Trump represents midwest values to many people

I cannot define "Midwest values," but I have the gut feeling that this would be a better country if everyone observed them.


For example, I assume that going the extra mile is a so-called Midwest value.

When I ask an employee at a store where I can find X, I am lucky if the s/he points and says, "Over there in aisle 4."

Occasionally, however, an employee will say, "I will show you, sir." S/he will then escort me to the aisle and show me X.

To me, such a helpful and friendly gesture is an example of Midwest values.

LOL...reminds me of a funny story. Was in a Walmart few weeks ago, they're pushing the self serve check outs, a couple of cashiers were open but had maybe 6 people in each line. Got to the cashier and asked whatever happened to customer service. He looked at me and in all seriousness said, "oh, customer service is over at the front of the store".

Funny, but Customer Service is at the front of the store.:1peleas::114:
Trump represents midwest values to many people.
The election correctly pointed out many in the USA do not understand the midwest; what they need and their values. These are people living on the coasts and big cities. Those who have not been to the midwest.

Based on the overwhelming support by the Midwest for Trump they feel Trump is the personification of midwest values.
Midwest jam packed with grabbers of pussy ,cheating whomever they can lying every time they open their mouths ?? All trump values Midwest folks are smarter than that
I cannot define "Midwest values," but I have the gut feeling that this would be a better country if everyone observed them.


For example, I assume that going the extra mile is a so-called Midwest value.

When I ask an employee at a store where I can find X, I am lucky if the s/he points and says, "Over there in aisle 4."

Occasionally, however, an employee will say, "I will show you, sir." S/he will then escort me to the aisle and show me X.

To me, such a helpful and friendly gesture is an example of Midwest values.

LOL...reminds me of a funny story. Was in a Walmart few weeks ago, they're pushing the self serve check outs, a couple of cashiers were open but had maybe 6 people in each line. Got to the cashier and asked whatever happened to customer service. He looked at me and in all seriousness said, "oh, customer service is over at the front of the store".

Funny, but Customer Service is at the front of the store.:1peleas::114:

And evidently ONLY at the front of the store.
"Based on the overwhelming support by the Midwest for Trump they feel Trump is the personification of midwest values."

77000 vote differential in the 10,000,000 votes of the three upper MW states that threw the election to Trump is not "overwhelming." It will never be such, not in fact, not in the history books.

That's one, below.
Somebody said there’s a sucker born every minute :in the Midwest apparently there is one born every second
Trump represents midwest values to many people.
The election correctly pointed out many in the USA do not understand the midwest; what they need and their values. These are people living on the coasts and big cities. Those who have not been to the midwest.

Based on the overwhelming support by the Midwest for Trump they feel Trump is the personification of midwest values.
Unprotected sex with porn stars
Stiffing workers
Sexual assault

So very middle of America.
I know that is the opposite of midwest values.
How could the majority of the midwest support a human of such low moral values?

Because when it comes down to it, they are a bunch of bigoted fake ass Christians
Trump represents midwest values to many people.
The election correctly pointed out many in the USA do not understand the midwest; what they need and their values. These are people living on the coasts and big cities. Those who have not been to the midwest.

Based on the overwhelming support by the Midwest for Trump they feel Trump is the personification of midwest values.
Unprotected sex with porn stars
Stiffing workers
Sexual assault

So very middle of America.
I know that is the opposite of midwest values.
How could the majority of the midwest support a human of such low moral values?

Because when it comes down to it, they are a bunch of bigoted fake ass Christians
As opposed to you bigoted Marxists?
I cannot define "Midwest values," but I have the gut feeling that this would be a better country if everyone observed them.


For example, I assume that going the extra mile is a so-called Midwest value.

When I ask an employee at a store where I can find X, I am lucky if the s/he points and says, "Over there in aisle 4."

Occasionally, however, an employee will say, "I will show you, sir." S/he will then escort me to the aisle and show me X.

To me, such a helpful and friendly gesture is an example of Midwest values.

LOL...reminds me of a funny story. Was in a Walmart few weeks ago, they're pushing the self serve check outs, a couple of cashiers were open but had maybe 6 people in each line. Got to the cashier and asked whatever happened to customer service. He looked at me and in all seriousness said, "oh, customer service is over at the front of the store".

Funny, but Customer Service is at the front of the store.:1peleas::114:

And evidently ONLY at the front of the store.

As I said, not sure why you have a problem. I find most clerks very helpful,even though they are over worked and underpaid.

They seem to enjoy helping a cheerful customer who thanks them.

Of course I understand how they feel. I have been known to cut down customers who are wrongfully berating clerks,too.
I cannot define "Midwest values," but I have the gut feeling that this would be a better country if everyone observed them.


For example, I assume that going the extra mile is a so-called Midwest value.

When I ask an employee at a store where I can find X, I am lucky if the s/he points and says, "Over there in aisle 4."

Occasionally, however, an employee will say, "I will show you, sir." S/he will then escort me to the aisle and show me X.

To me, such a helpful and friendly gesture is an example of Midwest values.

LOL...reminds me of a funny story. Was in a Walmart few weeks ago, they're pushing the self serve check outs, a couple of cashiers were open but had maybe 6 people in each line. Got to the cashier and asked whatever happened to customer service. He looked at me and in all seriousness said, "oh, customer service is over at the front of the store".

Funny, but Customer Service is at the front of the store.:1peleas::114:

And evidently ONLY at the front of the store.

Well, now you know where to go at WALMART! See,how helpful that Clerk was?
I cannot define "Midwest values," but I have the gut feeling that this would be a better country if everyone observed them.


For example, I assume that going the extra mile is a so-called Midwest value.

When I ask an employee at a store where I can find X, I am lucky if the s/he points and says, "Over there in aisle 4."

Occasionally, however, an employee will say, "I will show you, sir." S/he will then escort me to the aisle and show me X.

To me, such a helpful and friendly gesture is an example of Midwest values.

LOL...reminds me of a funny story. Was in a Walmart few weeks ago, they're pushing the self serve check outs, a couple of cashiers were open but had maybe 6 people in each line. Got to the cashier and asked whatever happened to customer service. He looked at me and in all seriousness said, "oh, customer service is over at the front of the store".

Funny, but Customer Service is at the front of the store.:1peleas::114:

And evidently ONLY at the front of the store.

Well, now you know where to go at WALMART! See,how helpful that Clerk was?

Great, someone else that feels customer service is at the front of the store.
Trump represents midwest values to many people.
The election correctly pointed out many in the USA do not understand the midwest; what they need and their values. These are people living on the coasts and big cities. Those who have not been to the midwest.

Based on the overwhelming support by the Midwest for Trump they feel Trump is the personification of midwest values.
The NYC rich real estate flim flam artist.......:71: ....of course.
Trump represents midwest values to many people.
The election correctly pointed out many in the USA do not understand the midwest; what they need and their values. These are people living on the coasts and big cities. Those who have not been to the midwest.

Based on the overwhelming support by the Midwest for Trump they feel Trump is the personification of midwest values.
Unprotected sex with porn stars
Stiffing workers
Sexual assault

So very middle of America.
I know that is the opposite of midwest values.
How could the majority of the midwest support a human of such low moral values?
Apparently....they do.

They support a human who said that POWs weren't heros.
They support a human who bragged about grabbing women by their pussy without permission.
They support a human who made fun of a physically handicapped person.
They support a human who encouraged his followers to beat up protestors and he'd pay their legal bill.
They support a human who recommended 2nd amendment solutions for his opponent.
They support a human who denigrated Gold Star parents.
They support a human who called hispanics rapists and murderers.
This is what the "midwest" supports.
Trump represents midwest values to many people.
The election correctly pointed out many in the USA do not understand the midwest; what they need and their values. These are people living on the coasts and big cities. Those who have not been to the midwest.

Based on the overwhelming support by the Midwest for Trump they feel Trump is the personification of midwest values.

Cheating on your wife, lying, lying, lying, lying, cheating some more, lying, lying, pretending to be religious, lying some more?

Midwest values hey?
Yep. That's it.
Trump represents midwest values to many people.
The election correctly pointed out many in the USA do not understand the midwest; what they need and their values. These are people living on the coasts and big cities. Those who have not been to the midwest.

Based on the overwhelming support by the Midwest for Trump they feel Trump is the personification of midwest values.
tax evasion?
Pussy grabbing?

Didn't know it was that messed up.
There is a reason that people want to fly over.
"Based on the overwhelming support by the Midwest for Trump they feel Trump is the personification of midwest values."

77000 vote differential in the 10,000,000 votes of the three upper MW states that threw the election to Trump is not "overwhelming." It will never be such, not in fact, not in the history books.

That's one, below.
Somebody said there’s a sucker born every minute :in the Midwest apparently there is one born every second

I did not vote for Trump!
I cannot define "Midwest values," but I have the gut feeling that this would be a better country if everyone observed them.


For example, I assume that going the extra mile is a so-called Midwest value.

When I ask an employee at a store where I can find X, I am lucky if the s/he points and says, "Over there in aisle 4."

Occasionally, however, an employee will say, "I will show you, sir." S/he will then escort me to the aisle and show me X.

To me, such a helpful and friendly gesture is an example of Midwest values.

LOL...reminds me of a funny story. Was in a Walmart few weeks ago, they're pushing the self serve check outs, a couple of cashiers were open but had maybe 6 people in each line. Got to the cashier and asked whatever happened to customer service. He looked at me and in all seriousness said, "oh, customer service is over at the front of the store".

Funny, but Customer Service is at the front of the store.:1peleas::114:

And evidently ONLY at the front of the store.

Well, now you know where to go at WALMART! See,how helpful that Clerk was?

Great, someone else that feels customer service is at the front of the store.

Again, I repeat, customer Service is a 2 way street. I have no problem, apparently you guys do.

If you have a rude customer you do as little as possible, a nice customer you help them any way you can.

See how that works guys?:11_2_1043:
Trump represents midwest values to many people.
The election correctly pointed out many in the USA do not understand the midwest; what they need and their values. These are people living on the coasts and big cities. Those who have not been to the midwest.

Based on the overwhelming support by the Midwest for Trump they feel Trump is the personification of midwest values.
tax evasion?
Pussy grabbing?

Didn't know it was that messed up.
Adultery??--it's called a open marriage ...nothing wrong with that THAT what it is? Melania agreed to that?
The denigration of people who did vote for Trump is indicative of why they voted for Trump. No one likes being told what they can and can't think, or that they're a horrible person for thinking what they think. And that's basically all the left has right now. They've completely written off their traditional voting block of working class white men (and a lot of women along with them) and have gone into the tank for identity politics and big government re-distributive policy.

People who voted for Trump, as i said earlier, voted more for the idea of him than the man himself. Someone who won't take shit from anyone, who'll say what he thinks even when he's told he shouldn't say that or even think that. Someone who'll fight hard for what he thinks is right. Trumps many personal flaws aside, he is all of the above.

Many who cast a ballot for Trump did so with their nose held because there was no better option. Many just decided to not vote at all (Trump won states with less votes than Romney got while losing states in 2012). If the democrat party was smart, they'd actually try to figure out where they went wrong rather than just turning up the volume on the attacks to Trump voters' intelligence or motivations. It's exactly the same mentality that many infamous communist leaders have had: that millions of people are expendable in service of the greater good.
LOL...reminds me of a funny story. Was in a Walmart few weeks ago, they're pushing the self serve check outs, a couple of cashiers were open but had maybe 6 people in each line. Got to the cashier and asked whatever happened to customer service. He looked at me and in all seriousness said, "oh, customer service is over at the front of the store".

Funny, but Customer Service is at the front of the store.:1peleas::114:

And evidently ONLY at the front of the store.

Well, now you know where to go at WALMART! See,how helpful that Clerk was?

Great, someone else that feels customer service is at the front of the store.

Again, I repeat, customer Service is a 2 way street. I have no problem, apparently you guys do.

If you have a rude customer you do as little as possible, a nice customer you help them any way you can.

See how that works guys?:11_2_1043:

Really!? I can understand difficulties with a rude customer, although we're talking about customer service as a whole. Many involved in customer service industry are only interested in doing as little as possible. Sears could be a prime example, at one time Sears was renowned for it's customer service and knowledge. 20 years ago they made the decision to focus on the cash register only, so any questions were typically met with blank stares since the employees had zero product knowledge. And we pretty much know how well that's turned out for Sears. How about Home Depot, certainly there are exceptions, but many go in to a Home Depot looking to have questions answered prior to purchasing something. And when you can find someone that works the department, quite often it's a younger person with zero experience....and zero answers.

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