Trump Ready to Withdraw Troops from Germany


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
We finally have a POTUS who's going to make the Euros carry their own load. Let's see how their socialist programs do after this.

The Pentagon is analyzing the cost and impact of a large-scale withdrawal or transfer of American troops stationed in Germany, amid growing tensions between President Trump and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, according to people familiar with the work.

The effort follows Trump’s expression of interest in removing the troops, made during a meeting earlier this year with White House and military aides, U.S. officials said. Trump was said to have been taken aback by the size of the U.S. presence, which includes about 35,000 active-duty troops, and complained that other countries were not contributing fairly to joint security or paying enough to NATO.

Word of the assessment has alarmed European officials, who are scrambling to determine whether Trump actually intends to reposition U.S. forces or whether it is merely a negotiating tactic ahead of a NATO summit in Brussels, where Trump is again likely to criticize U.S. allies for what he deems insufficient defense spending.

U.S. assessing cost of keeping troops in Germany as Trump battles with Europe
It is a policy I am in total agreement with Rump. We do not need to e the world police any more, we are broke, to the tune of $22,000,000,000,000. Let that sink in awhile!
Well, it's the Washington Post reporting, so I wouldn't put too fine a lock on it.

A good thought, though. Some of our "allies" are not so allied as they once were, but are happy to take advantage of our kind nature even as they slip into some weird totalitarian hybrid of Orwell's "Airstrip One" and a Wallace & Gromit movie.
We should stop all welfare, both domestic and foreign.

There is no need to use America troops to provide for the security of other nations. That becomes foreign welfare. Germany has been on American welfare ever since we kicked their ass.
Well, it's the Washington Post reporting, so I wouldn't put too fine a lock on it.

A good thought, though. Some of our "allies" are not so allied as they once were, but are happy to take advantage of our kind nature even as they slip into some weird totalitarian hybrid of Orwell's "Airstrip One" and a Wallace & Gromit movie.
Our troops on other countries has always been a source of contention too. I remember hearing of the Brits during WWII saying something about US troops on their soil that we are "over paid, over sexed, and over here!"

Our purpose in keeping troops in Europe was as a bulwark against rampaging Soviet expansion. No need for that anymore is there? Ukraine, Cimea, Russian eyes on the Balkan States and Poland makes it imperative to get out of the way. No longer do we need Avino to reach the Middle East, or Germany as a forward base of Ops against our new BFF. Our position as part of the new Axis makes it necessary to get out of the way. We should get out of S Korea and also stop wasting our money with ships patrolling the Persian Gulf and the Med. Bring those hundreds of thousands of boys and girls home. We can use them to round up dissidents and illegal kids.
I agree on Trump with this even though it probably is Putin’s idea.

After it is done…will that mean a reduction in our Defense Budget?
I agree on Trump with this even though it probably is Putin’s idea.

After it is done…will that mean a reduction in our Defense Budget?

No, we will need them on our Southern Border after Mexico elects a Socialist as its President, in just a few days.
I agree on Trump with this even though it probably is Putin’s idea.

After it is done…will that mean a reduction in our Defense Budget?

If we have a reduction in the Defense budget then how about a reduction in taxes?

Also, if we are going to stop foreign welfare can we also stop giving money away to our domestic welfare queens and Illegals?

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