Trump Reportedly Called Germans 'Very Bad,' Vowed To Stop U.S.-German Car Sales


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011

During a meeting with top leaders of the European Union, President Donald Trump said “the Germans are bad, very bad,” according to participants in the room who spoke to German newspaper Der Spiegel.

Trump’s specific criticism was that Germany’s auto industry exported cars. “See the millions of cars they are selling in the U.S. Terrible,” Der Spiegel reports he said. “We will stop this.”

In January, Trump threatened to slap a 35 percent tax on German auto imports. “If you want to build cars in the world, then I wish you all the best. You can build cars for the United States, but for every car that comes to the USA, you will pay 35 percent tax,” he said. “I would tell BMW that if you are building a factory in Mexico and plan to sell cars to the USA, without a 35 percent tax, then you can forget that.”

Trump’s new comments impugning the Germans for exporting cars were made in a meeting with the European Commission president, Jean-Claude Juncker, and the European Council president, Donald Tusk. Juncker, Der Spiegel reports, supported the Germans.

Another German newspaper, Süddeutsche Zeitung, reported that E.U. representatives felt their U.S. counterparts did not understand that the E.U. negotiates trade agreements as a single entity, rather than on a country-to-country basis. That is, the U.S. can negotiate trade deals with the E.U. as a whole, but not individually with the separate members of the E.U.

Der Spiegel reported that Gary Cohn, the director of Trump’s National Economic Council, appeared to believe that the U.S. could negotiate different trade deals with Germany and Belgium.

This is not the first time this basic misunderstanding has cropped up. When German Chancellor Angela Merkel visited the White House in March, she had to explain how E.U. trade deals were negotiated almost a dozen times, a senior German official told the Times of London.

“Ten times Trump asked [Merkel] if he could negotiate a trade deal with Germany. Every time she replied, ‘You can’t do a trade deal with Germany, only the EU,’” the official said. “On the eleventh refusal, Trump finally got the message, ‘Oh, we’ll do a deal with Europe then.’”

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment Thursday.

More: Trump Reportedly Called Germans 'Very Bad,' Vowed To Stop U.S.-German Car Sales

The man-child is an embarrassing idiot. I hope foreigners don't think all Americans are that stupid.
Another example of how Trump has no clue. The man is a disgrace to America.
GOOD FOR TRUMP, you sniveling minority crybaby! I hate Germans just as much as they hate Americans - while fellating so much muslim dick, they give them carte-blanche to rape their own women. In my decade of international hosteling, I've dealt with a gazillion of these arrogant, phony, hypocritical FILTH of my race. They are cheap muslim whores who can't behave in a civilized manner when Americans are around. I detest GERMAN FILTH SO MUCH, we nuked the wrong country in WWII. Utterly loathsome, cold-blooded, treacherous rape-enablers in so many ways, there are few creatures that sicken me more than German swine.
GOOD FOR TRUMP, you sniveling minority crybaby! I hate Germans just as much as they hate Americans - while fellating so much muslim dick, they give them carte-blanche to rape their own women. In my decade of international hosteling, I've dealt with a gazillion of these arrogant, phony, hypocritical FILTH of my race. They are cheap muslim whores who can't behave in a civilized manner when Americans are around. I detest GERMAN FILTH SO MUCH, we nuked the wrong country in WWII. Utterly loathsome, cold-blooded, treacherous rape-enablers in so many ways, there are few creatures that sicken me more than German swine.

Gee, that sounds "Unforgiven"...
Ah Oh! Another Trump scandal! One for every hour of the clock!

Trump! The fly in the ointment of comfortable global elitist oligarchies everywhere!

Trump. The unrepentant nationalist capitalist!

Ahhh. It feels good to be American again.
Furthermore, German insects (who crawled out of a Freudian nightmare somewhere) have been parasiting off our military protection (including OUR tax dollars) for 70 years. While utterly condemning America's very existence --- does that not make these krauts the ultimate arrogant, ingrate punks??


(VVVFNN) Donald Trump has now physically assaulted a man! He bitch slapped him in front of thousands in a sports arena. This is real and very, very, VERY damaging for Donald Trump and will lead to his Impeachment. This requires a super special prosecutor and the full resources of the National Defense Apparatus. No stone will be left un-turned, no feathers will be left un-ruffled, and no drawers will be left un-rifled! This ANIMAL must be stopped at any cost. This secret and damning video was provided by unnamed, but extremely reliable, anonymous sources deep in the bowels of the Trump White House. The Very Very VERY Fake News Network (VVVFNN) is dedicated to reporting anything that could damage Donald Trump without regard for truth or accuracy. It is our mission and our duty to do whatever is necessary to get clicks and views to our pathetic and dying business while harming the Presidency of Donald J Trump. If we can help terrorists, that is just a bonus! Please support the Very Very VERY Fake News Network by watching or reading: MSNBC, CNN, Wash Post, NY Times, LA Times. NBC, CBS, ABC, and various other VFN affiliates. Or send us money! EBT accepted!
Meh....LWNJ's always celebrate too early.

Draining the swamp is like knocking over a coke machine....You can't do it one push, you've got to rock it back and forth a few times, and then it goes over. :rofl:

Bookmark this: the wall will be built. Obamacare will collapse, Trade deals will be renegotiated, and the tax cuts will happen too.
Trump and Congress doesn't have to do a thing for Obamacare to collapse. But when it does, and it will, how much howling will we hear from the left because the conservatives didn't fix their POS legislation?

GOOD FOR TRUMP, you sniveling minority crybaby! I hate Germans just as much as they hate Americans - while fellating so much muslim dick, they give them carte-blanche to rape their own women. In my decade of international hosteling, I've dealt with a gazillion of these arrogant, phony, hypocritical FILTH of my race. They are cheap muslim whores who can't behave in a civilized manner when Americans are around. I detest GERMAN FILTH SO MUCH, we nuked the wrong country in WWII. Utterly loathsome, cold-blooded, treacherous rape-enablers in so many ways, there are few creatures that sicken me more than German swine.

You are a disgusting bigot. How a post like this and you are allowed to post something like this is beyond me. Trump would fit in perfectly in Nazi Germany.
The Donald should make amends for the battle of the billionaire series and appoint Mr. McMahon to a key position in the administration!

Another example of how Trump has no clue. The man is a disgrace to America.

I don't know, VW was doing some incredibly illegal things. That seems pretty bad to me. Maybe you don't mind corporate scumbags violating the environmental laws of the land.
Another example of how Trump has no clue. The man is a disgrace to America.

I don't know, VW was doing some incredibly illegal things. That seems pretty bad to me. Maybe you don't mind corporate scumbags violating the environmental laws of the land.
That is a legal matter and properly handled by the courts. Trump knows about how courts stop people doing bad things.
Another example of how Trump has no clue. The man is a disgrace to America.

I don't know, VW was doing some incredibly illegal things. That seems pretty bad to me. Maybe you don't mind corporate scumbags violating the environmental laws of the land.
That is a legal matter and properly handled by the courts. Trump knows about how courts stop people doing bad things.

He said the "Germans are bad", and here I presented evidence where they were very bad indeed. I don't see an issue. It appears his comment was entirely factual.
Another example of how Trump has no clue. The man is a disgrace to America.

I don't know, VW was doing some incredibly illegal things. That seems pretty bad to me. Maybe you don't mind corporate scumbags violating the environmental laws of the land.
That is a legal matter and properly handled by the courts. Trump knows about how courts stop people doing bad things.

He said the "Germans are bad", and here I presented evidence where they were very bad indeed. I don't see an issue. It appears his comment was entirely factual.
Trump uses the word "Bad" a lot in his tweets. He has no concept of the responsibilities of a U.S. President among which is to be diplomatic toward allies. But what can be expected from a man who badmouths his predecessor and political opponents, both Republican and Democrat.

During a meeting with top leaders of the European Union, President Donald Trump said “the Germans are bad, very bad,” according to participants in the room who spoke to German newspaper Der Spiegel.

Trump’s specific criticism was that Germany’s auto industry exported cars. “See the millions of cars they are selling in the U.S. Terrible,” Der Spiegel reports he said. “We will stop this.”

In January, Trump threatened to slap a 35 percent tax on German auto imports. “If you want to build cars in the world, then I wish you all the best. You can build cars for the United States, but for every car that comes to the USA, you will pay 35 percent tax,” he said. “I would tell BMW that if you are building a factory in Mexico and plan to sell cars to the USA, without a 35 percent tax, then you can forget that.”

Trump’s new comments impugning the Germans for exporting cars were made in a meeting with the European Commission president, Jean-Claude Juncker, and the European Council president, Donald Tusk. Juncker, Der Spiegel reports, supported the Germans.

Another German newspaper, Süddeutsche Zeitung, reported that E.U. representatives felt their U.S. counterparts did not understand that the E.U. negotiates trade agreements as a single entity, rather than on a country-to-country basis. That is, the U.S. can negotiate trade deals with the E.U. as a whole, but not individually with the separate members of the E.U.

Der Spiegel reported that Gary Cohn, the director of Trump’s National Economic Council, appeared to believe that the U.S. could negotiate different trade deals with Germany and Belgium.

This is not the first time this basic misunderstanding has cropped up. When German Chancellor Angela Merkel visited the White House in March, she had to explain how E.U. trade deals were negotiated almost a dozen times, a senior German official told the Times of London.

“Ten times Trump asked [Merkel] if he could negotiate a trade deal with Germany. Every time she replied, ‘You can’t do a trade deal with Germany, only the EU,’” the official said. “On the eleventh refusal, Trump finally got the message, ‘Oh, we’ll do a deal with Europe then.’”

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment Thursday.

More: Trump Reportedly Called Germans 'Very Bad,' Vowed To Stop U.S.-German Car Sales

The man-child is an embarrassing idiot. I hope foreigners don't think all Americans are that stupid.

I guess Der Spiegel doesn't understand the US can impose taxes on whatever it wants when it arrives in the states. We don't have to "negotiate" with the EU on it, it is internal tax law. So if we want to tax German cars, we can, while not taxing others such as Italian cars.

It appears they think we are so stupid we can't tell the difference between EU countries.

During a meeting with top leaders of the European Union, President Donald Trump said “the Germans are bad, very bad,” according to participants in the room who spoke to German newspaper Der Spiegel.

Trump’s specific criticism was that Germany’s auto industry exported cars. “See the millions of cars they are selling in the U.S. Terrible,” Der Spiegel reports he said. “We will stop this.”

In January, Trump threatened to slap a 35 percent tax on German auto imports. “If you want to build cars in the world, then I wish you all the best. You can build cars for the United States, but for every car that comes to the USA, you will pay 35 percent tax,” he said. “I would tell BMW that if you are building a factory in Mexico and plan to sell cars to the USA, without a 35 percent tax, then you can forget that.”

Trump’s new comments impugning the Germans for exporting cars were made in a meeting with the European Commission president, Jean-Claude Juncker, and the European Council president, Donald Tusk. Juncker, Der Spiegel reports, supported the Germans.

Another German newspaper, Süddeutsche Zeitung, reported that E.U. representatives felt their U.S. counterparts did not understand that the E.U. negotiates trade agreements as a single entity, rather than on a country-to-country basis. That is, the U.S. can negotiate trade deals with the E.U. as a whole, but not individually with the separate members of the E.U.

Der Spiegel reported that Gary Cohn, the director of Trump’s National Economic Council, appeared to believe that the U.S. could negotiate different trade deals with Germany and Belgium.

This is not the first time this basic misunderstanding has cropped up. When German Chancellor Angela Merkel visited the White House in March, she had to explain how E.U. trade deals were negotiated almost a dozen times, a senior German official told the Times of London.

“Ten times Trump asked [Merkel] if he could negotiate a trade deal with Germany. Every time she replied, ‘You can’t do a trade deal with Germany, only the EU,’” the official said. “On the eleventh refusal, Trump finally got the message, ‘Oh, we’ll do a deal with Europe then.’”

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment Thursday.

More: Trump Reportedly Called Germans 'Very Bad,' Vowed To Stop U.S.-German Car Sales

The man-child is an embarrassing idiot. I hope foreigners don't think all Americans are that stupid.

I guess Der Spiegel doesn't understand the US can impose taxes on whatever it wants when it arrives in the states. We don't have to "negotiate" with the EU on it, it is internal tax law. So if we want to tax German cars, we can, while not taxing others such as Italian cars.

It appears they think we are so stupid we can't tell the difference between EU countries.
When Trump begins taxing cars from the European Union, then there will be retaliation regardless of which EU country produced the cars. Above all, a trade war with America's closest allies would be shocking.

During a meeting with top leaders of the European Union, President Donald Trump said “the Germans are bad, very bad,” according to participants in the room who spoke to German newspaper Der Spiegel.

Trump’s specific criticism was that Germany’s auto industry exported cars. “See the millions of cars they are selling in the U.S. Terrible,” Der Spiegel reports he said. “We will stop this.”

In January, Trump threatened to slap a 35 percent tax on German auto imports. “If you want to build cars in the world, then I wish you all the best. You can build cars for the United States, but for every car that comes to the USA, you will pay 35 percent tax,” he said. “I would tell BMW that if you are building a factory in Mexico and plan to sell cars to the USA, without a 35 percent tax, then you can forget that.”

Trump’s new comments impugning the Germans for exporting cars were made in a meeting with the European Commission president, Jean-Claude Juncker, and the European Council president, Donald Tusk. Juncker, Der Spiegel reports, supported the Germans.

Another German newspaper, Süddeutsche Zeitung, reported that E.U. representatives felt their U.S. counterparts did not understand that the E.U. negotiates trade agreements as a single entity, rather than on a country-to-country basis. That is, the U.S. can negotiate trade deals with the E.U. as a whole, but not individually with the separate members of the E.U.

Der Spiegel reported that Gary Cohn, the director of Trump’s National Economic Council, appeared to believe that the U.S. could negotiate different trade deals with Germany and Belgium.

This is not the first time this basic misunderstanding has cropped up. When German Chancellor Angela Merkel visited the White House in March, she had to explain how E.U. trade deals were negotiated almost a dozen times, a senior German official told the Times of London.

“Ten times Trump asked [Merkel] if he could negotiate a trade deal with Germany. Every time she replied, ‘You can’t do a trade deal with Germany, only the EU,’” the official said. “On the eleventh refusal, Trump finally got the message, ‘Oh, we’ll do a deal with Europe then.’”

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment Thursday.

More: Trump Reportedly Called Germans 'Very Bad,' Vowed To Stop U.S.-German Car Sales

The man-child is an embarrassing idiot. I hope foreigners don't think all Americans are that stupid.

Wow, how to treat your allies.....

Hey, you need to pay more for the military, and we're going to reduce the amount of money you get from auto sales....

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