Trump rips into 'Da Nang Dick' Blumenthal, claiming he fabricated tales!

Where did trump spend time during Viet Nam?
When did he lie about it like Blumenthal?

He lied about having bone spurs!

OH, LOOK, MY BONE HAS SPURS!!!!!!!!!! :206:

It's something of a family tradition.

His grandfather, back before "bone spurs in I can't remember which foot" was a thing, beat the military requirement in Germany by literally running away. Jumped up in the middle of the night, got on a boat and he was outta there for the duration of what would have been his military age.

Some years later having amassed a nest egg out of restaurants, hotels and whorehouses in the Pacific Northwest, he took that nest egg back to Germany to marry and start a new life. But the German government wouldn't give him his German citizenship back because he dodged the military. That's when he came back here and settled in New York. And the rest is infamy.
Fact is, when our nation called

Blumenthal served his country
Crooked Donnie lied about bone spurs
Seems that y'all had some issues with shrub’s Natl. Guard avoidance of Vietnam Nam service. Blumenthal lies, not misspoke, outright lies about it and it’s all good. The annoying orange’s number isn’t called and his horse shit bone spurs are a moot point.
Y’all are a bunch of partisan pricks and can all fuck off.
Where did trump spend time during Viet Nam?
When did he lie about it like Blumenthal?

He lied about having bone spurs!

OH, LOOK, MY BONE HAS SPURS!!!!!!!!!! :206:

It's something of a family tradition.

His grandfather, back before "bone spurs in I can't remember which foot" was a thing, beat the military requirement in Germany by literally running away. Jumped up in the middle of the night, got on a boat and he was outta there for the duration of what would have been his military age.

Some years later having amassed a nest egg out of restaurants, hotels and whorehouses in the Pacific Northwest, he took that nest egg back to Germany to marry and start a new life. But the German government wouldn't give him his German citizenship back because he dodged the military. That's when he came back here and settled in New York. And the rest is infamy.

Yes; those of US that actually KNOW something of the Drumpf family history are somewhat mortified.
Germany wouldn't have their treasonous shit & Canada didn't want the Drumpf family bullshit so, the only nation that would put up with the Drumpf family shit was the US.
Oh look, how fucking lucky we are. LOL
Seems that y'all had some issues with shrub’s Natl. Guard avoidance of Vietnam Nam service. Blumenthal lies, not misspoke, outright lies about it and it’s all good. The annoying orange’s number isn’t called and his horse shit bone spurs are a moot point.
Y’all are a bunch of partisan pricks and can all fuck off.

great third grade level bullshit reply there, ya.
Where did trump spend time during Viet Nam?
When did he lie about it like Blumenthal?

He lied about having bone spurs!

OH, LOOK, MY BONE HAS SPURS!!!!!!!!!! :206:

It's something of a family tradition.

His grandfather, back before "bone spurs in I can't remember which foot" was a thing, beat the military requirement in Germany by literally running away. Jumped up in the middle of the night, got on a boat and he was outta there for the duration of what would have been his military age.

Some years later having amassed a nest egg out of restaurants, hotels and whorehouses in the Pacific Northwest, he took that nest egg back to Germany to marry and start a new life. But the German government wouldn't give him his German citizenship back because he dodged the military. That's when he came back here and settled in New York. And the rest is infamy.

Yes; those of US that actually KNOW something of the Drumpf family history are somewhat mortified.
Germany wouldn't have their treasonous shit & Canada didn't want the Drumpf family bullshit so, the only nation that would put up with the Drumpf family shit was the US.
Oh look, how fucking lucky we are. LOL

Whelp --- as the Statue of Liberty says....

"Give me your tired, your poor,
your draft-dodging whorehouse proprietors yearning to be rich...
Yea that their sons may scam this government for millions and pass it on to their sons from age three
So that son can then invent entire mythologies to sell to a gullible public
Seems that y'all had some issues with shrub’s Natl. Guard avoidance of Vietnam Nam service. Blumenthal lies, not misspoke, outright lies about it and it’s all good. The annoying orange’s number isn’t called and his horse shit bone spurs are a moot point.
Y’all are a bunch of partisan pricks and can all fuck off.

great third grade level bullshit reply there, ya.

Because who better to call "partisan pricks" that a poster who names himself after a Presidential assassin.
Looks like President Bone Spurs is at it again.

What an idiot he is...saying these things does not gain him practically any votes and probably costs him lots.

Fact is, when our nation called

Blumenthal served his country
Crooked Donnie lied about bone spurs

Speaking of lying, how do you fake an xray of bone spurs? Also Trump could still have been drafted, the medical issue just moved him lower down the list.
No . He just lied to avoid the military altogether!
Nowhere near the vulgarity of stolen valor....Though I don't expect a blind team player hack to understand that.

So, you obviously have more respect for someone that completely ran away from military service, scared like a dog from serving in the military, than for someone that actually served in the military during the same war time era but mis-stated their service status.

Yeah, I can see that abomination.
Fact is, when our nation called

Blumenthal served his country
Crooked Donnie lied about bone spurs

Speaking of lying, how do you fake an xray of bone spurs? Also Trump could still have been drafted, the medical issue just moved him lower down the list.

Crooked Donnie lied about bonespurs and called POWs cowards
Blumenthal said Vietnam Vet instead of Vietnam Era Vet
Bluementhal was actually in the military at the time . Not over in Nam but still a vet.
What does this have to do with his claim timmy? you are only proving the OP is correct and bloomy is lying...if that was your point then good job.
Where did trump spend time during Viet Nam?
His draft # 356 in the draft lottery for men born in 1946 was NEVER CALLED UP TO SERVE,,,, I LOVE repeating this for all the asshole ABNORMALS that keep repeating he was a draft dodger... Now go GOOGLE it to make sure, I am not pulling a DemonRAT lie!

'The matter of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s military service (or lack thereof) surfaced multiple times during the 2016 election cycle, first in July 2015 when Trump maligned Sen. John McCain, a POW during the Vietnam War, for being captured, and again in July 2016 when he openly feuded with the family of slain U.S. soldier Humayun Khan after Khan’s father, Khizr, criticized Trump during an appearance at the Democratic National Convention.

Trump himself has never served in the military. Selective Service records obtained from the National Archives by The Smoking Gun in 2011 reveal the following history of his draft eligibility:

Donald Trump became eligible for the draft on his 18th birthday (14 June 1964) and registered with the Selective Service System 10 days later. He received the first of four 2-S (college) deferments on 28 July 1964.

Trump received his second college deferment on 14 December 1965.

Trump’s previous deferment expired and he was reclassified 1-A (available for military service) on 22 November 1966. His 2-S deferment was renewed on 13 December.

No record.

Trump received his fourth and final college deferment on 16 January 1968. After graduating from Wharton, he was reclassified 1-A on 9 July 1968. Trump underwent an Armed Forces physical examination (with a result listed only as “DISQ”) on 19 September 1968 and was reclassified 1-Y (qualified for service only in time of war or national emergency) on 15 October 1968.

According to a statement from the Trump campaign, the 1-Y classification stemmed from Trump’s having bone spurs in both heels:

While attending the University of Pennsylvania’s prestigious Wharton School of Finance, Mr. Trump received a minor medical deferment for bone spurs on both heels of his feet. The medical deferment was expected to be short-term and he was therefore entered in the military draft lottery, where he received an extremely high number, 356 out of 365.


Despite the supposedly “short-term” nature of Trump’s disqualifying physical condition, on 17 February 1972 he was reclassified 4-F (not qualified for military service), presumably due to the abolishment of the 1-Y classification the previous year.

'Trump received five deferments during Vietnam: four for his studies in college, and one for — you guessed it — bone spurs in his heel. As The Washington Post reported in July 2015:

For the previous four years, Trump had avoided the draft — and the possibility of being sent to fight in the Vietnam War — by obtaining four separate deferments so he could study at Fordham University and the University of Pennsylvania. With his diploma in hand and his college days over, he was suddenly vulnerable to conscription.

Trump’s exposure to the draft, however, didn’t last long. Two months later, on Sept. 17, 1968, he reported for an armed forces physical examination and was medically disqualified, according to the ledger from his local Selective Service System draft board in Jamaica, N.Y., now in the custody of the National Archives.

The ledger does not detail why Trump failed the exam — the Selective Service destroyed all medical records and individual files after the draft ended in 1973 and the military converted to an all-volunteer force.

In recent days, Trump, a Republican presidential candidate, and his campaign have said that he received the medical deferment because he had bone spurs in his feet. But rather than clear up all questions about why he did not serve in the military during the Vietnam era, they have given shifting accounts that are at odds with the few remaining documents in his Selective Service file.'

Analysis | McCain hits Trump where it hurts, attacking 'bone spur' deferments in Vietnam

If I changed the word 'Trump' to a Democratic politician - you would be freaking out about it (don't bother denying it - I won't believe you for a second).
But because it is Trump - you give it a pass.

Trump clearly did everything he could to get out of serving. That's fine - lots of people were against the war and did not want to fight in it...I can live with that (so long as you are honest about it - which he is not, IMO).
But to then turn around and insult others in regards to that war is hypocritical.

Have a nice day.
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