Trump REFUSES to Condemn qAnon, Again...

Here we see the current POTUS just can't put down the radical, ludicrous and divisive conspiracy theories...

Who's he signaling to? Not regular Americans.

Regular Americans will reject this type of extremely divisive nonsense come November.

This rambling buffoon just can't help himself. Even to save himself.

Here we see the current just can't put down the radical, ludicrous and divisive conspiracy theories...

Who's he signaling to? Not regular Americans.

Regular Americans will reject this type of extremely divisive nonsense come November.

This man just can't help himself.

Can't wait to hear the denials from those that can't help themselves around here.
Here we see the current POTUS just can't put down the radical, ludicrous and divisive conspiracy theories...

Who's he signaling to? Not regular Americans.

Regular Americans will reject this type of extremely divisive nonsense come November.

This rambling buffoon just can't help himself. Even to save himself.

That was truly disgraceful when Trump refused to condemn q-anon. You could hear another nail going into the coffin of Trump’s re-election campaign.
“Trump has previously promoted dozens of QAnon conspiracy accounts and followers. According to a New York Times investigation published in November, Trump has retweeted at least 145 unverified accounts that have promoted conspiracy theories. Over two dozen of these accounts were later suspended by Twitter for violating the platform's rules.

The Times found that QAnon promoters frequently make their way into the president's Twitter feed via his eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., Fox News host Maria Bartiromo, and the right-wing pundit Eric Bolling. And more than 20,000 of Trump's Twitter followers have QAnon slogans or references in their profiles.”

And Trump claims he doesn’t know anything about QAnon.

Yet another Trump lie.
President Trump said:

"I don't know anything about QAnon," Trump said when asked by "Today" co-anchor Savannah Guthrie whether he would denounce the conspiracy theory.

"I'll tell what you I do know about, I know about Antifa and the radical left and how violent and vicious they are, and I know how they're burning down cities run by Democrats."

I love President Trump!

Yes, in Trump world, being "Anti-Fascist" is a bad thing... if you are a fascist.

Trump can debate himself and still lose.
TDS drama again..........look at Trump........HE'S A BAD MAN

More TDS...aka #TotalDevotionSyndrome


You know its weird how the Trump hates try to spin and redefine EVERYTHING............TDS Trump Derangement Syndrome worked so well, that know the goofy Trump haters fell a need to try REDEFINE it? Really very very sad....No hun, it does not mean devotion. It means crazy Trump haters are Deranged.
Trumpians believe those who disagree with them are "redefining" things while they want us to redefine morality, civility, truth and respect. Those values were taught by my family and community, not a reality TV game show.


Fucking commie pedos.
Who partied with Epstein, had him over for drinks and dancing and hot young chicks? Where, in Palm Beach, Florida would host such shindigs? Who has a place large enough, lavish enough and oily enough for a real Epstein party?
Trump REFUSES to Condemn qAnon, Again...
Which ‘groups’ wreak more havoc on Americans?
Which are most dangerous, which cost Americans more?
White Nationalists
White Supremacists
The “Black Community”
La Raza
The “Latino Community”

Which group(s) deserve condemnation first?
Ask the FBI! They'll tell you that White Supremacists and other Right Wing groups have been the source of the majority of terrorist acts in the past five years.

I guess they think they're making America great again.

Nope, I’m asking you and blind, filthy dumbasses like many have been raped and murdered at the hands of “White Supremacists” and how many have been raped and murdered at the hands of BLM’ers in Baltimore, St Louis, Chicago and New York over the last 5 years?
Scary shit isn’t it?
Your programmers forbid you from treading in this territory don’t they?
And here we regretfully mark the death of expertise.

When the FBI the nation's premier law enforcement agency says White Supremacists are the leading source of terrorist acts in America, they mean what they say. Anecdotal evidence does not equal empirical evidence.

But you chose to believe otherwise. There can be only three reasons why. Either you're too cynical to function in society or you're too dense to understand the facts. Or you support the violence for political gain.

The violence is in Charleston. The violence is in El Paso. The violence is in Pittsburgh. The violence is in Charlottesville. And the violence is in Oklahoma City.
Fucking bubblecultists
World class ignorance.
That is not an argument.

You're someone who doesn't have an argument.

Haha...I’m telling you, the power of PC programming is astonishing...These weirdos have swallowed the pill that completely separates them from simple reason and reality...It’s actually quite fascinating. Ain’t that right Nosmo King ?
What will you do without Donald Trump in power? Your world outlook has been vexed by his dark, conspiratorial grievances so that nothing is to be believed if it has fact, science and integrity associated with it. Such things are the tools of the devil to seize power and drink the blood of children after ritual human sacrifice.
Hahaha...TDS is real.
Look, you ignorant twisted fuck, this has nothing to do with Donald Trump, it has everything to do with you being scared shitless to acknowledge those inconvenient racist statistics and facts.
Let’s try this again....
Which ‘groups’ wreak more havoc on Americans?
Which are most dangerous, which cost Americans more?
White Nationalists
White Supremacists
The “Black Community”
La Raza
The “Latino Community”

Which group(s) deserve condemnation first?
Any group that interferes with any part of the electoral process deserve condemnation.

My argument hangs on investigative and prosecutorial evidence.

Where did you get your numbers? Or are you assuming the worst?
Here we see the current POTUS just can't put down the radical, ludicrous and divisive conspiracy theories...

Who's he signaling to? Not regular Americans.

Regular Americans will reject this type of extremely divisive nonsense come November.

This rambling buffoon just can't help himself. Even to save himself.

You do realize that he, as most Americans don't have a clue what, or who Q-anon is, me included.
It's a website. Like Drudge.

Here we see the current POTUS just can't put down the radical, ludicrous and divisive conspiracy theories...

Who's he signaling to? Not regular Americans.

Regular Americans will reject this type of extremely divisive nonsense come November.

This rambling buffoon just can't help himself. Even to save himself.

You do realize that he, as most Americans don't have a clue what, or who Q-anon is, me included.
It's a website. Like Drudge.

Well they also have a message function like this board. They aren't democrats so they are at least decent people.
Here we see the current POTUS just can't put down the radical, ludicrous and divisive conspiracy theories...

Who's he signaling to? Not regular Americans.

Regular Americans will reject this type of extremely divisive nonsense come November.

This rambling buffoon just can't help himself. Even to save himself.

You do realize that he, as most Americans don't have a clue what, or who Q-anon is, me included.
Spoken like a good little Trumpian.

I don't know anything about them! Says the voracious consumer of cable news surrounded by KFC buckets and Kleenex.

And a moderator on a political message board claims no knowledge at all of Qanon. As if they have never been discussed here.
I can say with certainty that I don't know anything about it. This kind of crap doesn't interest me in the least
and I don't read up on it. I never said I never heard of it. And, that's only been over the last month. Sorry to disappoint you.
I'll leave the the KFC buckets and Kleenex for your fat ass, Nosmo
I'm not suggesting you're doing your Master thesis on Qanon. But don't deny explanations, for and against, of Qanon. The proliferation of Q swag, signs and bling hasn't escaped anyone's eye.
Here we see the current POTUS just can't put down the radical, ludicrous and divisive conspiracy theories...

Who's he signaling to? Not regular Americans.

Regular Americans will reject this type of extremely divisive nonsense come November.

This rambling buffoon just can't help himself. Even to save himself.

Why should he? How are they any different from the dumb fucks that believed Trump and the ROOSKIES stole the election from the Hildebeast that you boldly predicted would win? Nothing has been disproven as it pertains to human and child sex trafficking and how it is used to compromise people in places of power. Hell, this has been known since the Franklin Scandal that was revealed in the late 80's and early 90's and anyone that believes anything has changed is simply living in a fool's paradise.

BTW, I don't see QANON believers burning down city blocks of businesses or randomly attacking people with either the wrong skin tint or for wearing a MAGA hat...that would be those of the commie bent that lean to YOUR side. I have done a bit of researching your posting history and I have found that you bitch, moan, gripe and complain about posters being "partisan" when you are actually one of the biggest partisan ass-wipes on this forum. Your purse-swinging rhetoric and hyper whining rings rather "hollow" as it pertains to "partisanship" given your fool-fueled rants of futility. I doubt you have any converts to speak of.

Regardless of the outcome of this election of which the credibility is already in doubt? Nothing will change the fact that you are a hypocritical sack of shit and an overall "snowflake".....just thought it was time to expose you for what you are.....

Hope this helps!!!

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It’s awesome they keep bringing Qanon up, it gives them a spotlight and normies can google them.

Then they might ask, “why are Dems so against busting child sex traffickers?”
I sure hope they Goggle.

They may come to discover that it is our current POTUS that was bossom buddies w/that pedo Epstein for decades...



Trump was sued for raping a 13 year old while at an Epstein party and he is supposed to be finding pedos????? Now that Is funny.

Do you have any credible sources to validate this claim about Trump being sued for raping a 13 year old at an Epstein party? You sure it’s not someone from your side that was sued at the Epstein party?
I'm not suggesting you're doing your Master thesis on Qanon. But don't deny explanations, for and against, of Qanon. The proliferation of Q swag, signs and bling hasn't escaped anyone's eye.

Since QAnon caught the democrats red handed in the pedophile ring - maybe it's the victims families who are funding Q? Yes, Q caught Jeff and Bill and Bill - but a LOT more victims are out there.


Stop democrats


Additionally, in December 2018, President Trump signed the Abolish Human Trafficking Act, which strengthens programs supporting survivors and resources for combating modern slavery, according to the White House.

In January, the President signed the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act which tightens criteria for whether countries are meeting standards for eliminating trafficking.

Trump also signed the Frederick Douglass Trafficking Victims Prevention and Protection Reauthorization Act, authorizing $430 million to fight sex and labor trafficking, as well as the Trafficking Victims Protection Act, which establishes “new prevention, prosecution, and collaboration initiative to bring human traffickers to justice.”


This is the NUMBER ONE reason democrats so deeply hate Donald Trump - he is deeply damaging the human trafficking they are engaged in. The pedo party are losing badly on this front.

Source: The Number of Human Traffickers Arrested Since Donald Trump Has Taken Office Has Skyrocketed
TDS drama again..........look at Trump........HE'S A BAD MAN

Not 'he is a bad man'.

He is an amoral asshole. Or he is a stupid man. Or he is a con man.

And he has stupid people willing to be conned voting for him.
Facts are that Trump has been the BEST president in my life time who has accomplished the most good for the nation ---------both Foreign and domestic and the libs and foreign troll hate him for it.
What precisely has Trump done that benefits you? Because I'm stumped to think of anything he has done for me.
1) Lowered Taxes
2) Building the wall and instituted policies to keep illegals out---which in turn lowers welfare payments, lowers crime, and lowers disease spread
3) brought back jobs------his policy of lower taxes and less regulation had brought back jobs
4) since the pandemic, has brought back medical manufacturing making less reliant on china and its corruption
5) hasn't gotten us into any new wars especially in the ME that does nothing to help the Us, has instead been bringing back troops
6) Speaking of troops, he has also untied their hands in rules of engagement which has allowed them to kill terrorists which has beat back the terrorists including ISIS
7) He has been standing up to china for years--which should have been done much sooner by our previous administrations
8)Making Nato finally pay for more of their own self defense---why is america subsiding them?
9) Notice how quiet the Un has gotten-----------------finally pushing these corrupt globalists back
10) Saving my family thousands in taxes each year
11) Finally a president that has done something with the Israeli nightmare
12) got rid of the obama health scam penalty mandate which stopped the rise of health care insurance costs
13) GOT THE FDA off their azzes to approve more generic drugs which forced the big pharma to stop jacking up their medicine costs --yes Trumps involvement is saving many americans hundreds if not thousands $$$ on medicine already
14) got us out of the Iran scam-------
15) And so much more------
Trump was sued for raping a 13 year old while at an Epstein party and he is supposed to be finding pedos????? Now that Is funny.

The woman spent her life suing rich people. The idiocy against the Trump was the 17th lawsuit she had filed against various defendants in 12 months. Gloria Allred, perhaps the sleaziest slip and fall ambulance chaser in history advised the woman to drop her false claim when Trump countersued for defamation.

Too bad he does't sue you lying sack of shit vermin for defamation...


The anonymous California woman who accused Donald Trump in a federal lawsuit of raping her in the ’90s when she was 13 has voluntarily dismissed her lawsuit, her attorney said late Friday.
Lisa Bloom, the daughter of renowned women’s rights lawyer Gloria Allred who was working on the plaintiff’s counsel, posted messages to her social media accounts announcing the news. In them, she sends support to the anonymous woman, who was identified in the suit as “Jane Doe.”


But keep lying scumbag, it's ALL you are good for.
Apparently the Media has it wrong again and Trump is right again

The media calls #Q a cult group that believes in Satanic Sex rings, vampires and inter dimensional beings. I searched #QAnons posts and found Zero mention of any of those things. ZERO. The media lies to hurt
Any group that interferes with any part of the electoral process deserve condemnation.

My argument hangs on investigative and prosecutorial evidence.

Where did you get your numbers? Or are you assuming the worst?

It's Sunday, October 18, and Joe Biden STILL REFUSES to condemn the NAMBLA child molesters.
Has Trump condemned NAMBLA?
Apparently the Media has it wrong again and Trump is right again

The media calls #Q a cult group that believes in Satanic Sex rings, vampires and inter dimensional beings. I searched #QAnons posts and found Zero mention of any of those things. ZERO. The media lies to hurt

Remember, Peter Jennings, Wolf Blitzer, Charlie Rose, Mike Wallace were all "clients" of Epstein. When QAnon exposed Epstein, they exposed the media.

Oh, and pedophile island DID have a satanic temple. I'm an agnostic, but democrats, Hollywood, and the media are some SICK motherfuckers.

Has Trump condemned NAMBLA?

Yes. Not only condemned it, he keeps putting those democrats in JAIL.


The 24 suspects were charged with attempted unlawful sexual conduct with a minor and importuning, Columbus’ WBNS-TV reported.

The total group of 104 suspects included Christian Gibson, 26, a former youth director at Redeemer's at Courtright Church in Columbus, and Austin Kosier, 31, an emergency room doctor, authorities said, adding that the sting was focused on Franklin, Fairfield and Delaware counties.

Christian Gibson, 26, a former church youth director, and Austin Kosier, 31, a medical doctor were both charged with attempted unlawful sexual conduct with a minor and importuning, authorities say.

Tucker said he oversaw the investigation carried out by the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force. Officers would pose as underage boys or girls online and communicated with the men in Internet chats.

Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost said the four-part simultaneous operation involved more than 30 law enforcement agencies. The probe also focused on nailing those who went beyond preying on children to have sex with them and also sought to sell vulnerable individuals into human trafficking.

Among those arrested, 36 men were charged with trying to buy sex and one man was arrested for promoting prostitution. Forty-three women were arrested for selling sex — they were connected with social services aimed at rehabilitating human trafficking victims, WBNS-TV reported.


But you say;


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