Trump Reveals What's Wrong with America's Policing System – and Dems Won't Like the Answer


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2019
During a one-on-one town hall with swing state voters in Pennsylvania and ABC News' George Stephanopoulos, President Donald Trump went to bat for law enforcement officers across the nation, saying police need to be given "the respect they deserve."

"If you look at our police, they do a phenomenal job. You'll have people choke, make mistakes, and it happens. They happen where they have to make a fast decision and some bad things happen. And you also have bad apples," the president explained. "But you have 99 percent great people. I know the police forces very well. I think almost every one of them, if you look, I've been endorsed by so many of them."

BJ's Pull Quote

Trump pointed to Democrat-run cities as a problem. One of the cities he cited as an example was New York City, which had a relatively low crime rate under then-Mayor Rudy Giuliani. When Mayor Michael Bloomberg came in he began cutting funding to the police, something Trump believes is part of the problem.

"The city was safe and then all of a sudden we have a mayor who starts cutting the police force and crime is up 100 percent, 150 percent and I saw one form of crime up 300 percent," he said. "I think it's very important, whether you talk Seattle – they have very good police but they're not allowed to do their job – you have to allow the police to do their job."
CNN is trying to spin the Townhall. Just commented that TRUMP hardly ever faces challenging questions...:shok: Next they played the women who asked TRUMP about coverage for existing conditions, which they cut off TRUMP's response.

While I missed the TH last night I did watch a few clips and TRUMP had good responses, despite the constant interruptions from little George.
Trump shouldn't have mixed it up with that communist fake news runt and that covey of hood rats. Trump means well but nothing good could possibly come out of an encounter like that. Not one of those substandard defects in that room would ever vote for him. Bad move DJT.
Trump failed and his campaign is having nightmares about the upcoming debates. He is an asshole and unable to hide it.
Here is the thing and many people do not understand when a cop tell you to put your hands up and do not move, well do as you are told because walking away from a cop with a drawn firearm and then reaching in your vehicle will get you shot!

How is it a retarded individual like myself knows to stop and do as you are told even if you disagree with the cop?
During a one-on-one town hall with swing state voters in Pennsylvania and ABC News' George Stephanopoulos, President Donald Trump went to bat for law enforcement officers across the nation, saying police need to be given "the respect they deserve."

"If you look at our police, they do a phenomenal job. You'll have people choke, make mistakes, and it happens. They happen where they have to make a fast decision and some bad things happen. And you also have bad apples," the president explained. "But you have 99 percent great people. I know the police forces very well. I think almost every one of them, if you look, I've been endorsed by so many of them."

BJ's Pull Quote

Trump pointed to Democrat-run cities as a problem. One of the cities he cited as an example was New York City, which had a relatively low crime rate under then-Mayor Rudy Giuliani. When Mayor Michael Bloomberg came in he began cutting funding to the police, something Trump believes is part of the problem.

"The city was safe and then all of a sudden we have a mayor who starts cutting the police force and crime is up 100 percent, 150 percent and I saw one form of crime up 300 percent," he said. "I think it's very important, whether you talk Seattle – they have very good police but they're not allowed to do their job – you have to allow the police to do their job."

The police create their own problems. You have to earn that respect. Too many cops think they are entitled to respect because they wear a badge. Too many cops look the other way when a bad cop gets into the mix.
Dems will still find things about the town hall to complain about. Meanwhile Sleepy Joe won’t even do a normal press conference, much less actually meet and talk to regular people unscripted.

Like the fact that Trump criticized Biden for NOT instituting a mask mandate. Guess who is not all here.
Trump pointed to Democrat-run cities as a problem.
The police create their own problems. You have to earn that respect. Too many cops think they are entitled to respect because they wear a badge.

No, Jackass, a Police Officer IS THE LAW, he represents the Law. He is the citizen's first interface with Law. The officer doesn't have to "earn" anything, he doesn't have to prove anything to you, that is not a person there, HE IS THE LAW. You either respect the law or you don't, and if you don't, you're the one begging for a problem, not the other way around.
Trump shouldn't have mixed it up with that communist fake news runt and that covey of hood rats. Trump means well but nothing good could possibly come out of an encounter like that. Not one of those substandard defects in that room would ever vote for him. Bad move DJT.

There is no upside for Trump meeting with the liberal news media. Their intentions from the start are to 'gotcha' Trump on something.
During a one-on-one town hall with swing state voters in Pennsylvania and ABC News' George Stephanopoulos, President Donald Trump went to bat for law enforcement officers across the nation, saying police need to be given "the respect they deserve."

"If you look at our police, they do a phenomenal job. You'll have people choke, make mistakes, and it happens. They happen where they have to make a fast decision and some bad things happen. And you also have bad apples," the president explained. "But you have 99 percent great people. I know the police forces very well. I think almost every one of them, if you look, I've been endorsed by so many of them."

BJ's Pull Quote

Trump pointed to Democrat-run cities as a problem. One of the cities he cited as an example was New York City, which had a relatively low crime rate under then-Mayor Rudy Giuliani. When Mayor Michael Bloomberg came in he began cutting funding to the police, something Trump believes is part of the problem.

"The city was safe and then all of a sudden we have a mayor who starts cutting the police force and crime is up 100 percent, 150 percent and I saw one form of crime up 300 percent," he said. "I think it's very important, whether you talk Seattle – they have very good police but they're not allowed to do their job – you have to allow the police to do their job."

The police create their own problems. You have to earn that respect. Too many cops think they are entitled to respect because they wear a badge. Too many cops look the other way when a bad cop gets into the mix.

During a one-on-one town hall with swing state voters in Pennsylvania and ABC News' George Stephanopoulos, President Donald Trump went to bat for law enforcement officers across the nation, saying police need to be given "the respect they deserve."

"If you look at our police, they do a phenomenal job. You'll have people choke, make mistakes, and it happens. They happen where they have to make a fast decision and some bad things happen. And you also have bad apples," the president explained. "But you have 99 percent great people. I know the police forces very well. I think almost every one of them, if you look, I've been endorsed by so many of them."

BJ's Pull Quote

Trump pointed to Democrat-run cities as a problem. One of the cities he cited as an example was New York City, which had a relatively low crime rate under then-Mayor Rudy Giuliani. When Mayor Michael Bloomberg came in he began cutting funding to the police, something Trump believes is part of the problem.

"The city was safe and then all of a sudden we have a mayor who starts cutting the police force and crime is up 100 percent, 150 percent and I saw one form of crime up 300 percent," he said. "I think it's very important, whether you talk Seattle – they have very good police but they're not allowed to do their job – you have to allow the police to do their job."

The police create their own problems. You have to earn that respect. Too many cops think they are entitled to respect because they wear a badge. Too many cops look the other way when a bad cop gets into the mix.
As another poster stated a Cop does not have to earn anything and all they have to do is uphold the law they are hired to enforce.

If a cop tell you to haunt, put your hands up and you keep on moving toward your car and reach in it while they have a gun pointed at you, well then you get what you deserve...

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