Trump represents midwest values to many people

THE MIDWEST: Code-word by the Left for nearly all of the country from a few miles inland from San Fran and LA, East, with the exception of Denver, Seattle, Chicago, Detroit and New York City (the places where all the decadence, violence, drugs and gun crime mostly occur). Flush those places down the tubes (where most of Hillary's support was) and what we'd be left with is a transformed America free of 90% of all its problems.

I am in the midwest. It takes a special kind of stupid to try to claim a billionaire with golden toilets, five kids by three wives, numerous sex partners and the attendant NDA's ... what about any of that is 'midwest values??'
"Based on the overwhelming support by the Midwest for Trump they feel Trump is the personification of midwest values."

77000 vote differential in the 10,000,000 votes of the three upper MW states that threw the election to Trump is not "overwhelming." It will never be such, not in fact, not in the history books.

That's one, below.

Trump represents midwest values to many people.
The election correctly pointed out many in the USA do not understand the midwest; what they need and their values. These are people living on the coasts and big cities. Those who have not been to the midwest.

Based on the overwhelming support by the Midwest for Trump they feel Trump is the personification of midwest values.

A wealthy white guy from Manhattan who shits on a golden toilet doesn’t have the foggiest notion of the life or values of a midwestern farm family. Not even a hint.

A guy who has been married three times to young and younger women and who pays off porn stars for sex, doesn’t have the vaguest idea of the life or values of a couple who married out of high school and have worked side by side with respect for their partners through thick and thin, ever since.

And those farmers have just lost all of their soybean sales because “trade wars are easy to win”.
Trump represents midwest values to many people.
The election correctly pointed out many in the USA do not understand the midwest; what they need and their values. These are people living on the coasts and big cities. Those who have not been to the midwest.

Based on the overwhelming support by the Midwest for Trump they feel Trump is the personification of midwest values.

No he doesn't, he just appears to NOT represent the DC status quo.
How could the majority of the midwest support a human of such low moral values?
Did you bother to notice who the other candidate was? When the choices are "bad" or "worse", you take your chances with "bad".

No they went with the lying con man who really is out to become America’s Vladimir Putin. Trump is dangerously close to trying a hostile take over of the Federal government.

This is the reason why there are three branches of government. You’ve elected a corrupt liar with authoritarian tendencies who gives aid and support to Vladimir Putin.

The President is about to be impeached and he’s using the defence that he’s above the law and cannot be charged so long as he’s President.

He’s deranged.
Trump represents midwest values to many people.
The election correctly pointed out many in the USA do not understand the midwest; what they need and their values. These are people living on the coasts and big cities. Those who have not been to the midwest.

Based on the overwhelming support by the Midwest for Trump they feel Trump is the personification of midwest values.

Not in my Midwest!
How could the majority of the midwest support a human of such low moral values?
Did you bother to notice who the other candidate was? When the choices are "bad" or "worse", you take your chances with "bad".

No they went with the lying con man who really is out to become America’s Vladimir Putin. Trump is dangerously close to trying a hostile take over of the Federal government.

This is the reason why there are three branches of government. You’ve elected a corrupt liar with authoritarian tendencies who gives aid and support to Vladimir Putin.

The President is about to be impeached and he’s using the defence that he’s above the law and cannot be charged so long as he’s President.

He’s deranged.

Dumb shit alert. No such thing is happening. His job is simply to get us to the hot phase of WWIII, he's doing just that. If he's NOT impeached you go hide on some Canadian Board where you can worship the Queen, ok?
Trump represents midwest values to many people.
The election correctly pointed out many in the USA do not understand the midwest; what they need and their values. These are people living on the coasts and big cities. Those who have not been to the midwest.

Based on the overwhelming support by the Midwest for Trump they feel Trump is the personification of midwest values.
Trump doesn't really have anything in common with Midwesterners.
Maybe the plain speaking, and American pride...but that is not exclusive to the Midwest.
Doesn't matter, JBond: we are talking about the criminal, D. Trump.
Kiss my ass kid. I know crap like you will ignore crimes in the name of party. You are the problem.
You can chase after Clinton all you want, and if you catch her great.

In the meantime, Mueller MAGA is taking down the criminal, D. Trump.

Have you ever wondered how Bill and Hillary Clinton are enjoying this lying spectacle?

After years of the Press chasing each lie told on them and publishing it endlessly to watch Trump and gang hoisted on their own petard it must give them some satisfaction.
Trump represents midwest values to many people.
The election correctly pointed out many in the USA do not understand the midwest; what they need and their values. These are people living on the coasts and big cities. Those who have not been to the midwest.

Based on the overwhelming support by the Midwest for Trump they feel Trump is the personification of midwest values.
Trump doesn't really have anything in common with Midwesterners.
Maybe the plain speaking, and American pride...but that is not exclusive to the Midwest.

You are right! We have decent, plain speaking,honest people everywhere.

Trump and his 3001 lies is not one of them.
"Based on the overwhelming support by the Midwest for Trump they feel Trump is the personification of midwest values."

77000 vote differential in the 10,000,000 votes of the three upper MW states that threw the election to Trump is not "overwhelming." It will never be such, not in fact, not in the history books.

That's one, below.

Less than one half of the population live in the red. You are looking at land there mostly, not people.
Trump represents midwest values to many people.
The election correctly pointed out many in the USA do not understand the midwest; what they need and their values. These are people living on the coasts and big cities. Those who have not been to the midwest.

Based on the overwhelming support by the Midwest for Trump they feel Trump is the personification of midwest values.
Mid westerners tend to be more polite than trump, he is a new yorker!
Trump represents midwest values to many people.
The election correctly pointed out many in the USA do not understand the midwest; what they need and their values. These are people living on the coasts and big cities. Those who have not been to the midwest.

Based on the overwhelming support by the Midwest for Trump they feel Trump is the personification of midwest values.
Unprotected sex with porn stars
Stiffing workers
Sexual assault

So very middle of America.
again--prove he is racist
Actually, metro/urban areas in the Midwest, did not go for Trump. In my state, Sanders got 46 delegates, Clinton 31. And Trump did not carry the state, but did well in rural areas,
Generalizations of vast demographics all dumped into one theory, often spells inaccuracy.
...I think you just made the point--you have your big crap cities like NYCity and Cali and NY voted for Trump
--the ''big city''' culture voted against Trump
..murder rates high
..crime rates high
..fruticakes dressing as women [ have a higher suicide rate ]
--San Francisco that just ''recently'' voted that you have to have clothes on at restaurants----going nude at a public restaurant is fruitcake/uncivilized--that's how Hillary voters think
..blacks voted against Trump--high criminal rate--low graduation rate
Trump represents midwest values to many people.
The election correctly pointed out many in the USA do not understand the midwest; what they need and their values. These are people living on the coasts and big cities. Those who have not been to the midwest.

Based on the overwhelming support by the Midwest for Trump they feel Trump is the personification of midwest values.
tax evasion?
Pussy grabbing?

Didn't know it was that messed up.
Adultery??--it's called a open marriage ...nothing wrong with that
Trump represents midwest values to many people.
The election correctly pointed out many in the USA do not understand the midwest; what they need and their values. These are people living on the coasts and big cities. Those who have not been to the midwest.

Based on the overwhelming support by the Midwest for Trump they feel Trump is the personification of midwest values.
tax evasion?
Pussy grabbing?

Didn't know it was that messed up.
Adultery??--it's called a open marriage ...nothing wrong with that

Two ex-wives cited public adultery in their divorce petitions. Dumb Donald’s entire life as a showman huckster is on video. Every lie he’s ever told.

The Clintons aren't wealthy by any stretch, and most of their wealth comes from their real estate investments after leaving office, part of which was purchased by donors after they left office. They certainly didn’t leave office with pots full of money like Cheney and Rumsfeld.

Trump is said to have earned $15 million worldwide as US President as governments use his properties for lavish events in an effort to curry favour.

Your President is being held to account by your free press and the Judicial Branch leadership, which he appointed and which the Senate voted to confirm. There are three branches of the government. One of them is trying to destroy two of the other pillars while destroying alliances and trade deals, and making millions.
Trump represents midwest values to many people.
The election correctly pointed out many in the USA do not understand the midwest; what they need and their values. These are people living on the coasts and big cities. Those who have not been to the midwest.

Based on the overwhelming support by the Midwest for Trump they feel Trump is the personification of midwest values.
tax evasion?
Pussy grabbing?

Didn't know it was that messed up.
Adultery??--it's called a open marriage ...nothing wrong with that

Two ex-wives cited public adultery in their divorce petitions. Dumb Donald’s entire life as a showman huckster is on video. Every lie he’s ever told.

The Clintons aren't wealthy by any stretch, and most of their wealth comes from their real estate investments after leaving office, part of which was purchased by donors after they left office. They certainly didn’t leave office with pots full of money like Cheney and Rumsfeld.

Trump is said to have earned $15 million worldwide as US President as governments use his properties for lavish events in an effort to curry favour.

Your President is being held to account by your free press and the Judicial Branch leadership, which he appointed and which the Senate voted to confirm. There are three branches of the government. One of them is trying to destroy two of the other pillars while destroying alliances and trade deals, and making millions.

Damn, you lie about everything. Naaa, 125 million is "chump" change. Dumbass.

Bill Clinton's net worth is $80 million -

Bill Clinton |

"Hillary Clinton's net worth stood at $45 million as of October 2017

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