's not forget those involved in the civil rights movement were also criminals. They broke laws at the lunch counters and deserved to get arrested. People who don't respect the law deserve the jail time they get.

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