Trump rips into 'Da Nang Dick' Blumenthal, claiming he fabricated tales!

Bluementhal was actually in the military at the time . Not over in Nam but still a vet.
What does this have to do with his claim timmy? you are only proving the OP is correct and bloomy is lying...if that was your point then good job.

Bloomy implied he was over in nam. And he was not .

But Donald Trump , of all people , has no standing to bring that up .

Why not Timmy the Tool? He is the President, and we voted him in! Now if Trump had said "He was a war hero" you would have a point! But your guy left the race in disgrace after it was brought out, and your WOOSIE types still voted him in, lol.

You are all phony baloneys and snowflakes, you really are. Our President today may have less class then those Presidents that came before him, but he has more class than then your MOB will ever have-)

You need to know---------->most of America think people like you are classless, little, crybabies. And you better hope you win something this time in the election, because if not, we are going to bitch slap the lot of you so much for the next 2 years, you will be hiding under your beds like the sissies you really are-)
Did that zombie looking Blumenthol say he was in Nam? Maybe that explains why his face looks like it caught fire and someone put it out with a pick axe

Did that zombie looking Blumenthol say he was in Nam? Maybe that explains why his face looks like it caught fire and someone put it out with a pick axe


Aren't you the same klown who claimed the Democratic convention was on some wet trolley tracks in Wisconsin? After the election was already over?

Why yes. You are.
Meanwhile liberals praise real draft dodgers who fled to Canada and burned their draft cards.
Did that zombie looking Blumenthol say he was in Nam? Maybe that explains why his face looks like it caught fire and someone put it out with a pick axe


Did that zombie looking Blumenthol say he was in Nam? Maybe that explains why his face looks like it caught fire and someone put it out with a pick axe


Aren't you the same klown who claimed the Democratic convention was on some wet trolley tracks in Wisconsin? After the election was already over?

Why yes. You are.

Blumenthal said Vietnam Vet instead of Vietnam Era Vet
so he didn't lie about "bullets in the jungle"? I'm just interested in the answer to that, not a story that does nothing to answer it.
Still a Vet

Something Donnie Bonespurs ducked
He is served in the National Guard. GBW is more of a vet than Blumenthal, and Dims did nothing but ridicule his service for 8 years.

Leftists are already being pushed back, and President Trump STILL hasn't released the FISA warrants and evidence. Do ya think he is? lolololol! Does a bear crap in the woods, hehehehehehehehe!

They are COOKED, and the Democrats in congress know it! Why do you think they are taking such a radical approach.

The late October surprise is coming, and every Democrat in congress knows it is coming. Seems the only ones who don't are the dummy LEFTISTS on here-)
Actually, it is Trump lying again

It was not Blumenthal saying he served in DaNang... Trump made it up
It was not Blumenthal saying he dodged bullets.....Trump made it up

Trump’s attacks on Sen. Blumenthal are actually more absurd than Blumenthal’s lies about serving ‘in’ Vietnam
Trump embellished. The bottom line is that Blumenthal claimed he served in Vietnam.

Richard Blumenthal - Wikipedia

"We have learned something important since the days that I served in Vietnam."
Blumenthal said Vietnam Vet instead of Vietnam Era Vet
so he didn't lie about "bullets in the jungle"? I'm just interested in the answer to that, not a story that does nothing to answer it.
Still a Vet

Something Donnie Bonespurs ducked
You turds claimed GWB also ducked it.

Never saw GWB mock a POW

What exactly does that have to do with one of your boys lying about his heroism? Seems to me you should be incensed, but then again, you are part of the MOB, so why are we not surprised-)
Actually, it is Trump lying again

It was not Blumenthal saying he served in DaNang... Trump made it up
It was not Blumenthal saying he dodged bullets.....Trump made it up

Trump’s attacks on Sen. Blumenthal are actually more absurd than Blumenthal’s lies about serving ‘in’ Vietnam
Trump embellished. The bottom line is that Blumenthal claimed he served in Vietnam.

Richard Blumenthal - Wikipedia

"We have learned something important since the days that I served in Vietnam."

The word of the day for delusionistas is "EMBELLISHED" :rofl:

Know who actually does embellish, legitimately?
A musician.
President Trump singled out Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., as one of the Democrats who most mistreated Brett Kavanaugh during Supreme Court confirmation hearings, branding him a hypocrite and launching into an extended tirade lampooning him making false claims about Vietnam.

A habitual liar criticizing someone else for lying. Ironic....
Blumenthal said Vietnam Vet instead of Vietnam Era Vet
so he didn't lie about "bullets in the jungle"? I'm just interested in the answer to that, not a story that does nothing to answer it.
Still a Vet

Something Donnie Bonespurs ducked
You turds claimed GWB also ducked it.

Never saw GWB mock a POW

What exactly does that have to do with one of your boys lying about his heroism? Seems to me you should be incensed, but then again, you are part of the MOB, so why are we not surprised-)

RW doesn't live in Connecticut.

Neither do you for that matter.
Actually, it is Trump lying again

It was not Blumenthal saying he served in DaNang... Trump made it up
It was not Blumenthal saying he dodged bullets.....Trump made it up

Trump’s attacks on Sen. Blumenthal are actually more absurd than Blumenthal’s lies about serving ‘in’ Vietnam
Trump embellished. The bottom line is that Blumenthal claimed he served in Vietnam.

Richard Blumenthal - Wikipedia

"We have learned something important since the days that I served in Vietnam."

He was in the Marines during Vietnam making him a Vietnam era Vet. He was not bragging about his service but commenting on the improvement of our military.....a minor embellishment

Trump LIED about Bonespurs
Trump LIED when he said Blumenthal claimed to dodge bullets
Trump LIED when he said Blumenthal claimed to be in DaNang
Trump MOCKED POWs bravery
Blumenthal said Vietnam Vet instead of Vietnam Era Vet
so he didn't lie about "bullets in the jungle"? I'm just interested in the answer to that, not a story that does nothing to answer it.
Still a Vet

Something Donnie Bonespurs ducked
You turds claimed GWB also ducked it.

Never saw GWB mock a POW
Nevertheless, your ilk ridiculed his service relentlessly. You don't get off the hook for hypocrisy by attacking Trump for some other reason.
Blumenthal said Vietnam Vet instead of Vietnam Era Vet
so he didn't lie about "bullets in the jungle"? I'm just interested in the answer to that, not a story that does nothing to answer it.
Still a Vet

Something Donnie Bonespurs ducked
You turds claimed GWB also ducked it.

Never saw GWB mock a POW

What exactly does that have to do with one of your boys lying about his heroism? Seems to me you should be incensed, but then again, you are part of the MOB, so why are we not surprised-)

Who lied about his heroism?
Wasnt Blumenthal

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