Trump Remaking State Dept to Reflect ‘America First,’ “DoS Officials Nervous”


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Here we have an example of the reason that the establishment is trying so hard to destroy Trump. He is t actually trying to drain the swamp and destroy their petty little fiefdoms and make the government actually serve the people. That makes him their deadly enemy. They will stop at nothing to prevent this.

Trump Remaking State Dept to Reflect "America First," "DoS Officials Nervous" - Geller Report

We need patriots and freedom lovers in state craft, not Muslim Brotherood lackeys. The State Department is has long been compromised – State Department careerists work for the countries they are assigned to, not to America and that’s the problem. The State Department is the problem.

The left-leaning Hill are quaking in their jackboots declaring:

President Trump is seeking to radically remodel the State Department in an unprecedented way, according to former officials from administrations of both political parties.

The administration’s efforts, which include a proposed budget cut of nearly 30 percent, a hiring freeze and a potential reshuffling of offices within the State Department, have left scores of positions unfilled, demoralizing the staff that remain.

Past GOP presidents have also sought to cut the State Department down to size, and even current employees have acknowledged bureaucratic problems at Foggy Bottom.

But some former officials describe Trump’s efforts as something unseen before — a war of sorts on the State Department that if carried out would leave it hobbling.


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