Trump remembers Colin Powell with “malevolent, spiteful, narcissistic statement”.

I agree with Bolton when he said on the CBC the best thing to do with Trump is to ignore him because when you give the man the attention he craves then you get asinine topics like this…
For some reason, a persons death is a time Trump thinks he needs to air grievances and whine about how badly he is treated by the press
Trump can stir the shit like a Prog. Just change the names to people they do not like on most of the TV stations with the Prog shill media/entertainers and it is the same.
I guess it’s asking to much from trump to show the man some respect.
You mean the same respect that Powell showed Trump? There's way too much water under the bridge to start demanding respect, now. The anti-Trumpers and Libtards burnt that bridge years ago.
You mean the same respect that Powell showed Trump? There's way too much water under the bridge to start demanding respect, now. The anti-Trumpers and Libtards burnt that bridge years ago.
Anyone who dies deserves respect. Even Trump.

Well thats not like Donald to behave like that. I wonder what happened to his legendary generosity of spirit.
Hahaha, I know a cross dresser like you was screaming about “Boooooosh” back in the early 2000’s being a “war criminal”. This is the guy that put him up to it. Presidents are just told what to do by the Deep State, and this guy was the Deep State.

Now here you are being his White Knight because “Druuuuumphf” called him out for the RINO Globo-homo he was.
Powell was capable of doing something Trump has never been able to............that is to say "I was wrong".
Well President Trump didn’t start any wars so he has nothing to apologize for.
Well he might apologize for leaving the hard work to Biden.
He left an easy plan for Biden to follow. Biden didn’t follow it. Instead he abandoned Bagram Airbase without even telling the Afghans. Then did the biggest fuck up retreat ever, and let a suicide bomber take out 13 Marines.
He left an easy plan for Biden to follow. Biden didn’t follow it. Instead he abandoned Bagram Airbase without even telling the Afghans. Then did the biggest fuck up retreat ever, and let a suicide bomber take out 13 Marines.

He did?

Did he go over it during the Presidential transition?
Did Trump say anything inaccurate? Or, are you just pissed because he said something? Orang man
‘Roughly 24 hours after the death of Colin Powell, Donald Trump proved, again, that he is utterly incapable of empathy, grace or even common decency.

"Wonderful to see Colin Powell, who made big mistakes on Iraq and famously, so-called weapons of mass destruction, be treated in death so beautifully by the Fake News Media," Trump said in a statement released Tuesday morning. "Hope that happens to me someday. He was a classic RINO, if even that, always being the first to attack other Republicans. He made plenty of mistakes, but anyway, may he rest in peace!"

"But anyway, may he rest in peace!" Yes, Trump really said that.’

Given this and more, there are those on the reprehensible right who would still vote for Trump.
He did?

Did he go over it during the Presidential transition?
Yes, Biden chose to ignore President Trump’s plan to leave by May. Instead he dragged it out to September. So it was his plan, not President Trump’s.
‘Roughly 24 hours after the death of Colin Powell, Donald Trump proved, again, that he is utterly incapable of empathy, grace or even common decency.

"Wonderful to see Colin Powell, who made big mistakes on Iraq and famously, so-called weapons of mass destruction, be treated in death so beautifully by the Fake News Media," Trump said in a statement released Tuesday morning. "Hope that happens to me someday. He was a classic RINO, if even that, always being the first to attack other Republicans. He made plenty of mistakes, but anyway, may he rest in peace!"

"But anyway, may he rest in peace!" Yes, Trump really said that.’

Given this and more, there are those on the reprehensible right who would still vote for Trump.

Powel betrayed us. He fucking endorsed OBAMA. Calling him a rhino is completely called for.
Funny to see all the hypocrisy in all these Trump haters. You fuckers have the shortest memories of anyone on the planet.
These new Democrats are the GOAT in mudslinging, slander, defamation, smearing, discrediting, defiling, and any kind of dirty politics you can think of and you have the gall to complain that someone else is uncouth.

Do you think we are blind?

Trump says what millions of people think. I promise you that Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, and George Bush all had different opinions on Powell than what their public statements projected. Those public statements are almost always made up lies to keep narratives in check so those people can profit from their public offices.

Trump is just honest to a detriment.
Conservatives are cowards who resort to red herring fallacies in a failed effort to deflect from facts and the truth.

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