Trump Russia not selling outside DC

NUNES will do his
Nunes has made it clear that he will disgrace his own duty by writing dishonest memos and running to the white house with his committee's findings, in secret. That is why he has been castrated, and the entire House committee rendered impotent by the senate committee.
That's fine... the Democrats can do their jobs, and Mueller can do his.
the Democrats can do their jobs

they can?

I thought they had forgotten what there job is.
Oh snap!

"oh snap!"?

Every time you respond, you sound younger and younger...

Right now, I've got you pegged at about 11.
I was being facetious to mock your earlier, witless, juvenile response. I see you missed that.
Breaking News:

Robert Mueller to target the entire 1980 USA Olympic Hockey team in search of Russian Collusion!
That's fine... the Democrats can do their jobs, and Mueller can do his.
the Democrats can do their jobs

they can?

I thought they had forgotten what there job is.
Oh snap!

"oh snap!"?

Every time you respond, you sound younger and younger...

Right now, I've got you pegged at about 11.
I was being facetious to mock your earlier, witless, juvenile response. I see you missed that.

I was being facetious to mock your earlier, witless, juvenile response.

you mocked MY post, with a witless juvenile response?

you're down to 10.

Sit ins in the House because there was no gun control passed after Vegas?

That's something pot heads do on campus, not adults in the seat of government.

Blocking legislation, for sake of blocking legislations?

Both sides are guilty...

NONE of them are doing their jobs.

But, DON'T say the democrats can do their jobs..

they have NO intention of 'doing their jobs' until they are in charge of BOTH houses.
you mocked MY post, with a witless juvenile response?
Correct! You're about as sharp as a marble tonight, so I will recap. You made the following witless, juvenile comment: "they can? I thought they had forgotten what there job is." which I responded, facetiously, in the spirit of mocking your comment: "Oh snap!"

Glad we got THAT all cleared up!
you mocked MY post, with a witless juvenile response?
Correct! You're about as sharp as a marble tonight, so I will recap. You made the following witless, juvenile comment: "they can? I thought they had forgotten what there job is." which I responded, facetiously, in the spirit of mocking your comment: "Oh snap!"

Glad we got THAT all cleared up!
You made the following witless, juvenile comment:
if you consider that witless, you should read your own posts.

When is the last time EITHER side of the aisle did their jobs?

Dems have no more interest in this country getting back on it's feet than the pubs do.

BOTH sides do what's good for the lobbyists, to retain their seats.

We have FAR too many, on both sides, that should have 'retired' 20-30 years ago.

The best thing we could do, is kick them ALL out, and start fresh.

you mocked MY post, with a witless juvenile response?
Correct! You're about as sharp as a marble tonight, so I will recap. You made the following witless, juvenile comment: "they can? I thought they had forgotten what there job is." which I responded, facetiously, in the spirit of mocking your comment: "Oh snap!"

Glad we got THAT all cleared up!
You made the following witless, juvenile comment:
if you consider that witless, you should read your own posts.

When is the last time EITHER side of the aisle did their jobs?

Dems have no more interest in this country getting back on it's feet than the pubs do.

BOTH sides do what's good for the lobbyists, to retain their seats.

We have FAR too many, on both sides, that should have 'retired' 20-30 years ago.

The best thing we could do, is kick them ALL out, and start fresh.

I don't really disagree. Congress is not functional. we need to get the money out of politics. replacing humans with other humans in the same system will not lead to change, on the large scales.

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