Trump responds to NFL players kneeling on Thanksgiving Day.

Well, they figure it's best to completely avoid any perspectives that don't coincide with theirs.

That's the alternate universe.
maybe a hell of a lot of people dont appreciate politics being brought into sports.....
It's not about politics. It is only made political by those who make pretty much EVERYTHING political.

The libs do make everything political. But the NFL decided to celebrate Kaepernick for his protests against Veterans, instead of reprimanding him or even ignoring him.
But Trumpsters don't make everything political. :laugh:

And you don't even know what they're kneeling for. AND you don't even know it was a veteran's idea that he kneel.

More comedy from the alternative universe. Arrogant ignorance. Good stuff.
it doesnt matter whose idea it was....he brought into a sporting event....he could have brought his gripe up after the game on his own time....

NO, he brought it onto the bench, OUTSIDE the sporting event, before the game, and nobody even noticed the first few times, until some photographer who according to the Fetishism Logic was supposed to be standing in rapt zombie posture drooling over a piece of cloth, instead looked around and snapped a picture, after which the drones were instructed to be 'outraged' over a piece of an event that they didn't even know about since it isn't part of the broadcast, after which said drones fell all over themselves to comply. So it was in fact before the game AND on his own time.

The hypocrisy is so thick you could cut it with a knife.
if he was in uniform and on the field he brought it into the game...

The game hadn't started yet, NOR was it broadcast, PLUS he was on the field only because the NFL started ordering they be on the field for Paid Patriotism Theater only some ten years back.

So no, it has never been part of the game at all. It's been part of a fetishism theater that's located at the same place the game is, put there to foist said fetishism on a captive audience.
it doesnt matter if it hasnt started yet....once the guy suits up he is on the so called clock.....when he leaves the locker room in his own clothes he is on his time....and i am getting this from a California Angel player who got shit for not signing autographs after the game in the parking lot on the way to his car....he told the press when i am in uniform in that stadium i am on the clock so to speak,when the game is over and i am on my way to my car,thats my time,and if i dont want to stop to sign autographs,thats my be fair to this player he signed plenty during batting practice,which he also pointed out.....

So this baseball player did his own thing in uniform, fine --- what's your point?
geezus forget it wouldnt get the point even if it poked you in the eye....

You've got to make a point before it can be got Harry....

Once AGAIN you started out saying "he brought it into the game". I showed how it was not in the game, then you went "doesn't matter, here's an Angels player who did/didn't do something else that was also not in the game". What's your point?
i did make a point you just dont want to accept it......when the guy suited up he was on the clock and when he stepped out on the field and did his shit were everyone could see he brought it into the game....

I've already explained to you that it was NOT in the game. NOR was your Angels player. So what's the point?

Let's be clear --- neither hanging out to sign autographs, NOR a paid patriotism fetishism theater, are part of any game. At all. NEITHER of these actions/nonactions were part of a game which was not being played at the time.
what those guys do when on the field in uniform whether the game is going or not has an effect on the fans,this could be positive or negative.....

Of course it does. Those 50,000 or however many people in the stands are, as I just pointed out, a captive audience. They're been lured there for the purpose of watching a game. That's EXACTLY why the Pentagon taxpayer-funded fetishism folderol takes place JUST BEFORE the game. They know the multitudes are assembled for a completely different purpose and will be forced to sit through whatever puppet theater they choose to throw out.

But, and you keep running away from this.... it isn't part of the game. The game begins when the foot of the kicking team contacts the football -- the kickoff. All that puppet theater going on around the benches, the pompoms, the flag -- that's all prefatory pomp and circumstance, the latter of which isn't even related to the game.

As for whether it's 'positive or negative" we're right back to the paid whiners demanding fetishism on cue and obediently drooling at the mouth about some 'blasphemy' they never would have even seen if some gadfly with no life hadn't coached them to froth at the mouth so color me unimpressed by coerced mob mentality.

you would know this if you were a sports fan.... and dont tell me you are because i would not have to tell this to a fan,they know this already...

I know what's part of the game and what isn't sooooooooooo.................
the difference between me and you seems to be, you think those guys are not part of the team until the game begins,while i think they are the minute they step on the field whether its begun or not.....

No, the difference is you're waffling on what your point is. Roll tape.

if he was in uniform and on the field he brought it into the game...

Not "he brought it onto the team" but "he brought it into the game. It isn't the game.
do know what waffling means?.....i have said the same thing since we began this....some people think when all the participants are there and on the field the game is there too whether its begun or not.....if the guy kneels during the anthem and all the other players start following his lead.....he brought it into the game.......
Trump is the perfect representative of the authoritarian right – hostile to, and frightened of, lawful dissent and expressions of individual liberty.

This coming from the side that is compiling lists for punitive retribution of those who lawfully dissent with the incoming administration.
Well, they figure it's best to completely avoid any perspectives that don't coincide with theirs.

That's the alternate universe.
maybe a hell of a lot of people dont appreciate politics being brought into sports.....
It's not about politics. It is only made political by those who make pretty much EVERYTHING political.

The libs do make everything political. But the NFL decided to celebrate Kaepernick for his protests against Veterans, instead of reprimanding him or even ignoring him.
But Trumpsters don't make everything political. :laugh:

And you don't even know what they're kneeling for. AND you don't even know it was a veteran's idea that he kneel.

More comedy from the alternative universe. Arrogant ignorance. Good stuff.
it doesnt matter whose idea it was....he brought into a sporting event....he could have brought his gripe up after the game on his own time....

NO, he brought it onto the bench, OUTSIDE the sporting event, before the game, and nobody even noticed the first few times, until some photographer who according to the Fetishism Logic was supposed to be standing in rapt zombie posture drooling over a piece of cloth, instead looked around and snapped a picture, after which the drones were instructed to be 'outraged' over a piece of an event that they didn't even know about since it isn't part of the broadcast, after which said drones fell all over themselves to comply. So it was in fact before the game AND on his own time.

The hypocrisy is so thick you could cut it with a knife.
if he was in uniform and on the field he brought it into the game...

The game hadn't started yet, NOR was it broadcast, PLUS he was on the field only because the NFL started ordering they be on the field for Paid Patriotism Theater only some ten years back.

So no, it has never been part of the game at all. It's been part of a fetishism theater that's located at the same place the game is, put there to foist said fetishism on a captive audience.
it doesnt matter if it hasnt started yet....once the guy suits up he is on the so called clock.....when he leaves the locker room in his own clothes he is on his time....and i am getting this from a California Angel player who got shit for not signing autographs after the game in the parking lot on the way to his car....he told the press when i am in uniform in that stadium i am on the clock so to speak,when the game is over and i am on my way to my car,thats my time,and if i dont want to stop to sign autographs,thats my be fair to this player he signed plenty during batting practice,which he also pointed out.....

So this baseball player did his own thing in uniform, fine --- what's your point?
geezus forget it wouldnt get the point even if it poked you in the eye....

You've got to make a point before it can be got Harry....

Once AGAIN you started out saying "he brought it into the game". I showed how it was not in the game, then you went "doesn't matter, here's an Angels player who did/didn't do something else that was also not in the game". What's your point?
i did make a point you just dont want to accept it......when the guy suited up he was on the clock and when he stepped out on the field and did his shit were everyone could see he brought it into the game....

I've already explained to you that it was NOT in the game. NOR was your Angels player. So what's the point?

Let's be clear --- neither hanging out to sign autographs, NOR a paid patriotism fetishism theater, are part of any game. At all. NEITHER of these actions/nonactions were part of a game which was not being played at the time.
what those guys do when on the field in uniform whether the game is going or not has an effect on the fans,this could be positive or negative.....

Of course it does. Those 50,000 or however many people in the stands are, as I just pointed out, a captive audience. They're been lured there for the purpose of watching a game. That's EXACTLY why the Pentagon taxpayer-funded fetishism folderol takes place JUST BEFORE the game. They know the multitudes are assembled for a completely different purpose and will be forced to sit through whatever puppet theater they choose to throw out.

But, and you keep running away from this.... it isn't part of the game. The game begins when the foot of the kicking team contacts the football -- the kickoff. All that puppet theater going on around the benches, the pompoms, the flag -- that's all prefatory pomp and circumstance, the latter of which isn't even related to the game.

As for whether it's 'positive or negative" we're right back to the paid whiners demanding fetishism on cue and obediently drooling at the mouth about some 'blasphemy' they never would have even seen if some gadfly with no life hadn't coached them to froth at the mouth so color me unimpressed by coerced mob mentality.

you would know this if you were a sports fan.... and dont tell me you are because i would not have to tell this to a fan,they know this already...

I know what's part of the game and what isn't sooooooooooo.................
the difference between me and you seems to be, you think those guys are not part of the team until the game begins,while i think they are the minute they step on the field whether its begun or not.....

No, the difference is you're waffling on what your point is. Roll tape.

if he was in uniform and on the field he brought it into the game...

Not "he brought it onto the team" but "he brought it into the game. It isn't the game.
do know what waffling means?.....i have said the same thing since we began this....some people think when all the participants are there and on the field the game is there too whether its begun or not.....if the guy kneels during the anthem and all the other players start following his lead.....he brought it into the game.......

WRONG. There is no game going on during the anthem. The game begins at kickoff, which hasn't happened yet. The anthem in fact has NO FUNCTION IN THE GAME AT ALL. If you played a game without an anthem, it would still be a game. ANY game. That's because nowhere in the rule book of any game is an anthem required for ANYTHING. It could only even be relevant at the Olympics.

Again, to repeat, that anthem has never been part of the TV broadcast anyway since the broadcast begins with the kickoff................. AS DOES THE GAME. Countless games were played without any of this bullshit political theater before 1918 when it started during war hysteria. ALL of them were games.

So the kneeling player(s) haven't brought anything to the game; they've brought a statement to the bullshit political theater that PRECEDES the game. And rightly so.
Last edited:
President Trump isn't required to go to football games and its his right to show his disdain for the league.

Trump is not welcome at most Football games

Least anyone forget, trump was booed loudly at the World Series.
Like that has not happened to bush,Obama and the clintons as well many times :cuckoo: so your point is? Oh that’s right you don’t have one other than to prove that happens to all presidents all the time.:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
Well, they figure it's best to completely avoid any perspectives that don't coincide with theirs.

That's the alternate universe.
maybe a hell of a lot of people dont appreciate politics being brought into sports.....
It's not about politics. It is only made political by those who make pretty much EVERYTHING political.

The libs do make everything political. But the NFL decided to celebrate Kaepernick for his protests against Veterans, instead of reprimanding him or even ignoring him.
But Trumpsters don't make everything political. :laugh:

And you don't even know what they're kneeling for. AND you don't even know it was a veteran's idea that he kneel.

More comedy from the alternative universe. Arrogant ignorance. Good stuff.
it doesnt matter whose idea it was....he brought into a sporting event....he could have brought his gripe up after the game on his own time....

NO, he brought it onto the bench, OUTSIDE the sporting event, before the game, and nobody even noticed the first few times, until some photographer who according to the Fetishism Logic was supposed to be standing in rapt zombie posture drooling over a piece of cloth, instead looked around and snapped a picture, after which the drones were instructed to be 'outraged' over a piece of an event that they didn't even know about since it isn't part of the broadcast, after which said drones fell all over themselves to comply. So it was in fact before the game AND on his own time.

The hypocrisy is so thick you could cut it with a knife.
if he was in uniform and on the field he brought it into the game...

The game hadn't started yet, NOR was it broadcast, PLUS he was on the field only because the NFL started ordering they be on the field for Paid Patriotism Theater only some ten years back.

So no, it has never been part of the game at all. It's been part of a fetishism theater that's located at the same place the game is, put there to foist said fetishism on a captive audience.
it doesnt matter if it hasnt started yet....once the guy suits up he is on the so called clock.....when he leaves the locker room in his own clothes he is on his time....and i am getting this from a California Angel player who got shit for not signing autographs after the game in the parking lot on the way to his car....he told the press when i am in uniform in that stadium i am on the clock so to speak,when the game is over and i am on my way to my car,thats my time,and if i dont want to stop to sign autographs,thats my be fair to this player he signed plenty during batting practice,which he also pointed out.....

So this baseball player did his own thing in uniform, fine --- what's your point?
geezus forget it wouldnt get the point even if it poked you in the eye....

You've got to make a point before it can be got Harry....

Once AGAIN you started out saying "he brought it into the game". I showed how it was not in the game, then you went "doesn't matter, here's an Angels player who did/didn't do something else that was also not in the game". What's your point?
i did make a point you just dont want to accept it......when the guy suited up he was on the clock and when he stepped out on the field and did his shit were everyone could see he brought it into the game....

I've already explained to you that it was NOT in the game. NOR was your Angels player. So what's the point?

Let's be clear --- neither hanging out to sign autographs, NOR a paid patriotism fetishism theater, are part of any game. At all. NEITHER of these actions/nonactions were part of a game which was not being played at the time.
what those guys do when on the field in uniform whether the game is going or not has an effect on the fans,this could be positive or negative.....

Of course it does. Those 50,000 or however many people in the stands are, as I just pointed out, a captive audience. They're been lured there for the purpose of watching a game. That's EXACTLY why the Pentagon taxpayer-funded fetishism folderol takes place JUST BEFORE the game. They know the multitudes are assembled for a completely different purpose and will be forced to sit through whatever puppet theater they choose to throw out.

But, and you keep running away from this.... it isn't part of the game. The game begins when the foot of the kicking team contacts the football -- the kickoff. All that puppet theater going on around the benches, the pompoms, the flag -- that's all prefatory pomp and circumstance, the latter of which isn't even related to the game.

As for whether it's 'positive or negative" we're right back to the paid whiners demanding fetishism on cue and obediently drooling at the mouth about some 'blasphemy' they never would have even seen if some gadfly with no life hadn't coached them to froth at the mouth so color me unimpressed by coerced mob mentality.

you would know this if you were a sports fan.... and dont tell me you are because i would not have to tell this to a fan,they know this already...

I know what's part of the game and what isn't sooooooooooo.................
the difference between me and you seems to be, you think those guys are not part of the team until the game begins,while i think they are the minute they step on the field whether its begun or not.....

No, the difference is you're waffling on what your point is. Roll tape.

if he was in uniform and on the field he brought it into the game...

Not "he brought it onto the team" but "he brought it into the game. It isn't the game.
do know what waffling means?.....i have said the same thing since we began this....some people think when all the participants are there and on the field the game is there too whether its begun or not.....if the guy kneels during the anthem and all the other players start following his lead.....he brought it into the game.......

WRONG. There is no game going on during the anthem. The game begins at kickoff, which hasn't happened yet. The anthem in fact has NO FUNCTION IN THE GAME AT ALL. If you played a game without an anthem, it would still be a game. ANY game.

Again, to repeat, that anthem has never been part of the TV broadcast anyway since the broadcast begins with the kickoff................. AS DOES THE GAME. Countless games were played without any of this bullshit political theater before 1918 when it started during war hysteria. ALL of them were games.

So the kneeling player(s) haven't brought anything to the game; they've brought a statement to the bullshit political theater that PRECEDES the game. And rightly so.
im sure with the ratings dropping most people agree with you.....
"I won't be watching much anymore."

I have not watched the Numbskull Fascist Loonies for quite some time. Why watch an overpaid, underperforming, narcissistic bunch of spoiled rotten brats bumbling around a field when I can watch live football without the drama & @ no co$t with our regional high school football teams???
Well, they figure it's best to completely avoid any perspectives that don't coincide with theirs.

That's the alternate universe.
maybe a hell of a lot of people dont appreciate politics being brought into sports.....
It's not about politics. It is only made political by those who make pretty much EVERYTHING political.

The libs do make everything political. But the NFL decided to celebrate Kaepernick for his protests against Veterans, instead of reprimanding him or even ignoring him.
But Trumpsters don't make everything political. :laugh:

And you don't even know what they're kneeling for. AND you don't even know it was a veteran's idea that he kneel.

More comedy from the alternative universe. Arrogant ignorance. Good stuff.
it doesnt matter whose idea it was....he brought into a sporting event....he could have brought his gripe up after the game on his own time....

NO, he brought it onto the bench, OUTSIDE the sporting event, before the game, and nobody even noticed the first few times, until some photographer who according to the Fetishism Logic was supposed to be standing in rapt zombie posture drooling over a piece of cloth, instead looked around and snapped a picture, after which the drones were instructed to be 'outraged' over a piece of an event that they didn't even know about since it isn't part of the broadcast, after which said drones fell all over themselves to comply. So it was in fact before the game AND on his own time.

The hypocrisy is so thick you could cut it with a knife.
if he was in uniform and on the field he brought it into the game...

The game hadn't started yet, NOR was it broadcast, PLUS he was on the field only because the NFL started ordering they be on the field for Paid Patriotism Theater only some ten years back.

So no, it has never been part of the game at all. It's been part of a fetishism theater that's located at the same place the game is, put there to foist said fetishism on a captive audience.
it doesnt matter if it hasnt started yet....once the guy suits up he is on the so called clock.....when he leaves the locker room in his own clothes he is on his time....and i am getting this from a California Angel player who got shit for not signing autographs after the game in the parking lot on the way to his car....he told the press when i am in uniform in that stadium i am on the clock so to speak,when the game is over and i am on my way to my car,thats my time,and if i dont want to stop to sign autographs,thats my be fair to this player he signed plenty during batting practice,which he also pointed out.....

So this baseball player did his own thing in uniform, fine --- what's your point?
geezus forget it wouldnt get the point even if it poked you in the eye....

You've got to make a point before it can be got Harry....

Once AGAIN you started out saying "he brought it into the game". I showed how it was not in the game, then you went "doesn't matter, here's an Angels player who did/didn't do something else that was also not in the game". What's your point?
i did make a point you just dont want to accept it......when the guy suited up he was on the clock and when he stepped out on the field and did his shit were everyone could see he brought it into the game....

I've already explained to you that it was NOT in the game. NOR was your Angels player. So what's the point?

Let's be clear --- neither hanging out to sign autographs, NOR a paid patriotism fetishism theater, are part of any game. At all. NEITHER of these actions/nonactions were part of a game which was not being played at the time.
what those guys do when on the field in uniform whether the game is going or not has an effect on the fans,this could be positive or negative.....

Of course it does. Those 50,000 or however many people in the stands are, as I just pointed out, a captive audience. They're been lured there for the purpose of watching a game. That's EXACTLY why the Pentagon taxpayer-funded fetishism folderol takes place JUST BEFORE the game. They know the multitudes are assembled for a completely different purpose and will be forced to sit through whatever puppet theater they choose to throw out.

But, and you keep running away from this.... it isn't part of the game. The game begins when the foot of the kicking team contacts the football -- the kickoff. All that puppet theater going on around the benches, the pompoms, the flag -- that's all prefatory pomp and circumstance, the latter of which isn't even related to the game.

As for whether it's 'positive or negative" we're right back to the paid whiners demanding fetishism on cue and obediently drooling at the mouth about some 'blasphemy' they never would have even seen if some gadfly with no life hadn't coached them to froth at the mouth so color me unimpressed by coerced mob mentality.

you would know this if you were a sports fan.... and dont tell me you are because i would not have to tell this to a fan,they know this already...

I know what's part of the game and what isn't sooooooooooo.................
the difference between me and you seems to be, you think those guys are not part of the team until the game begins,while i think they are the minute they step on the field whether its begun or not.....

No, the difference is you're waffling on what your point is. Roll tape.

if he was in uniform and on the field he brought it into the game...

Not "he brought it onto the team" but "he brought it into the game. It isn't the game.
do know what waffling means?.....i have said the same thing since we began this....some people think when all the participants are there and on the field the game is there too whether its begun or not.....if the guy kneels during the anthem and all the other players start following his lead.....he brought it into the game.......

WRONG. There is no game going on during the anthem. The game begins at kickoff, which hasn't happened yet. The anthem in fact has NO FUNCTION IN THE GAME AT ALL. If you played a game without an anthem, it would still be a game. ANY game.

Again, to repeat, that anthem has never been part of the TV broadcast anyway since the broadcast begins with the kickoff................. AS DOES THE GAME. Countless games were played without any of this bullshit political theater before 1918 when it started during war hysteria. ALL of them were games.

So the kneeling player(s) haven't brought anything to the game; they've brought a statement to the bullshit political theater that PRECEDES the game. And rightly so.
im sure with the ratings dropping most people agree with you.....

"Ratings droppings" have nothing to do with anything. Number one, an event that isn't even part of a broadcast isn't going to affect ratings and number two, sports TV "ratings' have dropped across the board in literally every sport, even pseudo-sports like NASCAR, for the same reason ---- cutting the cable. Personally I've streamed my sports for the last twelve years at least, and so have a ton of other fans. I sat here and watched my Iggles whomp the New England Pathetics right here at this desk, no TV needed.
Well, they figure it's best to completely avoid any perspectives that don't coincide with theirs.

That's the alternate universe.
maybe a hell of a lot of people dont appreciate politics being brought into sports.....
It's not about politics. It is only made political by those who make pretty much EVERYTHING political.

The libs do make everything political. But the NFL decided to celebrate Kaepernick for his protests against Veterans, instead of reprimanding him or even ignoring him.
But Trumpsters don't make everything political. :laugh:

And you don't even know what they're kneeling for. AND you don't even know it was a veteran's idea that he kneel.

More comedy from the alternative universe. Arrogant ignorance. Good stuff.
it doesnt matter whose idea it was....he brought into a sporting event....he could have brought his gripe up after the game on his own time....

NO, he brought it onto the bench, OUTSIDE the sporting event, before the game, and nobody even noticed the first few times, until some photographer who according to the Fetishism Logic was supposed to be standing in rapt zombie posture drooling over a piece of cloth, instead looked around and snapped a picture, after which the drones were instructed to be 'outraged' over a piece of an event that they didn't even know about since it isn't part of the broadcast, after which said drones fell all over themselves to comply. So it was in fact before the game AND on his own time.

The hypocrisy is so thick you could cut it with a knife.
if he was in uniform and on the field he brought it into the game...

The game hadn't started yet, NOR was it broadcast, PLUS he was on the field only because the NFL started ordering they be on the field for Paid Patriotism Theater only some ten years back.

So no, it has never been part of the game at all. It's been part of a fetishism theater that's located at the same place the game is, put there to foist said fetishism on a captive audience.
it doesnt matter if it hasnt started yet....once the guy suits up he is on the so called clock.....when he leaves the locker room in his own clothes he is on his time....and i am getting this from a California Angel player who got shit for not signing autographs after the game in the parking lot on the way to his car....he told the press when i am in uniform in that stadium i am on the clock so to speak,when the game is over and i am on my way to my car,thats my time,and if i dont want to stop to sign autographs,thats my be fair to this player he signed plenty during batting practice,which he also pointed out.....

So this baseball player did his own thing in uniform, fine --- what's your point?
geezus forget it wouldnt get the point even if it poked you in the eye....

You've got to make a point before it can be got Harry....

Once AGAIN you started out saying "he brought it into the game". I showed how it was not in the game, then you went "doesn't matter, here's an Angels player who did/didn't do something else that was also not in the game". What's your point?
i did make a point you just dont want to accept it......when the guy suited up he was on the clock and when he stepped out on the field and did his shit were everyone could see he brought it into the game....

I've already explained to you that it was NOT in the game. NOR was your Angels player. So what's the point?

Let's be clear --- neither hanging out to sign autographs, NOR a paid patriotism fetishism theater, are part of any game. At all. NEITHER of these actions/nonactions were part of a game which was not being played at the time.
what those guys do when on the field in uniform whether the game is going or not has an effect on the fans,this could be positive or negative.....

Of course it does. Those 50,000 or however many people in the stands are, as I just pointed out, a captive audience. They're been lured there for the purpose of watching a game. That's EXACTLY why the Pentagon taxpayer-funded fetishism folderol takes place JUST BEFORE the game. They know the multitudes are assembled for a completely different purpose and will be forced to sit through whatever puppet theater they choose to throw out.

But, and you keep running away from this.... it isn't part of the game. The game begins when the foot of the kicking team contacts the football -- the kickoff. All that puppet theater going on around the benches, the pompoms, the flag -- that's all prefatory pomp and circumstance, the latter of which isn't even related to the game.

As for whether it's 'positive or negative" we're right back to the paid whiners demanding fetishism on cue and obediently drooling at the mouth about some 'blasphemy' they never would have even seen if some gadfly with no life hadn't coached them to froth at the mouth so color me unimpressed by coerced mob mentality.

you would know this if you were a sports fan.... and dont tell me you are because i would not have to tell this to a fan,they know this already...

I know what's part of the game and what isn't sooooooooooo.................
the difference between me and you seems to be, you think those guys are not part of the team until the game begins,while i think they are the minute they step on the field whether its begun or not.....

No, the difference is you're waffling on what your point is. Roll tape.

if he was in uniform and on the field he brought it into the game...

Not "he brought it onto the team" but "he brought it into the game. It isn't the game.
do know what waffling means?.....i have said the same thing since we began this....some people think when all the participants are there and on the field the game is there too whether its begun or not.....if the guy kneels during the anthem and all the other players start following his lead.....he brought it into the game.......

WRONG. There is no game going on during the anthem. The game begins at kickoff, which hasn't happened yet. The anthem in fact has NO FUNCTION IN THE GAME AT ALL. If you played a game without an anthem, it would still be a game. ANY game.

Again, to repeat, that anthem has never been part of the TV broadcast anyway since the broadcast begins with the kickoff................. AS DOES THE GAME. Countless games were played without any of this bullshit political theater before 1918 when it started during war hysteria. ALL of them were games.

So the kneeling player(s) haven't brought anything to the game; they've brought a statement to the bullshit political theater that PRECEDES the game. And rightly so.
im sure with the ratings dropping most people agree with you.....

"Ratings droppings" have nothing to do with anything. Number one, an event that isn't even part of a broadcast isn't going to affect ratings and number two, sports TV "ratings' have dropped across the board in literally every sport, even pseudo-sports like NASCAR, for the same reason ---- cutting the cable. Personally I've streamed my sports for the last twelve years at least, and so have a ton of other fans. I sat here and watched my Iggles whomp the New England Pathetics right here at this desk, no TV needed.
of course it doesnt have nothing to do with anything...
Trump is the perfect representative of the authoritarian right – hostile to, and frightened of, lawful dissent and expressions of individual liberty.
And you are a perfect example of a shitforbrains dumbass that has never been anywhere, has done nothing and doesn't know diddly squat about anything.
I've already explained to you that it was NOT in the game. NOR was your Angels player. So what's the point?

Let's be clear --- neither hanging out to sign autographs, NOR a paid patriotism fetishism theater, are part of any game. At all. NEITHER of these actions/nonactions were part of a game which was not being played at the time.

The national anthem is part of the performance, the fact that the game clock isn't turning and it has nothing to do with the athletic results doesn't mean that it isn't an important part of the event.
Trump is the perfect representative of the authoritarian right – hostile to, and frightened of, lawful dissent and expressions of individual liberty.
There are many people who have family members in the military who will disagree with you.
Well, they figure it's best to completely avoid any perspectives that don't coincide with theirs.

That's the alternate universe.

When you inject it, into our entertainment and national pasttimes, you are getting in our faces with our anti-Americanism.

This is not about out bad behavior, but yours.
Well, they figure it's best to completely avoid any perspectives that don't coincide with theirs.

That's the alternate universe.
maybe a hell of a lot of people dont appreciate politics being brought into sports.....
It's not about politics. It is only made political by those who make pretty much EVERYTHING political.

The libs do make everything political. But the NFL decided to celebrate Kaepernick for his protests against Veterans, instead of reprimanding him or even ignoring him.

The flag and the anthem are not symbols of veterans, but symbols of the nation as a whole.

This is not them being anti-military, but anti-American.
Well, they figure it's best to completely avoid any perspectives that don't coincide with theirs.

That's the alternate universe.
maybe a hell of a lot of people dont appreciate politics being brought into sports.....
As private citizens football players are at liberty to engage in lawful, peaceful protest.

It’s idiocy to suggest that football players should refrain from lawful, peaceful protest because others might object.
Well, they figure it's best to completely avoid any perspectives that don't coincide with theirs.

That's the alternate universe.
maybe a hell of a lot of people dont appreciate politics being brought into sports.....
It's not about politics. It is only made political by those who make pretty much EVERYTHING political.

The libs do make everything political. But the NFL decided to celebrate Kaepernick for his protests against Veterans, instead of reprimanding him or even ignoring him.

What veterans was he protesting against? A lie doesn't care who tells it.
Well, they figure it's best to completely avoid any perspectives that don't coincide with theirs.

That's the alternate universe.

When you inject it, into our entertainment and national pasttimes, you are getting in our faces with our anti-Americanism.

This is not about out bad behavior, but yours.

Engaging in lawful, peaceful protest is fundamentally American.

That you and others on the right are frightened by warranted dissent and expressions of individual liberty is consistent with being an authoritarian conservative.

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