Trump REFUSES to Condemn qAnon, Again...

This is just in............Q from the Star Trek show ENDORSES TRUMP......

OMFG........Shit is getting real........

Now...........Who the hell keeps coming up with this crap..........Qannon..........WOKENESS........bunch of brain dead not working morons...........go to work and stop sucking on the gov't tits.
Here we see the current POTUS just can't put down the radical, ludicrous and divisive conspiracy theories...

Who's he signaling to? Not regular Americans.

Regular Americans will reject this type of extremely divisive nonsense come November.

This rambling buffoon just can't help himself. Even to save himself.

Never heard of them, but, BLM/Antifa are killing people, looting stores, assaulting people, throwing fire bombs, attacking the police, trying to set up seperate governments in occupied areas. Get back to us after someone grills Biden and Harris, demanding that they condemn BLM/Antifa.
TDS drama again..........look at Trump........HE'S A BAD MAN

Not 'he is a bad man'.

He is an amoral asshole. Or he is a stupid man. Or he is a con man.

And he has stupid people willing to be conned voting for him.

Has Comrade Xiden condemned NAMBLA??

He refuses to, doesn't he? The child rapers are a significant democrat constituency....
Why does this terrify you?

QAnon busted Clinton and Epstein after the DOJ had shielded and covered up for them for years.

democrats know what they are, they know they have a perverted, sick, and dangerous party. They know what the party elite do to children. Now America knows, they were FUCKING CAUGHT. Epstein is just the tip of the iceberg. The democrats know that if the public really grasps the depths of their depravity, what they have done and CONTINUE doing, they'll be swinging from lampposts.

They're terrified for damn good reason.
Seriously? Cities are literally burning down. Over a billion dollars in damage. Peoples lively hoods destroyed by kids throwing temper tantrums. Functional guillotines are being paraded in suburbs. Some 900 police have been put in the hospital. Store owners knocked out and even murdered. And you’re more concerned over the fact that trump didn’t condemn conspiracy theorists, and not at all worried about Biden not condemning the group that literally took over 6 cities blocks by handing ARs to minors who have ZERO gun training?
Perhaps you can provide a list of all the cities that have been burned to ground?

And/or a list of all those beheaded innocent American citizens?

How about a list of all those murdered in the ANTIFA dystopia you just described.

I'm looking forward to your response, but I won't be holding my breath.

#LOLGOP #TooFunny #CLASSIC you’re fine with
Seriously? Cities are literally burning down. Over a billion dollars in damage. Peoples lively hoods destroyed by kids throwing temper tantrums. Functional guillotines are being paraded in suburbs. Some 900 police have been put in the hospital. Store owners knocked out and even murdered. And you’re more concerned over the fact that trump didn’t condemn conspiracy theorists, and not at all worried about Biden not condemning the group that literally took over 6 cities blocks by handing ARs to minors who have ZERO gun training?
Perhaps you can provide a list of all the cities that have been burned to ground?

And/or a list of all those beheaded innocent American citizens?

How about a list of all those murdered in the ANTIFA dystopia you just described.

I'm looking forward to your response, but I won't be holding my breath.

So trump calling corona “China virus” or “wuhan virus” is inciting violence against Asians. But you’re perfectly fine with ANTIFA parading a functional guillotine in middle class suburbs while they chant “eat the rich” while using it to chop off heads of stuffed animals?

And basically name a city. Seattle, Dallas, Portland, philly, NY, LA, Austin, Chicago, Louisville, D.C., St Paul, Minneapolis, Madison, Rochester, Atlanta, Kenosha. All of them looked like bombed out war zones the next day. Portland had literal riots and fires for over 100 days, notably setting fire to an apartment building with people in it to send a message to the ANTIFA supporting mayor who lived there, because he didn’t go hard in the paint enough. Like WTF is your standard. How many fires must be started in a city before you say “ah you guys took it too far this time.” Not too long ago, as in 6 months, I’m sure you would’ve said 1 fire is too many. In my a book a protest stops being a protest when fires start, violence happens. Sure maybe there’s a few bad apples mixed in but if the rest of the protesters are encouraging instead of ending, yeah it’s no longer a protest. No longer is worthy of admiration no matter which position you take. Over a billion dollars of damage. Mostly against business not even sniffing a million net. Business people poured countless hours of blood, sweat, and tears into. Businesses people risking all their chips on a crazy dream of theirs. More importantly, people who had nothing to do with the police. These are the people who suffered. Whose suffering from Qanon? Go ahead, name them. I’ll be waiting.

As far as people murdered in the name of ANTIFA/BLM specifically. David Dorn. David Underwood a federal officer, he was killed, partner critically injured. Italia Marie Kelly, was uncomfortable with the directions the riots were headed, was killed for it. Jose Gutierrez. Victor Cazares. Francisco Montiel. Chris Baety. Let’s not forget the guy who was shot in Portland for wearing a trump hat. Those are just the homicides directly related to ANTIFA/BLM. ALL of them innocent. If your talking physical injuries from directed purposeful violence, those numbers range in the thousands. Again. How many deaths is too many? How many injuries is too many? BLM/ANTIFA better keep the name of MLK out of their mouth. I don’t give a fuck what color your skin is. This is a 100% not what he stood for. MLK is the ONLY man to ever bring tears to my eyes just by speaking words of truth. Every person maimed and every structure burned is a DIRECT stab in the heart to what MLK stood for. And this is coming from someone whose been adamantly against police brutality, militarization, and the overall structure of law enforcement long before Micheal Brown was even a thing. And I have a long history of doing so on this site to prove it. I spit at the feet of anyone who claims to wants police reform but doesn’t condemn the direction these groups have taken. You ain’t real. You’re doing what’s popular among your peers. Nothing real about that, that’s easy.
Here we see the current POTUS just can't put down the radical, ludicrous and divisive conspiracy theories...

Who's he signaling to? Not regular Americans.

Regular Americans will reject this type of extremely divisive nonsense come November.

This rambling buffoon just can't help himself. Even to save himself.

You refuse to condemn stink blm or antifa you fucking hypocritical loser.
False comparison fallacy, red herring fallacy, failed attempts to deflect.

The thread is about Trump again failing to denounce the purveyors of a dangerous, reckless, and irresponsible conspiracy theory; misinformation devoid of fact and merit.
Why does this terrify you?

QAnon busted Clinton and Epstein after the DOJ had shielded and covered up for them for years.

democrats know what they are, they know they have a perverted, sick, and dangerous party. They know what the party elite do to children. Now America knows, they were FUCKING CAUGHT. Epstein is just the tip of the iceberg. The democrats know that if the public really grasps the depths of their depravity, what they have done and CONTINUE doing, they'll be swinging from lampposts.

They're terrified for damn good reason.

Why do you think Q is responsible for that?
Here we see the current POTUS just can't put down the radical, ludicrous and divisive conspiracy theories...

Who's he signaling to? Not regular Americans.

Regular Americans will reject this type of extremely divisive nonsense come November.

This rambling buffoon just can't help himself. Even to save himself.

You refuse to condemn stink blm or antifa you fucking hypocritical loser.
False comparison fallacy, red herring fallacy, failed attempts to deflect.

The thread is about Trump again failing to denounce the purveyors of a dangerous, reckless, and irresponsible conspiracy theory; misinformation devoid of fact and merit.

He should demounce the leftist loons on this board.
That's for sure.
Why does this terrify you?

QAnon busted Clinton and Epstein after the DOJ had shielded and covered up for them for years.

democrats know what they are, they know they have a perverted, sick, and dangerous party. They know what the party elite do to children. Now America knows, they were FUCKING CAUGHT. Epstein is just the tip of the iceberg. The democrats know that if the public really grasps the depths of their depravity, what they have done and CONTINUE doing, they'll be swinging from lampposts.

They're terrified for damn good reason.

Why do you think Q is responsible for that?

Without question.

Before Q, NO ONE acknowledged the pedophile island. Democrats claimed it was a "conspiracy theory
" (while they pimped RUSHING COALUSHUN)

Obviously Q was right about, well EVERYTHING.
Why does this terrify you?

QAnon busted Clinton and Epstein after the DOJ had shielded and covered up for them for years.

democrats know what they are, they know they have a perverted, sick, and dangerous party. They know what the party elite do to children. Now America knows, they were FUCKING CAUGHT. Epstein is just the tip of the iceberg. The democrats know that if the public really grasps the depths of their depravity, what they have done and CONTINUE doing, they'll be swinging from lampposts.

They're terrified for damn good reason.

Why do you think Q is responsible for that?

Without question.

Before Q, NO ONE acknowledged the pedophile island. Democrats claimed it was a "conspiracy theory
" (while they pimped RUSHING COALUSHUN)

Obviously Q was right about, well EVERYTHING.

Actually, not without question.
Yes, people did know about the island before Q.
TDS drama again..........look at Trump........HE'S A BAD MAN

More TDS...aka #TotalDevotionSyndrome


You know its weird how the Trump hates try to spin and redefine EVERYTHING............TDS Trump Derangement Syndrome worked so well, that know the goofy Trump haters fell a need to try REDEFINE it? Really very very sad....No hun, it does not mean devotion. It means crazy Trump haters are Deranged.
Trumpians believe those who disagree with them are "redefining" things while they want us to redefine morality, civility, truth and respect. Those values were taught by my family and community, not a reality TV game show.


Fucking commie pedos.

Not one thing about these morons is true!

Spreading lies, conspiracy theories and unfounded rumors serves what noble purpose?

It only serves to smear, divide, misinform, trick and destroy innocent lives.

So, I guess now I understand why Rrump and his idiot minions go along with Qanon. Because being stupid is what they do best, other than demolition derbies and monster truck shows.
Hey, I like the monster truck shows too.

Was planning on going to one next year, but we'll see what Covid has to say about the situation.
Party on, Marc.
TDS drama again..........look at Trump........HE'S A BAD MAN

Not 'he is a bad man'.

He is an amoral asshole. Or he is a stupid man. Or he is a con man.

And he has stupid people willing to be conned voting for him.

Has Comrade Xiden condemned NAMBLA??

He refuses to, doesn't he? The child rapers are a significant democrat constituency....
How on God's green earth is Joe Biden associated with NAMBLA?
TDS drama again..........look at Trump........HE'S A BAD MAN

More TDS...aka #TotalDevotionSyndrome


You know its weird how the Trump hates try to spin and redefine EVERYTHING............TDS Trump Derangement Syndrome worked so well, that know the goofy Trump haters fell a need to try REDEFINE it? Really very very sad....No hun, it does not mean devotion. It means crazy Trump haters are Deranged.
Trumpians believe those who disagree with them are "redefining" things while they want us to redefine morality, civility, truth and respect. Those values were taught by my family and community, not a reality TV game show.


Fucking commie pedos.
I want to hear more about the blood drinking!

Only the idiots who believe Qanon can't see that they are the butt of the joke. Shallow minds embrace deep conspiracies.

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