Trump Releases List of 11 Potential Nominees to U.S. Supreme Court

the court has always been more liberal than not. and its always the embarrassing decisions like plessy and dred scott that belong to the right. if it were up to loons like you, there would still be segregation


What a fucking retard.

You may be a partisan hack, but you know literally nothing about the law.

You REALLY should find the local night school and take a fundamentals of law class.


as to "flaming liberals".... you think anyone to the right of atilla the hun is a flaming liberal"....and aren't in any position for rational judgment.

Oh the irony.

Mindless fucking hack.
Brilliant move by Trump. Number one he just eased the minds of conservatives who are on the fence. Number two, he just reminded everyone the race is about the SCOTUS. Number three, Obama's pick just got relegated to the bench. Number four, while Hillary is in a fight with Bernie and Democrats are throwing chairs, Trump makes a Presidential decision.


Plus he (his team) put forth jurists with sterling records and strong support of the Constitution. A perfect way to remind America of the democrats war on the Bill of Rights and the intent to put another radical leftist on the bench to end civil rights. Kagan and the drooling retard Sotomayor along with Ginsburg form an openly Marxist bloc with contempt for the United States Constitution. One more Kagan type and they will have the power to declare the BoR unconstitutional.
Libertarian at CATO....thinks the judges are great...

Trump is Receiving Praise From This Important Libertarian Think Tank

Donald Trump's list of potential Supreme Court nominees has already received praise from Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley and now, the libertarian CATO Institute is piling on.

"I’m not intimately familiar with all 11 judges and I don’t expect to agree with all of them on everything, but those whose jurisprudence I know well are excellent and the others have sterling reputations. These are not squishes or lightweights," Senior Constitutional Studies Fellow and Editor-in-Chief of the Cato Supreme Court Review Ilya Shapiro wrote in a blog post titled, "Donald Trump’s Terrific List of Fabulous Judges."
I'd love it if someone would ask him to discuss any one of those people in detail.

Here. I'll just write out for you what he is able to say:

"They're people. They're really good people. They have a really good record. It's the best record around. It's so good that MILLIONS of people will love them, just like they love me. I've built the most successful business EVER. These judges will have so many words. They'll have the best words!"

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