Trump REFUSES to Condemn qAnon, Again...

No. No TDS rant. Um, if you read the article they are clearly listed.
You, my friend, certainly DO NOT suffer from TDS...


Not one thing about these morons is true!

Spreading lies, conspiracy theories and unfounded rumors serves what noble purpose?

It only serves to smear, divide, misinform, trick and destroy innocent lives.

So, I guess now I understand why Rrump and his idiot minions go along with Qanon. Because being stupid is what they do best, other than demolition derbies and monster truck shows.
Hey, I like the monster truck shows too.

Was planning on going to one next year, but we'll see what Covid has to say about the situation.
Just pathetic. The white supremacy shit blew up in the Dims faces and now it’s QAnon who MUST be denounced. When will these idiots demand Biden denounce the KKK or BLM? The desperation pushing more voters to Trump as they witness Dim idiocy on full display.
Here we see the current POTUS just can't put down the radical, ludicrous and divisive conspiracy theories...

Who's he signaling to? Not regular Americans.

Regular Americans will reject this type of extremely divisive nonsense come November.

This rambling buffoon just can't help himself. Even to save himself.

Seriously? Cities are literally burning down. Over a billion dollars in damage. Peoples lively hoods destroyed by kids throwing temper tantrums. Functional guillotines are being paraded in suburbs. Some 900 police have been put in the hospital. Store owners knocked out and even murdered. And you’re more concerned over the fact that trump didn’t condemn conspiracy theorists, and not at all worried about Biden not condemning the group that literally took over 6 cities blocks by handing ARs to minors who have ZERO gun training?
Here we see the current POTUS just can't put down the radical, ludicrous and divisive conspiracy theories...

Who's he signaling to? Not regular Americans.

Regular Americans will reject this type of extremely divisive nonsense come November.

This rambling buffoon just can't help himself. Even to save himself.

This obsession that some have with this tiny, insignificant little group of fringe thinking people is the only thing worthy of interest. Why should Trump, or anybody else, bother? His only response should be "who?" when asked about them.
Seriously? Cities are literally burning down. Over a billion dollars in damage. Peoples lively hoods destroyed by kids throwing temper tantrums. Functional guillotines are being paraded in suburbs. Some 900 police have been put in the hospital. Store owners knocked out and even murdered. And you’re more concerned over the fact that trump didn’t condemn conspiracy theorists, and not at all worried about Biden not condemning the group that literally took over 6 cities blocks by handing ARs to minors who have ZERO gun training?
Perhaps you can provide a list of all the cities that have been burned to ground?

And/or a list of all those beheaded innocent American citizens?

How about a list of all those murdered in the ANTIFA dystopia you just described.

I'm looking forward to your response, but I won't be holding my breath.

Do you ever get tired of getting your racist ass handed to you?

Listen turd,

I created threads about this very thing, during that time, and no one provided any evidence that there was voter intimidation.

No one did then, and no one has now.


Your refusal to accept reality doesn't change reality, Halfwit.
Here we see the current POTUS just can't put down the radical, ludicrous and divisive conspiracy theories...

Who's he signaling to? Not regular Americans.

Regular Americans will reject this type of extremely divisive nonsense come November.

This rambling buffoon just can't help himself. Even to save himself.

Seriously? Cities are literally burning down. Over a billion dollars in damage. Peoples lively hoods destroyed by kids throwing temper tantrums. Functional guillotines are being paraded in suburbs. Some 900 police have been put in the hospital. Store owners knocked out and even murdered. And you’re more concerned over the fact that trump didn’t condemn conspiracy theorists, and not at all worried about Biden not condemning the group that literally took over 6 cities blocks by handing ARs to minors who have ZERO gun training?
MarcATL claims white supremacists did all that.................


Here we see the current POTUS just can't put down the radical, ludicrous and divisive conspiracy theories...

Who's he signaling to? Not regular Americans.

Regular Americans will reject this type of extremely divisive nonsense come November.

This rambling buffoon just can't help himself. Even to save himself.


You guys are getting more ludicrous by the day.
Trump REFUSES to Condemn qAnon, Again...

NOW THE TRUTH: Trump said he didn't know much about it. Same with me. I keep hearing about it but don't remember or know much. What little I recall, it sounded like another one of the Left's crazy conspiracy theories. Probably invented to try to minimize Trump's popularity as a "cult."

So in Marc's sagging, infarcated mind, Trump's inability to DENOUNCE a staged, set-up question from the NBC moderator who wasn't supposed to be asking him any questions in the first place, amounts to Trump's APPROVAL of the topic.
The sheer amount of stuff you have no clue on is astounding.

Spin away, you racist hack.
I remember that, there were multiple threads about it at the time.

I recall posting that that was a lone gunman upset about the recent cop killings of unarmed black men. He had had enough.

He wasn't at a protest, nor was he a member of any #BlackLivesMatter organization.

I know that's not the narrative you're trying to push, but sorry for you.
NOW THE TRUTH: Trump said he didn't know much about it. Same with me. I keep hearing about it but don't remember or know much. What little I recall, it sounded like another one of the Left's crazy conspiracy theories. Probably invented to try to minimize Trump's popularity as a "cult."

So in Marc's sagging, infarcated mind, Trump's inability to DENOUNCE a staged, set-up question from the NBC moderator who wasn't supposed to be asking him any questions in the first place, amounts to Trump's APPROVAL of the topic.
This is TERRIBLE spin dude. Stop.

This is TERRIBLE spin dude. Stop.

I said the truth that Trump said he really hadn't had much chance to even know much about it to even comment.

YOU LIED and said Trump refused to condemn it. The only spin here is YOU, Little Shitheel.

Isn't Qanon an idea, a concept? If we can condemn that then Biden ought to be able to condemn Antifa who I see running around in the streets beating up old ladies.
Here we see the current POTUS just can't put down the radical, ludicrous and divisive conspiracy theories...

Who's he signaling to? Not regular Americans.

Regular Americans will reject this type of extremely divisive nonsense come November.

This rambling buffoon just can't help himself. Even to save himself.

Lie all you want, Trump will be elected. No one listens to you.
When is Biden going to stop excusing for Antifa and kneeling for BLM?
Here we see the current POTUS just can't put down the radical, ludicrous and divisive conspiracy theories...

Who's he signaling to? Not regular Americans.

Regular Americans will reject this type of extremely divisive nonsense come November.

This rambling buffoon just can't help himself. Even to save himself.

This obsession that some have with this tiny, insignificant little group of fringe thinking people is the only thing worthy of interest. Why should Trump, or anybody else, bother? His only response should be "who?" when asked about them.
QAnon and a dozen other variations are growing rapidly. It is not tiny nor insignificant. What is wrong with them is that just like all conspiracy theories they promote both irrational thought and behavior. Typically people that are attracted to them are socially isolated and distrustful and conspiracy theories tend to make them more so. Ideas become more important than facts that support them.
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