Trump REFUSES to Condemn qAnon, Again...

And here we regretfully mark the death of expertise.

When the FBI the nation's premier law enforcement agency says White Supremacists are the leading source of terrorist acts in America
, they mean what they say. Anecdotal evidence does not equal empirical evidence.

But you chose to believe otherwise. There can be only three reasons why. Either you're too cynical to function in society or you're too dense to understand the facts. Or you support the violence for political gain.

The violence is in Charleston. The violence is in El Paso. The violence is in Pittsburgh. The violence is in Charlottesville. And the violence is in Oklahoma City.
That same non-credible FBI refused to recommend charges against a more than guilty Hillary Clinton.

That same non-credible FBI participated in an attempted Coup against a sitting American President.

Yeah ...

Should we believe what this non-credible FBI has to say or should we believe what our own eyes are seeing happen in the streets of the cities all across America?

Hmmm ....
Here we see the current POTUS just can't put down the radical, ludicrous and divisive conspiracy theories...

Who's he signaling to? Not regular Americans.

Regular Americans will reject this type of extremely divisive nonsense come November.

This rambling buffoon just can't help himself. Even to save himself.

Here we see the current just can't put down the radical, ludicrous and divisive conspiracy theories...

Who's he signaling to? Not regular Americans.

Regular Americans will reject this type of extremely divisive nonsense come November.

This man just can't help himself.

Can't wait to hear the denials from those that can't help themselves around here.
Here we see the current POTUS just can't put down the radical, ludicrous and divisive conspiracy theories...

Who's he signaling to? Not regular Americans.

Regular Americans will reject this type of extremely divisive nonsense come November.

This rambling buffoon just can't help himself. Even to save himself.

That was truly disgraceful when Trump refused to condemn q-anon. You could hear another nail going into the coffin of Trump’s re-election campaign.
“Trump has previously promoted dozens of QAnon conspiracy accounts and followers. According to a New York Times investigation published in November, Trump has retweeted at least 145 unverified accounts that have promoted conspiracy theories. Over two dozen of these accounts were later suspended by Twitter for violating the platform's rules.

The Times found that QAnon promoters frequently make their way into the president's Twitter feed via his eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., Fox News host Maria Bartiromo, and the right-wing pundit Eric Bolling. And more than 20,000 of Trump's Twitter followers have QAnon slogans or references in their profiles.”

And Trump claims he doesn’t know anything about QAnon.

Yet another Trump lie.
President Trump said:

"I don't know anything about QAnon," Trump said when asked by "Today" co-anchor Savannah Guthrie whether he would denounce the conspiracy theory.

"I'll tell what you I do know about, I know about Antifa and the radical left and how violent and vicious they are, and I know how they're burning down cities run by Democrats."

I love President Trump!

Yes, in Trump world, being "Anti-Fascist" is a bad thing... if you are a fascist.

Trump can debate himself and still lose.
TDS drama again..........look at Trump........HE'S A BAD MAN

More TDS...aka #TotalDevotionSyndrome


You know its weird how the Trump hates try to spin and redefine EVERYTHING............TDS Trump Derangement Syndrome worked so well, that know the goofy Trump haters fell a need to try REDEFINE it? Really very very sad....No hun, it does not mean devotion. It means crazy Trump haters are Deranged.
Trumpians believe those who disagree with them are "redefining" things while they want us to redefine morality, civility, truth and respect. Those values were taught by my family and community, not a reality TV game show.


Fucking commie pedos.
Who partied with Epstein, had him over for drinks and dancing and hot young chicks? Where, in Palm Beach, Florida would host such shindigs? Who has a place large enough, lavish enough and oily enough for a real Epstein party?
Trump REFUSES to Condemn qAnon, Again...
Which ‘groups’ wreak more havoc on Americans?
Which are most dangerous, which cost Americans more?
White Nationalists
White Supremacists
The “Black Community”
La Raza
The “Latino Community”

Which group(s) deserve condemnation first?
Ask the FBI! They'll tell you that White Supremacists and other Right Wing groups have been the source of the majority of terrorist acts in the past five years.

I guess they think they're making America great again.

Nope, I’m asking you and blind, filthy dumbasses like many have been raped and murdered at the hands of “White Supremacists” and how many have been raped and murdered at the hands of BLM’ers in Baltimore, St Louis, Chicago and New York over the last 5 years?
Scary shit isn’t it?
Your programmers forbid you from treading in this territory don’t they?
And here we regretfully mark the death of expertise.

When the FBI the nation's premier law enforcement agency says White Supremacists are the leading source of terrorist acts in America, they mean what they say. Anecdotal evidence does not equal empirical evidence.

But you chose to believe otherwise. There can be only three reasons why. Either you're too cynical to function in society or you're too dense to understand the facts. Or you support the violence for political gain.

The violence is in Charleston. The violence is in El Paso. The violence is in Pittsburgh. The violence is in Charlottesville. And the violence is in Oklahoma City.
Look, your Twilight Zone spin is noted...Nobody gives two fucks about some bullshit labled as terrorist attacks....Let’s talk about numbers that number of rapes and murder by skin color per capita...You’re scared shitless aren’t you?
Trump REFUSES to Condemn qAnon, Again...
I keep seeing your stupid fucking thread.

Condemn QAnon for WHAT??? What the fuck did QAnon do?
Q'Anon takes a hard stance against Pedophilia.

That's what the Left really wants the President to condemn.

You see ..... Q'Anon is an obstacle for the Left when it comes to their efforts to Normalize Pedophilia.
Trump REFUSES to Condemn qAnon, Again...
I keep seeing your stupid fucking thread.

Condemn QAnon for WHAT??? What the fuck did QAnon do?
Q'Anon takes a hard stance against Pedophilia.

That's what the Left really wants the President to condemn.

You see ..... Q'Anon is an obstacle for the Left when it comes to their efforts to Normalize Pedophilia.

Come on, pedofiles were born to be can’t actually expect them to have self control, to not want to pound little boys butt. - Says filthy Democrats
And here we regretfully mark the death of expertise.

When the FBI the nation's premier law enforcement agency says White Supremacists are the leading source of terrorist acts in America, they mean what they say. Anecdotal evidence does not equal empirical evidence.

But you chose to believe otherwise. There can be only three reasons why. Either you're too cynical to function in society or you're too dense to understand the facts. Or you support the violence for political gain.

The violence is in Charleston. The violence is in El Paso. The violence is in Pittsburgh. The violence is in Charlottesville. And the violence is in Oklahoma City.
That same non-credible FBI refused to recommend charges against a more than guilty Hillary Clinton.

That same non-credible FBI participated in an attempted Coup against a sitting American President.

Yeah ...

Should we believe what this non-credible FBI has to say or should we believe what our own eyes are seeing happen in the streets of the cities all across America?

Hmmm ....
So are we to dismantle the FBI? If they can never be trusted again (a reputation promoted by the president) why should it exist?
Here we see the current POTUS just can't put down the radical, ludicrous and divisive conspiracy theories...

Who's he signaling to? Not regular Americans.

Regular Americans will reject this type of extremely divisive nonsense come November.

This rambling buffoon just can't help himself. Even to save himself.

Here we see the current just can't put down the radical, ludicrous and divisive conspiracy theories...

Who's he signaling to? Not regular Americans.

Regular Americans will reject this type of extremely divisive nonsense come November.

This man just can't help himself.

Can't wait to hear the denials from those that can't help themselves around here.
Here we see the current POTUS just can't put down the radical, ludicrous and divisive conspiracy theories...

Who's he signaling to? Not regular Americans.

Regular Americans will reject this type of extremely divisive nonsense come November.

This rambling buffoon just can't help himself. Even to save himself.

That was truly disgraceful when Trump refused to condemn q-anon. You could hear another nail going into the coffin of Trump’s re-election campaign.
“Trump has previously promoted dozens of QAnon conspiracy accounts and followers. According to a New York Times investigation published in November, Trump has retweeted at least 145 unverified accounts that have promoted conspiracy theories. Over two dozen of these accounts were later suspended by Twitter for violating the platform's rules.

The Times found that QAnon promoters frequently make their way into the president's Twitter feed via his eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., Fox News host Maria Bartiromo, and the right-wing pundit Eric Bolling. And more than 20,000 of Trump's Twitter followers have QAnon slogans or references in their profiles.”

And Trump claims he doesn’t know anything about QAnon.

Yet another Trump lie.
President Trump said:

"I don't know anything about QAnon," Trump said when asked by "Today" co-anchor Savannah Guthrie whether he would denounce the conspiracy theory.

"I'll tell what you I do know about, I know about Antifa and the radical left and how violent and vicious they are, and I know how they're burning down cities run by Democrats."

I love President Trump!

Yes, in Trump world, being "Anti-Fascist" is a bad thing... if you are a fascist.

Trump can debate himself and still lose.
TDS drama again..........look at Trump........HE'S A BAD MAN

More TDS...aka #TotalDevotionSyndrome


You know its weird how the Trump hates try to spin and redefine EVERYTHING............TDS Trump Derangement Syndrome worked so well, that know the goofy Trump haters fell a need to try REDEFINE it? Really very very sad....No hun, it does not mean devotion. It means crazy Trump haters are Deranged.
Trumpians believe those who disagree with them are "redefining" things while they want us to redefine morality, civility, truth and respect. Those values were taught by my family and community, not a reality TV game show.


Fucking commie pedos.
Who partied with Epstein, had him over for drinks and dancing and hot young chicks? Where, in Palm Beach, Florida would host such shindigs? Who has a place large enough, lavish enough and oily enough for a real Epstein party?
Trump REFUSES to Condemn qAnon, Again...
Which ‘groups’ wreak more havoc on Americans?
Which are most dangerous, which cost Americans more?
White Nationalists
White Supremacists
The “Black Community”
La Raza
The “Latino Community”

Which group(s) deserve condemnation first?
Ask the FBI! They'll tell you that White Supremacists and other Right Wing groups have been the source of the majority of terrorist acts in the past five years.

I guess they think they're making America great again.

Nope, I’m asking you and blind, filthy dumbasses like many have been raped and murdered at the hands of “White Supremacists” and how many have been raped and murdered at the hands of BLM’ers in Baltimore, St Louis, Chicago and New York over the last 5 years?
Scary shit isn’t it?
Your programmers forbid you from treading in this territory don’t they?
And here we regretfully mark the death of expertise.

When the FBI the nation's premier law enforcement agency says White Supremacists are the leading source of terrorist acts in America, they mean what they say. Anecdotal evidence does not equal empirical evidence.

But you chose to believe otherwise. There can be only three reasons why. Either you're too cynical to function in society or you're too dense to understand the facts. Or you support the violence for political gain.

The violence is in Charleston. The violence is in El Paso. The violence is in Pittsburgh. The violence is in Charlottesville. And the violence is in Oklahoma City.
Look, your Twilight Zone spin is noted...Nobody gives two fucks about some bullshit labled as terrorist attacks....Let’s talk about numbers that number of rapes and murder by skin color per capita...You’re scared shitless aren’t you?
Adding the events of White Supremacist violence, you must also add the number of White rapists and murderers. If your argument is based on a racist lie, it forces a straw man argument. And there are too many on this thread to snuff out.
Here we see the current just can't put down the radical, ludicrous and divisive conspiracy theories...

Who's he signaling to? Not regular Americans.

Regular Americans will reject this type of extremely divisive nonsense come November.

This man just can't help himself.


Who the fuck cares? They are a tiny group that no one has ever heard dumb shit....
They're running for congress, numb nuts.
Here we see the current POTUS just can't put down the radical, ludicrous and divisive conspiracy theories...

Who's he signaling to? Not regular Americans.

Regular Americans will reject this type of extremely divisive nonsense come November.

This rambling buffoon just can't help himself. Even to save himself.

You do realize that he, as most Americans don't have a clue what, or who Q-anon is, me included.
Here we see the current just can't put down the radical, ludicrous and divisive conspiracy theories...

Who's he signaling to? Not regular Americans.

Regular Americans will reject this type of extremely divisive nonsense come November.

This man just can't help himself.


Who the fuck cares? They are a tiny group that no one has ever heard dumb shit....
They're running for congress, numb nuts.
Q or Anon? Which one is running?
Here we see the current just can't put down the radical, ludicrous and divisive conspiracy theories...

Who's he signaling to? Not regular Americans.

Regular Americans will reject this type of extremely divisive nonsense come November.

This man just can't help himself.


Who the fuck cares? They are a tiny group that no one has ever heard dumb shit....
They're running for congress, numb nuts.
Q or Anon? Which one is running?
The crazy conspiracy theorist. (Not tRump, the other one)
Here we see the current just can't put down the radical, ludicrous and divisive conspiracy theories...

Who's he signaling to? Not regular Americans.

Regular Americans will reject this type of extremely divisive nonsense come November.

This man just can't help himself.


Who the fuck cares? They are a tiny group that no one has ever heard dumb shit....
They're running for congress, numb nuts.
And history clearly shows that all movements started small. But history doesn't apply to a globally connected planet.

There's just no credibility to Qanon, yet there are enough people who are dragged down that silly yet vile rabbit hole.

Andy Warhol was right. In the future, everybody is going to be famous for fifteen minutes. That is what the internet wrought.
Here we see the current POTUS just can't put down the radical, ludicrous and divisive conspiracy theories...

Who's he signaling to? Not regular Americans.

Regular Americans will reject this type of extremely divisive nonsense come November.

This rambling buffoon just can't help himself. Even to save himself.

You do realize that he, as most Americans don't have a clue what, or who Q-anon is, me included.
Spoken like a good little Trumpian.

I don't know anything about them! Says the voracious consumer of cable news surrounded by KFC buckets and Kleenex.

And a moderator on a political message board claims no knowledge at all of Qanon. As if they have never been discussed here.
Here we see the current POTUS just can't put down the radical, ludicrous and divisive conspiracy theories...

Who's he signaling to? Not regular Americans.

Regular Americans will reject this type of extremely divisive nonsense come November.

This rambling buffoon just can't help himself. Even to save himself.

Here we see the current just can't put down the radical, ludicrous and divisive conspiracy theories...

Who's he signaling to? Not regular Americans.

Regular Americans will reject this type of extremely divisive nonsense come November.

This man just can't help himself.

Can't wait to hear the denials from those that can't help themselves around here.
Here we see the current POTUS just can't put down the radical, ludicrous and divisive conspiracy theories...

Who's he signaling to? Not regular Americans.

Regular Americans will reject this type of extremely divisive nonsense come November.

This rambling buffoon just can't help himself. Even to save himself.

That was truly disgraceful when Trump refused to condemn q-anon. You could hear another nail going into the coffin of Trump’s re-election campaign.
“Trump has previously promoted dozens of QAnon conspiracy accounts and followers. According to a New York Times investigation published in November, Trump has retweeted at least 145 unverified accounts that have promoted conspiracy theories. Over two dozen of these accounts were later suspended by Twitter for violating the platform's rules.

The Times found that QAnon promoters frequently make their way into the president's Twitter feed via his eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., Fox News host Maria Bartiromo, and the right-wing pundit Eric Bolling. And more than 20,000 of Trump's Twitter followers have QAnon slogans or references in their profiles.”

And Trump claims he doesn’t know anything about QAnon.

Yet another Trump lie.
President Trump said:

"I don't know anything about QAnon," Trump said when asked by "Today" co-anchor Savannah Guthrie whether he would denounce the conspiracy theory.

"I'll tell what you I do know about, I know about Antifa and the radical left and how violent and vicious they are, and I know how they're burning down cities run by Democrats."

I love President Trump!

Yes, in Trump world, being "Anti-Fascist" is a bad thing... if you are a fascist.

Trump can debate himself and still lose.
TDS drama again..........look at Trump........HE'S A BAD MAN

More TDS...aka #TotalDevotionSyndrome


You know its weird how the Trump hates try to spin and redefine EVERYTHING............TDS Trump Derangement Syndrome worked so well, that know the goofy Trump haters fell a need to try REDEFINE it? Really very very sad....No hun, it does not mean devotion. It means crazy Trump haters are Deranged.
Trumpians believe those who disagree with them are "redefining" things while they want us to redefine morality, civility, truth and respect. Those values were taught by my family and community, not a reality TV game show.


Fucking commie pedos.
Who partied with Epstein, had him over for drinks and dancing and hot young chicks? Where, in Palm Beach, Florida would host such shindigs? Who has a place large enough, lavish enough and oily enough for a real Epstein party?
Trump REFUSES to Condemn qAnon, Again...
Which ‘groups’ wreak more havoc on Americans?
Which are most dangerous, which cost Americans more?
White Nationalists
White Supremacists
The “Black Community”
La Raza
The “Latino Community”

Which group(s) deserve condemnation first?
Ask the FBI! They'll tell you that White Supremacists and other Right Wing groups have been the source of the majority of terrorist acts in the past five years.

I guess they think they're making America great again.

Nope, I’m asking you and blind, filthy dumbasses like many have been raped and murdered at the hands of “White Supremacists” and how many have been raped and murdered at the hands of BLM’ers in Baltimore, St Louis, Chicago and New York over the last 5 years?
Scary shit isn’t it?
Your programmers forbid you from treading in this territory don’t they?
And here we regretfully mark the death of expertise.

When the FBI the nation's premier law enforcement agency says White Supremacists are the leading source of terrorist acts in America, they mean what they say. Anecdotal evidence does not equal empirical evidence.

But you chose to believe otherwise. There can be only three reasons why. Either you're too cynical to function in society or you're too dense to understand the facts. Or you support the violence for political gain.

The violence is in Charleston. The violence is in El Paso. The violence is in Pittsburgh. The violence is in Charlottesville. And the violence is in Oklahoma City.

Fucking bubblecultists
World class ignorance.
Adding the events of White Supremacist violence, you must also add the number of White rapists and murderers. If your argument is based on a racist lie, it forces a straw man argument. And there are too many on this thread to snuff out.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Any Questions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

About Leftism being a Mental Disorder?
Here we see the current POTUS just can't put down the radical, ludicrous and divisive conspiracy theories...

Who's he signaling to? Not regular Americans.

Regular Americans will reject this type of extremely divisive nonsense come November.

This rambling buffoon just can't help himself. Even to save himself.

Here we see the current just can't put down the radical, ludicrous and divisive conspiracy theories...

Who's he signaling to? Not regular Americans.

Regular Americans will reject this type of extremely divisive nonsense come November.

This man just can't help himself.

Can't wait to hear the denials from those that can't help themselves around here.
Here we see the current POTUS just can't put down the radical, ludicrous and divisive conspiracy theories...

Who's he signaling to? Not regular Americans.

Regular Americans will reject this type of extremely divisive nonsense come November.

This rambling buffoon just can't help himself. Even to save himself.

That was truly disgraceful when Trump refused to condemn q-anon. You could hear another nail going into the coffin of Trump’s re-election campaign.
“Trump has previously promoted dozens of QAnon conspiracy accounts and followers. According to a New York Times investigation published in November, Trump has retweeted at least 145 unverified accounts that have promoted conspiracy theories. Over two dozen of these accounts were later suspended by Twitter for violating the platform's rules.

The Times found that QAnon promoters frequently make their way into the president's Twitter feed via his eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., Fox News host Maria Bartiromo, and the right-wing pundit Eric Bolling. And more than 20,000 of Trump's Twitter followers have QAnon slogans or references in their profiles.”

And Trump claims he doesn’t know anything about QAnon.

Yet another Trump lie.
President Trump said:

"I don't know anything about QAnon," Trump said when asked by "Today" co-anchor Savannah Guthrie whether he would denounce the conspiracy theory.

"I'll tell what you I do know about, I know about Antifa and the radical left and how violent and vicious they are, and I know how they're burning down cities run by Democrats."

I love President Trump!

Yes, in Trump world, being "Anti-Fascist" is a bad thing... if you are a fascist.

Trump can debate himself and still lose.
TDS drama again..........look at Trump........HE'S A BAD MAN

More TDS...aka #TotalDevotionSyndrome


You know its weird how the Trump hates try to spin and redefine EVERYTHING............TDS Trump Derangement Syndrome worked so well, that know the goofy Trump haters fell a need to try REDEFINE it? Really very very sad....No hun, it does not mean devotion. It means crazy Trump haters are Deranged.
Trumpians believe those who disagree with them are "redefining" things while they want us to redefine morality, civility, truth and respect. Those values were taught by my family and community, not a reality TV game show.


Fucking commie pedos.
Who partied with Epstein, had him over for drinks and dancing and hot young chicks? Where, in Palm Beach, Florida would host such shindigs? Who has a place large enough, lavish enough and oily enough for a real Epstein party?
Trump REFUSES to Condemn qAnon, Again...
Which ‘groups’ wreak more havoc on Americans?
Which are most dangerous, which cost Americans more?
White Nationalists
White Supremacists
The “Black Community”
La Raza
The “Latino Community”

Which group(s) deserve condemnation first?
Ask the FBI! They'll tell you that White Supremacists and other Right Wing groups have been the source of the majority of terrorist acts in the past five years.

I guess they think they're making America great again.

Nope, I’m asking you and blind, filthy dumbasses like many have been raped and murdered at the hands of “White Supremacists” and how many have been raped and murdered at the hands of BLM’ers in Baltimore, St Louis, Chicago and New York over the last 5 years?
Scary shit isn’t it?
Your programmers forbid you from treading in this territory don’t they?
And here we regretfully mark the death of expertise.

When the FBI the nation's premier law enforcement agency says White Supremacists are the leading source of terrorist acts in America, they mean what they say. Anecdotal evidence does not equal empirical evidence.

But you chose to believe otherwise. There can be only three reasons why. Either you're too cynical to function in society or you're too dense to understand the facts. Or you support the violence for political gain.

The violence is in Charleston. The violence is in El Paso. The violence is in Pittsburgh. The violence is in Charlottesville. And the violence is in Oklahoma City.

Fucking bubblecultists
World class ignorance.
That is not an argument.
Here we see the current POTUS just can't put down the radical, ludicrous and divisive conspiracy theories...

Who's he signaling to? Not regular Americans.

Regular Americans will reject this type of extremely divisive nonsense come November.

This rambling buffoon just can't help himself. Even to save himself.

Here we see the current just can't put down the radical, ludicrous and divisive conspiracy theories...

Who's he signaling to? Not regular Americans.

Regular Americans will reject this type of extremely divisive nonsense come November.

This man just can't help himself.

Can't wait to hear the denials from those that can't help themselves around here.
Here we see the current POTUS just can't put down the radical, ludicrous and divisive conspiracy theories...

Who's he signaling to? Not regular Americans.

Regular Americans will reject this type of extremely divisive nonsense come November.

This rambling buffoon just can't help himself. Even to save himself.

That was truly disgraceful when Trump refused to condemn q-anon. You could hear another nail going into the coffin of Trump’s re-election campaign.
“Trump has previously promoted dozens of QAnon conspiracy accounts and followers. According to a New York Times investigation published in November, Trump has retweeted at least 145 unverified accounts that have promoted conspiracy theories. Over two dozen of these accounts were later suspended by Twitter for violating the platform's rules.

The Times found that QAnon promoters frequently make their way into the president's Twitter feed via his eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., Fox News host Maria Bartiromo, and the right-wing pundit Eric Bolling. And more than 20,000 of Trump's Twitter followers have QAnon slogans or references in their profiles.”

And Trump claims he doesn’t know anything about QAnon.

Yet another Trump lie.
President Trump said:

"I don't know anything about QAnon," Trump said when asked by "Today" co-anchor Savannah Guthrie whether he would denounce the conspiracy theory.

"I'll tell what you I do know about, I know about Antifa and the radical left and how violent and vicious they are, and I know how they're burning down cities run by Democrats."

I love President Trump!

Yes, in Trump world, being "Anti-Fascist" is a bad thing... if you are a fascist.

Trump can debate himself and still lose.
TDS drama again..........look at Trump........HE'S A BAD MAN

More TDS...aka #TotalDevotionSyndrome


You know its weird how the Trump hates try to spin and redefine EVERYTHING............TDS Trump Derangement Syndrome worked so well, that know the goofy Trump haters fell a need to try REDEFINE it? Really very very sad....No hun, it does not mean devotion. It means crazy Trump haters are Deranged.
Trumpians believe those who disagree with them are "redefining" things while they want us to redefine morality, civility, truth and respect. Those values were taught by my family and community, not a reality TV game show.


Fucking commie pedos.
Who partied with Epstein, had him over for drinks and dancing and hot young chicks? Where, in Palm Beach, Florida would host such shindigs? Who has a place large enough, lavish enough and oily enough for a real Epstein party?
Trump REFUSES to Condemn qAnon, Again...
Which ‘groups’ wreak more havoc on Americans?
Which are most dangerous, which cost Americans more?
White Nationalists
White Supremacists
The “Black Community”
La Raza
The “Latino Community”

Which group(s) deserve condemnation first?
Ask the FBI! They'll tell you that White Supremacists and other Right Wing groups have been the source of the majority of terrorist acts in the past five years.

I guess they think they're making America great again.

Nope, I’m asking you and blind, filthy dumbasses like many have been raped and murdered at the hands of “White Supremacists” and how many have been raped and murdered at the hands of BLM’ers in Baltimore, St Louis, Chicago and New York over the last 5 years?
Scary shit isn’t it?
Your programmers forbid you from treading in this territory don’t they?
And here we regretfully mark the death of expertise.

When the FBI the nation's premier law enforcement agency says White Supremacists are the leading source of terrorist acts in America, they mean what they say. Anecdotal evidence does not equal empirical evidence.

But you chose to believe otherwise. There can be only three reasons why. Either you're too cynical to function in society or you're too dense to understand the facts. Or you support the violence for political gain.

The violence is in Charleston. The violence is in El Paso. The violence is in Pittsburgh. The violence is in Charlottesville. And the violence is in Oklahoma City.

Fucking bubblecultists
World class ignorance.
That is not an argument.

Do potential rapists and murderers always scare you more than rapists and murderers do? Are you a dumbmotherfucker?

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