Trump rebuked for sharing video showing Biden hog-tied on pickup truck

What sort of mentality is at work here ? Is this the extent if his policy offer ?

I think Bart Simpson is more of a functioning adult than Donny.

Hell, even Homer is more mature.
You are an old guy with glasses, if they didn't tell you what to look for, that the guy was Biden and hog tied, would you be able to see or notice that if they didn't zoom in and feature it and tell you what it was? Well ypu say Trump is old, did he notice before it was pointed out?

Lastly: you are saying Hillary who shared a pic of the Orlando
Gay Night Club killer's father in her speech audience is responsible for her poor taste & "What sort of mentality is at work here ?"
Which you would be stating for Pelosi and her punch Trump in the face comment & Biden for his take him out back and fight him comment.
You're a fucking collusion cult conspiracy theory numbnuts
I saw Trump tell the Russians to hack Hillary in a speech, and they did, the stupid e mails that won the election for him. All the collusion the Russians wanted from GOP idiots...
You are an old guy with glasses, if they didn't tell you what to look for, that the guy was Biden and hog tied, would you be able to see or notice that if they didn't zoom in and feature it and tell you what it was? Well ypu say Trump is old, did he notice before it was pointed out?

Lastly: you are saying Hillary who shared a pic of the Orlando
Gay Night Club killer's father in her speech audience is responsible for her poor taste & "What sort of mentality is at work here ?"
Which you would be stating for Pelosi and her punch Trump in the face comment & Biden for his take him out back and fight him comment.
People know pelosi and Biden aren't POSs for chrissake lol
While Trump was president democrats saw NOTHING wrong with:
Orange Man Bad/White Man Bad
The Big Orange Monster
Hate Trump Agenda
Big Orange Balloons

All of a sudden Biden is hogtied and democrats are pretending to have some ethical morals. All of sudden it is wrong to make fun of a president... all of a sudden they are sensitive to April Fool's Jokes.

Not to mention mainstream media figures, Hollywood types, "journalists", and corporate leaders calling for Trump's assassination, torture, and murder nearly every day.
Poor Kathy went too far. Just like the Orange conman does every gd day, dupe.
I love it when you post. Any thinking human being sees your total lack of a vocabulary and your reliance on the same five or six pejoratives and they can't help but think they are seeing a third grade temper tantrum. Typical democrat response when they have nothing substantial to offer. Please continue.
Maybe she shouldn't have deleted the evidence of her criminal activity. Are you really this delusional?
Brainwashed functional moron ignoramus seditionist Russian tool conspiracy nut job lol 😆😆😆😆😆 Pure garbage propaganda, hater dup. No evidence once again ....poor America
Poor Kathy went too far. Just like the Orange conman does every gd day, dupe.
How about these fine, upstanding democrats.
democrat insurrectionists.jpg

Dem Threats.jpg
Brainwashed functional moron ignoramus seditionist Russian tool conspiracy nut job lol 😆😆😆😆😆 Pure garbage propaganda, hater dup. No evidence once again ....poor America
Now, now junior. Please consult a thesaurus, your vocabulary is seriously lacking as is the substance of your posts.
Now, now junior. Please consult a thesaurus, your vocabulary is seriously lacking as is the substance of your posts.
Wrong as always, hater dupe. Sorry but I need voice to text, typing sucks. Plus it's true and the biggest, worst thing ever. My phone remembers, brainwashed functional moron ignoramus seditionist Russian tool conspiracy nut job arrghhhhhhh..... poor America
Rioting punks are not Dems, just criminals duhhh. Death threatening dupes are not patriots....
You might try reading. Unless you consider Democrats Pressley, Harris, Pelosi, Waters, Booker, Biden, Ocasio-Cortez, Tlaib and Omar rioting and death-threatening punks. There is nothing fake about their well-documented quotes. And I didn't even mention the calls for violence against SCOTUS justices from DEMOCRAT senator Chuck Schumer. But we are in agreement that those listed here are not patriots.

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