Trump represents midwest values to many people

Trump represents midwest values to many people.
The election correctly pointed out many in the USA do not understand the midwest; what they need and their values. These are people living on the coasts and big cities. Those who have not been to the midwest.

Based on the overwhelming support by the Midwest for Trump they feel Trump is the personification of midwest values.
tax evasion?
Pussy grabbing?

Didn't know it was that messed up.
Adultery??--it's called a open marriage ...nothing wrong with that

Two ex-wives cited public adultery in their divorce petitions. Dumb Donald’s entire life as a showman huckster is on video. Every lie he’s ever told.

The Clintons aren't wealthy by any stretch, and most of their wealth comes from their real estate investments after leaving office, part of which was purchased by donors after they left office. They certainly didn’t leave office with pots full of money like Cheney and Rumsfeld.

Trump is said to have earned $15 million worldwide as US President as governments use his properties for lavish events in an effort to curry favour.

Your President is being held to account by your free press and the Judicial Branch leadership, which he appointed and which the Senate voted to confirm. There are three branches of the government. One of them is trying to destroy two of the other pillars while destroying alliances and trade deals, and making millions.

Frankly, anyone who still lives in a back ass ward Nation under a Monarchy simply isn't worth listening to.
For the 10 millionth time, the vast majority of Trump voters who actually wanted to vote for Trump did so because he doesn't subscribe to political correctness and he doesn't come from the toxic political culture. They voted for the idea of him just as much, if not moreso, than actually him. It only helped that Hillary was/is the perfect personification of an out-of-touch, elitist, corrupt career politician.
Trump represents midwest values to many people.
The election correctly pointed out many in the USA do not understand the midwest; what they need and their values. These are people living on the coasts and big cities. Those who have not been to the midwest.

Based on the overwhelming support by the Midwest for Trump they feel Trump is the personification of midwest values.

Saw a map this morning of each state gdp growth since Trump took office and right through the middle of the country and a few other midwest states have the lowest growth in the country. Every state that overwhelmingly to elect Trump. People cannot be very happy with him at this point of his presidency in these states.
Trump represents midwest values to many people.
The election correctly pointed out many in the USA do not understand the midwest; what they need and their values. These are people living on the coasts and big cities. Those who have not been to the midwest.

Based on the overwhelming support by the Midwest for Trump they feel Trump is the personification of midwest values.
tax evasion?
Pussy grabbing?

Didn't know it was that messed up.
Adultery??--it's called a open marriage ...nothing wrong with that

Two ex-wives cited public adultery in their divorce petitions. Dumb Donald’s entire life as a showman huckster is on video. Every lie he’s ever told.

The Clintons aren't wealthy by any stretch, and most of their wealth comes from their real estate investments after leaving office, part of which was purchased by donors after they left office. They certainly didn’t leave office with pots full of money like Cheney and Rumsfeld.

Trump is said to have earned $15 million worldwide as US President as governments use his properties for lavish events in an effort to curry favour.

Your President is being held to account by your free press and the Judicial Branch leadership, which he appointed and which the Senate voted to confirm. There are three branches of the government. One of them is trying to destroy two of the other pillars while destroying alliances and trade deals, and making millions.
Trump is EVIL--EVIL
he ranks up there with satan
like no other POTUS has had extramarital relationships
like no other men - Rs or Ds have messed around
everyone else --including YOU --is SINLESS/PERFECT
For the 10 millionth time, the vast majority of Trump voters who actually wanted to vote for Trump did so because he doesn't subscribe to political correctness and he doesn't come from the toxic political culture. They voted for the idea of him just as much, if not moreso, than actually him. It only helped that Hillary was/is the perfect personification of an out-of-touch, elitist, corrupt career politician.
Nothing could be more toxic than Trump, himself. He diminishes and permanently damages everything he touches. He does so in a way to benefit himself; no one else and nothing else.
Trump represents midwest values to many people.
The election correctly pointed out many in the USA do not understand the midwest; what they need and their values. These are people living on the coasts and big cities. Those who have not been to the midwest.

Based on the overwhelming support by the Midwest for Trump they feel Trump is the personification of midwest values.
Mid westerners tend to be more polite than trump, he is a new yorker!
Tend to be more polite! That is a gross under-statement. Our horrific street gangs tend to be more polite than Trump.
Nothing could be more toxic than Trump, himself. He diminishes and permanently damages everything he touches. He does so in a way to benefit himself; no one else and nothing else.
If that's what quenches your hate-thirst, then more power to you.
THE MIDWEST: Code-word by the Left for nearly all of the country from a few miles inland from San Fran and LA, East, with the exception of Denver, Seattle, Chicago, Detroit and New York City (the places where all the decadence, violence, drugs and gun crime mostly occur). Flush those places down the tubes (where most of Hillary's support was) and what we'd be left with is a transformed America free of 90% of all its problems.

I am in the midwest. It takes a special kind of stupid to try to claim a billionaire with golden toilets, five kids by three wives, numerous sex partners and the attendant NDA's ... what about any of that is 'midwest values??'
i agree
Trump represents midwest values to many people.
The election correctly pointed out many in the USA do not understand the midwest; what they need and their values. These are people living on the coasts and big cities. Those who have not been to the midwest.

Based on the overwhelming support by the Midwest for Trump they feel Trump is the personification of midwest values.
tax evasion?
Pussy grabbing?

Didn't know it was that messed up.
Adultery??--it's called a open marriage ...nothing wrong with that

Two ex-wives cited public adultery in their divorce petitions. Dumb Donald’s entire life as a showman huckster is on video. Every lie he’s ever told.

The Clintons aren't wealthy by any stretch, and most of their wealth comes from their real estate investments after leaving office, part of which was purchased by donors after they left office. They certainly didn’t leave office with pots full of money like Cheney and Rumsfeld.

Trump is said to have earned $15 million worldwide as US President as governments use his properties for lavish events in an effort to curry favour.

Your President is being held to account by your free press and the Judicial Branch leadership, which he appointed and which the Senate voted to confirm. There are three branches of the government. One of them is trying to destroy two of the other pillars while destroying alliances and trade deals, and making millions.

Frankly, anyone who still lives in a back ass ward Nation under a Monarchy simply isn't worth listening to.

The ass backward nation is the US. No universal health care, guns everywhere, and rampant racism. Added to which, you elected a Russian puppet as President. Women aren’t even equal under the law.

Time to join the 21st Century.
Trump represents midwest values to many people.
The election correctly pointed out many in the USA do not understand the midwest; what they need and their values. These are people living on the coasts and big cities. Those who have not been to the midwest.

Based on the overwhelming support by the Midwest for Trump they feel Trump is the personification of midwest values.
Unprotected sex with porn stars
Stiffing workers
Sexual assault

So very middle of America.
I know that is the opposite of midwest values.
How could the majority of the midwest support a human of such low moral values?

You think they were going to vote for someone like clinton who's values were exponentially lower than trumps?
Trump represents midwest values to many people.
The election correctly pointed out many in the USA do not understand the midwest; what they need and their values. These are people living on the coasts and big cities. Those who have not been to the midwest.

Based on the overwhelming support by the Midwest for Trump they feel Trump is the personification of midwest values.
tax evasion?
Pussy grabbing?

Didn't know it was that messed up.
Adultery??--it's called a open marriage ...nothing wrong with that

Two ex-wives cited public adultery in their divorce petitions. Dumb Donald’s entire life as a showman huckster is on video. Every lie he’s ever told.

The Clintons aren't wealthy by any stretch, and most of their wealth comes from their real estate investments after leaving office, part of which was purchased by donors after they left office. They certainly didn’t leave office with pots full of money like Cheney and Rumsfeld.

Trump is said to have earned $15 million worldwide as US President as governments use his properties for lavish events in an effort to curry favour.

Your President is being held to account by your free press and the Judicial Branch leadership, which he appointed and which the Senate voted to confirm. There are three branches of the government. One of them is trying to destroy two of the other pillars while destroying alliances and trade deals, and making millions.

Frankly, anyone who still lives in a back ass ward Nation under a Monarchy simply isn't worth listening to.

The ass backward nation is the US. No universal health care, guns everywhere, and rampant racism. Added to which, you elected a Russian puppet as President. Women aren’t even equal under the law.

Time to join the 21st Century.
rampant racism??? hahhaha bullshit
please prove this
The alt right thugs play tough rules until they snowflake.

All good Americans need do is support Mueller with social media, msgs to Senators and Representatives, and telling Trumpers face to face, "no, you are not getting what you want."
Trump represents midwest values to many people.
The election correctly pointed out many in the USA do not understand the midwest; what they need and their values. These are people living on the coasts and big cities. Those who have not been to the midwest.

Based on the overwhelming support by the Midwest for Trump they feel Trump is the personification of midwest values.
The Midwest's values are personafied by lying, racist, bullying, cheating, adulterous, litigious, angry orange rapists?
I cannot define "Midwest values," but I have the gut feeling that this would be a better country if everyone observed them.


For example, I assume that going the extra mile is a so-called Midwest value.

When I ask an employee at a store where I can find X, I am lucky if the s/he points and says, "Over there in aisle 4."

Occasionally, however, an employee will say, "I will show you, sir." S/he will then escort me to the aisle and show me X.

To me, such a helpful and friendly gesture is an example of Midwest values.
For the 10 millionth time, the vast majority of Trump voters who actually wanted to vote for Trump did so because he doesn't subscribe to political correctness and he doesn't come from the toxic political culture. They voted for the idea of him just as much, if not moreso, than actually him. It only helped that Hillary was/is the perfect personification of an out-of-touch, elitist, corrupt career politician.
Nothing could be more toxic than Trump, himself. He diminishes and permanently damages everything he touches. He does so in a way to benefit himself; no one else and nothing else.

Ok then, how about being more specific. How is Trump damaging everything and benefiting himself and no one else?
I cannot define "Midwest values," but I have the gut feeling that this would be a better country if everyone observed them.


For example, I assume that going the extra mile is a so-called Midwest value.

When I ask an employee at a store where I can find X, I am lucky if the s/he points and says, "Over there in aisle 4."

Occasionally, however, an employee will say, "I will show you, sir." S/he will then escort me to the aisle and show me X.

To me, such a helpful and friendly gesture is an example of Midwest values.

LOL...reminds me of a funny story. Was in a Walmart few weeks ago, they're pushing the self serve check outs, a couple of cashiers were open but had maybe 6 people in each line. Got to the cashier and asked whatever happened to customer service. He looked at me and in all seriousness said, "oh, customer service is over at the front of the store".
I cannot define "Midwest values," but I have the gut feeling that this would be a better country if everyone observed them.


For example, I assume that going the extra mile is a so-called Midwest value.

When I ask an employee at a store where I can find X, I am lucky if the s/he points and says, "Over there in aisle 4."

Occasionally, however, an employee will say, "I will show you, sir." S/he will then escort me to the aisle and show me X.

To me, such a helpful and friendly gesture is an example of Midwest values.

I never have that problem,. Most take me to the aisle,or at least give me the number when I assure them they do not need to walk all the way.

Could it possibly be the attitude we take to the hard working Employee?

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